TTIE ALLIANCE IIERALD, FRIDAY, MAY 21, 1920. first ittrnsT ciii-rcii Our church extends a most hearty welcome to the people of the com munity to attend the services nex,t Sunday morning and evening. At 11 o'clock Uie subject will be, "The Gift of the Solbath." At 8 o'clock In the evening, "A Model Sermon." Sunday school at 10:00 o'clock and young people's societies at 7 o'clock. You will receive a cordial welcome at our "home-like church" and enjoy every part of the service. In the eve ning the orchestra will delight you with some special selections. Bring your friends with you. At the Why We Sell General Tires You rely on us to sell yc pood tires. If the tiros we sell you fail, our reputation with you is gone. That is why we carry General Tires, Tubes anil Accessories We are absolutely sure that they will not fail to give you satisfaction. They get you there and they get you back. Then we make your business doubly secure by rendering a real dyed-in-the-wool service. By regular inspection of your tires and real advice to you from time to time, we make it possible for you to got all of the miles out of your tires that General has built into them. Alliance Tire Works GEO. E. MINTZER, Prop. TIMES BUILDING morning service the church will cast Its ballot for the permanent head quarters of the Baptist convention of the state of Nebraska. Tour vote Is needed. J. ORRIN GOULD. Minister. The Herald f 2.00 a rear. People will lay things down and run off and forget them. Usually It's such trifling matters as pocket books or spectacles. The postofflce reporting picking up a desk lamp, which mny be had by the owner on request. If you've lost a desk lamp, rou've found It. Infants Wearing Apparel Ve ave secured for your approval and selection a fine assortment of Infants' Wear ing Apparel. "With these dainty little garments, car ing for Baby has an added pleasure. There arc: Aprons, Dresses, Hose, Half Hose, Bootees, Vests, Night Dresses, Saques, Toilet Sets Bock Furnishing Store 120 West Third Street RKAIj kstatk TRAXSFFRH Furnished by J. D. Emerlck, bon-1-ed abstractor, First National Bank Building, Alliance, Neb.: Norman A. McCorkle, single, to Hugh C' Irwin, lots 1 and 2 and 8H of NKVi or 3-25-49, $8,800.00. K. H. Boyd, and wife, to J. E. Venders, lots 4, 6, block 4, Lots 1, 5 ind 11, block 5, in Slnionson's addl lon to Alliance, $200. F. M. Knlgh.t unmarried, to H. V. Campbell, lot 4, block 20, Box Butte addition to Alliance, $650. The United States of America, to Almontle Smith, SE4 of 1-25-51, patent. James R. Keeler, to City of Alli ance, lots 62 and 53. In county addi tion to Alliance, $600. Grace D. Beaulleu and husband, to W. S. Acheson, lot 2, block "E" in Sheridan addition to Alliance, $700. Mrs. Lena Ouelette, a widow, to R. C. McClure, lots 3 and 6, block 6, or Hills addition to Alliance, $160. Herman Rehder and wife to John MoseB. lot 15, block 1, South Alli ance, $400. Ellsha D. Henry and wife to Fran cis McCoy, lots 7 and 8, block 18, town, now city of Alliance, $3,600. D. A. Finch, widower, and J. Lue Sutherland .widower. to W. S. Adams, NEU of 7-27-50, $4,800. D. A. Finch, widower, and J. Lue Sutherland, widower, to C. E. Myers and. J. R. Myers, WH of 7-27-50, $9,600. AIJJANCK I1RIFFH Alliance poet of the American Le gion Is out for at least thirty new . members and will be willing to ac- 'rept more applictalons If they are brought In. - Thirty members .will I bring the post's membership well over the 200 mnkr. Tbls Is known as 'Tush Week" and there is little I doubt that the legion will put its drive across. Applications can be made at room 9, Reddish block, where the adjutant has his headquarters. THE HORACE BOGUE STORE Separate Skirts for Summer Wear We have many beautiful novelty styles of New Skirts, the product of the best New York makers, confined to us and shown no where else in Alliance, comprising Crepe de Chine, Georgette Crepe, "Wash Satin, Baron ette Satin, Queen Ann Satin and Kumsi Silk in All Colors. New Styles in Tub Skirts, Belting and Materials pre-shrunk. You cannot have too large a supply of white wash skirts during the warm weather, for you always find the need of just one more. They are made of Tricotine, Gabardine, Honey Comb and Pique. Every size including "Little "Wom en" and "Stylish Stouts." . ..... Second Floor. A Redfern Corset for you Also the Nemo and Warner's Rust-proof. A type for every figure. The woman who dresses artistically chooses her Corset with the greatest care. The average figure may be delightfully transformed by proper cor seting. If you prefer a front lace we have it if you wear a back lace we have it in the above admirable makes. The materials are of inviting appearance and quality, developed in models of varying length but all with the low, comfortable tops. A most complete assortment at $2.50 and up to $11.50. Lot our ladies in charge show and fit you in the very Corset the de signer has brought out for your figure. The woman with the average figure can improve it if she will. First Floor. MID-SUMMER HATS A new and interesting collection, Millinery that gives to the summer maid a delightfully different inter pretation. Suit hats, afternoon hats, hats for dinner and dance frocks. Prevailing schemes of fabric and color are used in this new display of hats just received. Second Floor "When Will Prices Fall?" If a volume of general free-for-all discussion could topple over tow ering prices, there is little doubt that the fall would be near at hand. Periodical publications of all types have most generously supplied causes for the present situation and the public talks glibly of curtailed produc tion, labor unrest, over expansion of currency, profiteering and extrava gance, but all the popular harangue so far has accomplished little in re lieving the price situation. United States Commissioner of Labor statistics and official keepers of all records bearing on prices and costs are quoted as follows : 44 1 see no prospect of any considerable fall in prices for several years to come. It will be impossible for the governments of the world to pay off their debts very rapidly. Not until Europe has rehabilitated its in dustries may we expect to have our markets flooded with European iods.M That puts off the tumble in prices for several years. In the United States everything seems to tend toward higher prices. The continuing dissatisfaction of wage-earners, who cannot pay their way with old wages, increased three times since the war began; the walk-outs controlling travel, thereby increasing prices of transportation of merchandise; higher wages upon raw materials and the speculation in them before they reach the tailor or shoemaker all these facts and others are still adding to the cost of everything. So with th esituation before us this Store invites and urges you to take advantage of Worth While Economies in our 33 1-3 discount sale on Dresses and Coats and 1-4 on Suits and Dresses for "little women" and "stylish stouts". If you are inter ested in getting 100 for every dollar you spend we urgently request you to shop in our ready to wear department on the second floor. THE HORACE BOGUE:. SJTORE " " ' -'v:- i OTTO ZAMZOW, Maeager Looking (or fun for Saturday eve ning? Come to the Armory dance given by the Firemen. You'll find good music, good floors and a con genial crowd. After the show the dance begins. The paving gang expects to begin grading not later than next Monday, providence and the weather permit ting, of course. The first paving to be laid will be In the alley to the west of Dox Butte avenue, but Box Butte itself will be taken care of next In order. The machlneiy has ar rived, most of the men are on hand, and dirt will fly for the next several months. With the asBuranra of pav ing brick, Alliance has less cause to worry than, most of the Nebraska cities who have planned paring for this Beason. It has been discovered, during the survey for the paving, that a num ber of buildings on the alley to the west of Box Butte are out In the al ley distances ranging from four to eleven Inches. Fortunately, thero are no brick or heavy structures that are off the lot lines, so that It will be no very difficult matter. Now that the alley is to be paved, the owners of such property have been ordered to remove all, buildings fro mthe al ley, especially those which are over four Inches beyond the line. This will be done the coming week In or der to avoid delaying the paring force. . ...-! The Nebraska Land company baa secured quarters In the First Nation al Bank building and is moving Into them. They expect to be in regular shape the first of the week. ?. The Mitchell service station ! In stalling a visible gasoline filling sta tion this week. This la the first of the kind to be nistalled in Alliance. The chief advantage of this device Is that the customer can see that he la -getting the gas he pays for and we're going over to see how It works, as soon as they get It up. At,the meeting of the Rotary club Wednesday evening, the school bond election was discussed and the club voted unanimously to get back of the. issue. The concensus of opinion,, however, was that this is not an op portune time to begin active build ing operations, the argument being that if the town could wait until building coMs came down, not only would a good deal of money be saved. but a better building could be- pro cured. The club la against building a high school unless something is done toward erecting a ward school on the east side. Some people's idea of the height of epulcnco Is to be able to go where It is too hot in winter and where it Is too cool in summer. Predictions of price drops are great stuff. They cheer up the ulti mate consumer without interfering with anybody's profits. PURITAN OIL COOK STW&yrsSl" K lain T" Jl ALWAYS PLEASES Cm mm real pleasure out of cooking in a dean, comfoetable kitchen um a Puritan Oil Cook Stove, ' Set the uteruil la a clean, hot flame just like gaa. The indicator tell where flame kmc low, medium or high. Thimmitilt ej minuii ptanim til gomdeaoksJo, PRICES Two Burner Tbxee Burner Four Burner . 18.50 f25.00 Four Burner with heat retain ing over i fitnnft - - Geo, D. Darling I Alliance m t1 Nebraska,