TIIE ALLIANCE HERALD, FRIDAY, AfRIL 23, 1920. BILL NYE'S BOYHOOD If I ere a boy again, endowed with the same wild passion for plucking watermelons In the dark of the moon, I would no doubt fall a victim to the overmastering passion as I did before, but looking at It as I do now, I would be wiser. Boys cannot, however, have the mature judgment of manhood without the experience and rheumatism to go with it. So it is better that in our childhood we may be able to eat a raw turnip with safety, and know something later on In lifo. I notice a great change In myself wWle com paring my present condition with that of joyous bojh'od. Then I had no sense, but I had a good digestion. Now I haven't even the digestion. The hWrying years have cavorted over my sunny head till they have worn It smooth, but they have left a good deal yet for me to learn. I am still engaged in learning through the day and putting arnica on my experi ence at night. Childhood Is said to be .the most gladsome period of our lives, and In some respects this statement may be regarded as reliable, but It is not all joy. I have had just as much fun later years as I did In boyhood; though the people with whom I have been thrown In contact claim that their experience has been different. I hope they do not mean anything personal by that. I do sometimes wish that I could be a boy again, but I smother that wish on account of my parents. "What they need most la rest and a change of scene. They still enjoy children, but they would liko a chance to select the children with whom they associate. My parents were blest with five bright-eyed and beautiful little boys, three of whom grew up and by that means became adults. I am In that condition myself. I was the eldest of the family with the exception of my parents; I am still that way. My life was rather tempestuous In places, occasionally flecked with sun shine, but more frequently with ret ribution. I was not a very good roadster when I was young, and so retribution was most always in the act of overtaking me. While out raged justice was getting In Its work on me, the other boys escaped through an aperture In the fence. This la another reason why I do not yearn to be a boy again. When we ran away from school to catch chubs and when we built a fire to cook them and the fire got Into the tall, dry grass and burned four miles of fence and sixteen tons of hay for a gentleman for whom I bad a high regard, and I went back to put out the flro, the other boys es caped and have so remained ever since. A just retribution has never li any difficulty in overtaking me and walking up and down over my wish bone. Wh- n a party of us had been en gaged In gathering Easter eggs In the barn of a gentleman who was away from home at the time, and ho returned Just as we had filled our pockets with the choicest vintage of his sun-kissed hens, the other boys escaped while I was occupying the attention of the dog, and I had to Blide out of the second story of the barn. It is still fresh in my mind as I write. I wore my father's vest at the time, and It was larger than was necessary. My father was larger than I at that time for I was only nine years of age and had not ar rived at my full stature. In sliding down the batten, I discovered that the upper end of It was loose arid that my flowing vest had slipped over it, so that when I got down about four feet I hung, with the board but toned inside my bosom and scram bled egg ooxlng out of my knicker bockers. The batten had sprung back against the barn In such a manner as to prevent my unbuttoning my vest, and while I hung there at the side of the barn like a coon skin, the proprietor came around and accused me of prematurely gathering his eggs. I had heard truth very highly spoken of by people who bad dabbled in it more or less, and so I resolved to try It in this Instance. So I ad mitted that such was the case, and it was the best thing I could have done, for the man said as I had been so frank with him he would take me down as soon as he got his other work done and he was as good as his word. After he had milked nine cows and fed nine calves he came around with a ladder and took me down. He also spanked me and set his dog on me, but I did not mind that, for I was accustomed to It. To hang on the side of a barn, however, like an autumn leaf, trying to kick large holes In the atmosphere, Is disagreeable. This Incident cast a gloom over my whole life. It has also recon ciled me to the awful decree that I can never be a boy again. THE UNIVERSAL CAR The Ford Touring Car is literally the pioneer for it has brought about the solution of the Good Roads problem, because three million or more in opera tion brought up to the millions of America the necessity of goods roads if quick transportation at low expense was to be enjoyed. The simplicity of the Ford car, its stability in construction, the famous heat-treated Vanadium steel with its marvelous strength and flexibility, the low cost of operation and maintenance, its east in operation, all have made the Ford car the great favorite in every land i nthe world. It's the one car that 'always satisfies and serves. A utility beyond question that all can afford.- Don't delay, because lhe demand, is heavy all the time. Leave your order with . Coursey & Miller AUTHORIZED AGENTS FOR ALL FORD MOTOR CO. PRODUCTS TEOrLE SAY THAT Topular opinion Is the most fickle thing on earth. The artful femalt Is ever trying to Improve nature's handwork. It's a pity that some women can't think as fast as they can talk. You can't bluff a pretty girl by tell ing her there are microbes In kisses. Some people wouldn't object If the deadly cigarette were a little more so. . Sweden Is even more particular than the United States, the Swedish government having ruled that de ported radicals from the United States are not fit even to set foot on Swedish soil. For Sale Nine room house. Best part of town. Modera. Priced right and good terms. See Nebraska Land Company. tf Out of the half dozen cases filed In county court against Walker D. Hlncs, railroad administrator, just prior to the railroads taking back their lines, four have been settled out of court to date, and prospects are good for private settlement of the remaining claims. EE White Trucks What person at all interested in motor vehicles docs not class the White highest among tho top-notchers? White Trucks have established this firm reputation by Years of Performance It is the " 365-day -a-y ear" service that you get from the White that insures your getting THE MOST FOR YOUR MONEY ALL SIZES IN STOCK Frank W. Miller CORNER SECOND AND LARAMIE 8 ow do you obI ? These are the things that determine the true cost of a motor oil: the protection it gives the motor against wear, economy in fuel consumption, the size of repair bills for operation and upkeep. Polarine stands high when judged by these standards. It cush ions all engaging parts with a wear-preventing film that keeps moving parts snug-fitting, working easily with little vibration or noise. Polarine has unusual stability under high engine heat. It assures a fuel-tight and gas-tight oil seal in the cylinders maintains full compression and delivers maximum power. Use Polarine and reduce motoring costs. It is sold where you buy big-mileage Red Crown Gasoline at first class garages and service stations where this sign is displayed. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (NEBRASKA) OMAHA MOTOU ovs A fffffSt mm & liSlm liMIHWWtltEl jrVjV toM4u vA Hwan m ftA FMOME I Sooner or later you want to own a home of your own. No one feels that he is truly a part of the community in whfch he lives until he does own his own home. The country as a whole and Box Butte county in particular havenever been more prosperous, With the great increase in the city's population and commercial ac tivity, the value of all properties built and building will certainly not depreciate The time to build is now, while you can get material and the workmen. We will be glad to give you any assistance we can. Fowler Liamlber Company FLOYD LUCAS, Manager . f il M l r v ; a 1 H y V.K -! y i