The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, March 09, 1920, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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A farmer, ehopkoeper, or trnrtmnn
Wt figure tip his net Income for
ad If the farm or bunlneas l.ncomc
fiaa hla other Income waa mifflrlent t
: require an Income tax return a com
'.ftota retirn must be filed with the col.
Sartor of Internal revenue by March 13
A farmer should ascertain the grout
laconic of hla farm by computing all
tgalna derived from the aale or ex.
. ang of hla products, whether pro
'"faced on the farm or purchased nn4
Farm Expense. 1
From hla Rrosa Income a farmer li
' allowed to charge off all of his necest
'jary expenses In the conduct of tin
MUm during the year. These Inclndl
,Mts of planting, cultivating, li arrest,
itaff and marketing. In addition tq
sliese costs he may deduct money spent
ifor ordinary farm tools of short lift
fought during the year, such as Bhov.
- 'da, rakes, etc. Also, the cost of feeV,
- Bvrchased for his live stock may M
I treated as an expense In ao far as this
Coat represents actual outlay, but tin
' Talue of his own products fed to anl-
'Bials Is not a deductible Item.
Other farm expenses allowable ar
- 'the cost of minor repairs on bnlldlnpt
' fbut not the dwelling house), on fences,
'wagons and farm machinery; also bllU
i .ld for horseshoeing, stock powders,
-rock snlv, services ff veterinary, Insur.
,nce (except on dwelling house), goso.
. 'line for operating power and sundrj
$thcr expenses which were paid for In
As to hired help, all the productive
labor Is a deductible expense; but tin
twages of household servants, or helj
v'Mred to Improve the farm,, as In Irei
. .planting, ditching, etc., cannot t
' claimed against earnings. A furmer li
not allowed to claim a snlnry for him
' 'elf or members of his family win
work on the farm.
j. Wear and Tear.
Purchase of farm mnchlnery, wag
oris, work nnlmals, etc., also, the cost
f construction or extension of build
tags, silos, fencing, etc., should be con
aldered additional Investments In tlx
"farm and are not proper deduction!
. against Income.
A reasonable allownncc mny b
claimed for wear and tear on fnrtt
buildings (except the fnnnlmiHi)
' fences, machinery, work nnlmajs, wag-
ns, tnnks, windmills and other farm
.equipment which Is used in the con
v-oct of the farm.
As to nutos and trnctors, the cost of
.these Is not an expense, although (be
coat of their upkeep I an allowable
deduction, If the machines are used ex
delusively for form purposes and not
ifor pleasure. Also, In such cases, a de
duction for wear and tear is allowed.
Farm Losses.
, The loss of a growing crop Is not a
jwoper deduction from Income, InaS'
ooch as the value of the crop bad no
ifeeen taken Into gross Income. Tl
lost of a building or of machinery
'through storm, lightning, flood, etc., la
JB allpwable deduction, but care should,
psed to ascertain the correct loss
nstsTneiT. as iratrtcteT fy mcome fax
regulations. '
No deduction Is allowed In the ease
of loss of animals raised on the farm,
but a loss Is deductible from gross In
come lr the animals nnn ieen pnr
chased for draft of breeding purposes.
Shrinkage In weight or value of farm
products held for favorable market
prices cannot be deducted as a loss, for
he reason that when such products
are sold the shrinkage will be reflected
In the selling price.
8ate of Tarma and Land.
The value of agricultural lands hai
been Jumping during the past few
years, and during 1019 many owners
old out part or all of their lands at
big profits. All such gains constitute
Income and taust be taken Into the net
Income for the year.
Any person who sold part of a farm
or ranch, or part of a parcel of land.
must also show any galna realised by
the sale.
The method ef figuring gains and
losses on such transactions la pre
sented In the Income Tax regulations,
copies of which may be secured from
Internal Revenue Collectors.
Forma for Returns.
The Internal Revenue Bureau has
Issued an Improved Form 1040F for
the use of farmers. This form, to
gether with Form 1040A or 1040. will
give the farmer explicit Information
as to how to property figure his net
Income for 1010.
There are two methods of figuring a
farmer's Income tax return this jear.
lie may make his return on the basis
of the difference between the money
and goods received for bis products
and the cash paid out for actual allow
able farm expenses within the yenr.
Or he may muke bis return on the ac
crual basis, which tnenna computing
the receipts nnd expenses that pertain
to the taxable year, excluding Income
earned nnd expenses Incurred In pre
vious or succeeding yet;rs.
92.50 a year and worth more.
The Alliance quintet left for Ray
ard to play the Dayardites a return
game tonight. The locals returned
from Lincoln with more pep and de
termination to finish the season in a
whirlwind fashion. Thursday night
they play the fast Chadron normal
aggregation, and then close the sea
son with a double-header with. Mor
rill, both boys and gins.
Deshler, which defeated the Alli
ance team in their first and Only
game at the, atat tournament, out
classed the locals In their ability to
make long throws, making three the
last half and overcoming the lead of
Alliance In the first half and winning
the Initial game of class "C." Deshler
went down ot defeat before Dunbar
In the second round. Dunbar de
feated Alliance In the second round
last year.
One western tea mbrought home a
trophy. Kimball was In a class lower
than Alliance, but they had a hard
game with Ansley. After that they
were the favorites in class "D."
This year there will be more activ
ity in spring athletics. All western
schools ar In favor of a track and
field meet. Alliance will do hr
share in being represented and in
copping her share of the medals.
with the
Clylnder Blocks, Frames ami
Transmission Caes a Specialty
George II. Breckner
Tlio Old Weaver Garage
"Here we arc, in tip-top sliape"
"WES, arid that's the way
Chesterfields always arrive
crisp, ficsh and in prime shnpe
for smoldng. It's the extra wrap
per of uioisiure-proof paper that
docs it. Your Chesterfields never
become too moist cr too dry.
u to
I 11 1 Mi litm-iV-i intiirtf"iiinirfHi1r lillni mi I iflwrw. I i i
v ' 11 11 1 l..i,..iJy 1 '11 iV-?"
Thrift in Youth-Comfort
in Old Age
If. while you are young and earning plenty of money, you
will put 'a part of it in this Hank each week, w hen old age
comes you will have a true friend to take care of you bring
ing you comforts denied the less thrifty.
"We have Bcvcral plans, each one with some special point of
interest, but all ending with a good balance in the Bank for
youproviding you follow through to the end of the plan you
Stop in any time and talk it over with one of our officers.
Savings Banks
For Individual Use
For the convenience of our Savings depositors we have secured
these Small Steel Banks for home accumulations. These will
be given away to each of our patrons in the Savings Depart
ment and also to these who open a Savings Account They
make & simple and effective means of keeping odd change
until it assumes enough size to deposit. They will be dis
tributed beginning
ri-55SC:iSSa march era 1
n ri n n n
.m m m Mm
Good workmen can do better work and do it more quickly if
they have Good Tools.
A poor cutting edge not only makes it impossible to turn out a
perfect job, but it means harder work and more time used
than necessary.
Our Tools are made of the best steel, properly tempered and
finished, so you can feel assured of absolute satisfaction with
every piece.
Stanley Bit Braces -
Everlasting Chisel Set, 6 in roll -
"Yankee" Breast Drill - -
Screw Drivers - -
Nail Hammers - - -
Bailey Plane No. 45
Atkins Hand Saws - - -
$1.00 to $6.00
- - $7.75
- - $8.25
25 to $3.50
$1.60 to $2.00
$1.75 to $6.00
Quality Lumber
The one most important con
sideration in buying Lumber
is the Quality.
The labor involved in Build
ing is often greater when
poor Lumber is used, and the
life of the building is short
ened materially.
Compare the prices on our
dependable Quality Lunjber
with what you will have to
pay elsewhere for an inferior
grade and then build for
Forest Lumber Co.
Mi il li
. i i't