-KKUIIAHKA MOWS NOT 14 OF TIHItTyTHIlE13 TEAKS AGO The city council ot Hastings Is jtrcoplns through the dark passage of a street railway charter. The Dixon rouaty Ja.l Iiai but one inmate. The railroad will probably rcnch Ord by July 15. Corn ecllinc In Fairmont ot 12 cents a bushel. The cocoonery at Beatrice contains 200.000 silk worms. Tennessee pa ties will establish a distillery at Hat tie Creek. Wealthy gentlemen ate erecting a large livery barn at Lyons. A new county Is to be formed out of the southeast corner of Custer. Chadron has an organized fire de partment with a membership of fifty. Dlaine county has been organized, with Brewster as te county seat. L. II. Rust of Red Cloud claims to liave picked 3,042 boxes of straw berries from one acre this season. Indian Agent Wright has received orders to expel all white men not married to Indian women from Rose Dud agency. Fremont county ranchmen are tMs year paying a great deal of attention to alfalfa raining, to the exclusion of srain. Crete is harvesting vast quantities of Ice from the Blue river and ship ping it to surrounding towns. The town council of Tecumseh has closed up three saloons, causing a loss to the treasury of $2,100 a year. James Nelson, of Batsora, Ord county, was thrown from his horse on the lonely prairie last week and frozen to death. Several Tlattsmouth lads broke open and robbed a freight car of 360 boxes of matches. The parental switch was put into action. The tramp nuisance continues -worrying the men and frightening the women of Blair. A fluent poul tice of sole leather would prove a wonderful disinfectant. A riattsmouth widow has a monkey that gets drunk every night, and she says that if it would only snore in Its sleep it would be a good substitute for her late husband. O'Neil's ccurt liouso continues to attract the attention of public of ficials of economical tendencies. For elze, convenience and cost it Is a model for young and growing coun ties. The court room will seat 500 persons. A mad dog raided Battle Creek, Madlr.on county, l;:i-t week mil bit two cows, a colt and a dog before It was dispatched. There animals were on George Harmon's farm and nil died. Mr. Harmon was bitten by the colt Just before its deith, nml prive fears are felt of the consequences. A proposition has been submitted I 120,000 In bonds In aid of the Union Pacific extension. Schuyler sent two youthful toughs to the reform school last Saturday. They were charged with stealing luTrb r and coal. A gurglar was caught in the act of loading himself with "weepins" in a gun store In Walioo, and tendered the freedom of the Jail. Residents of Broken Bow and An sel mo threaten to run a hack line in opposition to the caboose end cattle train accommodations afforded by the railroad. A Nebraska City bachelor declares that the girls down there are so anx ious to get married that a man "so homely that the reflection of his face will dent a new milk pan," can get a dozen offers in a day without asking And yet that wrinkled crust of use lessness has waded through fifty years, blissfully unconscious of the Joys of home and children. The girls should stab him to death with hair pins. John Barintho left North Tlatte Inst Friday to walk to his homestead eighteen miles distant, in the teeth of a cutting norther. He was advised not to start, but; disregarding the warning, he left that city at 11 o'clock, and must have wandered in the storm all day and at night Fri day. Becoming cold and bewildered, he took off his scarf, folded it for a pillow, and laid down to die. His body was found Sunday about three miles from his home. The remains were taken to Grand Island for burial. ANGORA Mrs Claude Atwell Is reprted ill at her home east of the depot. Geo. A. Dane left for his home at Cairo Saturday morning after a few days stay with relatives. J. R. Kelly arrived this week from Omaha. George Felrl spent the week end In Angora for a very good reason. Ho couldn't get out to his home on ac count of the storm. Mis Verginta Rosenburger was in Alliance between trains Thursday. School was closed Monday and Tuesday of this week account of the bad weather. The Bert Setlcr family were in Bridgeport shopping last week. George Mlsek, wife and children attended Catholic Mlnslon at Bridge port Thursday night. Number of cases of chicken pox are reported In this community but none of the victims have been ser iously ill. John Sharpman lost a cow and calf In the storm Sunday. W. V. Dove shipped In four cars of cattle Friday evening from Denver, which he had to hold In the stock yards until Wednesday account of the snow. P. B. McCauley, W. N. Thompson, W. R. McCrofky and J. W. Perkins served on the election board Tuesday The day passed very quietly with but few votes cast. W. N. Thompson has returned from a business trip to Omaha. B, M. Kelly spent the week end In Alliance. Many of the farmers around An gora, while greatly Inconvlenced by the recent snow are rejoicing that the moisture will greatly benefit the spring crops. Several farmers and stockmen have sustained Iobscs this week ac count of the snow storm. Bert Hutch in son lost six head of cattle and Tom King several head. The Poultry meeting which was to have been at the Kelly home Wednes day has been postponed until May, The exact date will be announced later. The Trl C'a met last Saturday with Mrs. James W. Perkins. The after noon was spent in cards. At four o'clock the hostess served a delight ful two course lunch consisting of creamed chicken in patties, nut bread, sandwiches, tomato and cu cumber salad, wafers, pineapple whip, Baited almonds and coffee. The table was decorated in pink and white carnations. Mrs. Perkins al ways entertains in a charming man ner and this time seemed to be the nicest of all. The club meets with Mrs. W. N. Thompson May 6. Senior class ilay "Safety First' conies April 23. 41 Owing largely to wood alcohol and experiments in home made booze, the fool killer expects to be pretty busy for a while. ' The deported reds have announced they intend to work in Russia to bring about revolution in the United States. However they may not find absent treatment as effectual as they threatened it will be. At least, we have scored strongly in getting rid of them. HOW TO HEAL LEO SORES A wonderful treatment that heals leg sores for Varicose Ulcers without pain or knife is described in a new book which readers may get free by writing a card or letter to Dr. H. J. WMttler, Suite 19, 1109 McGee. Kansas City, Mo. (Junel2) Baby Chick Food We have a good supply of this Baby Chick Food, com posed of ingredients which assist the healthy and consistent growth of the little chicks. Our price r N BABY CHICK FOOD, 24 LB. SACK $1.25 BABY CHICK FOOD, 100 LB. SACK $6.00 We are successors to O'Bannon Bros, and will continue to handle the same lines that were carried by them : Feed, Flour, Coal, Grain and Hides The public is extended a cordial invitation to call and be come acquainted. We will welcome an opportunity to serve you in any way. Melick & Stephenson 0. H. STEPHENSON, Ur. ' ffGFORD ALLIANCE CRAWFORD Molke hi ni TK Mil I 3 KM II M II r I I HI 0 The name Moline on Farm Machii is a Brand of Quality Either Runner on Disc Openers the Store with Repairs on Hand Moline o Company's Line MOLINE, ILLINOIS 1 ftsw We have everything good that M Plow Company makes Moline-Grain Drills Moline-3 Lever Disc Harrow Moline-Drag Harrows Moline-Lister and Planters We are here for your Business. A coniparis prices will convince you. Every Thing Guaranteed an Repairs on Hand TV T IT n r TTT n ivieiicK g neomon