EIGHT THE ALLIANCE IIKRALD. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1920. OCIETYHr fld-vreek services t St. Mathews' Episcopal church: Holy communion at 8 a. m.; litany add rem at 7:30 J. m.; choir practice at 8 p. ni., Wcdnrnday, February 25. choice residence lota for an" at Alliance National Hank on easy Dean J. J. Dixon was called to Crawford Monday to officiate at the funeral of Mr. Wlinon, a pioneer clothier of that city. -For Bale One Ave room houae, good condition. Modern except heat. Good location. See Nebraska Land Company. 4 The ladles' aid society of the M. 13. church will be entertained at the home of Mrs. A. II. Newberry, 416 Emerson, on Wednesday at 2:30 p m. Hostesses are Mrs. Newborry and Mrs. Dickenson. A cordial In vitation ts extended to all members and friends. For Sale Nine room house. Best part of town. Modern. Price 1 Tight and Rood terms. See Nebraska Land Company. 4 The Woman's club will meet at the home of Mrs. Thiele, Friday, February 27. The subject of the program Is music. The subject "Rob lnhood's Story of the Opera," will be discussed by Miss Alta Young. Selections from the opera will be Riven. The hostesses are Mrs. Thiele and Mrs. Sallows. Mrs. Cora Lewis will return from "Beauty" is simply a reflection of health. To have a lovely, blemish free complexion, to have thick, lustrous, beautiful hair; to have a youthful sup pleness of body with every curve developed as Nature intended, you must have health as the foundation. In your own boudoir you can make these dreams come true. You can literally rejuven ate yourself with the aid of the "STAR VIBRATOR" electric massage. Ask for a demonstration at- Holsten's THE REXALL STORE Omaha this afternoon with her son, Raymond, who Is making a satisfac tory recovery from a serious opera tion on one of his eves. At Alliance National Hank jrou can purrhaNO the most nlrablo res idence lots In the city o.i ensy t rina. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Pierce sprnt Sunday evening In Alliance. Misses Mattie Miller and Bessie Riley, and Messrs Harry Tiller and Harley Miller upenC Sunday In Craw ford. Call at Alliance National Dank and buy a residence lot before prices advance. 20 A marriage license has been Issued to Thomas L. Sauibbs. Jr.. and Mi Defina Grimes of Hemlngford. Glasses accurately fitted at rea sonable prices. Drake & Drake, William L. Warnke and Miss Hat tlo Mlskimen, both of Alliance, were united In marriage by Judge Tash, the latter part of the week. I Ugliest cash price paid for heavy fat poultry. W. K. Ciitta, at Fairmont Creamery. Glen A. n.iker and Miss Clarabell Miller of Alliance were married on Wednesday by the county judge. Miss Naomi Veach. of the Emer son school, has returned from her home In Rushville. where she was called by the illness of her mother. Miss Ruth Covington returned to her home In Morrill after spending a few days as the guest of her aunt. Mrs. M. E. Lester. A marriage license was Issued to Oeorge L. Easton of Omaha and Miss Eathel I .Wilson of Lakeside on Sat urday. E. R. Harris, traveling salesman for Swift & Co., has been transferred to the eastern part of the state. Mr. and Mrs. Harris will leave tomorrow for Columbus, where they will make their home. Mrs. E. R. Harris spent the week end with friends in Scottsbluff. Misses Whitney and Eloe were hostesses to the teachers of the Al liance schools at a kensington Fri day evening. Mrs. Reeves is very sick, but shows a slight Improvement. For Sale Two six room houses on Sweetwater. Modern except heat. Trie cod teiwn rlbt. Geo NehrssVs Land Company. 4 Alfred C. Chase of Glenrock, Wyo., and Rlancho II. Kennedy of Macon City, Neb., were united in marriage this morning by Judge Tash. The young couplo are to make their home in Glen Rock, Wyo. FOR SAL.E 814 acres Tour and one-half to flvo miles from Bridge port. 40 acres irrigable, under gov ernment canal extension; 200 to 600 acres tillable; balance grazing. Small set 0; Improvements; two wells and windmills. A good small ranch prop osition. Trice for,, immediate , sale 120.00 per aero, about one-half cash Address P. O. Box 747, Bridgeport. Nebraska. 25 Secretary Rufus Jones of the Al llance Community club appeared at his office Tuesday for the first time In four days, following an illness that kept htm confined to his bed s. it. tsmitn is driving a new Bulck, purchased the last of the HARPER'S Sturdy Service Shoes or Ultra Fashions Quality-Quality-Quality 7.50 to SI 3.50 $16.50 to $18.00 values - 1,. . lfW Ih'i'i r . & 1 i ii. 11 a w a 1 a . 1 T . a SOLID QUALITY, whether your shoe requirements be for sturdy service or ultra fashionable SOLID QUALITY pays big dividends in service to you g' od will to us why be satisfied with less than ut most money' worth in shoes it's here for you. New "Two-tone" Button and Lace. New AH -America Tans and Blacks. CTortheiiM'a Glove-Grip for tender feet. Harper's Special Service Shoes. Herman's Flue Shoe for men. FrCIAUZED SHOE SECTIONS SEPARATE SHOE BLC NS FOR MKN. FOR. WOMEN, FOR CHILDREN W. R. Harper DEPARTMENT STORM BIO STORE -CORRECT APPAREL FOR MEN AND WOMEN week from C. L. Kerr. Father Manning la another recent Bulck purchaser. Otto Zamtow of the Horace Bogue store returned fro mhia eastern buying trip last Saturday. Joy C. Parker was called to Ne braska City Monday by a telegram announcing that his father Is seri ously 111. Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Lalng left Sun day for California in responrse to a message announcing the death of Mr. aLlng's sister. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. McCorkle moved Into their fine new residence at Seventh and Big Horn the first of the week. RAILROAD NOTI L. D. Rerrlan of Whitman re ported back to work today. He has been Berlously 111 with the influenza for the past week. E. A. Webb was transferred from Whitman to Mullen. Chief Dispatcher Gavin is In Omaha attending a law suit. Dispatcher Helpbrlnger Is off duty today on account of sickness. Operator J. J. Evans has been lay ing off for the past month on ac count of sickness. He went to Hcckla today to relieve J. A. Keene. Carl F. Eckhardt returned this morning from a short vacation with relatives In Hastings. C. N. Ackerman returned this morning from Edgemont. He had a short visit In that city and reports a very enjoyable time. P. C. Piercen was In Alliance Sun day. He Is charge of the tunnel work at Belmont. Brakeman Zink was off his run yesterday and today. He has a slight attack of the grippe. Brakeman T. G. Campbell is back running In the east end pool. Conductor Muhirter Is oft duty with the grippe. Conductor Evans took his nlace. Machinist Qulnette Is reported to be getting along nicely. Machinist George Bloom returned to work Monday after being off for about ten days with the Influenza. Machinist C. A. Hopkins returned to work yesterday after being forced to lay ofT for nearly two weeks with the grippe. John Htiit returned to Work Mon- I day after being dow nwith the flu for a short time. The International brotherhood of boilermakers and helpers will meet tonight at Reddish hall In Alliance. Machinist's Helper C. F. O'Brien has Just returned from Denver and says that It's the only place for a real live time. A machinist's helper, known as "Slim Missourlan" was laid off yes terday and he expects to return to his home in Hannibal, Mo. He says that he thinks a number of helpers will be laid off In the near future. Fireman Rawlins started on a fif teen day vacation this morning. He expects to spend this time In Antl och visiting with friends and attend ing to some personal business. Fireman Roy Brantlng returned to work after being sick for three trips. Engineer Antrum, who was hold ing down a switch engine in the Al liance yards, was bumped by Engin eer C. E. Parson. Antrum will go to Seneca to take a switch engine there. C. W. Howard has accepted a posi tion as dispatcher in Alliance. Eight hour shifts will be put Into effect In the dispatcher's office. NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS A meeting of the stockholders of the Farmer' Union Co-operative As sociation will be held In Alliance at Reddlsh's hull, Thursday afternoon, February 26, at 1 p. m.t for the pur pose of declaring dividends and tran sacting other Important bufdnem. Stockholders' wives will be wel come. Farmers Union Co-operative Association, 25 J. B. Walker President. "When in Antioch Take Your Meals at THE LIBERTY CAFE Meals at All Hours John Strate One Minute Store Talk "What, so many npilnj suit in stork today! Why our haven't begun to arrive jet!" exclaimed a visitor, a prominent clothier In another city. "Leaving no stone un turned for service Is cer tainly making your peo ple THH clothing people of Alliance," he con tinued. HARPER'S SERVICE IS AT YOUR SERVICE. HARPER'S Ttr r r . iv. nurper. i rop. , w. Haroer. Pron. SHOP EARLY STORE CLOSES AT 6:00 P. M. SATURDAY 9:00 P. M. is ' l Harper's Clothes Service Is a Definite Proposition VOU can put your finger on Harper's Service, it's not a mere 1 figure of speech "Service" here means the assembling of The Best arid the Most of America 's Best Hand-Tailored, Ready for Service Clothes It means maintaining selections that stand second-to-none in America. A mighty demonstration of it in our early Spring displays today, involving values that offer 20 more recognizable money's worth-Compare 1 The House of Stein Bloch Clothes Brandegee-Kincaid, Style-Plus A National Style Show Awaits You Here Young men's Spring Models that reveal the best thought of finest designers an array of rich, new weaves that involves hundreds of fabric patterns. Younger Young Men's Spring Suits distinctive, original style creations for high school and young college men En tirely different 6tyle treat Business men many of you think you're "hard-to-fit." "We solve your problem in clothes. Stout, short stout, tall, slim or normal every size here. WE SELL FOR CASH $25 $30 $35 $40 $45 $50 $75 Spring Top Coats, Motor Coats, Utility Coats, $15 to $60 Men '8 and Young Men's Trousers, $5.00 to $15.00 Blen's, Young Men's, Younger Young Men's, Hoys' and Children's Clothing W. R. HARPER Department Store ALWAYS. COMPARE OUR VALUES ALLIANCE NEBRASKA CORRECT APPAREL FOR MEN AND WOMEN"