THE ALLTANCE HERALD, TUESDAY, FEniUTARY 24, 1920. SKVEN yncN A Kmr miasms comawi. ma tmi urn tow evcwss tuiomb ew tqm himio cm. w mmvi &kHM N SUPPER: 5 NOW IT ;? A USX tOrzes ' II ' ! . "I I How 1 E.VT. ' rL U v c' 5oC7 OFFING surjs, 4S- stmh. k sWNfA Pirr Vdfes ' NyTCg 1 ',&rrs WMMIM .OH JS. vELL : irVER. HEAR- OF L j w -TA V J&I Suffrage. MEETiN' 1 SuFFUA6E tU--ru-- J I MEBTTIM6I 3, rt;; H.i.r usko cars ( JnV11! ,TsMjEGood used earn. A. H yffSA ' Jon('8 Coupany, Masonic Tempi. t " FOUND .1 WANT TO BUT aonalhlnsT Uub droda of paopla waakly wW tbn want ad columns loakia- fvr what you or othara hava to osTar. Oat quick raaulta by a4artlaio l Tha HaraJd Waal Ad dapnrt ' Kant. FOR BALK CITY FROl'ERTY FIVE room Bungalow, all modern, close In; bargain. See NebrfLand Co. tf FOUR LOTS In Belmont addition Nos. 94. 85. 86, 97. Inquire of O. E. Morrison, Box 204, Crawford, Neb. . tf FOU BALE HOUSE FIVEROOMS and bath. Compara tively close in. Want to deal di rect for cash; no agents. Price $4200. Inquire No. 505, Alliance Herald, tf FOR SALE LAND FOR SALE 814 acreB four and one halt to five miles from Bridgeport. 40 acres irrigable, under government canal extension; 200 to 500 acres tillable; balance grazing. Small im provements; two wells and wind mills. A good small ranch proposi tion. Price for immediate sale $20.00 per acre, about one-half cash. Address P. O. Box 747, Bridgeport, Nebraska. 25 80 acres adjoining Alliance, 3 -of NWK Sec. 3, T. 24, R 48; fine for truck, $100 per acre; will take small part in trade in property farther east. John Hunter, 607 Davidson Bldg., Sioux City, la. 25p FOR BALE LEGAL BLANKS ucqalTbTaics Herald Offlee. FOR SALE OLD NEWSPAPERS NEWSPAPERS 6C Spapei at The Herald Office. FOR SALE ON TERMS FOTaAlSNEMXMy . room, modern house, 2 baths. Nettle M. Campbell. Phone 712; 601 Cheyenne Ave. tf FOR SALE SEED ABOUT 60 bushels of Alfalfa Seed . for sale. Exceptionally good qual ity. E. T. Kibble & Co. 25 FOR SALE TRACTORS FOMSAlLnnea r 1 y n w For d een; one 20 horsepower Interna Uenal In good shape; one Case steam engine with steel tender; one Hleder lit 5 In good shape. F. A. Clark, tf . . FOUND Hub cap for automobile cn Box Bulto avenuo betwe?n Third aryl Fourth stree's. Probably for Chovrolet, or similar model. Owner may hove came by calling at Th Herald Office. 25 FOR RENT ROOMS modern home; close in. Phone Red 186. tf FOlTIlENT Furnished sleeping room, 323 Sweetwater: Telephone 231. tf WANTED RAIU1KR BltBRwaTueTraTncriood from 30 to 40; roust be good. Write or wire Harry Lemastr, Belle Fourche, S. Dak. 27 WANTED FEMALE HELP WAhTnSDJc house work after school and on Saturdays. Mrs. Russell, 724 Chey enne. 26p WANTED C2KZINQ I .AND 7TATfoLETsATince sections of graslng land and hay land that will cut 200 tons or more of bay. Address C. P. Wollastcn, Oavard. Neb., Rural. WANTED SALESLADIES WANTED Experienced salesladies. Reply at one to The Fashion Rhop. tf WANTED RAGS TlnslinsRATiDwin for good, clean, white rags. WANTED HOUSEKEEPER WANTED Middle aged lady to keep house for a family of three. No children or washing. Call phone 987. tf NOTICE OF INCORPORATION Notice Is hereby given that a cor poration was organised at Alliance, Nebraska, on January 15th, 1920, In accordance with the laws of the State of Nebraska. That the name of said corporation erly carrying out the plans of the company. To find and provide suit able markets for such surplus live stock as the company may purchase Is Alliance Packing Company. That the principal place of tran sacting the business of said corpora tion is Alliance, Box Butte County, Nebraska. - That the general nature of the business to be transacted by said cor poration shall be to do and carry oa ft general packing business; to own and h!d real esUle nnJ buildings with the necessary machinery and aDDli- a-.ccs ror the slaughter, cleaninjr. dressing, processing and otherwise preparing animals and carcasses of animals for meats and for food prod ucts and for parking and preserving the same, and the sale of all such meats and food products and deal ing generally la such food products and packing and preserving the same for sale. The buying, keeping, main taining and preparing animals, uah as hogs, cattle and sheep for slaugh ter for the purpose of making and nianufaetvilfir therefrom such meats and food products, and packing and prescrvlna the same and selling the same for k.i an! general consump tion. To acquire-, own and hold by purchase, lease, or otherwise, real estate, and tc erect, build and con struct and maintain thereon and in connection therewith, stock yards and yards, buildings, pens, lots and structures of every kind for the pur pose and proper equipment of yards for stock and for the purpose of selling and disposing of livestock; and to keep In connection there with all kinds of grain and feed with which to supply such stoek so kept, and to furnish to the public generally, and to the. owners of live stock, who desire to sell or market the same for hire, suitable facilities, places, pens, lots, barns, stables and structures for the proper showing, displaying, disposing and selling of any and all kinds of livestock, and to generally operate a public live stock exchange and an open market. To buy, sell. Import, export and gen erally deal in poultry and poultry products and dairy products of every kind, class and description and their by-products. To manufacture, buy, sell and deal generally In Ice. To preserve in cold storage and general ly deal In all kinds of food products of a perishable nature or otherwise. To Juy and sell, deal in, export or import, eoal, coke, wood and salt, and to act as the agent of any per son, inn er corporation la buying, dealing, or selling for them la such commodities, and to engage in the business of handling, buying, sell ing and dealing In and with coal, coke, wood and salt for them on their own account. To buy and sell and generally deal in all such livestock, foodstuffs, products, by-products, produce, commodities, articles and merchandise, and in such connection to do a general wholesale, retail and Jobbing and commission business therein. To construct, purchase, lease, or otherwise acquire and op erate yards, sidings, . warehouses, cold storage or refrigerator cars, or other transportation facilities as may be necessary for the purpose of prop in the interests of its members or shareholders. To construct, acquire, maintain, improve, control, superin tend, operate or let all necessary buildings, roads, mills, machinery, factories, refineries, and all other works and conveniences as may seem conducive to the objects' of the com pany. To HCijuiie by purilikne, leant- or otherwise, any real estate re quired, and to dlcpose of the same In any manner deemed to be In the In terests of the company. To acquire wholly or in part any business of similar nature and to purcliase the bonds or mortgages of such corpora Lions. Alio to purchuse, own. hold, acquire, sell, lease, rent, liyjiot hecate and tnortgngo real es'ate and all kinds of personal property,' and make misignments of leases and contracts ind transfer and assign leases and contracts when and where necessary, incidental, needful and useful In transacting, earning on and conduct ing the business of said corporation; to borrow and loan money necessary and needful to Iransnct, carry on, and conduct the business of said cor poration; to make and Issue promis sory notes, bills of etcbange, bonds, obligations, and other evidences of Indebtedness of cvety kind, unse cured or secured by mortgage, pledge or otherwise; also to purchase, hold and sell the securities, other than stocks, and bonds of other corpora tions and of said corporation. And to do each and everything necessary, suitable or proper for tho accom plishment of any of the purposes, or the attainment of any one or more of the objects herein enumerated, or whlcb shall at any time appear con elusive to or expedient for the pro tection of or benefit of said said corporation. That the amount of the authorised capital stock of said corporation shall be One Million Fire Hundred Thousand ($1,500,000.00) Dollars, divided Into thirty thousand (30, 000) shares of the par value of Fifty ($50.00) Dollars each, fully paid and non-assessable. All sub Rcrlptlons to the capital stock of said corporation shall be payable In tb manner provided by the Bureaus ol Securities, Blue Sky Departments oi other like regulatory or supervisor) bodies or commissions In the state respectively where such subscriptions are taken. That said corporation shall com mence business on January zutn, 1120, and continue for the period of fifty years from and after the date Its Articles of Incorporation are filed In the office of the Secretary of State for the State of Nebraska. That the highest amount of in debtedness or liability to which said enrporatlen may at any time subject itself shall not exceed the sum of two-thirds of the paid up and out standing capital stock. That tie bi slness and affairs of said enrporatloB shall be conducted by a board of nine directors. elst4 a the stockholders of said corporation t their aosual meeting. Teat untt' tha annual meeting of tha stock hclders tf said corpnratlon la Jan vary, lit! the business and affair of said corporation shall be con ducted by a board of three directors, uauiely, John W. Cuthrle, Glen Miller and R. E. Plumbe. That the officers of Bald corporation shall be president, ice-president, secretar) and treasurer. JOHN W. GUTHRIE, OLEN MILLER and R. E. PLUMBE, , Incorporators. R. E. PLUMBE, President. JOHN W. GUTHRIE. Secretary of said Corporation. Mite' ell A Gants, Attorneys. Feb. 24 DRAKE & DRAKE OPTOMETRISTS BARGAINS IN FARMS, RANCHES AND CITY PROPERTIES You will find them at the office of The Thomas Company. "We have had placed with us for sale, since commencing business, a number of exceptional bargains for ready buyers. It is well worth your time to visit our office and give us an opportunity to tell you of and show you some of these bargains which we have for uick sale. Or if you are out of town write us fully and we will send you complete descriptions by mail. THE THOMAS CO. Lloyd 0. Thomas Harold 8. Thomas Phone 20, Boom 8, Reddish Block AT.T.TANOB - - . NEBRASKA FOR RENT FARMS RANCHES Si. St. I"or lea-ie nriv rnr tli ally all level fftrtu'nii la'ul In II t I tut to county, 10 mll n front II r.n. Cuts mhiio liny. 115 iv rc.i n l r cu'tlvatlon. Fenced. Mrlluii im prove ment. Xo. 13. For 14IO rcr-s 12 miles front lleiuloRfonl. Well liu lreveil. Hi') wen s tinder cultivatlo i. Will maUo exeellent teims to Hrty win will least' for two or tliree yar and brtvik tit lf0 nrr's tii:ni. under cultivation. Wll mitko ixeel lent terms to party who w ll l iuo for two or three years and btciik up 160 acres more. No. It. For lense for three year 16O0 acres in mutt hern Daw es coun ty, with rtinnlntt water. Kxccllei.t improvement; 2:0 acres in cultiva tion; sonto alfalfa; 70 neres of rye. A bargain for the matt who can pay cash rent. lll'RHY IF VOU WANT ONE OF THESE THE THOMAS COMPANY PHONE 21) Reddish llloik, Room 8, Alliance "ONLY ONE THING BREAKSJ.IY GOLD! That's Dr. King's New Dis covery for fifty years a cold-breaker" NOTnTNO but sustained Quality and unfailing effectiveness can ' arouso sucn enthusiasm. JNoth-, Ing but sure relief from stubborn old colds and onrushlng new ones, grippe, throat-tearing coughs, and croup could have made Dr. King's New Discovery the nationally popular and standard remedy It Is toduy. Fifty years old nnd nlwuys reliable. Oood for the whole family. A bottle In the medicine cabinet means n short lived cold or cough. 00c. and SL20. All druggists. Give it a trlul. Regular Bowels Is Health Bowels that move spasmodically free one dny nnd stubborn the next should be healthfully regulated by Dr. King's New Life Pills. In this way you keep the Impurities of waste mat ter from circulating through the sys tem by cleansing the bowels thorough ly and promoting the proper flow of bile. Mild, comfortable, yet always relln bin. Dr. Klntfs New Life Pills work with precision without the constipation results of violent purgatives, iioc as usual at all drut't'lbla. After you eat always take 'ATOMIC Instantly relieves Haartbura, BUal i Caaay Feeling. Stops food souring, repeating, and all stomach miseries. Aid dia nan and aspatita. Kaepi ttunach wnt aad Mean. Ineraawa Vitality aad Pap. ' S ATOMIC U aha bast ramady. Taai a Uao aaadi wdw fully benaAtnd. Only aaata a aaat ar wa a day to um it. maraataad ta piaaM ar pa will rafund nwaay, Uat a bia boxtaday, loawiuaaa. if. J. UKUN'NAN Alliance, Nebraska Glasses Accurately Fitted w' '"" " """"" 318 H Hox Dutte Ave. rbone 121 . va X907 Real Ertate, Loans and Insur ance. F. E REDDISH, Reddish Block. tf Quick Service Electric PHONE "HO Under ltl;lil.Mil-ll t!oway Co. Alliance Nebraska Nitrous Conductive Oxide Anesthesia DR. W. J. MAHAFFY DENTIST Alliance Nebraska Not Medicine Not Surgery Net Osteopathy Dr. Annie Graham Jeffrey Chiropractor Uradtiate Palmer School Telephone 165 Wilson Ilulldlng" Alliance - - - - Nebraska) GEORGE J. HAND, M. D. Asthma and Hay Fever Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat moNB ssr CaHa aoawcrca fraaa OHM 4ay L. A. B33RY Lawyer ROOM 9 RUMMER BLOCK PHONE 9 ALLIANCE. NEBRASKA Harness H"nd Made Pram lira Material. Outlast Any Factory Made (iooda. Call nail Sea. Harness Itrpalrlntc T Kiprri- eared llarneaa NnkiT. J. M. COVERT At M. M. 11. Mcl.uU' Stand DR. EINAR V. BLAK Mdlelnc and KnrRrrr Rpeelaltri l.yv, i:r. Nva Throat nnil l.nnaa ;taea Carefully Fitted ttUlee In Mnllcrr llloek Phonrai Office KM, I'. evidence 103 L. W. BOWMAN Physioian and Currjeca 3184 llox llutte ALLIANCE. MUVIASXA Harry P. Courscy AUCTION EEK Live Stock and General Farm Bales Phone 60 1 Alliance J. D. EMEF.ICH Bended Abstracter 1 kara tha uly art of Jta.traat Haul,, m ! Mutlc I'vnnty. First National liivnk lJWltf. Dr. E. B. O'Keefc DU.T:r Ovr llaricr'a fittro IMione 12J Al ia .co, O. E. Nelson Lawyer DENTON ULlt.tUNO CONTRACT WlltlXfJ KLKCTKI'' KM'AIK Attaottan ta Iteiatt Bfataa r Wath EMhJHJKNirY Kl.lXlliU: l. moan is ill W M St. Vltk Martaa Mealtr L. E. Bliss FARMER AUCTIONEER Liva Stock V Specialty Phono Birch 8133, Alliance Wallace-Robbins Transfer and Storage Co. Service and Satisfaction Phone l IXottN Phone. 4T1