THE ALLIANCE HERALD, riMPAV, APRIL 2), 1020. Random Shots Oct a receipt. Our barber tills us (hat he alwnys carries his "banquet razor" in his vest pocket. . In the early days, thry slipped 'em In the boot. Easy access Is one requirement of a banquet razor. At last Sunday's fire, some liberal brother passed around a bottle which looked as though It contained red 11 quor. Turned out to be Jamaica gin ger. One of the fire-fighters say that lie still tastes pepper. You see, he was afraid the bottle wouldn't last all the way round, and he took his while there was some thing to take. The time to take pie, as Judge Stark used to say, Is when pie Is pass ing. Following that advlco has ruined many a good digestion. Stolen from one of them City pa pers: Charles M. Schwab tolls us to laugh at present-day troubles, so Let's take our cue from Charlie Schwab. And Join the chuckling, laughing mob Ha! Ha! Bread's up another cent! Ho! Ho! The landlord's raised the rent; Hee! Hee! We'll soon be in a tent. Ha Ha! Haw Haw! Hee Hee! Our coal's to cost a fearful price. Ha! Ha! We'll pay a whole lot more for ice. Haw! Haw! And higher taxes ain't that nice? .Hee! Hee! Now don't say things will cost still more, (We got the giggles once before) We'd have hysterics kick the floor. Tee, hee! Har Har! WOW WOW! !lng to the lack of space and rush of the Herald's prize contest, several I births and 1 h w.ll bj postponed until next week." I Hint to t! e L'.Ph rrho 1 trrrk team, taken Irom the Michigan City N".s: "Th? locr.l bjketbiill team will wear their new s.ilrts on Friday night. The trousers have not yei arrived." One ct these sweet young things was crossing a muddy street yester day. She swayed first to one side, thui to the other Flipped righted herself Just in time and finally made it. Saf3 on the other side Fhe stopped to rest. A middle aged woman, who had watchi-d the per formance, spoke up: "Now I can team to dance the shimmy " Business dragged us on, however, r.nd we didn't stay to watch. Business is sometimes a pest. We were unjust to Dave. Now, that women are in politics, Gcan look for a big change around polls. It's already beginning to appear. Over in Second ward, they swatted "Boas" Harper by refusing to count a raft of ballots. No X's on em. Women know a love letter isn't genuine unless there is at least one X at the bottom of it. Harp's favorite poem, so we un derstand, reads this way: Twas ever thus, since childhood's earliest hour, I've seen my fondest hopes decay; I never loved a bird or flower, But what it died or flew away. We're glad we're not in politics. N ueui iTtuu the Lusk Herald: "Ow- lt appears that they were willing '.o be photographed. Even anxious. ' Ain't women peculiar? Geologic hint: "Petroleum occurs in pools or reservoirs of economic im portance, as the result of processes which operate under certain condi tions upon the surface and within the lithosphere of the earth." Wonder If Equity understands that? We dug it up from publicity dope of a geologist who wants to discour age drilling until geologists have passed upon hte strata. In other words, he wants to be hired." We don't blame him. EACH UHIDHUKOOM KNOWS That he won't be able to find the wedding ring at the fatal moment. That all his bachelor friends are Wt Grind Our Own Unset Your Eyes do More Than Earn Your Living Your happiness, comfort, and pleasure cannot be complete without good vision. B. G. Bauman, O. D. Opera House Block. nlly shaking their heads and saying "Anoth-r good man gone " TI.V. a!l the v.-oxen in the ccnere gstlon will wonder what on earth it i ihiit the bride tees in him. That It would be an immense re lief to 'lope Instead of going through h fuss and flurry of the church wedding. That his pal has tooo much of a smile tn Lis face and is sure to play some sort of a trick before the cere mony Is over with. That, though the bride's father has protested vehemently that he doesn't want to give up his little girl, he still seems remarkably happy over the fact that she is getting married. That while the fact remains that he Isn't marrying the whole family the whole bunch has laid out a schedule of vllsits they are going to pay him during the next few months. That his hands will look as big as the broadsides of a barn during the ceremony and that It is a confounded shame that it isn't permissible to hide them in his trousers' pocket's. That if the bride's mischievous little brother pulls off any of his WATCHES for Graduates When a boy or a girl gradu ates is the day to give him or her a good watch. It has been earned by hard work And the time has come when the young' person really should have a handsome, de pendable watch. When you buy it at Thiele's you look out for the child's and your own best interest. You secure a standard, dur able, accurate movement in a beautiful, finely made and finished case a timepiece that honors the owner, at a price that safeguards your pocketbook. Bracelet Watches . $20 to$50 Boys Watches $850 to $50 Thiele's Jewelry Watches Drugs Brunswick Phonographs Watch Inspectors 0., B. & Q. puuuaanc 3 C RED 3 CROWN c 3 CASOUNE c IttANiuuiD u, caiumnr J OMMUk fc 3 E innnwnnr Jlhuaijs the Same Clean-burning, hard-hitting, power full Red Crown Gasoline is always the same uniformly good from the first drop to the last. Red Crown vaporizes readily ignites instantlybums up completely. It means quick starts; prompt, smooth acceleration and plenty of power and punch for high speeds and the hills. Standardize on Red Crown Gasoline every gallon mile-packed every gallon the same. Polarine, the correct lubricant for every car, keeps the motor young and powerful. Fill up at the sign of the Red Crown. STANDARD OIL GO. (NEBRASKA) OMAHA RED CROWN GASOLINE so-called "cue little tricks" during the ceremony it w"l be with extreme difficulty thnt he will restrain him self from upendlr.g little brother and giving lil.n u rpl nlli little pafdling. rrodu.ers of woolen materials have assured the New York fair price commissioner that the supply is becoming normal and decided re ductions In the price or clothes are certain. However, the customer will be expected to believe the sing-song of the salesman, "The next lot will be higher." HOT SPRINGS GLINIC MEDICAL AND SURGICAL SOCIALISTS Internal MedicirwN Surgery, Eye Ear Nos( &3hront Kidncti & Bladder. X Raii Modern Laboratory TWoSplendil Hospitals Medical Block I ISV" -vS9J SPRINGS SOUTH DAKOTA , t IftfeaUa; Me national Health ro'Tjk . JJ. -XI nrrr visit the Beauty Parlor at McVicker's The Beauty Parlors have been reopened at McVickers. Vc wish to announce that we have secured the services of an expert in this line, -who comes here to take charge of this department. We take pleasure and anticipate our ability to render the highest satisfaction in every phase of beauty culture through the servises of Miss Marion Lawson, of Chicago Our Parlors are Now Open to Pubic LATEST MODES OF HAIR DRESSING Many are enthusiastic about the satisfactory results obtained from the use of "Neos Henne" it restores the hair to iU natural color. MASSAGE CHILDREN'S HAIR BOBS MANICURING for Ladies and Gentlemen SCALP AND FACIAL TREATMENT McVicker's Beauty Parlor 216 BOX BUTTE AVENUE SUMMER HATS mm MM ; for Summer Wean We'll Be Looking for You Next Week Some there are of FLEXIBLE STRAWS, sashed in Satin Ribbons. As to shape, this varies from Broad Brimmed Nats, English in type, to little affairs vith soft crowns and pli able brims. Complete Line of NeW Sailors AVaJm llfi&M) Complete Line of NeW Sailors Kf; McVicker's T' 1 STYLE PLUS QUALITY -Jgj