The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, May 04, 1920, Image 5

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fintjr Winton of Hemingford was
Alliance business visitor Monday.
Jay O. Walker of Osage, Wyo.,
was In town over the week-end.
Harry Moore of Sidney was the
guest of Alliance friends Sunday.
Mrs. J. Carl Thomas of Omaha U
the guest of her sister, Mrs. Ray
Mark, and other relatives. Mrs.
Thomas expects to visit with her
sister, Mrs. Dick Burke, at Sidney
before returning home.
Mrs. J. Prior of Ravenna is spend
ing a few days In Alliance, the guest
of Miss Lydia Troop. -
Mrs. Alex Muirhead, and daugh
ter, Ruth, of Hemingford, were Alli
ance visitors Saturday, .
MrB. B. Shepherd of Hemingford
was among the Hemingford people
who attended the "Chocolate Sol
dier" Friday evening. ' "
A marriage license was Issued to
Frank Hlmelhan and Miss Irene
Carper, both of Hemingford, Satur
day. '
Edgar Hawley of Douglas, Wyo.,'
Was In Alliance a wort time Sun
flay afternoon between trains.
Mrs. Harry Moore, of Sidney, Is
spending a few days in Alliance vis
iting friends.
James Pierce 'attended the funeral
of L. H. Lunsford of Lakeside, this
Howard . Lotspelch of Bingham
was visiting friends in Alliance the
last of the week.
Mrs. Frank Johnson of Lakeside
submitted to an operation at the
local hospital Monday morning.
Miss Frazler, instructor In the
Chadron normal, visited with her sis
ter, Mrs. Al Wlker, over Sunday.
Mrs. William Albright . of Lake
side visited over the week-end with
her sister, Mrs. Zink.
The Misses Clara and Violet Os
borne of Scottsbluff spent the week
end at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Shreve, returning ' to their
home Sunday evening.
Miss Florence Harris, who Is at
tending school at Chadron, visited
over Sunday with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. R. L. Harris, returning
Miss Esther Nation, who is teach
ing school in Bridgeport, spent Sat
urday and Sunday visiting relatives
,n Alliance.
Mrs. Sang C Reck of Antkkh
left Alliance Sunday ' evening for
Denver, and after spending a few
days there will go to Long Beach,
Calif., to visit her parents.
Miss Haxel Sheldon, who Is teach
ing In the Hemingford schools, was
visiting Miss Victoria Wilkinson In
Alliance over Sunday.
Dr. Moore of Antloch waa in Al
liance on business Monday.
Perry Malley of Antloch was a
Alliance Visitor Monday.
Jack Sampson of Asnby was Ih Al
liance Monday. He la vety mush
crippled on account of rheumatism.
Mr. Borwn of Antloch was in the
city last Monday visiting his daugh
ter, who Is In the hospital.
Mrs. Robert" Nelce and Miss Mary
Hughes of Marsland were visiting
friends and shopping in Alliance last.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert McKahn of
Seneca came to Alliance Friday to
attend the I. O. O. F. anniversary
held here last Friday evening.
Cal Cox, who has a position with
the Midwest Oil company, was
called to Alliance to attend court
this week.
Mrs. Attie Spencer of Marsland
visited Mr. and Mrs. L. Alter the
last of the week, returning home
Sunday on No. 43. ,
Mesdames VVaier, Grimes, Car
ter, Sailing and Shepherd came down
from Heminftord on Friday of last
week to attend the anniversary of
the Odd Fellows and Rebekahs held
here that evening.
Mrs. Rowley returned to her home
at Berea Saturday.
Mrs. J. O. Beck and Mrs. Connors
of Antloch spent the week-end in
Alliance viBiting friends.
Even Up
A road master for a middle west
ern railroad was much Incensed on
finding one of his subordinates get
ting a shave while on duty.
"What's the Idea?" he roared.
"Getting your beard shaved on the
company's timet"
"Idea yourself," came back the of
fender. "It grew on the company's
time, didn't it?"
A New One On Her
While her big brother was in
France, little Dorothy exerclBed her
patriotism in learning war songs.
One day after his return, he entered
the room where she was playing
with her doll and singing "Over
"Why, Dorothy," he said, "don't
you know the war is over?"
She looked at him qulxzically and
-Hum it, and 111 see If I do."
Clerk We can't pay you the
twenty-five dollars on this money
order until you are Identified."
Man That's tough. There's only
one man In town who can Identify
me, and I owe him twenty. Boston
Transcript. , .
An English newspaper carries the
following want-ad: "Wanted Loud
second-hand gramophone for reprisals."
Harold Beans who has been work
ing In Edgemont ns electrician spent)
Sunday In Alliance visiting borne
Lloyd Lar.gford is planning to
take a few days and make a short
visit to Denver.
Virgil Abar and Royal Irwin spent
Sunday In "Hot Springs, S. D., and
report having a fine time.
Mlrs Lulu Sturgeon returned to
work Saturday after two months ab
sence on account of sickness. All
are very glad to see her at her desk
In the car department again.
Kenneth Mohrman, machinist, ex
pects to leave the latter part of the
week for his old home at Nebraska
City, where he will visit his mother
and sister for a short time.
Machinist helper Frank Duffy is
among those who resigned this week.
Mrs. H. R. Beans, who has ben
visiting her parents in Filer, Idaho,
for some time returned home the
last of the week.,
B. E. Gay Is expected in Alliance
this week to take the place of Harry
Brew who was transferred to Sheri
dan last week. Mr. Gay has b?n
electrician at Edgemont for several
Mrs. L. P. Dickenson who has been
spending some time with her mother
In Denver on account of the Illness
of the latter Is expected home soon.
She expects to bring her mother back
with her.
Boilermaker E. F. Burde has re
signed and will leave this week for
Omaha, where he expects to remain.
Mrs. Anna Hazelton has gonj to
Denver to spend a few days with
friends. x
Night engine dispatcher Howard
spent Sunday in Seneca with his fam
ily. He Is unable to secure a resi
dence here as yet, but will move his
family here as soon as a place can
be found for them.
Hostler J. M. Ellis has gone to
Denver to spend a few days.
Machinists W. E. Connors and Ed
McNulty are spending a few days at
Sidney, Neb.
Engineer W. J. Kaupp Is intending
to make a short visit to hts mother
at Merna this week.
A wedding that created much in
terest in the mechanical department
this week was that of Ralph McKen
xie and Miss Ora Dotson which oc-
cured on Sunday. As mention is
made in other parts of the paper we
will not give the details again.
"Prohibition," said Uncle Bill
Bottletop, "has brought disappointA
ment to a number of wives who had
nursed the idea that their husbarda'
unreasonableness was due entirely to
licker." Washtington Star.
Houses and' Lots
In Alliance
The demand for suitable houses and lots in Alliance exceeds the supply. This company
makes it its business to secure for its customers the bargains. We do not ask our customers
to waste their time in looking over high-priced, unsuitable places. You can feel certain that
every lot described below is well worth the money and we will be glad to take the time to
show them to you. Read over this list. Then call at our office and let us show you
Houses and Lots
No. 8-a. Six-room, all modern
house In best part of Alliance. Full
cement basement and laundry. Lot
Is 60 by 140 feet. Possession in
thirty days. Price, if taken soon,
No. 10-a. Modern 8-room house
on SO by 150 foot lot, close In. South
front, trees, garage, etc. Possession
30 days. $5,500.
No. 17-a. All modern, five-room
bungalow, east front, best part of Al
liance. Garage, fine lawn and trees.
Price. $5,200, with rash payment of
No. 11-a. Six-room, all modern
house on Box Butte avenue. Between
Central school and high school. Ce
ment basement: hot water heat;
good lawn and trees; house In ex
ceptionally good condition. The
room and coal bins for 14 tons of
trance hall, parlor, dining room, sun
porch with Murphy bed, two bed
rooms, large bathroom, kitchen, but
ler's pantry, front porch and large
rear porch. The large cement base
ment Includes a fruit cellar, furnace
room and coal bnts for 14 tons of
coal. It will take $4,000 cash to
handle this desirable residence. The
price is $7,000, or owner will sell
with furniture for $9,000.
No. 12-a. Completely modern, 41
room apartment house in western
Nebraska city. On corner 60 by 150
feet, 4 blocks from school. High full
cement basement; big laundry. Fin
ished throughout in hard wood oak
and pine; all floors oak. Built la
1917. Owner will exchange $25,000
in second mortgage or farm land.
This Is a well-paying proposition and
can be handled for $15,000 cash.
, Houses and Lots
Write for price and further particu
lars. No. 2-b. Well located lot in Bel
mcnt Addition, facing south. Low
price of $250.
No. 6-b. Four lots on Dodge
Street, near Roosevelt Avenue, Bel
mont Addition to Alliance. These
four lots, all adjoining, will make an
excellent garden tract as they have
been in crop and no breaking Is nec
essary. Owner wants one-half cash,
balance $25 per month at 8 per cent,
or will sell lots separately for cash.
Price $400 each, If sold separately.
No. 6-b. Four lots In Duncan's
Addition at $250 each. Will sell one
or all at above price for cash. These
lots face east and are very desir
able. No. 3-b. Three lots, five blocks
east of postoflUce. One corner, two
inside, sewer and water. Will sell
separately for $650, $500 and $550,
or will sell the three for $1,600.
No. 8-b. Seven lots on Mississippi
close In. All level. Will sell the
three corner lots for $450 each and
the other four for $400 each. Wat
er and sewer. These lots excellent
for garden purpose.
No. 4-b. 60 by 140 foot lot, one
and one-half blocks north of Central
school. Faces east. Very desirable
and will sell soon, so you must act
quick. Price $825, easy terms.
No. 7-b. Two desirable lots on
Yellowstone, directly east of Central
school. Will sell corner lot for $475,
lot adjoining for $425.
No. 9-b. Two lots, one block west
of Emerson school: corner and ad
joining. Very desirable at a low '
price of $2,200 for both.
Phone 20
Room 8, Reddish Block
Cape Coats and Dolman
effects. Also Sport
and straight line Tailored Coats, in Camels Hair, Polo
cloth, Gold Tone, Velour, Tricotine, Serges. Also
Silk TalTcta and Satin and Tricotine combinations
in Dolman effects, strictly Tailored Coats of Trico
tine and Serge, Sport Coats of Polo Cloth and Tweed
all going at a ; ; ,
Discount of 33J
All Silk Taffeta, draped,
pleated, and ruffled
all of the best Quality of Chiffon, Taeta in all the
wanted shades
All new this Spring going for this sale at
33'3 Discount
. Discount
Tricotine, Poiret Twill, Serges and Velour. All
new this season models in a big range of styles
going at . . . . .
25 DiscoMit