THE ALLIANCE IIERALD, FRIDAY, MAY 21, 1920. NEW LIFE INsrilANCK n)l.l('llC8 Attn HEADY The new life Insurance politics in whlch the war risk Insurance writ ton during the war may bn converted have born approved by Socrotary of the Treasury Hm'rron mid are now ready, the War Risk Insurance Bu reau announces. j There are nix permanent forma of Government Insurance, namely: Or dinary life; Twenty-payment life Thirty-payment life; Twenty-year en dowment; Thirty-year endowment and Endowment maturing at age of 63 years. Principal features Included In the Government Insurance contracts are that the Insurance Is payable either In one soum, in elected Installments tor an agreed number of months or payable in Installments through life. Also, the policies provide for total and permanent disability benefits for the Insured covering the entire period the policy Is In force and dur ing the insured's total and permanent disability. Policies are lssiled to former and active service men and women of the American military forces, on terms which have been made exceptionally favorable, in recognition of their services, as the Government pays all the costs of administration! A total of 4,610,388 applications for War Risk Insurance, representing more than $40,000,000,000, have been received. In many cases, the applicants have been awaiting defi nite announcement of the terms of the terms of the new policies before applying for conversion to permantnt forms. To date, the bureau has set tled 127.151 claims for death and head of our great financial lnstltu total disability amounting to $1,135,- ( t na should be so blind to the vital r52,l?3.35. There remains only M19 cVfllms pending, and In these cases claimants are beneficiaries In unity Instances residing In foreign countries where conditions are so dls bJ that communication Is not possible. T1IIJ LAST STRAW On the heels Irouglit of last of ths summer, disastrous necessitate necessities of the producers of this country. Stockmen already over burdened with tremendous losses and whose prospective profits are dlm iiiHhing ar nil, are not in a position to stand the progressive high dis count rates designed to restrict cred it. If they had enjoyed some war profits, the situation would be dif ferent. But, according to reports, they are een denied credit at the higher rates. This short-sighted po ing the movement of live stock to Hey will kill tne goose that laid the other pastures at great expense, high) golden egg. Unless there Is a m ires for feed, and the sharp decline prompt change In the tactlsc of the n prices for cattle, the unprecedent- Federal Reserve Banks as to the dls ?d spring blizzards In the West and count of live-stock paper, this coun Noithwest, with a trail of unusual try will confronted with a lof-ses of live stock and a terrific cattle shortage unparalleled in our hrlukage in condition of the animals history. that survived, will seem to manyj Live-stock patrons of the Tenth afflicted stockmen as the last straw federal Reserve Bank at Kansas City that broke the camel's back. It have filed charces aKalnst that in- proves the adage that misfortunes never come singly. The cup of tne afflicted range cowman is overflow ing. His patience with the vagaries of the weather Is more than exhausted. On top of thete calamities comes u;;r inabiliay to finance live-stock loans. The Federal Reserve Banks have tightened up. It Is well-high Impossible to get any money -from theiu even a 3immy. 4 In their efforts to restrict credit by a'progresslve re discount rate, and thereby te minim ize nonessential loans, they are draw ing the line too fine on live-stock pnper and fatally crippling an indus try on which the food and prosperity n f nil r nallnn a nlnrpnlv riononrl It J seems incredible that the men at the Chat have it removed ' and at the same time have your suit Dry Cleaned and Pressed. We remove soots and stains from clothing without injuring cither the fabric or the color. Our modern xnethods make clothes look like new. Have your clothing pressed and cleaned regularly look prosperous. Shall we call to-day? KEEP-U-NEAT Phone 133 This Bank and Women Every woman should come in and get acquainted with this Bank and its facilities for helping her in her finances. Household expenses arc very important items nowadays. Instead of paying bills with cash, pay them by Check and then you have a sure receipt. It is the ideal way Safe and Convenient. If you wish to open a savings account, we will be glad to explain tha various plana we have perfected along these lines. If you cannot quite make up your mind as to just how you wish your account handled, come in and talk it over with one of our officers. They will be glad to give you their most courteous attention. First National Bank Alliance, Nebraska ' stitutlon for discrimination and fail ure to take care of maturing live stock loans and for refusal to extend any new credit. It is sound finance at this cYltlcal period to discriminate prnlnst nonessential flotations, spec ulation, wildcat promotions, luxuries and 'improvements that can well be deferred; but this Is no time to take away from the farmer and stockman the necessary credit to enable him to feed the, nation. The Producer. It Is urged that the celebrated Par aguay yerba mate he adopted aa a substitute for the prohibited beer. While mate has no kick in it, yet It has a wonderful stimulating effect, and those who have been In the. habit of drinking it find it absolutely indis pensable to their comfort. Its use Is extending rapidly in South America, and one virtue claimed for It Is that it promotes digstlon. A good deal of it Is being exported to Europe and Asia but only a little to the United States, says National Tribune. Drink ing mate Is made quite a social func tion in South America among the up per classes, while its use is general among the working people. It is made from the leaf of a tall tree. These leaves are roasted somewhat ilk tea. echo the great truth that "a man's a man for a' that." Insults and assaults to which al lied officers are subjected In Berlin and other German cities Bhow that leniency is thrown away on the Huns who interpret It as a sign"of weak ness and presume upon It, says Bal timore American. They seem to un derstand only the force which has been their own keynote of action, at home and abroad. The Herald $2.50 a year. After reading Winston Churchill's remark that labor is not fit to govern the country, Baron Morris, the for mer premier of Newfoundland, speaking as the guest of the London Commercial club is reported to have said: " lam quite satisfied that among the masses of this country, or Indeed of any country, men could be found as well able to govern as in any other class. Some day the labor and Industrial classes will find, with What little wisdom the world 19 gov crned." t Is Indeed encouraging to hear a man of the wide experience which Lord Morris has enjoyed ex pressing these liberal views, which An original manuscript of Ed ear Allen Poe recently brought over $9,- 000 at an auction sale. The sume reported to have been paiu the poet himself for one of the most famous poems was 10. The appreciation of true literature grows with time, but It is a trifle hard on the authors. The bolsheviki point with pride to the fact that there Is less illiteracy In Petragrad than there used to be. There are about a million fewer In habitants, too; but of course that has nothing to do with the case. National women suffrage Is so nearly an accomplished fact that candidates for office are getting care fully manicured before going out to shake hands with voters. An important new feature In men's clothes, we are Informed by a style authority, will be a "cash pocket" on the outside of the coat. Thus being more readily accessible, our money can be spent a little faster The prosecution of profiteers Is the Joke of the year. HOT SPRINGS CLINIC MEDICAL AND SURGICAL SPECIALISTS ln.trnl Mttritu rSeni F Pa KTrtom i 1Un- -: , V. . t ' . J .w,v m itiisnt , iwopjcnaui Hospitals t Medical 'Block v HOT SPRINGS SOUTH DAKOTA s jfcmm -4 V The MiSfosta Health Jtesoi't niiiiiiniiiiiuuajiiiiiimiiiifeS5j Oino Theis used f call a man a "sporT when he bought an automobile THAT was before the days when pretty nearly everybody owned one or could, if he wanted to. There was a lot of waste about motoring in those days. A man spent a lot of money on his car and never thought very much about what he was getting in return. When a man buys a tire nowadays he has a pretty definite idea of what he ex pects to get out of it. The dealer who sells him one that gives him Jess than he expects isn't likely to get any more of his business. That's one of the reasons why we handle U. S. Tires and recommend them to the Select your tirea ao cording to the roada they have to travel: In sandy or hilly country; wherever the going it apt to be heavy The U. S Nobby. rLCDOT-rWef-CHA.'N USCOPIAJII motorists of this community. ; The U. S. reputation for quality is not built on any one tire. There is not one standard for largeU.S. Tires and anoth er standard for small ones. Every tire that bears the name "U. S." is built the best way its makers. know how to build it The oldest and largest rubber concern in the world cannot afford to play favorites in seeking its public. IV Come in and tell us what you are looking for in tires. We can probably tell you whether you need a U. S. Nobby, Chain, Usco, Plain, or a Royal Cord. For ordinary country roads The U. S. Chain or Usco. For front wheels The U. S. Plain. For best results every. where U. S. Royal Cords. United State s Tires - - ....... Sturgeon Garage Alliance Nebraska, - . ; V - v.. ;-. c JF v-1 ...... fc I' V '7Z 9 J )