TWELVE THE ALLIANCE HERALD, FRIDAY, MARCH 5, 1920. SOCIKTVffi ' " Following a bnnquot to l given At Masonic ball I his pvninK. a Soot tih UKo Womnn'n rlul will formed. MoIIhtb, d;tup.litra and uls'.t'is t)f Scottish Hlto Mttwms hold ing decrees from the fourteenth up ere eligible to membership in the new organization. Charles Wldinnn, who his been TlftiilnK frinndH In Omaha several days lliis week, returned to Alliance Wednesday. Mr. find Mrs. William IJeckrr and family will leave the Utter part of the week for an extended stay In Cal ifornia. lKm't inl seeing lint I He n ' Jlrlt' IIksp t factory rirs. IIIrIi lancMlolIowny Co. 8 Mrs. W. It. Harper entertained the ladles' aid nf the M. K. church on Wednesday afternoon at a business and social meeting. Painty refresh ments were served. Mrs. Frank Punning will leave the first of next week for Ilymiam, Mont., whero she will ppend tho next thrc or four months, returning to Alli ance later. Harry Thlele Is absent on a bui.K reps trip to the east. The Alliance Woman' eh.b wl'l meet at the parish houso thin after noon for the annual elation of of ficers. Tho snnio fH-lnvt-d Mary Pick- forl, with lier Mullen tuid (earn, lier loves mid hates, her wlilms and win Ming wa)n in mi entirely new cb irne- lerizntloii at the Iniroi-Ul tonight. Utt County Judge Tnh Thursday afternoon Issued license to wed to Glen J. Ortman, whoso homo add reus Is given os Hanger, Tex., and Miss Catherine Underwood. The bride Is Ihe daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Underwood, living twelve miles west, of the city. The American Ieglou danco held at the city armory Tuesday evening was one of the most successful ever given by that organization, the re ceipts being in excess of $200. A large crowd was present and a ma jority of them were out on the floor tnofit the time, availing themselves of tho music furnished by Andy's Jazz rr"her.trn. Mrs. I' rod Carlson en'i-rtalned at n bunco party Thursday evening. The puestr iiuludrd MHa Morrow, Mrs. MrPmil'l, Mirs Mary Wilson, Mlas Itoaamond Bargey, Miss Opal Rus sell. M!c McKonky and Miss Gert rude :icHurh. A daialy luncheon was served. For Sale Two six room houses on Sweetwater. Modern except heal. Trkr nod (tints rlbt. Sio Nnhnaia Land Company. 4 Mr. and Mrs. A. 0. Smart and Miss Joseph'pe Gnnsnn will spend the week end In Henver. Mrs. F. J. Ilrcnnan, who ha been ill for tho past few days, baa re covered. Hull Douglas, traveling represent ative for the Tryor Hat company of Denver, was In Alliance Thursday. Velba Irene Irwin, age sixteen years, ten mouths and three ilays, died March 2, at her home in Anti och. She was born at Gordon, Nob Funeral services were held at the Christian church March 4. Burial was in Greenwood cemetery. Divkncm at prices to uiuko Hum move, at llighliiiid-Ilolloway Co. 28 Wednesday night the young peo pie of the First Baptist church had a social at the Home of Mrs. C. Ful ler. About twenty youug people were present. An hour was spent in Interesting games. The young ladies were entertained by the young men A delightful lunch was served. All reported a very enjoyable time. - You will fall in lovo with Mary Pick fool all over again in this tory of her lojulty to "Pap" In the feudist battles. Imperial tonight. 2H The woman's society of the First Baptist church met with Mrs. Hnry. Though it was a very cold day the attendance was splendid. A birthday party for all Hi3 ladies who have birthdays In March was held at the First Baptist church. This brought in a splendid collection Mrs. Fred Helpbringr read a paper; "Neighbors Who Should Bo Made Friends." Instrumental music by Mrs. T. A. Cross was very much en Joyed. Philias J. Barnes of Marquette, Mich., and Mamie May of Milwau kee were marled by Judge Tash, March 4. Tom Gee and Dave Donivan went to Torriugton Tuesday to file on a claim at that place. . An elgh pound buy was born to Mr. and Mrs Jack Robinson Thurs day morning. Mrs.' W. L. O'Keofo was shopping In Scottsbluff Thursday. Mrs. Johnston accompanied her husband on his trip last week. Mary rkkfoni as a Night Rider, whirls over the mountain with the clansmen at her heels. Ixk for this tremendous scene in "Heart O' the 11111s" t Imperial Theatre tonight. AIUIAXGOIEXTS FOR SPUD UXUIB1T CAH II. L. Ford, advance agent for the potato exhibit car, now being shown on Burlington and Colorado & Southern lines, was in Alliance on Thursday, perfecting arrangements for the program in connection with the coming of the car to Alliance on March 19. ' ' . ,v According to present plans, the car will arrive In tilt" city at 4 a. m., and will be open to the public from 8:30 to 10:30 a. m. At 10:30 n public ineetln will be held In the armory, at which add napes wiil be made by a number of speakers, in cluding Instructors In agricultural colleges Met bods of control of plant diseases will be explained, ns will tlm system of grading and marketing, to gether with other fuihjerts of prime Importance to potato growers. The exhibit will be an Intrrrs'ing 'tic, There will be a showing of all the known varkl;en, and In connec tion with this a guerning cot est will be staged, with a prize awarded to lh one who (dentines the largest number of the varieties thrown to gether in one box. There will be an exhibit of hand selected certified seeds from Wisconsin, and exhibits of all tho common potato diseases. Would you shoot your s cp father to protect your mother. See Mary Pkkforri, (he little moun tain girl, do. In "Heart O' the HUM," at the IinM'iinl Theatre to night. 28 One Minute Store Talk "Here I em r:nln; ev ery ear I wnll until I get to Alllume Ix'foie buying my piiig Hollies no oilier store in Nebraska U HO Well C4ill)MMl to' nerve a mnii es you nre, and I'm jtit mills' enough to piiM.s 'em all up until I get here," said h ImslnoMM mini, n steady customer of ours. HARPER'S SERVICE WINS HARPER'S A New Service Idea This Spring in Shirts for Men Who Demand the Best That Kliii t-making: lias smMnily developed into an nit of tlu first magnitude is receiving a most con vincing demonstration in our .Spring of 1920 dis plays. Fabrics of rare beauty in color and de signmasterpieces of the cotton and silk weaver's art a textile treat for you here in fine shirts. ENTIRELY NEW CONCEPTIONS IN CORDS, MADRAS, SILKCLOTH, FIBRES, OXFORDS, CHAMBKAYS, PERCALES. ENTIRELY NEW SILK SHIRT EFFECTS IN CREPE JERSEY, BROADCLOTH, PUSSY WILLOW, SILK MANDALAY. Prices Range $2.50 to $15. Handsome Neckwear $1,500 to $3.00 We're doing every man a favor who permits us to soil him a scarf. To emphasize the economy of them is only half the story. Their rare beauty makes them irresistible and it's beauty that lasts and lasts. W. R. HARPER Department Store BIO STORE ALLIANCE NEBRASKA HARPER'S" Your New Spring Hat la Heady for You TODAY No delay about Har per's spring hat service. Here's the most com plete showing in the west as heretofore. BEAUTIFUL NEW COL ORINGS IN GREENS AND BROWNS Gordon's and Many Others TRICES RANGE $4 to $7.75 New Spring Caps at $2.00 to $5.00 W. R. Harper Dept. Store BIO STORE ALLIANCE NEBRASKA CORRECT APPAREL FOR MEN AND WOMEN fife V SATURDAY IN THE MET- " j Jlt KOPOLITAN MILLINERY . r w --' SII0P' TIIE LARQEST EX I CIUSIVE RETAIL MIL- 1 ' lifM LINERY IN TIIE WEST N 7 fiSfll HAVE PREPARED A ! P GALA SKLTlNa EVENT J ' 450 Stunning New Spring Trimmed Hats DISTINCTIVE IN STYLE-EXCLUSIVE IN DESIGN EVERY HAT WAR RANTED UNUSUAL VALUE at $7.50 $10.00 $12.50 FOR SEMI-DRESS STREET SPORT WEAR Most forceful demonstration of this store's superior values in sellingof character millinery LARGE BLACK MUSHROOM SHAPE OF PIPING STRAW FACED ON TOP WITH PEKIN BLUE GEORGETTE, CREPE TRIMMED, WITH ASSORTED BUNCH OF FRUIT AND FLOWERS A Real $10.00 Value Our Price $7.50 SMART CHIN CHIN SHAPE, HAND-MADE OF BROWN GEORGETTE CREPE AND COMBINED WITH SAND COLORED ROUGH STRAW, FINISHED WITH SELF-COLOR ORNAMENT OF CREPE AND STRAW A $12.50 Value Our Price $10.00 STUNNING SEMI-DRESS MODEL OF NAVY BLUE LISERE STRAW, BRIM OF NAVY GEORGETTE CREPE; HAS COLLAR OF NAVY BLUE TULLE OVER FOUR LARGE, FLAT, PINK COLORED ROSES AROUND TIIE CROWN A Real $15.00 Value Our Price $12.50 Headquarters for the Celebrated GAGE SAILORS The largest variety of styles and colors in Omaha MTLANS PIPING LISERE JAl STRAW BLACK NAVY BROWN SAND PURPLE $8.95 $10.00 $12.00 $15.00 AND UP Metropolitan Millinery Entire Main Floor, Rear SEE OUR WINDOWS TODAY W. R. Harper Dept. Store BIO STORE ALLIANCE NEBRASKA y a