THE ALLIANCE HERALD, FRIDAY, MARCH 5, 1920. rouR Oljfc SXUimttc Herald BURR TRINTINQ CO.. Owners GEORGE L. BURR. JR Editor EDWIN M. DURR Business Mgr. Official newspaper of the City of Alliance; official newspaper of Bo Dntte County. . OmnmA and nubllahed by the Burr rrtntlng Company, George I Burr, Jr.. President; Edwin M. Burr. Vice president. Sabacriptlon 92.50 rear, In advance Outride of l&XK-mlle radius, $3.09 Entered at the poutofflce at Alli ance, Neb., for transmission through the malls as second class matter. Published Tuesday and Friday. WHY NOT A BONUS? On every hand Is heard a senti ment favorable to Increasing salaries for teachers for next year. There Is Jural? a city of this slse In Nebraska which hasn't realised that such a srtep Is Inevitable. If wj are to maintain the high standard of the Alliance schools, we'll have to fall la line. It's a simple thing to figure ut It other cities are willing to pay higher wages, they will get not only the better class of teachers, but Alliance teachers will be seeking the positions that carry salaries com mensurate with their Importance. The time is rapidly passing when fcarbers and bricklayers and street weepers, clerks and manicures, will raw more money than those who pend years In preparing for their life work. If wages la the teaching profession do not rise, teachers are going to go Into other lines of work. The Alliance schools are among the best organized In the state. The corps of teachers is effective and effi cient Tet a number of them talk of leaving the city or the profession ttecause of the meager salaries paid. A substantial raise for 1920-1921 Is certain. But why wait until next year? living expenses this year are as high M they will be next. .Clothes cost m much right now, in all probability. AS they will cost next season. If the teachers' salaries will have to be In creased next year. Isn't what a pretty cool Indication that tbey are too low tight now? Cannot Alliance show Its appreci ation of Its hardest worked and leas' appreciated servants by allowing a good-Bleed bonus for this year'.' work no dime a day donation, but enough money to make tbetn under stand that we realize what they have had to fare? We have thousands of dollars to spend for other improve ments, and The Herald believes that Alliance citizens will approve an ac tion of that sort by the board of education. If the board Is In doubt, why not put It to the test? A special election called In Lincoln a few weeks ago brought an overwhelming majority In favor of adequate salaries not next year or ten years hence, but right no.w.- Judged by living costs, the teach ers have earned more money than they have been getting. A good- sized bonus handed them at this time would make the whole year pleasant for them. Who'll be the first board member to suggest It? The Order of Camels Is the name of a new national society, organized at Milwaukee last week, tne object of which is the repeal of federal pro hibition. They si and for the strict enforcement of all laws, but will seek the repeal of the measure through a campaign of education. Omaha newspapers last week car ried en advertisement of a magazine published for the same purpose. It Is evident that there Is a slush fund somewhere, and Indications are that the wet and dry Issue Is not, as the dry adherents have fondly believed, a dead letter. The worst of It Is that prohibition agents, by too zealous ef forts, are making enemies as fast as they once made friends. The habits of a generation can't be eradicated In an hour, and a healing lotion for an open wound Is better than an irrl tant. Unless more care Is used In the selection of prohibition agents, there Is grave danger that there may be something more than mere talk to the prohibition repeal movement. It now appears probable that Pres ident Wilson has given up all hope of a third term, inasmuch as he has permitted his attorney general, A. Mltchel Palmer, to enter the race and has not asked for his resigna tion. McAdoo Is buzzing around, un decided whether to try for delegates or take his chances with the con vention. The political bee Is now stirring up the democratic camp, and before long a whole lot of bon nets will be in the ring. Many of the republican brethren are wildly excited over defects in the primary law. It now appears that due to the operations of this perni cious law, Governor McKelvle is In a fair way to be defeated for the nomination, when unquestionably he is as strong as any other candidate. Here's the trouble: All that is nec essary for a candidate to get into the gubernatorial race is to make his fit ing, which is accomplished with little difficulty. There are now so many entrants for the place that It Is pos sible, with the vote split a half-dozen ways, that McKelvle may be lost In the shuffle. The State Journal was lately urging the calling of a con vention to settle who should stay In the race. Democrats will remember the year when Jim Dahlman was crammed down their throats by re publican votes, and spare their tears. CHURCH OP CHRIST. Soul stirring, scriptural sermons will be preached both morning and evening. The subjects are: "The Good Confession" and "The Water of Life." One evidence of Interest is manifested In the attendance. When you enter God's house, pray that you may enter Into the services to re ceive God's blessing. In the "win one" campaign, how many have you won to Christ? This Is a great op portunity to use your talent and thus increase it. Personal evangelism Is emnhaslzed at every service. The Bible school at 10 o'clock Is open to all. The lessons are Interesting anl lust what you need. The Endeavor prayer meetings afford a great field of activity for. the children and young people. The church always Invites strang ers. "You are a stranger but once." Come to the church with a message and a welcome. STEPHEN J. EPLER. Minister. md the church. Morning worship, 11 a. m., "The Church Building Idea In the New Testfment": text, "Ye ere God's fellow workers, God's husbandry, God's building." Eve ning service, 7:80 p. m., "Building the Brotherhood"; text, "One is your Master and all ye are brethren." March 14 the themes will be, ''Building the Individual" and The MvM-na! Building." The members of the church should especially plan to attend these services. All others are cordially Invited. The Christian Endeavor society meets at 6:30 p. m. Theme, "Life Lessons From the Book of Prov erbs." Calendar meeting, Gladys Sturgeon, leader. "Enter into His gates with thanks giving and Into His courts with praise." "Come and let us worship together, let us kneel before the Lord our Maker." First Presbyterian Church, corner Box Butte avenue and Seventh street. A. J. Kearns, pastor. -Mary lick ford can shoot and she Hhoots to kill In the story "Heart O the Hills," when It cornea to avenging the death of her 'Tap" who In Alain by a feudist bullet. Hoe her In thin great picture at the Imperial Theatre tonight. 28 The British ministry loses no op portunity to lecture the people that there Is no easy road out of their financial troubles, but that the only remedy Is steady, honest work and the fullest possible production. Wt Grind Our Oivn Ltnsei Everyone should have their eyes ex amined once a year. ,G. Bauman,0.D OPERA HOUSE BLOCK PRKSHYTKRIAN CHURCH. Services for March 7: The Sun day school will meet at 10 a. m. The study of God's word is fundamental to all spiritual growth and develop ment of Christian character. "No one can afford to be Ignorant of the Bible." Theodore Roosevelt. The themes for the services will deal with the work of the minister Our New $4,000 Thrift Policy Special for Boys and Young Men Essential to Fathers and Mothers (IN A NUTSHELL) .if!! Required of You rrrr Annual Savings Deposits. Number Annual Deposits. t 111 I : 11 ' THE UNIVERSAL CAR No Secret Diplomacy Here There will be a greater shortage of cars this year than last We can give you reasonably prompt delivery now, but are facing a serious shortage for Spring and Summer. Why! Less climatically favored sections of this great country of ours are snow bound during December and January and the Ford Motor Co. will not stock cars in one section of the country if they can be used in any other. We can get cars now while these territories are frozen up and mowed, to. Let's get them, Give us your order now and have yours when you need it You Can use it every day in our glorious Nebraska. By the way, have you noticed how many cars began the New Tear with an increase in price. A word to the wise is sufficient Ton know the price. You can get delivery. The spring holds nothing but uncertainty as to both. Coursey & Miller FORDSON TRACTORS AND POWER FARMDiQ EQUIPMENT Insist on Genuine Ford Parts Total Savings Deposits. .$ 134.76 20 -$2,695.20 The Company Pays You $4,000.00 Paid-up Thrift Policy bearing Dividends as long as you live and $1,000.00 CASH, which you can consider as Interest on your Deposits. This Means - You deposit a total of $2,695.20 cash (The actual deposit of $134.76 20 times) You receive interest of $1,000.00 cash (The equivalent of 50.00 20 times) Is this not good interest on yourmoney? You also own what you started out to buy, a $4,000 Paid-Up Thrift Policy, bearing Dividend for life. Does it look good to you f Ys, it certainly does. The further you read the better it is. (These values are all guaranteed and written in plain figures in the Policy ontract) SOME OTHER IMPORTANT VALUES OF THIS $4,000 THRIFT POLICY In Case You Live (1) In 13 years- (2) In 20 years.. - OR In 20 years Total Deposits, $2,695.20 (Three More Attractive Settlement Options) (You Take Your Choice) 1,000 Paid-up Life Policy. Paid-up Thrift Policy bearing Dividends as long as live and CASH, which you can consider Interest on your Deposits. f $4,000 A you lii $1,000 ..$6,436 Paid-up Thrift Policy bearing Dividends as long as you you live. (Subject to Insurability.) (3) In 27 years $4,000 Cash payable to you (A Matured Endowment Policy) In Case You Are Totally and Permanently Disabled No more deposits are required of you : . Company pays you an income of $40.00 a month as long as you live. And your beneficiary receives $4,000 cash at your death. In Case You Need Help The loan value is available. ; I if''"'' At Your Death By natural causes. By accidental causes. $4,000.00 cash to your beneficiary. $8,000.00 cash to your beneficiary. continue in good health get disabled .. ' I need help - or die Is there anything else you can do?- -Yes, you can fail to start and be sorry. Why not bo glad today and make others happy in the future! See Mr. Wright, today at the Guardian Trust Company m i !'- mm 1 ctt n J ICQ L 11 CiJ; w ; FOWLER LUMBER' CO FLOYD LUCAS, Manager NEBRASKA ALLIANCE,