The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, February 24, 1920, Page TWO, Image 2

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In the days rhen wo were 1 vlnp
la Doston (the HoRtonlam would my
"realdinR," and again thoy would bo
right on can't live In the City of
Baker Beans on the salary the navy
pays) we usrd to be amused every
once In a while every time we met
new girl. In fart at the ideas they
had of us. We were given to under
stand that the war had leveled all
ranks, for the time being, but every
cow and then someone would throw
out a hint as to lark of culture. Our
feelings would have been in a con
tinual state of laceration, if it were
n't for the fart that each speaker was
careful to except us from their con
demnation. Those Doston folks are
The chief misfortune of the west,
It appeared, was that It was too new
A country. A new country had .cer
tain disadvantages, and one or these
was that everyone was in a mad race
for dollars. When dollars are the
only objective, according to the aver
age Boston theorist, one loses sight
of the finer things of life. Listening
to one of those Massachusetts culture
hounds, we were always moved to
tears. Usually we could restrain
them, but every now and then our
emotions would get the better of us,
and we would say something pro
fane. That's something the Boston
inn can't abide profanity.
It's a bleak mental picture they
have of u.1. The westerner, to a Jlos
tonlmi, Is an money hungry as the
Wall strceter is to the averag'
westerner. They weep over the lives
mlsp nt In pettln rich, when thos
of us out wept nilRht bo raveling the
Joys of Art (follow copy, op.; they
spell It with a capital letter) music,
poetry and the drama. That last
word Is tronounred as though It
were spelled drah-mah. It takes
prnctlcu to say it, although Its only
a simple twist of the tongue.
And we had to take it. They
wouldn't argue with us. They said
it was too conclusive to permit of
argument, and one can't answer that.
(It Isn't "cawn't" In Boston; It's
"rarn't," but It means the name
thing).' If we attempted to point
out that Nebraska had a great uni
versity, and that some eastern
schools had looked with favor on
textbooks written by Nebraska writ
ers, they sniffed in an infernally su
perior way, and pointed toward Cam
bridge and "llahva'd." If we told
them that some Nebraskans knew
the difference between Browning,
the poet, and Browning shoes; and
that there had been tnree different
kinds of Popes, they'd BWltch the dis
cussion over to Art, or to the public
library, or mention The Transcript.
You can imagine how pleasant It
must have been. And it's still more
maddening when we realise that they
meant it well. We'll admit that folks
when hope is gone and your case has
been given up, try
This wonderful advancement In
science is Nature's way to healthand
long life., Many people have proved
its merits. Isn't It worth your whilo
to Investigate?
Annie G. Jeffrey
Graduate Palmer School
Wilson lilock Alliance, Nebr.
In the genuine Red wood
These tanks defy Rot
and Rust and serve better
than the steel tank. For
a limited time our prices
range from
i ul west sre k-fplng one rye open
for he main chnnce, so far as mak
ing money Is frnrerned, but we saw
very few people bark enst who were
careliss with th;ir wealth. We hav?
shopped in several stores, an) found
that even some members of the Old
Famllicr. know how to chnrpe. Tlulr
ancestors learned tho fine art cf
trading in their dealing with the In
dians, and they have Inherited the
iiBtirct. Once we attempted to rent
a room In Lincoln from an old girl
whose husband fcnd come from Bos
ton with her, and while Bho waB
very courtly and fine, ve decided
that an atmosphere of culture wasn't
worth three tinus the rent other
people with less culture deman'ed.
We've often wondered whether she
ever rented that room.
Lions closely: Sweep all the tacks
ofT the floor, peel down to your pa
jamas or kiniona, unless the floor
is too hard; clasp your hands to
gether over your head, and roll, Jor
dan, roll. The first two or three
turns will be easy then the breath
shortens, the back nrhes but you
n.usl try K Sc really know.
We're not fretting parMcular'y
about culture these days. There was
a time when we, too, were staying
awake nights to read Browning, and
when we thought that no actress on
Ood's green footstool was capable of
playing the lead In "The Return of
the Druses." In a few hallowed
moments we still think so but hal
lowed moments are a great deal
more scarce than they used to be.
One can't get out a newspaper and
enjoy "Plppa Passes." You see,
time passes, too, and the op. is a
most insistent cuss when the copy
hook is empty.
But we're compelled to admit that
we re shy on culture out here. We
mean physical culture not the other
sort and before some husky gent
gets peeved and drops in to demon
strate how much muscle he has ac
cumulated, we'll explain that we're
not referring to gents who handle
pitchforks or who have graduated
from the army's setting up exercises.
It's said that a few mon'hs of this
,vUl work wonderH. Most wonin quit
pfter the first three nirht.i, when the
n -n al Iff nn1 anfft TT r n- tilflTI !
ever try it, In tho lirst place because
an extra Inch or two of waist mea
sure means little to them, at.d in the
Pf f ot.d place because it's too undig
nified. We don't mean to Insinuate
that women lark dlpnity, but they
(el more deeply about Questions of
weight. We've heard them admit it.
When we pet past the 200 mark,
we're going to Co something. We
have been thinking of this problem i
In our spare moments, and until to
day had decided to take the Karrell
rure, which must in no way be con
fused with Mr. Keeley's famous
formula. But tonight hope has been
springing eternal again. Bead this,
and throw away your anti-fat. It
bears the stamp of authenticity of
the Associated Press, and how pleas
ant it does sound:
It was only yesterday that we
were in conversation with an Alli
ance woman one who should have
boen informed and we were rained
and grieved exceedingly to realize
that she had never heard of banting.
Banting la for fat people only. Those
who are skinny have no hope, so far
as we are concerned. But for men
and wonlen who hava accumulated
weight in excess of their incllratlon
to carry it, banting is a sovereign
remedy. It consists of rolling back
and forth or thence and return
over a hardwood floor. If yo'i are
inclined to try it, follow these dlrec-
Chlcago. Paul II. Biese today be
came acquainted with his feet for
the first time In many years. In a
port of way he knew he had feet, but
because of his enormous paunch he
could not see them. Mr. Biese can
sit at table and eat without the use
of an extension knlfo and fork and
can get close enough to his friends
to shake hands. Mr. Biese Is a mu
sical director and recently went Into
a hospital for an operation of a triple
nature. Whilo the surgeon was rop
ing off the billows of fat to gt at
work, Biese asked if It were possible
to cut away some of the excess bag
gage. The surgeon allowed it was
worth a trial, bo he ripped out im
mense rolls of poll! fat. He took
away Bixty pounds at the first cp
eration. Mr. Biese at that time
weighed 312 pounds. Today he
weighs 251, which is not far out of
?h way as ho is six feet one inch in
height and built on large lines.
Choice residence lot9 for sale at
Alliance 'lional llank on easy
terms. 20
Get the biggest value out of your Old Last Year's Suit by
trading it in on a NEW ONE. No need wearing the old
models when you can cash in on the old one in exchange
for the latest 6tyle garment. Stay "dressed up" all the
We will accept your Last Year's Suit as part payment on a
New One, allowing from $10.00 to $20.00 depending on the
condition of the suit.
It's a Happy Idea
And you will get the latest, niftiest Spring Suits that can
be bought. We carry the exclusive line of Woolens from
the Bruner Woolen Co. Also the complete line of Dan
forth's Popular Priced Suits.
The Most Modern Cleaning and Pressing Plant
Operated by Experts in the Business.
THE 1-6-4
213 Box Butte Avenue.
Internal Medicine. Surgeru, Eue Ear Nose & Throat
tMiiivEU n uitiuuv i . a iuiu v i unipin. i .n oi lr.i i c iris
jk TWoplendid Hospitals t Medical Block
v i'Kirua. south DAKOTA
Tne National Health Resort
Y 3"V
4. syR
You can renew your subscription until March 1 at $2.00.
tf '
To Settle The Frarik C. Bosler Estate
The "IONE" 50,000 Acre Ranch
Bosler, Wyoming
Will be subdivided and placed in the market about
April 15th
6,000 acres irrigated under the Boughton Canal
15,000 acres of smooth bench farming and
pasture land.
29,000 acres of well-watered range.
To be offered in blocks of 160 acres to ten
Prices will be about one-half of value and the
terms attractive.
mwmi co