THE ALLIANCE HERALD, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1920. TIIRRD 4 i v. v W- n P Buy Your Spring Hat at Walker Fashion Shop Complete Line Reasonable Prices Hemingford Section llOCKKY & SON SKLL BfSIMOSS Rockey & Son Bold their business, Including buildings and everything, to a company which will be known as the Hemingfor Implement and In vestment company. M. L. Brown Is president. George N. Tuckett, secretary and treasurer, and Arthur Muller, vice president. They also have nine quarter sec tions of land whlc hlhey will break and farm this year. Trofesaor N. N. Gaines, lecturer for the extension service, of the state university agriculture department gave hla lecture In the Methodist church Monday night to a large con gregation and It was highly appreci ated by all. He goes from here to Bridgeport and Scottsbluff. The Misses Chrlstensen were Alli ance visitors Tuesday. Mrs. Elliott and Mrs. Ersklne en tertained the ladles' aid society at a kenBington at the home of Mrs. Elliott. Ford CARS AND TRACTORS Headquarters for All Kinds of International Machinery Rockey & Son HEMINGFORD NEBRASKA Gents' Furnishings Notions Jewelry Fine Candies and Cigars W. H. Cory Hemingfcrd Nebraska Hart-Parr Tractor Buick and Reo Automobiles Reo and G. M. C. Trucks Distributors for Kelly-Springfield Cord and Fabric Tires G. F. Hedgecock Hemingford. Nebraska Several Things To Think About In selecting a bank you should consider: Its financial strength; the care with which it is managed; the courtesy and spirit of accommodation displayed by the officers and employes ; the banking experience of its officers ; the ability of the bank to properly and promptly handle all your business. , We will soon be in our new building which will give Hemingford depositors all the conveniences of a modern banking house. Farmer's State Bank Capital Stock $35,000.00 Hemingford Nebraska sTi:riii:Nsi:x-c'AiiA Oakley M Stephcnsrn and Mian Lil lian Caha were united In marriage In Alliance no Tuesday February 24. The ceremony took place at the Methodist parsonage. Rev. Mearl C. Smith performer the ceremony. Mr. Stephenscn and Mlas Caha are pop ular yonng people In llemlngfori and their many friends wish them a hoppy and prosperous Journey dowii through the shady lovers' laua and out Into the matrimonial sea. May no storm arise to mar their Joys. Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Rockey were Alliance visitors Tuesday. There are few, If any, new Influ enza cases and the epidemic is sub siding. There are no serious cases at present. Trot. N. V. Gaines of Lincoln vis ited the schools Monday and made a fine talk to the school, which all enjoyed very much. . Rev. Mr. Williams of Marsland was in town Saturday coming in on No. 41 and leaving on No. 43. He was on his way home from the inter church conference at Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Coil we in Alliance Tuesday. So many people are coming to town that it is difficult to get places to live or rooms. Mr. Lockwood expects to move into his new store building next week. Quite a number of sales are now being held in Hemingford. It is a good town to do your trading in. The Wiltsey store and the Heming ford Mercantile Co. store are run ning or planning a special sale. Sleighing Is popular again. The waiher is ideal. Come to the re vival. Join the big chorus. Oia rhilipps was in Alliance on Tuesday. lflst Tuesday evening the town was alarmed by the fire bell, but It turned out to be only a little blazo In a boxcar. The Hans Hansen players enter tained the Hemingford residents the first of last week with a selection of good, clean, up-to-date shows, whica were thoroughly enjoyed. Rev. A. J. May of the M. K. church went to Lincoln the first of last week, where he will attend the Inter-Church convention. Ho returned the last of . he W" k. Last Friday evening. "Broken Blos onis." a D. V. Grimih production, vaa shown to a large audience in the opera house. Hen Johnson 'spent last week In Alliance. The revival at the M. E. church began Tuesday evening for a three weeks' run. Rev. Charles Gray, of Blandensvllle, 111., Is the evangelist and singer. Mrs. Gray has had phe nomenal success In former meetings and confidence is expressed that he will be assuccessful here. He is thor oughly a man of God, And Heming ford Is fortunate In securing him. He is a strong and interesting speaker, and an excellent singer. There will be good music and a big choir every night, so be sure and plan on being at the M. E. church promptly at 7:30 every evening. The school operetta Is to be given on Monday night, March 1 Mr. and Mrs. Hughes and family spent last Tuesday In Alliance. The influenza cases are lmprov- REVIVAL AT HEMINGFORQ ' . "v.-.-. ; A7 r .- ,' . 4. ' , ' .--f. - 1; JSM'i'Tr t. i ing and the "down and out" cases are slowly decreasing. The training for track work in the high school has begun and Heming ford hopes to turn out some winners this season. James M. Ringer and Miss Flor ence M. Schlpper, both of Heming ford, were Issued a marriage license by Judge Tash on Saturday. Oakley M. Stephenson of Alliance and Lillian Mae Caha of Hemingford were issued a marriage license by the county Judge today. C'liurrh Not a Services every night at the Meth odist chui-ch. Hear Rev. Mr. Gray. Rev. Mr. Brown of the Congrega tional church andjtev. A. J. May of the M. E. church and George Schnei der attended the inter church con ference at Lincoln on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of last week.. There were 800 preachers and a large number' of laymen in attend ance and a great program was given. Arrange Your Time Take in the Movie PROGRAM Thursday, February 26 Tlio Film Favorite Mnrguertte Clark in "Bab's Diary See cnprlclouK and captivating Marguerite Clark In clever role. FRIDAY, FEB. 27 Juno and Catherine lice ' in "8MILK8" Clever and well-liked, these young players always make a strong bill. BATl'KDAY, FEB. 28 Madge Evans in "ADVENTTRKS OF CAROL" Quality Furniture Rugs, Linoleum, Trunks, Moulding, Picture Frames, Window Shades, Wall Paper Harry O. Wildy Furniture & Undertaking: Hemingford Nebraska REV. CIIAKLK8 CiRAY Evangelist and singer of Blandensvllle, III., who will give the first ser raon in a three weeks' revival campaign on the evening of February 24. The meetings will be held at the M. E. church, Hemingford. Mr. Gray is a strong speaker and every emeetlng will be filled with interest. Attend all the services. Box Butte County, Nebraska "The County That Has Been Overlooked" Box Butte County has good railroad facilities, thriving towns, excellent schools, churchc and homes, a progressive and con genial people and a thrift that is especially attractice to thef ambitious homesccker. Rich Farming Lands Very Cheap Improved and Unimproved Farms and Ranches Hutton & Clark Real Estate Brokers Hemingford, Nebr. Things To Wear The Finest in Ladies' Ready-to-Wear and Millinery Anything You May Desire ii Men's Furnishings We expect to be in our fine, new building by March 1st. You are cordially invited to visit us. C. W. Lockwood The Same Consideration The child with her penny savings The small boy with his small change The lady witli licr pin money savings The small n u with his small roll The big man with his big roll If You Are Bothered Making Out Your Income Tax Report We Incite Y to Call on Ui for Help First State Bank Hemingford Nebraska Hemingford Nebraska Be-Wise SOME ARE WISE SOME ARE OTHERWISE The wise ones have been taking advantage of the fact that they can buy quality merchandise at our store during OUR CLEARANCE SALE far cheaper than they can buy elsewhere. They bare been convinced that our prices are absolutely lower on Groceries, Shoes, Dry Goods, Furnishings & Etc. . Our sales on our opening day far exceeding our expectations and v wish at this time to thank our friends and customers for their patronage which helpe d to make our Opening Day such a phenom ln&l succeaa. Our low prices will continue throughout the tiro weeks of our sale. Eemember the time Is short Our Sale Cloeee Saturday "night, February ssth t tupo f, m, Geo W. Wiltsey HTTXTttQTORD ' ' NEBRASKA