T rwo T1 C B ALLIANCE TTERALD. FRIDAY. MAY 21, 1 920. In Our New Location First National Bank Bldg. C 110 West Third Street, formerly occupied by the Wiker Music House FARM LANDS, CITY PROPERTY AND LOANS Land Co. l o-Axmqt-. and me Ti the shoes oft after leaving home. In muddy weather, they couldn't get away with it, but It's a soft snap now. Less than a week of te weather and the effect Is noticeable. Travelers from I clnity of Broncho lake report , that the swimming season Is officially open. Boys whose mothers think the water Is too cold would be wor ried If they knew how many young sters hare been practicing the crawl troke. And every now and then you can ee a kid "going barefoot." They are walking gingerly, as the feet have a tendency to be tender, but proudly. It's a trifle soon for most mothers to permit tbe removal of shoes and lockings. The glimpse of rolleed up Jieavy underwear leads us to believe that some of tbe boys are taking The best harbinger of spring, now that the bock beer signs are no more and the robins are discredited they arrived too soon la the opening of the fishing season. Folks are dig lng in the gardens for bait and in e brush for liquid bate, and near ly every Nimrod has all bis tackle ready. Roads are punk, but half a dosen or more parties have started out, and rumor says that some of them have been moderately success ful. As to Just how many fish con stitutes a moderately full creel, we refuse to state, not knowing any thing of fishing lore in this locality. But sooner or later someone will start the annual fisherman's luck contest. That is one of the chief ben efits of the sport. plenty of anti-snake bite along. In fuel, a year or two ago. a lot of men I bought rodes and tackle simply as a stall. They made a great impression on friend wife. The beauty of fish ing as a sport was that so long as a man had one big day, it wasn't nec- I essary for him to repeat per formance again for another year. Of t ontirao nnw and then n wlfa wnuld get suspicious, but fishermen, like dead men, tell no tales. Nobody ever heard of a fisherman giving a friend away. Fishing won't be aa popular a sport as it was In the wild, free days when all that was needed to make a fishing party successful was to have SERVICE SATISFACTION QUALITY HARVEY'S CAFE Will be opened some, time in the middle of June at 222 Box Butte Avenue, in the building formerly occupied by Vaughn & Son, and the Nebraska and Co. The place will be entirely remodeled, and fitted up in the finest style. The aim of the owner, J. C. Harvey, who has had considerable experience in this business, will be to con duct an A-No. 1 Cafe, where only the finest quality food will be served, in a fitting manner. J. C. Harvey 222 Box Butte Proprietor Alliance, Neb. Those reminiscences of early days in Box Butte county that were pub lished in The Herald have struck a popular chord with the old-timers and tbe young-old-timers. And as a result we're learning more about the country of our adoption every day. Contributions on these subjects, be it known, are always welcome. Here's another one that arrived the first of the week. 'Speaking of 'Gene Heath's Grip Lremlnds me of a time, about 1889 or 1890, after Nonpareil died. 'Gene brought his Grip to Alliance. The Times at that time was edited by Hitchcock and Harvey Ellis was the devil, printer and about everything else connected with the newspaper About four-fifths or more of both pajers was printed away from town (patent insides.) wnen pews was scarce, the editors chewed the rag. 'Gene Heath was an artist on woou cut making. Once he said he would make Hitchcock crawl in a hole and i pull the hole after him. The next Issue he had a picture of a man going Into a cave on his knees and closing the dore after bim. "Speaking of printers' devils, the first time I saw Frank Broome he was the devil on 'Gene's Grip at Nonpar ell and he came to the public pump for a pitcher of water. Some rags showed on tbe seat of his breeches (I think It was his shirt, but would not swear to it.) Frank was a devil of a good type-sllnger, and also a devil of a good Fineer. I hfrd him ulng In church once, but I had to laugh then thinking about that shirt-tail. because the devil was quite a dude by that time. .? 1 Makes Such Light, Tasty Biscuits T . ntln. s.nll Titcii?tc fnr ih Breakfast!" We're sure there's a treat that can't be beat in store for us light, tender biscuits tonstv brown and all pulled up with goodness! t or motner is sure l of her bakini? powder Calumet. VUt She never disappoints us because CALUUHI DAKINC POWDER V never disappoints her, ) IVq dependable. Results always the same tne oesi . Try tt. Calumet contains only such tngre . dirnta aa have been approved offi ciallyby the U.S.Food Authorities Yon Save When Yon Buy It Yon Save Ween Yon Use It HIGHESTK 1 till ft AW WW 1 "In those times Box Butte county, outside the towns and villages, hrd a much larger population than at the present. It would average three houses or shacks on eveiw section of "and, with families In most of them But about twelve out of every doxen mortgaged his farm to live on ac count of the drouth and hot windB and finally gave up the ghost and went to live with his wife's relations in the same prairie schooners In which they came. Those of us who were not fortunate enough to have wives with relatives had to stay and we are here yet. NEW OSAGE GUSHER TESTS 1,728 BARRELS The greatest well in the world for quantity and quality of production at the depth of 1335 feet has been prov en with a test on the gusher on sec tion 19, which when opened last week flowed seventy-barrels an hour, says the Newcastle News-Journal. Oil men of standing declare that no where is a well of this depth pro ducing 1800 barrels, while no other well on record can hold up with the quality below a 1,000 feet. A dally production of 1800 barrels is beyond the estimate of most conservative oil men who placed the production al 1,000 barrels. A price of $3.95 in Omaha gives some idea of what Osage oil in quantities as has been revealed through a test of the gusher will amount to. A good showing of Qil has been encountered on sectlno 15-64-46 by a Pueblo, Colo., syndicate and a well has brought in at 280 feet on section 31. The well on 15 lies at tbe outer edge and proves a wide strip hitherto unknown. A deal Involving 120,000 was closed Tuesday when W. F. Willetts, former geologist of the famous Trap shooter well in Eldorado, Kas., bought 320 acres on section 14-46-64 from Feagin and Mortimer. The Nee-No-She- Bll company is placing a heavy rig on section 9-45- 63 which ground is under lease from the Updike Interests. Persistent rumor here last week of a new gusher has not been con firmed although it is known that any one of three wells would strike the producing sands within a short time. With the goal of their long cam' palgn almost reached the suffragists are singing In chorus: "Where do THE UNIVERSAL CAR The Ford Sedan is the favorite family car. Siats five comfortably. "While an enclosed car w ith a permanent top, it may, in a minute, be changed to a most delightful open car with always a top protecting against the sun. In in clement weather it is a closed car, dust-proof, water-proof, cold-proof. Finely "upholstered. Equipped with demountable rims with 3V&-inch tires, tire carrier and an electric starting and lighting system. A real family car. Anybody can safely drive it. It has all the conveniences of an electric car, with the economy which goes with Ford cars, low cost of purchase price, small cost of operation and maintenance. Leave your order with the dealer listed below. Coursey & Miller AUTHORIZED AGENTS FOB ALL FORD MOTOR CO. PRODUCTS A Worthy Weal Lincoln once said:-- I will be prepared and when my opportunity comes I will be ready. To the Young Men of today this Bank offers its facilities to help them prepare for the time when their opportunity arrives. But you must do your part by depositing regu larly a portion of your earnings. We will guard it for you, pay you interest on it, and then when the time comes when you need it, you will find it ready. Start Preparing Now Start now preparing for your opportunity. It may come any day and you want to be ready. The one sure way to do this is to open an account at once TODAY. Come in and see us. "We will be glad to co-operate with you in every way'possible. Don't wait to say: "How I wish I had begun a bank account six months ago. I need money badly. It would have been little or no trouble and I would have had enough by this time to start on' The First State Bank ONLY BANS IN ALLIANCE THAT OFFERS ITS DEPOSITORS PROTECTION o I I i 6 i we go from beret" t i i I