WHAT IS TOUR VOTB WORTH? Printed by request of League of Women Voters.) We ferrently hope that under the new order of things r-oltlcally, the custom of nstng the ballot as a med ium of barter and exchange will be come obsolete. Do you say this Is the dream of an JdeallstT . Well, thank God for the Idealist; for the dreamer who can make his dream come true Is a leader of the people; and reforms more wonderful than this are today accomplished facts, because some Idealist had a vision. What Is your vote worth? If you liave a precious Jewel an heirloom, we will eay, that has Just come Into your possession, and through ignor ance of Its valu.e or the suggestion of unscrupulous persons, you barter tt for an object of small value, or to gratify a passing whim, the world would call you a fool, and there Is no word that would express your opin ion of yourself when you , realized your mistake. What does the ballot stand for la jhe scale of human values? Its purchasing powers cover all that la highest, noblest, most de sirable in human affairs, good gov ernment, the suppression of vice, the protection of the helpless, the train ing of youth. The most precious thing in this old world la youth the children, the babies. It Is useless to attempt to describe or limit the potentialities of youth. Your ballot can help to make the world safe for the highest devel opment of youth with Its unlimited possibilities. But alas! You can also squader that priceless ballot for selfish aims, for dishonest purposes, and put Into positions of power those who are unworthy, Incompe tent, unscrupulous. The ballot must regulate all tho conditions of living the ballot alone can do It. In the human adjustment of the .. "doubtfal balance of tights and wrongs" the will of the people as expressed by that ballot. Is the high est court of appeal. This ballot Is the helrloo ti tbat TIIE ALLIANCE HERALD. TUESDAY, JUNK 8th, 1920. THRE3 has come to us through many fener ations of use and misuse; but Its value has Increased with the years. Today tho power of the ballot to con trol the lives of the people, is great er than ever before In tho history of human government. Its power to bless or curse Is beyond conception. Long withheld from more than half of the right fut heirs, It Is at last coining Into their possession. It Is not to be bartered for gold nor given for public favor. Not to be east for a friend who Is unworthy, nor withheld from a foe who will faithfully serve the people.- To the mothers of the race Is now commu ted the care and custody of this treasure. Do they comprehend the full significance of the fact that the future welfare of their cnlld-en, In mind, soul, and body depends upon their wise use of this wondeiful bit of paper, more valuable thau the world's most precious Jewels. All government, municipal, state, nation al, must be adjusted to meet the re qulremcnts for tne finest develop ment of the growing child, and the maturing boy and girl. Of what value aro our personal plensutes and ambitions as compared with our op portunity to rear noble manhood and womanhood for the next feneration. To accomplish this we must have tho enforcement of the law adminis tered by tho highest type of nun and women, who are consecrated to the high calling of making the world safe for youth. It la not an Impossible Ideal. Think of your ballot s a means for the conservation ol health, llfo and happiness. By your ballots you ran say that war shall be no more. This . Is the hope of the Frenchwomen as stated In their charier of rights. Don't allow anyone to influence your vote against your own honest conviction. Get all the Information that la possible to ob tain, concerning tho fitness of various candidates for the offices they are seeking. Secure copies of tht- ordin ances of your city, stating the du ties of city officials. Study carefully. If these requirements are dead, they should be repealed. If thsy are to stand as a part of the city ordinances they should be enforced, and observ ed. Study the laws of state Ind na tion. Vote for the candidate who Is best quail fled to carry out these re quirements. Your city may be a city cf clean government as compared with many other cities; but that dos not mean that It could not be better; and it Is for the women voters to see ttat It la ns much better as possible. Don't (ail to vote. If you do not cast your vote, you give silent con sent to the votes that others have cast, and maybe your vote would de cide the election. Vote for the high est standards In health, moral and educational conditions In your city. OVKK WI J.ION 1K)LI AHS 1'AID Tt) 8KHV1C1J MEN Up to May, the bureau of war risk insurance settled a total of 127,151 insurance claims, representing a total value of 11,131,552.173.45. At the time of this compilation, only 5,119 claims were pending, and la most of these cases tho beneficiaries reside In foreign counttres where disturbed conditions render commu nication Impossible. Up to the same time, the number of applications for conversion of var risk Insurance into government )lf policies numbered 133,24, . for amounts aggregating more tbaa $400,000,000. Kegardless of how long a service man's Insurance has lapsed or been cancelled, and regardless of how long he may have been out of . lb service, a special ruling permits re instatement at any time up to July 1, this tar. TO CITIZENS OP ALLIANCE Don't forget the Western Nebras ka Stock Growers' association con vention which will be held here Jane 14-15-16. 1920. . 61-5S-55-BT The Herald, 92.50 a year. EpocliI as On Ladies Dress Goo ... - ' ; - '" ) r - s .. t i . ' ' AH of our new stock of lower floor merchandise is included in this price-smashing sale. Get your share of these splendid values while the opportunity lasts. These reductions are substantial on staple goods r READ- BUY SAVE -hhm on our E owerF loor "Reduced One fourth SILKS AND DRESS GOODS Satins, Taffeta, Georgette, Crepe de Chine, Wool Dress Goods, Voiles, Lawns, Ginghams. . , " " $5.00 values, good heavy Satins, at $3.75 $100 Satins, Georgette ' and Taffeta at : - .$3.00 $3.50 Satins, Georgette and Taffeta at L. $2.63 $2.00 Poplins, Messalines VOILES. Fine Flowered Voiles. $2.00 values, at $1.75 values, at $1.75 values, at : - $1.00 values, at $ .75 values, at ! $1.50 ...$1.50 1.32 1.13 .75 .56 LADIES' HOSIERY. $5.00 Ladies' Pure Silk Hose, now $4.00 Ladies Pure Silk Hose, now $3.50 Ladies' Pure Silk Hose, now $3.00 Ladies' Pure Silk Hose, now $2.50 Ladies' Pure Silk Hose, now $2.50 Ladies' Lisle Top Silk Hose, now $2.00 Ladies' Lisle Top Silk Hose, now $1.50 Ladies' Lisle Top Silk Hose, now $1.00 Ladies' Lisle Hose 75c Ladies' Lisle and Cotton Hose 50c Cotton Hose $3.75 . 3.00 . 2.75 . 2.25 . 1.88 1.88 1.50 1.13 . .75 ." .56 . .37 or loose knee, V ' I In Black, White and Brown. $4.00 values, glove silk, top lisle union suits, now . $3.00 $3.00 Mercerized silk lisle union suits, - now ' - $2.00 value Lisle Union Suits -$1.75 value Lisle Union Suits $1.50 value Cotton Union Suits 95c value Cotton Union Suits . 75c value Cotton Union Suits 2.25 1.50 1.35 1.13 .77 -.57 ' TOWELS AND TOWELING. lluck Towels and Toweling; Linen Crash; also Cotton Crash Towels and , Toweling. Turkish Towels in plain white; also fancy borders, all going at a discount of 25. LADIES' SHOES. Ladies' Shoes, Oxfords and . Pumps in Patent Leather, Brown Kid and Calf Skin, also Black Kid.' - ' GINGHAMS. Plaid Ginghams. COc values, at 50c values, at - 40c values, at - "Wool Dress Goods, Ppiret Twill, Trico-.. tine, Serges, all going at a discount of 25. 45c .38c . 30c MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S Silk Hose in all shades. Lisle and Cotton Hose, in black, white and brown. Hose all going at 25 discount. LADIES' UNDERWEAR Ladies' Silk and Lisle and Cotton Union Suits in all styles. Bodice top, tight knee, no sleeve, loose knee also short sleeve, tight LADLES' AND MISSES' VESTS. 85c value, Lisle Vests, now ,-, ;," ,64c 65c value Cotton Vests, now ; 49c 45c value, Cotton Vests, now i ' ..... , S6o WAISTS. t . - . - . " .... of Georgette, Satin, Taffeta and Crepe de Chine, also Organdie, Voiles in all the want ed shades. Values $2.50 to $35.00, all going at a discount of 25. $16.50 values, now $15.00 values, now - $12.50 values, now '$10.00 values, now $ 7.50 values, how -$12.38 .11.25 .. 9.40 - 7.50 ; 6.63 MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S SHOES Oxfords and Pumps, $7.50 values, now y ' Z $5.63 $6.00 values, now $5.00 values, now 4.50 3.75 50 m SAVE ONE-HALF On Ready-to-Wear ; ALL of our attractive new garments included in this gigantic price-slashing sale. Take advantage of these prices because they are absolutely the lowest quoted anywhere. SPRING COATS, SPRING SUITS, SPRING DRESSES, Greater Reductions Than Were Quoted in any Store in SPRING SKIRTS the Large Cities Jtie oraee .Bq THE FAIR PRICE STORE OTTO ZAMZOW, uir. me Store