The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, April 30, 1920, Image 7

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Copyright by U'C5 -rVature Service, 1919.
Valuable Vrr Advices of performing sottliiR-up excrelsrs
Some women seem to think If they ' each morning they practice, boxing,
undertake to Improve their persona) j They say It helps to keep their mus-.
appearance they will not have tlmecus m gooa cunumuu, Bu...u,a.,
during the twenty-four hours to do b!ood circulation and makes them
anything; elBe. This may be tru I' I quick and supple. As bot.i are near
ihov miPnd to set beauty upon a 1 Inn forty years of age and look years
throne and 'live for no other object
than Its worship and attainment.
As a mutter of fact, one hour a
tv la nJl that Is necessary for the
average woman
younger, I am convinced their sy3
te.n H wise and beneficial.
There Is such a thing as stationary
tunning. This v "H b- pool cxer-
to i cises for anyone whoso days are spent
at sedentary puxsuiis. nic- vttiu
do this movement bring the knees
veil up to the ch-Bt, stnd on their
vlding her method is j o.s and step lively, in
sclentinc and her, fifty I's to the half minute.
devote to guarding
and Improving her
physical assets, pro
time tpent systemat
In. stretching, if you want to ex
ercise the back, raise the head, arms
The hour before , nnd If ps as high as possible and hold t
retiring Is the best to them so for a fi'W momenn -wh.l ,
use tor oeauiirymp. sireicning. 11 jou are wwiueu iu
A bath at nleht, a i nave a uoutue emu jou euoum r-
few mlnutea care of the fingernails,! t.iove the pillow and raise the head
a little brushing of the hair and a till the chin touches the chest lif
llltle manage of the face wilh a' iecn to twtnly-flve times. It will be
Iroper skin food and, If the face be I necessary, however, to persist in this
dry or rough, leaving it on until t-xercise some time If any lasting
morning, can all be accomplished In : benellt in to li obtained.
Do not forget that as long as a
woman has good health she will
have beauty and, by hygienic living,
i-nv retain that beauty as long as she .
lives. I heard yesterday ef a woman i
i.f slx!y who livel in a southern state
end had been under the care of a
beauty specialist In New York ver
since she was twenty. years old. At;
sixty she has a complexion and gen
eral appearance that many youus
girls would envy. She claims that
she has never expended a great sum
of money but that what she has used
In the way of creams, shampoos,
cosmetics and medications have all
been properly prescribed for her spe
cific case an 1 used according to ex
pert instruction.
As an opposite case I must cite
that one of my correspondents who
writes that she has been using a cer
tain kind of prepared wax for her
face, and thinks It Is beneficial be
cause for the time being It greatly
Improves her appearance.
I l'K)krd up that particular prepa
ration In a government book and
found it contained Just what Its
name Implied, a poison which, soon
er or later, will so affect that young
less than an hour.
In choosing exenines, authorities
agree that one should consider care
fully Just what muscles really need
xerclse. Unused muBcles grow flab
by and excess flesh forms on parts of
the body not exercised.
Anyone, upon awaking In the
morning, can Imitate the cat and the
healthy child by yawning and
stretching. I have heard It said that
a good stretch and a yawn constitute
nature's gymnasium. Stretch In
every way possible. Stretching up
lifts and expands the chest and wak
ens the Internal organs to new life.
Walk to the bath room on your
hands and feet. Walk for another
week with bent knees. Then try an
other week to walk without bending
your knees.
Of course, I do not mean that you
should perform these feats In pub
lic. To walk to business In the man
ner described might attract more at
tention than the average beauty cul
turlst would enjoy. As an exerclso,
It brings about good results. Try it.
Don't think you are too n'd to ex
ercise. Anyone between twelve and
fiixty years of .npe can brwl, play
j-'olf, swim, v.Vik, piny tennis and
ride horseback providing they are In
ordinary health and enjoy such
Deep breathing 13 essential both
for beauty and healih. It is during
fast walking, running, athletics,
gymnastics, swimming, outdoor
games and deep breathing ejercises
that the upper diameter of the chest
is brought Into vigorous action. It
naturally follows that tight clothing
and especially tight corsets retard
chest development. The very best
chest developer Is deep breathing.
Have you ever noticed the large
girth of chest of running athletes?
Doubtless the swing of the arms as
sists, somewhat, but primarily the
development Is due to deep, abdom
inal breathing.
Sing even if you can't sing. Make
a Jo; ful noise. Let children sing
shout. It Is good for the lungs.
Don't be afraid to . laugh. Laugh
A good abdominal exercise Is to lie j loud and heartily whenever you have
supine, raise the legs, bring them to
the chest, straighten them and then
bring them level with the body
Shadow boxing, such as la indulged
In by many pugilists, Is excellent. I
know two women, room-mates, who
go to business every day but Instead
a chance, regardless of conventions.
Laughter Is nature's device for ex
ercising the Internal oreans. Laugh
ter makes the eyes bright, increases
perspiration and expands the chest.
Even talking is good exercise and
some doctors claim that muscle talk
ing prolongs life.
True Economy
send us
your last
year's 6kirt or dress
and have it returned
looking like new-isn't
that true economy?
Frequent Dry
Cleaning and Pressing
will prolong the life
of your clothing and
keep it fresh and new.
May we help you
economize ?
Keep- U-Neat
l'JIONE 133
woman's skin as to completely ruin ,
her complexion and make her look
aged years before her time.
Another Instance recently eame to I
my attention when a woman from a ,
small town not far from Los An-1
eeles started on a trip to an eastern 1
specialist to have her urper lip re-j
paired after It had been terribly dis-i
figured by a traveling beauty doctor.
He had guaranteed to remove a su
perfluous growth of hair and had
charged her three dollars for the op
eration. It resulted in her Hp being
burnt and spotted like a guinea pig.
The roots of the hair are still there
nnd the white spots make them look
worse than ever. Desides the price
of her ticket cast It will cost that
woman at least a hundred dollars for
the repair of the damage caused by
the unskilled treatment.
The greatest beauties of the world
have been at their zenith at from
forty tcTifty years . of age. Some
women look old at thirty and others
appear young at sixty. Ideal beauty
must have symmetry, proportion,
curvature, color and expression. A
beautiful woman is a healthy woman
and a healthy woman Is the perfec
tion of bodily organization, intellec
tual energy, social activity and moral
power. She is free from pain nnd
discordance of mind. The moral,
therefore Is:
Guard your health, cultivate beau-1
ty as you would a flower grrdrn, p!v- j
Ing it scientific care and protection : t: actors when the latter stall
and above all thinps, keep cheerful; !
don't worry; laugh all you can and
ntvtr encourage anger find discon
tent. They say free advice is not
worth anything Lut In this respect I
I think you will find mine valuable
Of course, it Is nec ssiry to have
r.o:es on the farm to pull In the
In a few mere weeks eeps may
ft- u lrv j 'he c'.iss ri ir.u euva ex
hibits nnd becoc e an Article of food.
This nation shcuM stop Jazzing be
fore the taxophone becomes the na
tion! Instrument.
28 West Third Street
Telephone Pay 31 1
Night 322 Hed 52a
SI 252
For Dross, Rags, Rubber, Paper
and all kinds of Metals. Top
prices for Hides and Furs.
Alliance Hide k Fur Co,
311 Laramie Ave.
Phone 222
IAL THEATRE-OneNight-Monday
May 3
The Funniest Comedy on Record
Musical Number
This is Not a
Moving Picture
Fiu:n fijom
S1T.CIAI.TIKS (;aloiu; 1
v'iu.Y-----A .vr-si-4 K I Pit'
Funnier and Better Than Ever Ask Dad He Knows
50c 75c $1.00
31 aa