THE ALLIANCE HERALD. TTKsDAY, MAY 25. 1020. Comment - - and Discomment The news for the week has been Talrly dull, but there are a few bright spots. In international cir cles there Is the death of Venustlano Carranza, erstwhile president of Mexico, who was throttled or other wise maltreated by a Mexican brother who disliked his whiskers or had other valid grounds for helping hi i to shuffle off this mortal coil. It doesn't take much excuse or encour agement for a Mexican to commit murder or anything else. In the United States, the public Interest has been divided between the fall of McAdoo, the fall of prices and the profiteer probe. Politics will be of middling Interest all summer long, and will be used as column filler when other stuff is shy. The price cuts won a place on the first page for a day or two, but no one seems to want to give them undue prominence, despite their Impor tance. The profiteer probe is old stuff, though appearing in a new Torm, and while everybody hopes that something is done, they don't look for Mitch ralmer to do it. j There have been the usual grist of freak news dispatches. Among these is a report from Chicago, where Mrs. Llizie Terwell complains that her husband Is the stingiest man on earth. It seems that he allowed her only 13 cents a meal for the family table, thereby making the army al lowance seem luxurious. Little re ceived only $1.50 for a hat every seven years and nothing at all for gowns. Either Llztle had a great many clothes when she was married, or but you can figure It out for yourself. The trial Judge slorped over and ordered Mr. Terwell to cough up $50 a week from now on. Of course this pays for feeding the family too, but a woman who has learned to feed a family at 13 cents a meal ought to save quite a sizable sum. The only thing that sounds fishy about the story is that she rood it for seven years. Probably her shoes wore out or she wouldn' have complained then. , There has been a little excitement In the state news, the chief feature being the tleing of the can to Anna. Anna, whose last name is Yockel, has been separated from the office of chief bookkeeper for the state board of control, and the board, in dispens ing with her services, issued a state ment charging her with Incompati bility, which Is a logical ground both for divorce and for decorating with the royal order of the tin can. Miss Yockel was a candidate In the recent primaries for the office of the secre tary of state. She now seems to have a disposition to pick a fight with the board, which, holding the upper band, is paying no attention to her. Unless they wish to make her very angry, they should know better than to ignore her. However, It's their -war and Anna's. From published reports, it looks as though both were to blame, which makes us wonder If the Lincoln press Is really Impartial. IMPERIAL To-Night Dorothy Phillips . In the Universal Jewel De Luxe Production til . i.'.V.V.'.V.V.' - -vwv.-'.. B 1 '77 X6r TO fAPri,'r.r.? William Stowell "THE RIGHT TO HAPPINESS" The Greatest Love Story Ever Told One Day Only USUAL PRICES I -r-rtsSil 1 ANSCO CAMERAS CbPEEDEX FILM SCOUTS- Why not attain the MERIT BADGE In photography ? Nothing in scout life Is more interesting. Ansco books will help you. Ask us for them. Let us show you the Ansco Vest Pocket Camera No. 0. Light and easy to carry In your kit and always ready. It takes sharp, clear pic tures, lKxX. Thiele's We hear only echoes of tlie over all clubs now, though presumably they are still marching on. The news nearest home comes from Sid ney, where fifty high school students went on strike because the faculty refused to permit them to Join the fad. It seems that the girls decided to wear cotton hosiery and gingham aprons, and the boys the regulation overalls. The teachers, who had not been consulted, vetoed this plan, and the strike followed. The last and only report we have heard was that the striking students had loaded into automobiles and were heading for Sterling, Colo., where they were to open a bolshevik campaign. The Sidney newspapers haven't discussed the matter at any great length, and we are tremendously anxious to learn Just what happened. Of course, it's a reprehensible and lawless thing for students to do this waving of the red flag in the faces of their teachers. Hardly a vear Eoes by but In some manner the conflict startB, and the students are usually exnelled or otherwise forced into submission. The threat to with hold credits is usually sufficient to brine them back In a penitent mood. The Sidney affair must have hap nened the last week of school, and students are indeed desperate when they get gay during commencement week. We said at one time that the only two classes of people who dislike to accept advice are the teachers and preachers, and that, of curse, Is be cause It is their business to deal in advice. They carry standard lines, and seldom If ever make any changes In stock. Far be it from us, In the face of our own dictum, to offer ad vice to either, although It should be done occasionally. Take the matter of dancing. It's true that there is a difference of opinion on the subject. Some par ents would rather see their daugh ters in a neat row of caskets than to see them gracefully wriggling on the dance floor through the mazes of the fox trot. Other parents have said they would rather have their sons in the same fix than to have them learn to smoke. But boys will pick up smoking and somehow girls manage to learn to dance. Now and then ill advised parental opposition makes them even more enxlous. Most moth ers of boys of high school age would rather see them dance than not, for boys in their teens are awkward, and ill at ease in the presence of those of the feminine sex (not all of them, of course) and dancing improves the carriage and in time will overcome shyness. Certainly the modern dances have that kind of a tendency, and the old ones improve the car riage, anyway. for them to dance, and believe that the agitation Is end. J. In a city like Alliance, where theie are but two principal amusements, the theater and dancing, It Is unreasonable to believe that normal youngsters will be content always to choose the least attractive. And It Is Jut as unreasonable to believe that the teachers themselves, working at a lesser wage than that drawn by a section hand, does not need some recreation, or that she will forego her right to choose her amusements simply because they do pot happen to meet the approval of her superiors or the parents of her pupils. There's a problem here, and no Just solution will ever be arrived at so long as the solvers keep their eyes tightly closed. , III3IINC.FOKD ITEMS M. R Church The memorial services will be held at the Methodist Episcopal church next Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. The pastor, Uev. A. J. May, will de liver the sermon and the Joint choirs will furnish the music. Several of the Instruments will play for the oc casion and there will be a splendid service in honor of the memory of our Boldler dead. All are Invited to this service. There will be a special meeting at the evening hour, 8 p. m., when the pastor will conduct a public installa tion service for officers of the local chapter of the Epworth league. This will be an unusually good service and all are welcome and urged to be present. The First Sunday in June there will be a big all-day service at the Methodist church and Rev. N. Q. Palmer will be the speaker. There will be special music and a morning service at 11 o'clock; a basket dinner for everybody; an afternoon service and an evening service with the pre liminaries in charge of the Gospel team. Everybody plan to attend thla big meeting. Rememhpr lha rioto June 6. It Is all day. 'red crown ( IAS0LINE I i FOR SALE Two full-blooded Po land-China boars, six months old. Inquire John Kaunti, St. Joseph xurar u a u u i 3 iSvf t h CROWN A h GASOIINS d M,nnnnor u Ml. , Every Drop Ptwr Powea Red Crown Gasoline is all gasoline every drop clean motor fuel packed with pure, live, hard-hitting power. Its uniformly even vaporization, low ignition joint and quick, complete Combustion mean a steady, unbroken How of power,' the elimination of ex cessive carbon deposits or cylinders and pistons, and maximum mileage per gallon of fuel. . Red Crown Gasoline is a straight all refinery gasoline, thoroughly depend able and always uniform whether you get it here or a hundred miles from here. For correct lubrication mePolarine. Keeps motors quiet, smooth-running and powerful. Get them both- a the sign of the IUd Crown. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (NEBRASKA) OMAHA I 73ut teachers, years ago, decided that dancing was Improper, especial ly for children of high school age. They have plenty of logical argu ments which prove, beyond reason able doubt, that studients should be chiefly Interested In their studies. Rut students aren't as logical as the teachers. In the spring of the year, they study in stuffy classrooms and drag through recitations trying not to remember that the grass Is green outside. And In the evening, It's nat ural that they should want a little change. The school authorities, hor rified, declare that they shall not dance, and having so decided, fond ly believe, the oracle having spoken that there's an end to the whole matter after they have coldly and flatly turned down a request for dances in the school gymnasium. What happens? Do the gentle students wend their way to prayer meeting, or to the humble movie, or do they remain at home and cram more knowledge Into their heads? They do not. They go to a dance There are public dances, and thoRe who will may see dozens of students on the floor, unchaperoned, dancing fast and furiously till the last dog is hung, hould the school authori ties sponsor weekly dances at the gymnasium, they could supervise this amusement, see that It is kept with In due bounds, that the girls dress modestly and that the boys are the right sort, and that the bell ring at the right time to go .home. The far-famed ostrich, you will re call, sticks its head In the sand and think that no eye sees It. The school authorities refuse to permit student to dance In the place where it Is best Extra pecia THIS WEEK ONLY 1000 Pairs of Boys Fine Shoes 20 DiscoMUt 150 Boys new suits all sizes and all kinds of materials in the lot Fxtra Special this week Discount Don't Miss This Big Opportunity 25 tie u anions OF COURSE ALLIANCES LARGEST CLOTHING HOUSE TnnEis J