TI1E ALLIANCE HERALD. TUESDAY, MARCH 16, 1920. SEVEN WANT TO BUT omathlncT Hun 4 red a af peopl weakly acan theaa want ad columna looking; for what yaw or othara hava to offer. Oat quick raaulu by advartlalng In Tha Heralc Want Ad depart lent.. HU SALE CITY PROPERTY FIVE room Bungalow, all modern. close In; bargain. See Nebr. Land Co. if FOK SALE IlAY FXfiTsAliPlW'to Octave L. Klcken, Ellsworth, Neb. 34 FOK SALE HOUSE FIVE ROOMS and bath. Compara tively close In. Want to deal di rect for cash; no agents. Price $4200. Inquire No. 05, Afllance Herald, tf FPU BALK -LEGAL BLANKS LEGAL BLANKS All kinds, at The Herald Office. FOR SALEOLD NEWSPAPERS OLD NEWSPAPERS 6c a package, at The Herald Office. for sale on terms fraTeneflms room, modern house, 2 baths. Nettle M. Campbell. Phone 712; 506 Cheyenne Ave. tf M-aMaaBaaaBaMMBMaMaMaaaBaaaBMaHaHvaaBM FOR SALE TRACTORS FOR SALE One nearly new Ford son; one 20 horsepower Interna tional in good shape; one Case steam engine with steel tender; one Hieder 1225 in good shape. F. A. Clark, tf FOR SALE USED CARS FOR SALE Good used cars. A. H. Jones. Company, Masonic Temple Bldg. tf FOR RENT ROOMS FOR RENT Sleeping room in all modern home; close in. Phone Red 186. tf WANTED -KAGS THE HERALD will pay 7c a pound for good, clean, white rags. WANTED I IOUSEKEEPER WANTED Middle aged lady to kei p house for a family of three. No children or washing. Call phone 87. tr LOST LOST A black muff, very valuable, Finder please return to Herald office and receive reward. tf WANTED DAY WORK NEAT, reliable colored girl wishes day work. 211 Laramie (in rear). tf FOR SALE EGCJS FOR HATCHING FO"R SALE Single comb Bull Or pington eggs for hatching from prize winning and tested laying strains. Phone 212. Mrs. J. A. Keegan. tf WANTED PLOWING: WANTED To contract plowing not less than 100 acres. You can see me at L. O. Smith's or phone to No, 757. J. J. Brecht, A. O. Rogers. 36p FOR BALE LIVE STOCK FOR SALE My entire Dairy Herd; tuberculin tested and passed by the state; and one registered Holsten Bull. D. E. Purinton. Phone Birch 8011, Alliance. tf CARD OF THANKS We take this means of expressing oiir thanks and appreciation to the friends and neighbors for the many acts of kindness and assistance dur ing the recent illness and death of our beloved mother, and for the beautiful flowers that were placed on her casket. B. V. Reeves, Mrs. B. L. Ellsworth, S. C. Reeves. 31 POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT ANNOUNCEMENT I hereby announce that I will be a candidate for the democratic nom ination for county commissioner from the First district, subject to the will of the voters at the April pri mary. I have been a resident of Box Butte county for thirty-four years, and believe I am fitted for the posi tion. If chosen, I will serve the peofle of the county to the best of my ability. 32 JOSEPH DUHON. HOW TO HEAL LEO SORBS A wonderful treatment that heals leg sores or Vartcese Ulsers without pain or knife Is described in s new book which readers may get free by writing a card or letter to Dr. H. J. WhlUIer, Suite If, . 10 HeOoe, Kansas City, Mo. (Junell) SCHEDULE OF VOTES AND SUBSCRIPTION RATES OF THE ALLIANCE HERALD The price of the Twlce-a-Week Herald up to and Including April 3 Is $2.60 per year. After April 3 the price will be $3.00 per year. FIRST PERIOD Embracing the first four weeks (terminating April 3), the follow ing number of rotes will be Issued for subscriptions: 1 year ..... $ 2.50 1.500 2 years . . 6. 00 8,000 3 years .......... 7.60....12,500 4 years . . 10. 00... ..17,000 5 years . 12.50 25,000 The above schedule of votes for subscription, which is on a declining scale basis, positively will not be changed during the competition. However, a special ballot, good for 50,000 votes, will be issued for every "club" of $20 turned In. This arrangement will be In effect throughout the entire campaign and Is to be considered a part of the regular schedule. There will be no extra vote offers during this campaign. Re member this and lay your plans accordingly. No subscription will be accepted for less than one year, nor more than five years In advance Irom any one contestant. ORDER FOR HEARING In the County Court of Box Butte County, Nebraska. In the Matter of the Estate of Jobo Sanchei, De ceased. To All Persons Interested In the Estate of Jose Sanchei, Deceased: You are hereby notified that on the 21st day of February, 1920, Kondelorea Sanchea filed ber peti tion in the County Court of Box Butte County, Nebraska, for the ap pointment of Glenn Miller, as Ad ministrator of the Estate of the said Jose Sanchez, Deceased, and that the same will be heard In the County Court room in the City of Alliance, Box Butte County, Nebraska, on the 30th day of March, 1920, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. . It is further ordered that notice of said hearing bo given to all per- Eons interested in said estate by pub lication of this notice for three con secutive weeks in The Alliance Her ald, a legal newspaper printed, pub lished, and circulated In Alliance, Box Butte County, Nebraska. IRA E. TASII, (SEAL) County Judge. LEE BASYE, Attorney.,. Pub. March 5-26 incl. After you eat always take ATONIC (T6R YOUR AODSTQMACrD Instantly relieves Heartburn. Bloat ed Gassy Feeling. Stops food souring, repeating, and all stomach miseries. Aids digestion and appetite. Keep etomach eweet and trong. Increama Vitality and Pep. EATONIC tha twit remedy. Teat of thoa. Band wonderfully benefited. Only eoeta a cent or two a day to we it. positively guaranteed to pleaae or we wlU refund money. Oet a bis box today. You will aee. F. J. BREXNAN Alliance, Nebraska INFLUENZA starts with a Cold Kill tha Cold. At the first neeza take . HILL'S CASCARA&MUININ Stand, remedy for 20 years tablet form kale, sure, no breaks up a cold In Z4 relieves grip in 3 dayi. v back if it fails. The genuine box hat a Red p wits Mr. inn picture. At All Drat Sfr M I ViW. i l v x HOT SPRINGS CLINIC MEDICAL AND SURGICAL SPECIALISTS I Internal Medicine, Surgery, Eye Ear Nose & Ihroat J XVlllflvH JJJclllUvT, A J Vol! k TWonlendid Hospitals TJie Jtetioital :i!!iiiiiniragsg DRAKE & DRAKE OPTOMETRISTS LEN H HP A w if - isw-,M r . I i r.3!!nil!!i:i!!!l Undertaking PARLORS - 128 West Third Street Telephone Day 311 SECOND PERIOD Embracing th. fifth and sixth weeks (terminating April 17), the following number of votes will be issued for subscriptions: 1 year $ 3.00 1,000 2 years - 6.00 ...... 6,000 3 years . 9.00 10,000 4 years 12.00 .15.000 5 years .. . 15.00 20,000 Copyright by Rice Feature Service, 1919. Ees Tlint Charm Other Eye Someone, I thing it was Shake speare" wrote a sonnet about a par ticular light that dwelt in women's eyes. True, the writer declared In the next line that that same light had been his heart's undoing but that was his fault, not woman's. lie should have iad his heart better guarded. The reason so many men complain about women's eyes Is simply because of their own care lessness. If a man is not eye-proof he should not risk gazing into any woman's eyes, especially is she knows how to use them well. I have no sympathy for any man who complains about the charm of feminine eyes, because no man ad mires a woman un less she has beauti ful eyes. Man, I have discovore, is a con trary animal. II e wants his women folk beautiful. When they are beautiful he raves and tears his hair if anyone looks with admiration upon them. If a out with him and SIHSCIUA DEAN woman walks people appear to notice her he tells her to go home and take off her war paint, or that her hat looks like the deuce, and what's the matter with her, anyway. When she acts upon his advice he frankly comments upon the attractive appearance or the modish gown of some other woman and concludes with the query, "Why don't you get a dress like that?" or "What's the reason you never look like other women?" A man will marry a woman with beautiful eyes and then spend the rest of his life worrying because she possesses them. She weeps their beauty away and he promptly in forms her that she looks old and haggard. With equal promptness he basks in the light from some other woman's eyes and then, presto, he writes a Bon.net, or signs his name to a divorce petition bemoaning his heart's undoing. - The only thing for women to do Is to pay no attention to man's varga rles in this respect. Your eyes are your own. Don't let what he says worry you. The truth is, man loves that light that lies In woman's eyes and likes to be dazzled by Its rays. If not, why does he smile and fairly purr with delight whenever some skilled charmer openly "vamps" him across the footlights, at the cabar- V JlUUfJIV LttlUUja IUJ VI Medical Block Health Resort :;ninii! Glasses Accurately Fitted w Dupl!r "7 818 Box Butte Ave. Ihone 121 MIIXFO Night 523 Red . 1 MM tct -itf THIRD PERIOD Embracing the seventh and last week (terminating April 24), the following number of votes will be Issued for subscriptions: 1 year $ 3.00 . 800 2 years 6.00 4,000 8 years . 9.00 7,600 4 years . . 12.00.......10,000 6 years 15.00 16,000 BKcflla Dean ctte, or even at the church festival? I repeat, he Is a real devotee of the light irresistible. It devolves upon you to keep that light bright. Whether he lets it become his In spiration or his demoralization Is a responsibility which he must assume. Of course, the moral Is, If the moth dors not want to be singed it must keep away from tho candle. I have noticed very few wlso mothH. Anyway, the matter of beautiful eyes is really important. Too many women unintentionally nbuse their eyes. Lines, puffs and wrinkles are not attractive frames for eyes of any color. Did you every try strong tea, cooled and filtered, as an eye bath to strengthen and tone up lids that are becoming flabby? If not, you will bs surprised how much it will help. Do you bathe your eyes often? You ought to do so. use hot water, and rinse with cool water con taining a pinch of salt. It will keep the tired lines away and will also make the eyes clear and brilliant. A little boric or boraclc acid added to a half tumbler of slightly warm water is excellent if the eyes feel tired or irritated. I have often used a camphor water eye wash made by putting two grains of borax in two ounces of camphqr watef. This should be dropped into the eyes sev eral times a day. If you shed tears occasionally the inflammation which results can be drawn out bv applying over the lid a cloth soaked in hot water, renew ing several times as the inflamma tion subsides. This i3 not, however, guaranteed to draw the ache out of the heart. Perhaps you are worrying about the dark rings under your eyes and think your health seriously impaired Don't be too sure about that. The chances are that you have merely caused an Impairment of the chem ical constitution of the blood or an Impoverishment of the system by too much reading, over-study, lack of sleep, or dissipation of one kind or another. No use trying to correct the defect until you remove the cause. External treatment will not help In such case. But once the cause is removed you can soon improve your appear ance by bathing the face under tht eyeB with cold water and then using gentle friction. A little turpentine liniment may be rubbed into the sum daily, or weak ammonia one part to four of water but care must be taken not to let either get into the eyes. Styes are usually the re sult of an impoverished condition of the system. You can exercise your eyes, the same as any other part of your body, by looking slowly around as far to the right as possible, then to the left, then upward, then down without moving the head and each time com ing back to the position of "eyes front." In letting the light of your eyes , shine, don't get the Idea lhat I ad vise going into training as a "vamp. ; All you need do Is cultivate a love- ! ly character and then let your eyes clearly express that character. They j will do their part without any effort ' on yours. Never trust a person who , avoids looking you In the eye. A clear, steady eye is said to be a good . sign, while a shifting, constantly moving eye Is the reverse. I nave read that yeuowisn eyes generally denote a passionate na ture; that the natural coquette has deep blue eyes; eyes with a greenish hue are usually Jealous, and gray eyes denote keen Intelligence. Drown eyes are supposed to belong to kind, happy temperament, and black eyes to an Intensely loving nature. Phrenologists say that these gen eral attributes are controlled to considerable degree by other fea tures, so this Interpretation of green blue and brown signal lights may not be considered entirely Infallible. Inquisitive eyes that suddenly grow warm when they look at you are not to be trusted to any great extent Such persons are usually much more Interested In their own concerns than they are In you. They will pnly cultivate you for their own betterment. When you laugh do not cultivate the habit of wrinkling up your eyes more than necessary. Little by little such a habit will be sure to produce , innumerable small lines and wrin kles that will appear long before age demands their appearance. The reason that the eyes of screen stars appear more attractive than those of other women Is because they have trained their eyes to express, not hide, their emotions. They ars told to open their eyes wide and keep them open. If your eye-lashes or brows are thin and Indistinct It doe no harm and improves the appear ance Immensely to pencil them slightly, providing the penciling Is not apparent. It can be done so well that even your closest friends will not detect It. The lashes and brows add much to the expression of th eyes and should not bo neglected. Vaseline will Improve them. . Us ing a brush on the brows will make them smooth and even. Don't begin the practice of cutting and shaping them unless It seems necessary. Ultimately the process will make them stiff and heavy. No doubt every man whose wife reads what I have written about eyes will yearn to change the color of my eyes, but distance lends safety as well as enchantment so I shall con tinue tho even tenor of my way, even If he does misquote the poet's verse and say: "The light that lTes'ln women's eyes And lies and lies, and lies and lies." ItlUL ESTATE- TRANSFERS Reported by J. D. Emerlck, bond ed abstracter, First National bank building, Alliance, Neb.: Edwin II. Chamber and wife to M. Hutton and W. L. Clark. Ntf 1-26-48. 35-27-48, $28,000. Chas. S. Harr, single, et al., to Marion Hutton et al., N 9-26-50, 18,560. William A. Randall and wife to M. Hutton and W. L. Clark, NVV4 11. NEtf 10-26-52, WV4 1. NWVi 12. EM and SW4 2-26-52, $43,520. Will It. Carter and wife to Homer Clipson, one-half interest In WV4 14-27-49, $9,600. Elizabeth Howard and husband to M. Hutton and William L. Clark, W 15-27-50, $22,400. Harry O. Yost and wife to Homer Clipson, one-half Interest in V'4 14-27-49, $10,400. James O. Kennedy and wife to William AIcElfresh, SWV4 23-26-49, $9,600. Itosie S. Kennedy and husband to Arthur H. Anderson, NE',4 5-27-51, $6,400. Clara Napelschander, single, to Charles A. Root, NV4 20-27-49, $31.- 850. Harvey II. Sedore and wife to UN R. Mitchell, E4 11, of SV4 12-26-52, $10,000. Walter Woodhead and wlfo to Ray M. Garwood. NVa 6-24-50, $8,000. Ray Beckwlth and wife et al., to Jay O. Walker, NV' 27-25-47, $6 800. E. I Meyer, referee, to Mary Slucka, NW4 27-27-52, $3,200. D. II. Fishburn, widower, to E. T Kibble. E 7-25.-47, $13,760. Louisa A. Shanks and husband to Herbert M. Anderson, lot 1, block 8 First addition to Alliance, $600. Marion Hutton and husband to C W. Hutton. NE4 10-27-52. $4,000. Robert Armstrong and wife to Frank Morrow, SE4 5-27-51, $8, 800. Emil J. Winten, single, to Georpe W. Read, SEU 31-27-52, $5,600. George M. Jenkins and wife to Gust E. reterson, third 50 feet or block F, Pierce's subdivision to Hem- ingford, $3,000. Delia Strong and husband to Au gusta G. SlmpBon, lot 1, block W, Sheridan addition to Hemingford, $3,400. Wellington Lyon and wife to Ben- jamin F. Price, fourth 50 feet of block F, Pierce's subdivision to Hem ingford, $3,200. Talma pe Loo in is Investment com pany to William M. Purden and Philip J. Michael, W of 33-27-48 $10,560. Buell Estes and wife to Harold Mortensen, NE'4 33-27-49, $7,600. Harold Mortensen, single, to Jesse T. Metheny, NEVi 33-27-49, $8,000. James V. rotmeisel and wife to Henry Rath, NW4 12-27-51, $6,400. George M. Jenkins and wife to Martin Forsling. SE4 25-26-50, $8, 100. Keith L.. Pierce, executor, to Oli ver W. Andrews, lots 7 and 8, block 17, original town of. Hemingford, $500. ' David Babblngton, single, to Mary A. Ward, NEK 28-2-49, $8,000. BETTER DEAD Life is b tu'-de-i when the body is racked vth po?n. very thins worries rnd the victim tveomso despondent sAi d'vnhearted. To bring back tba sunshine tko GOLD MEDAL Tha national ratnedy rf Hoard for ovar 200 yaara; it l enemy of all pains ra tal a ng (rout kidney, liver and uric acid wuuUda. AU i!giis, three abas. far & ae CU MUI ea try I x accent ita iauUAimt TOM STALOS Groceries & Meat Market We Deliver Any Place and Any Time PHONE 753 Qufek Service Electrio PHONE 260 Under lllghland-llolloway Co. Alliance - . - - ' Nebraska Nitrous Conductive Oxide Anesthesia DR. W. J. MAIIAFFY DENTIST Alliance Nebraska Not Medicine Not Surgery Nt Osteopathy . Dr. Annie Graham Jeffrey Chiropractor Graduate Palmer Bcliool , Telephone 803 Wllon Building Alliance . - - . Nebraska GEORGE J. HAND, M. D. Asthma and liny Fever Eye, Eur, Nose and Throat niONB 287 Call a aaawcred f ram OIS.ce) elay It-fct L. A. BERRY Lawyer ROOM 9 RUMMER BLOCK PHONE 9 ALLIANCE, N lull It ASK A DR. EINAR V. ELAK Rfedlrlne and Sura'ry Sprrlaltyi Kyr, F.ar, Moie Ihroat and l.unara Glaa Cnrrfully I llf omre In Mnllrry Ulork rhoneai Office 104, llraldeuea 10S L. W. BOWMAN Physician and Surgeon aisvs nox nun ALIJANCK, KEUUASItA Harry P. Coursey AUCTJONEKU Live .fttotk and General Farm Bales Phone 001 Alliance J. D. EMERICK Bended Abstracter ,1 hava (be anlr art af Abatraal Baaka la Baa Bafta Coaniy. First National ltank Bldg. Dr. E. B.'0'Kcefe DENTIST Over llarpf r St re Phone 101Z8 AliJa..ce, Nibr. 0. E. Nelson Lawyer DENTON UlILDIXCJ L. E. Bliss FARMER AUCTIONEER live Stock a Specialty Phone Birch 8182, Alliance Real Estate, Loans and Insor wee. F. E. REDDISH, Reddish Block. tf MOVE-FURNITURE SAFELY We have equipped our dray wag ons and auto truck with the lateat appliance! for moving furniture with out marring, scratching or damaging. Up-to-date wagon pads will be used by us on all moving jobs, if JOHN R. SNYDER, Phone 15. Paupers In an English institution are U be allowed to choose their graves. This ought to be case for lively gratitude, for a daadruff epidemic. Oar ltoaeer ancestors might never have broken the wilderness had they dreamsd that their descendant would ay it cents each for eggs. He kaagwf a one gain distinction by e1si4aitsty mounting the water We01W. '