TWELVE THE ALLIANCE HERALD. FRIDAY, APRIL 23, 1920. The HORACE BQGUE STORE 1 COUNT AI H 3 j. BIS o LADIES' COATS AND DRESSES penin Saturday April 4th LADIES' COATS Cape Coats and Dolman effects. Also Sport Coats . an straight line Tailored Coats in Camels Hair, Polo Cloth, Gold Tone, Velour, Tricotine, Serges. Also Silk Taffeta and Satin and Tricotine combinations in Dolman effects, strictly Tailored Coats of Trico tine and Serge, Sport Coats of Polo Cloth and Tweed ell going at a Discount of 3356 LADIES' DRESSES All Silk Taffeta draped, pleat ed and ruffled effects, all of the best quality of Chiffon, Taffeta in all the wanted shades Black, avy, French Blue, pret ty Tans and(Browns. All new this spring going for this sale at 33 1-3 per cent discount 33Vs Discount Ladies' Coats $152, 33 $127 33 $ 92 33 $ 65, 33 $ 78 33 $ C7, 33 $ 58 33 $ 47 33 $ 39 33 $ 32 33 .50 Values 1-3 Per Cent oil .50 Values 1-3 Per Cent Off . .50 Values 1-3 Per Cent Off . .50 Values 1-3 Per Cent Off .50 Values 1-3 Ter Cent Off .50 Values 1-3 Per Cent Off .50 Values 1-3 Per Cent Off .50 Values 1-3 Per Cent Off .50 Values 1-3 Per Cent Off .50 Values 1-3 Per Cent Off $101.75 J85.00 z$62.50 J57.50 J52.50 J45.50 J39.50 431.75 J26.50 $22.50 Ladies Silk Wasits at 25lo Discount Georgette, Taffeta and Satin "Waists "in all the wanted shades an all new models Beaded and Hand Embroidered, all going at a Discount of 25 Per Cent. Ladies9 Silk Hose at 25co Discount All Silk lloso, also Fibre Silk, Values from $1.50 to $5.00 in all shades, at a Discount of 25 Per Cent. Ladies9 Dresses $125.00 Values 33 1-3 Per Cent Off $112.50 Values 33 1-3 Per Cent Off $ 92.50 Values 33 1-3 Per Cent Off $ 85.50 Values -. 33 1-3 Per Cent Off $ 78.50 Values 33 1-3 Per Cent Off $ 67.50 Values 33 1-3 Per" Cent Off $ 58.50 Values 33 1-3 Per Cent Off $ 47.50 Values 33 1-3 Per Cent Off $ 39.50 Values 33 1-3 Per Cent Off $ 32.50 Values 33 1-3 Per Cent Off LADIES' SUITS $83.50 $75.00 $62.50 $57.50 $52.50 $45.50 $39.50 $31.75 $26.50 $22.00 Discount Tricotine, Poiret Twill, Serges and Velour. All new this season models in a big range of styles going at . . Discount The HORACE BOGUE STOR OTTO ZAMZOW, Manager