The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, February 24, 1920, Page FIVE, Image 5

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Hie New
at Alliance Means Great Wealth For
Our Greater Northwest
Our faith in the unlimited possibilities-the golden f uture-of this Northwest
has induced us to organize and lay plans to establish at Alliance, Nebraska, the
most sanitary, most modern and most complete packing plant that can be built to
day. Alliance is ideally situated with regard to railroads, nearness to raw material,
necessary capital, etc.
A Moving Stream of Livestock
-s-- if
Produced on the ranges and farms of Montana, South Dakota, Wyoming and Western Nebraska
are thousands of Cattle and Hogs a Veritable Moving Stream of Livestock that now finds its outlet to
the world market through the yards at Alliance, Nebraska, in exactly the same manner that twenty-five
years ago it passed through Omaha and Kansas City on its way to Chicago and New York.
Just as Omaha and Kansas City have risen to commanding positions in the packing industry be
cause they were closer to the raw material best situated both to slaughter livestock and distribute meat
products, Alliance is certain to come rapidly to the forefront. Success is Sure to crown our efforts. This
stream of livestock can easily be diverted to a Packing Plant located at Alliance, insuring prosperity and
wealth for everyone concerned the producer the community at largethe investor.
Benefits the Producer
The establishment of this plant at Alliance
has a special significance to livestock pro
ducers. It will stimulate production, be
cause it provides a close-at-hand outlet for
unlimited cattle and hogs. The producer
will be able to market his cattle and hogs
with a minimum of Shrinkage, Freight,
Feeding, Trouble and Time. More buyers
for your product means keener competition
and top-notch prices. From every stand
point the producer reaps great benefit from
the packing plant at Alliance.
Attractive and Profitable Investment
Few institutions make such enormous profits as packing plants. Their products are
staple and the demand is steady. Regardless of the price of raw materials or finished
produce the packer gets his regular profit. These returns on investment are not con
fined to the big five alone. The report of the Federal Trade Commission for 1917
states:. "The independent packers, as measured by results compiled for 65 of the larg
est of them, earned during 1914, 1915 and 1916 a rate of profit as high or slightly
higher, than those earned by the big packers in those years." Again, the largest packer
of the big five, in their 1920 Year Book, admit that small packers are "making propor
tionately larger profits than the large packers," because they "market most of their
product locally, and consequently do not have to go to the expense of maintaining a
nation-wide selling organization.
Every individual in this territory owes it to himself and the community to Investigate
this proposition. The Alliance Packing Company will be pleased to furnish any infor
mation on request
Under ptrmit 709 oftbt Nebraska Bureau of Securities, wt art rtquirtd to makt this ttaUmtnh "Tht Allianct
Packing Company is paying tht legal raltjor marketing its stock and is conducting its organization in strict complsana
vtth tht Bureau's mandates. Tbt company dots not in any ivay guarantee es return upon investment its its stock.
A return is dependent upon tht company making a commercial success oj tht enterprise undertaken by it."
Growth and Prosperity
for Community
With such an industry operating in our com
munity, buying thousands of dollars worth
of livestock daily, shipping food products
all "over the United States, Alliance is des
tined to become one of the country's great
meat packing centers. Can this fail to result
in increased prosperity to farmers, stock
men and merchants f Kindred industries
must necessarily spring up, bringing in more
families and business for merchants. In
creased production from ranch land will
result in higher land values. The result will
be greater prosperity for everyone, assisted
by many causes, gaining momentum as the
movement becomes established and the in
dustry grows.
Packing Company