SOClETVffl AioionY iuxi.r.3 toiilah Tlie liu s1ny and SaturJsy evening dancos Riven by the Firemen raoh week find grcnt favor vlth the1 joung iroplo. The music dispensed j by AnJiroon'a Jaix Orchestra pleases j everyone. In rplte of tho rainy weather the past weeks thn crowds liave continued p.Rtlfins to Messrs. CiprK snd nrennan, managers ror tne local depratnient. With the advent of real dancini? weather devotees of dancing antlrlpate a season of fine enjoyment. , After a delicious lunch, cards wers played for the afternoon's entertain ment. Those present were: Mes lanif s William Mitchell, Minor Mor ris, E. H. Doyd, Howard It eddish, nob Reddish, II. E. Ganti, V. D. narnett, W. n. Meti and E. McMau u 1b. tT VI Mum' r Cxd i a ui "Mini) l uum m"""" nlng service there will be the annual j All members of the I. O. O. F. art Installation of the newly elected offl-j urged to attend lodge next Tuesday cers cf the LpworUi lm?ue. . evening as it will be election of offl- This being "Pentecost Sunday," it , cers. Alliance lodge will oboeive will be the time for reception of , May 30 as Memorial day. All ti:.(hi:ks kxteiitaixed Mrs. Percy Cogswell and Mrs. Fred i Hanson entertained the teachers of! Emerson school at the home of the former Tuesday at a 5 o'clock tea. The color scheme was yellow. De lightful refreshments were served. members in nil the Christian churches by the' Inter-church World movement. The doors of our church will be open Sunday morning for nil who wish to unite with vs. MOKOAVimoWN Arthur L. Morgan of Alliance and Miss Frances C. Urown, daughter of Mrs. Cora L. J'rown, 424 Laramie,, were Quietly married at the bride's home Wednesday evening In the presence of n few clone friends and ; relatives. The ring ceremony was used, Iter. J. Orrin Gould officiating.1 The young people expect to make their home in Alliance for the prea ent. m. r ci i mm The missionary society will meet with Mrs. F. M. Phelps, 412 Laramie on Tuesday afternoon. WOMAN'S Clvii The Woman's club will hold their reception for new members Tuesday afternoon, May 25, in the library basement at 3 o'clock. It is requested that all tnembres be present on this occasion. " CHRISTIAN CIIUICII The young peoples missionary cir cle of tho Christian church will meet with Mlsa Leah Weaver, 702 Missis sippi Monday evening, May 31st. with Miss Weaver, Mlsa Margaret Sfcawver and Miss Glena Lawrence as hostesses. Miss Leila Cults, leader. I ,A DIES' NKiHT The wives of the Itotarlans had an opportunity rf nttending a meeting of the club for the first time Wednes day evening, when they were enter tained at dinner at the Alliance ho tel. The regular dinner and busi ness meeting of th eclub was held at 6:30 p. in. By way of variation part ners for dinner were chosen by lot tery, and a contest among the ladies as to tho best answer to the ques tion, "Why I married my husband?" was held. The winner of the prize was Mrs. Harry DuDuque. The men's , question was, "How can the wife help in business?" Those attending were: Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Wctz, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Harris, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gantz, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dubuaue. Mr. and Mrs. II. Coursey, Mr. and Mrs. Jense Miller, Mr. and Mrs. 11. M. Hampton, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sla gle, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Hlvely, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Cogswell, Dean J. J. Dixon. Th committee on entertainment was Harry Gantz and Percy Cogs well. At the conclusion of the eve ning the committee reported that the women had stood the test and ladles' night Is an established Rotarlan pre cedent In Alliance. HT. MATTHEW'S ClimtH Whitsunday, May 23rd, 1920. Holy communion, 8:00 a. m.: church service, 10 a. m. hoi com munion, 11:00 a. m. DEAN J. J. DIXON, Trlest-in-charge. branches of the order will attend memorial services at the -Flrt Daptist church May 30 at 8 o'clock p. m. PltENIlYTEIUAN CHURCH I The Sunday school will meet at 9:45 a. m. and close at 10:45 a. m. Tlease note this change In time. Rea- sons for this change will be enum erated at the Sunday school hour j next Sunday morning. Let every one he on time. The banner class centage of attendance on time and the roll of each class will be taken when Sunday school begins. One reason for this change of time is That as we use the same auditorium that Is used for the church servico, we ought to be through with our school and make It possible for people to assemble for, the church service a few minutes before the beginning of the service at 11 o'clock. Then there are other reasons. Come and see. Morning worship, 11 a. ra. "The Educational Crises in America." A theme for all of us to consider. Evening service, 8 p. m. A Baved individual is one who is seeking to do the will of God. More about this The Christian .endeavor society meets at 7 p. m. "A fine hour of fel lowship and training. The meeting is on "Stewardship," and is led by Miss Vera Pptncer. A week from next Sunday Is Ma norial Sunday and special observ ance will be made Sunday morning. The choir presents special music at every service. You will enjoy these services. Com. First Presbyterian Church. A. J. KEARNS, Pastor. Tho music, the floor and the crowd, are all three good at the Wednes day and Saturday night dances at the Armory. If you feel like having a good enjoyable evening Saturday, come. 11RIDGE CLUB Mrs. W. n. Meti entertained the Bridge club at a luncheon Thursday afternoon at the Alliance hotel. The table decorations were of sweet peas, ANNOUNCEMENTS AN SCO VEST-POCKET NO.O The Cnly self-opening camera in the world. Always ready for that .unusual picture. It is the perfection of ease, simplicity and certainty. Just press the button and the camera front springs out Quick-as-a-Wink Always in focus. So small it fits in your pocket1 , So efficient its sharp, clear, lx2'2-inch pictures make fine enlargements. . - Supplied with a choice of four different lens and. shutter equipments. Let us show how easily good pictures are made. Thiele's Drug Stored METHODIST CHURCH Sermon topics for next Sunday will be, "The Repose of the Soul." in the morning and in the evening, fllllllllllllflilllillllllllflll!lllllllill!IW tfca IOTHI 9 v YOUR AUTO WORRIES Will Leave if you will lot us re lieve you. Wc offer you the care of specialists .for your TIRES AND BATTERIES Our earnest aim is to give you the best we can in service, work manship and advice. FREE DRIVE-IN SERVICE AT ALL TIMES Schafer Auto Supply ( Ah tsr3sisrffldfcstiates ALLIANCE NEBRASKA Beginning Saturday May 22 A Drive for Lower Prices We offer 31 different styles of this sea son's high grade footwear At Notable Reductions ALL SIZES 3 TO 8 ALL WIDTHS AAA TO E ' lulu t OXFORDS PUMPS TIES $ O 85formerly J . TO $12.00 $ 12 .00 FORMERLY TO $15.00 Full Range of Prices LEATHERS: Black Kidskin; Brown Kidskin; Black Suede; Chestnut Calf skin; White Nile Cloth; Patent. MANY NEW FRENCH AND AMERICAN DESIGNS INCLUDED and in the collection are both high Louis and Military Heels. A number of Low-IIeel Oxfords in Black and Brown. KEEPING PACE WITn THE TIMES: Our object in making these reductions at this time is to do our part in bringing down the high cost of footwear. If every Shoe Dealer would follow our lead, it would be but a short time before manufac turers would be obliged to reduce their prices. The success of our efforts for lower and more stable prices depends on YOU--, to the extent that you take (heritage of this offer. . The Above Prices Will Prevail Until Further Notice Mail Orders Must Include 10c to Cover Postage t - ' I Another Pair YOU may be one of the many men who will ap v predate the opportu nity of getting another pair of shoes or oxfords of the same style and size that has given you comfort and satisfaction- We can assure you of an exact duplicate any time in the future of any Florsheim shoe you select , here. , 1 A Big Selection to Choose From. The Florsheim . Arab :z. THE comfort shoe of the present, past and ... A -1 .. iuuuc rv snapc you can wear always with abso lute ease and good looks. Designed for width across the ball of the foot anc ample room for a full anc natural spread of the toes. If it is comfort you want seek no further The Florsheim Arab will give you the full, measure of shoe satisfaction that you j $15.00 and $18 00 Arab Last Shoes, Flor sheim Make, at $12.00 (TStLORSHEIM ox I! f ' I fords are cool and perfect fitting they're ready to wear wim comtort at every step no slipping at the j heel. ''Florsheim" is a mark of ! quality that appears only on footwear of the highest . standard of materials, fit j and style. uy -A Big Shipment Just' Arrived. Children's Section 500. Pairs tan and black Oxfords for growing girls; welt solos and low heels. The Shoes for school or dress. Choice of these C Shoes for, pair 0OOv "Mary Janes" in patent leather, an exception ally good value with lots of style CJ Ol and wear. Priced special at Oxfords for the little ones; round toes, welt soles; the sturdy, good-looking kind that are suitable fordres8or- SA play. Special at P00 Ladies9 Oxfords and Pumps 500 pairs in our sale. The Black Kid is popular this season and you have a large selection of sizes and widths to chooso from. The greatest value offered in Alliance this season at Our X-482 Special Black Kid Pump welt soles, Louis heels, in the $11.00 grade C JO O S and offered in this sale for O O OO W. R. HARPER DEPT. STOR E BIG STORE ALLIANCE, NEB.