THE ALLIANCE HERALD. FRIDAY, MARCH 5, 1920. SEVEN o o pai Will Be Awarded Absolutely Free iALIX Alliance, Nebraska COSTS YOU NOTHING TO ENTER. EVERYBODY WINS. ENTER YOUR NAME IN THE RACE TODAY. pen to Men and Women married or single and Boys arid Girls of more ambitious sort itory. It costs nothing to try for the valuable prizes offered, rewarded for his or her effort. Read this announcement upons and send them in for yourself or friend PIT At PRIZ TI . II i i i i , i 1 I " " The Contest Plan in Brie f Touring Car Valued at $1,985. 00 S EXHIBITION AT THE SHOW ROOMS, RIASONIC TEMPLE. " SIXTH PRIZE 5000 VOTES r Nomination Coupon IN THE HERALD'S BIO AUTOMOBILE AND PRIZE CAMPAIGN Please enter Miss (Mr. or Mrs.) Address EASTMAN KODAK 3V4x5V& Everyone knows the Eastman quality. Purchased from and on exhibition at. llolsten's. . SEVENTH PRIZE ANSCO CAMERA 3 A as a candidate In The Alliance Herald's Automobile and Prize Campaign with 6.000 free ToteB as a starter. Send full Information and complete working outfit. Note Only one nomination blank accepted for each candidate nominated. . it. ce ar ak th 50 - Free Votes - 50 Coupon THE ALLIANCE HERALD AUTOMOBILE AND PRIZE CAMPAIGN Must Be Voted or Mailed on or Before March 11, 1920. Name ... ... . Address , - Any number of these coupons will count 50 rotes each when properly filled out and sent to the Campaign De-- partment of The Alliance Herald on or before the above expiration date. Coupons must be trimmed and put in a package or envelope with number of Totes written on top. 53 .' ANSCO CAMERA 3-A A high-grade Camera, fully guaranteed. One of the best on the market. Purchased from and on exhibition at Thiele's. EIGTH PRIZE SOLID GOLD PENDANT Beautiful chain with pendant set with aqua marina stcne. Purchased from and on exhibi tion at Holsten'a. The object of this prize distribution is two-fold: . priarily. to increase the ever-growing subscription list or The Alliance Herald; to collect advance sub scription payments from present or old subscribers, and at the same time to afford our friends and readers an unparalleled opportunity to profit, and In a big way, through their spare time during the next few weeks. So, it is a plan that works both ways and to the ultimate good of all concerned. In order to gain this end quickly and advan tageously, the most attractive and valuablo list of prizes ever offered by any twice-a-week newspaper In this section has been made ready for distribution among those who participate most heartily. Ambi tion and energy are the only requisites for success. The plnn adopted for the awarding of these prizes is the fairest and most Impartial conceiv able. There will Be no "double votes" or "triple votes" offers, extra prizes or other inducements made during the competition. Neither will there be any long term subscriptions accepted. The plan of the campaign is Btral gut-forward and simple, and is fully outlined in this announcement. Let It be understood that this is not a "beauty" Or "popularity" contest, but a strictly legitimate competitive proposition for wide-awake and hustl-' ing men and women, and one into which no ele ment of chance enters. ; One feature of this race Is the fact that there will be no losers. How to Enter What to do 1. SEND IN THE NOMINATION BLANK It counts for 5,000 votes. 2. CLIP THE AO FREW VOTE COUPON Collect all these you can and g your rncnas to save them for you. Knelt roniKn counts for BO votes. 8. t'SE THE RECEIPT HOOK As soon as we receive your nomination we will send you a receipt book so that you miy take UDseripuons. fcvery pulrt in advance subtctlptlon counts for votes .according to schedule . be'ow. .' -'CLIP "MUST SU1ISCRIPTION COUPON" This coupon accompanied with any subftcrip'.ion liayment for one year or more to The Herald counts for lO.OOO EXTRA votesIn addition to tite usual number, lou do not have to be a subMcriber t The Herald to compete. 5. HEB YOUR FRIENDS Uet your friends and acquaintance to bu(mk rlbe. Also organize them 6o they will assist you to set subscriptions from their friends. 0. USB TUB TELEPHONE Call up every one you know. T. II them you are In the campaign and ask for their support. 7 0CE IN, bTAY IN D.n't get d a. ronraged or let any one try to discourage you. Home one will win the big car. Vby not you? 8. GET COMPLETE INFORMATION Call, write or phone the campaign manager at The Herald office, Alliance, Neb., Phone 84Q., ' Here's How to Win It takes voles to win and votes are secured as follows: First, by clipping the coupons appearing In each issue of The Herald. Begin gathering them NOW, while they are worth 50 vetrs each. After next week these coupons will be reduced to' 20 votes; the following week to only 10 votes and efter that tbey will be discontinued entirely. The only restriction placed on voting these coupons is that they must be deposited at the campaign de parment on or before the expiration of the date appearing thereon. Get all you can, and get your friends to saving them for you, too they're FREE. Another and faster way to get votes is by secur ing new and renewal subscriptions to The Alliance Herald and for want ad and Job work cards. For each subscription turned in a certain number of votes is Issued, the number varying according to the amount collectel and during which "period" same is received at the campaign department.'' (See Schedule of Votes opposite.) So, you see, the more subscriptions you secure the more votes you get and the bettrr your chances are to capture the grand capital prize. Early Start Means Easy Finish. The advantages of an earlv start In this pompe tlon are manifest. Not only do you have, by start ing at the very beginning, the FULL SEVEN WEEKS in which to secure the winning votes, but now, and for the next four weeks, you will receive the MAXIMUM schedule of votes on subscriptions. Then, too, the first in the field will undoubtedly secure the "cream" of the votes and subscript'ons, while those who wait until a later date will have to take what Is left. Don't lose valuable time walling to see "what the other fellow is going to do," but pitch right In and show the "other fellow" how to do It. ephone or Write Campaign Department Phone 340 Alliance, Nebraska Irfe Ave A FREE ROUND TRIP TO CALIFORNIA .NO LOSERS IN THIS CAMPAIGN The Herald does not ask contestants to canvas for subscrirjtions and then taW ifc a of getting a reward for their efforts. The Herald agrees to pay all eontestanta who participate in this campaign a cash commission of 20 ($1 out of every $3 collected) for all subscription VMSIMAW 4-n 1 1 n a . 1h J . V A 1 V t i ! ' 1 . . m . . .... uwucj tiuucu lu, uuuucu uicjr turu ux uuo or mure suuacnpuons eacu wees, alter lacy start to work, and in the event such candidates do not win one of the eight prizes. Candidates who enter this campaign are not flirting with a game of chance, for all active participants will be fittingly rewarded, - - f