FOUK TIIB ALLIANCE HERALD, FRIDAY, APRIL 23, 1920. r&cflla Dean Copyright by Rice Feature Service, 191V. f7 w a nmrnr symposium. To be strictly accurate In tbe mat ter of detail, you should recline Among cushions when you read this article. The dictionary describes "Sympo Inra" as "a convivial feast ending with an intellectual treat comprising extracts from the writings and say ings of a number of people on a giv en subject" Unfortunately, the convivial part f today's feast must be limited, so far as I am concerned, to a flow of words. You to whom they are addressed may augment that simple menu accord ing to circumstances and your own Incli nation. The symposium el ement, however, will Include information of varied character, pQISOUA iyr gleaned from various sttAN sources and especial ly arranged In honor of the many friends who have honored me with their beauty problems. Their letters came while I was ab sent. I had not Intended to tell ou that I was away, but it's too good to keep. I went on a honeymoon trip. I hope you will forgive me, but I Quite forgot all about freckles and crooked noses and thin eyebrows and flappy ears. Not until I returned and saw all your letters did my con science smite me. Some of your In quiries I will answer briefly now. Those correspondents who enclosed stamped envelopes for personal re plies will receive detailed information by mall. Meanwhile, these general answers may be of benefit to other anxious beauty culturlsts. Mrs. I asks If the hump on her nose can be removed. I have not seen her nose nor the hump but judge mat a competent surgeon could easily bring about the desired Improvement. I know one doctor who makes specialty of correcting pug, dished, humped, crooked, bent, broad, flat. narrow, uptllted or long nose, flar ing nostrils, falling septum and all other defects of the nose. Such specialist can be found In any large city. Ask your own physician or Inquire at any surgical hospital for tbe address of a reliable surgoon specialising in that line. K. E. J. asks four questions. She wants to know how to reduce a dou ble chin, if a vibrator Is beneficial for the face, what is the best cream to use and what kind of powder Is best for a dry, sensitive skin. Dashing cold water on the chin and neck and rubbing lumps of ice over them is said to drive away de posits of fat. The head should be field high so that the chin will not bury itself In the neck. Sleep with the head on a small pillow and have tbe chin massaged. A rubber band age could be used at night to hold the flesh In place, or even a thin, soft towel can be fastened securely over the chin. By causing free per spiration this gradually reduces the flesh. In massage the fingers of each hand should be placed on the back of the neck near the base of the brain, with thumbs under the chin and palms up. The tnumos snould pass, with heavy, rotary movement over the rolls of flesh from the chin to each' side toward the ears. A solution made of three parts camphor water and one part alcohol Into which the fingers can be dipped fre quently aids the value of the mas sage. It Is Impossible to mention In print special preparations for cold cream and powder. A reliable drug gist can suggest the cream and pow der best adapted to a dry, sensitive skin and, for the sake of his own rep utation as a druggist, will certainly not recommend anything Injurious. A vibrator Is usually beneficial, especially If some good, pure cream or a flesh food Is applied to the face before tbe machine, Just as would be done if the massage were given by aand. Dottle's question can be answered only partially this time. To develop any part of the body the muscles must be strengthened and stimulated to Increase the deposition of adipose tissue. For this purpose the uee of a vacuum massage cup Is better and more gently effective thaa manual treatment. It should be given daily, together with a liberal use of cocoa butter, olive oil or lanolin. There . .. -.-ii i i n imm imm'IiMHP should be no hard pressure. The ob ject Is merely to stimulate the cir culation of the blood In a gentle manner, causing It to deposit new tissue In the part of the body mani pulated and developing it to almost any desired sue. Berore the mas sage, however, warm water should be applied to soften the skin and open the pores; after the massage cold water should be used. Mrs. W. has tried various depila tories without benefit but I am sure if she will try Electrolysis she will have no more trouble with the super fluous growth on her chin. tu. a. says me suipnur and sage mixtures make her white hair look yellow. She asks If "walnut" Is any gooa. i wrote so mucn about gray hair In a previous article that It seems hardly necessary to write more. No dye can be used for gray ing nair mat wm not oe more or less apparent. Where one prepara tion may tend to give the hair a yel lowisn iook me otner win give It a dead, false appearance far more un lovely and really more Indicative of advancing years than the natural gray hair. Help the gray hair along by an effective coiffure and Instead of killing It with lotions, stimulate Its life and lustre by the very best of care. L. II. Is troubled with an oily scalp. That Is a condition that ac tually requires treatment and will have to be answered by a letter be cause she must have a medical pre scrlptlon. One thing she must not do and that Is to continually wash her hair, thinking that soap and water will eliminate the grease. A few hours after a shampoo her hair will be as greasy as ever. The rea son Is that the glands are not per forming their functions properly. An ZEDA-LEE Saves One Broom T tEREare marry vmya by which a persoa can economize. Litllewavs with little article of the everyday, very common kind. In the home. lot instance, the housewife can save on such an item as a broom. She fully realizes that if she uses a ZZDA-LLii. VAth the NEW STYLE LEE DROOM ha can cut the sewing after the straw hM worn well up. then with the thread remoned she still has a flexible broom; good for almost again as much sweeping. The fibre shield protects the shoulder against breaking. Underneath this shield the patented construction keeps the broom com in a firm position, and pointed down in a natural way. This is an exclusive feature of theZEDA-LEE, It saves one broom, and makes the NEW STYLE ZEDA-LEE a double service broom. Choose a ZEDA-LEE. Sweep with one and find out why thousands of users feel justified in ha vine elected it for permanency in their homes and EEE BROOM A DUSTER COUPANT BssUo, Mass. tintala, Net. Darsopott. la. Ml til pSjtfdsvUssl astringent lotion is necessary. The chances are that a person with an oily scalp has also a somewhat oily skin. Great care should bo exercised as to Just what astringent lotion Is applied In order that no harm be done. a Mrs. C. as well as L. II. wants a remedy for thin eyebrows and eye lashes. They can be improved but tbe cause of their thinness must first be determined. That which might help Mrs. C. would perhaps not do for L II. The condition of the health and skin must be taken Into consideration, . also whether the lashes and brows have recently fallen out or whether they are Just natur ally thin. To each of these corres pondents I shall write a personal let ter. Miss A. W. W. finds glycerine and rose water soothing and beneficial to her face but .fears its constant use may produce unpleasant results. I have never heard that preparation was In the least degree harmful pro viding the person who uses it need ed it. In this case It produces a pleasant, soothing effect which would seem to indicate that It Is Just what Is required. Personally I do not like the preparation for the reason that it does not agree with my hands and face. It makes them feel sticky and greasy, therefore I do not use it. For the same reason I do not use cam phor ice. Many people like camphor Ice and find It beneficial. This symposium Is finished for to day but I haven't, come to the end of my list, by any means. I sigh when I contemplate the future for, like Tennyson's "Brook", Honeymoons may come and Honey moons may go, but Beauty Culture goes on forever. (Copyright 1920, Universal Serv ice Syndicate.) The world la now In debt $200, 000,000.000. But of course that is nos as had as Its looks much of the money Is owed right at home. Girls wanted at Alliance Steam Laundry. tf suppose the price of corduroy will go so high that wearing It will bo tantamount to a confession of profit eerlng. 421rls wanted at Alliance Steam Laundry. tf We Grind Our Own Lenses Drake & Drake Doctors of Optometry Glasses Accurately Fitted All the Latest Styles In Frames and Mountings California high school teachers (of the masculine persuasion, of course) have agreed to wear corduroy trous ers as a protest against the excessive cost of regular pan', j, nn 1 now we Clean Up Now and AVOID THE RUSH A little later In the season you'll have to wait your turn.. Use the phone today. PROMPT SERVICE NOW Sam Shelton Phone B7S Herald' Campaign! Ends Saturday Night flna Po era O ne for Particulars of How Campaign Will Close BROOMS' iCsbJ SfMsWpofMknt I hj mafwlMim f At The First State Bank at 8 O'clock : Sharp The stage is set for the final scene of the greatest prize distribution ever held in Western Nebraska. Some one will win a prize equal to a small fortune. .The time is short. If yon wish to help your favorite over the top ACT AT ONCE. Concentration, determination, effort and action NOW are worth more than all the regrets in the world after the race has been lost For Economical Tractor Operation Perfection Kerosene Oil keeps tractors working at highest efficiency. It provides the engine with dependable power that is maintained all day long without let-up. You may get more work done more acres plowed, harrowed or harvested, at least cost when you use Per fection Kerosene Oil. Perfection Kerosene Oil mixes evenly and burns up completely. Every drop is converted Into power end without choking up the engine with carbon, dirt or sediment. For best results, standardize on clean, dependable ( Perfection Kerosene Oil. Telephone our nearest agent end be will arrange for immediate delivery of Perfection Kerosene Oil in any quantity. For gasohr.e-bunung engines use Red Crown uasoune. List of Prizes lst..Reo Six Touring Car, ft 1085 2nd. . . .Round Trip to California 8rd $30 In Gold 4th $33 Gold Wafch 5th $23 Gold Watch 6th Eastman Kodak 7 th Ansco Camera 8th Gold Pendant Vote Schedule For Last Week of Campaign 1 year's subscription 2 years' subscription 3 years' subscription 4 years' subscription 5 years' subscription And 80,000 extra votes for cxery $20 club of subscriptions turned in rotes 800 . 4,000 . 7,500 .10,000 .15,000 AN APPRECIATION The Herald takes this opportunity to compliment the many candidates in the Prize and Auto Campaign for the excellent work done to date. Hundreds of new sub scriptions have been added to the Herald list, making its circulation the largest of any Western Nebraska newspaper. These subscriptions are a big asset, not only to the paper but to the community as well. In selecting prizes to be awarded only the beet were considered. Whoever wins the Reo Six is assured of a brand new car of sterling worth. The other prizes are in keeping with the liberal lines along which the entire contest has been drawn. But a few days remain in the campaign. To those who win, the heartiest congratu lations are due; to those who fail we can truthfully say that they did well and are de serving of commendation.' The campaign is now in the hands of the judges. The campaign manager has nothing more to do with the campaign his duties ended last Saturday. Mr. Bray ton has proved himself fair in all matters and The Herald takes this opportunity to publicjy acknowledge that the trust it placed in him has been lived op to to the letter. Immediately after the close of the campaign the voting records will be an open book. If you think your competitor did not work and turn in the business come down to the Herald office at any time and see for yourself. Any contestant, or his or her representative, will be privileged to check up the records. In conclusion the Herald again wishes to compliment the many partlciiants in this campaign. The end is but a few days away, and this expression of good will is made in advance knowing that every contestant realizes that he or she has had, and will have, an absolutely square deal. ! ''i : STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Nebraska) REO SIX, 1,985. GRAND CAPITAL PRIZE Purchased from the A. II. JONES CO. Omaha