The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, February 13, 1920, Page ELEVEN, Image 11

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of aH corporation shall be con- ty feet a day. No report have been
ducted by a bnaid of three directors,1 given out by the company since i
namely, W. Guthrie, Glen ) good showing of oil anl gas ni
Miller and It E. Hum bo. That tht
officers of mI.I corporation shall be a
president, Ice-president, secretary
and treasnucr.
Incorr orators.
Secretary of said Corporation.
Mite' ell & Gantc. Attorneys.
Feb. 24
Real Estate, Loans and Insur
ance. F. E. REDDI3H, Reddish
Blocks tf
found at 1,515 feet, although numer
otis t umors have been started b
those Interested In the projict.
Lincoln. An nttitek rn mnde oiS
The McWhortor Oil and Refuting parlor holshex Uis by member of ttif
rompunj 's plant at Luck should convontlm wl en nn n'tempt wit mad
n.ake ltd first run of oil this week, I to put on general fl'e proposal No
waa announced following a det tors ' IKH. milking It neicssnry for cvera
Meeting at Trouble with
fr eon pipes has caused delay but
will shortly be over come.
1 ' - ii
Oil Notes '
voter to be nh'e to rend and under
atnnil the wist Itn Inn. The nttemjil
fulled nod Me pronoslMon wpk defiiv
Itely poNtpnned. Af'er P'eve of ()toi
fulled to rev he the tnonsttre S;ilHmaij
Of 1'lene, who led t''P oo'oton, de
elnretl that the dnnver In this rountrj
la not In tie unfortun!e uir'ducntei
ninn who cannot rend the'llsh lan
gunge, but rather from the super
educated men and women who cat
read It but 1 tint care to understand
It. WlllHe of Richardson, who u
W. O. Nlenian, the hustling sales
man for the Dempster company of
Deatrlce, has delivered two new oil
drilling rigs to parties In the Osage
field during the last week and has
more coming for delivery. The
Dempster rigs are finding a read sale
In this shallow and hustling field.
WANT TO BUT aomethlngT Hun
dreds of people weekly scan these
want ad columns locking for
what you or others have to offer.
Oct quick resulte by advertising
In The Herald Wwt Ad department.
FOUR LOTS In Belmont addition
Nos. 94, 95, 96, 97. Inquire of
G. E. Morrison, Dox 204, Crawford,
FOR SALE Four room house on
Sweetwater, with seven lots. In
quire 504 Herald Office. 24p
sets. Mrs. J. R. Smith. Phone
S90. 24p
FOR SALE 814 acres four and one-
half to five miles from Bridgeport.
40 acres irrigable, under government
Mnni extension: 200 to 500 acres
tillable: balance grazing. Small lm
provements; two wells and wind
mills. A good small ranch proposi
tion. Price for immediate sale
120.00 per acre, about one-half cash.
Address P. O. Box 747, Bridgeport,
Nebraska. 2 5
WE PAY cash for second-hand over
coats and suits. 164 Cleaners.
THE HERALDwllTayTcnround
for good, clean, white rags.
rooms; no children.
Chris. O.
Foil hale: CHICKS
Columbia Hatchery
We can supply you with any quan
tity of Baby Chicks. We have 14
varieties Including all leading breeds.
Live delivery guaranteed by Parcel
Post or Express. Write for prices.
P. O. Box 1102, Denver, Colo. F-71
After all, Is it
just touchiness?
sensitiveness or
- District Judge E. C. Raymond of
Newcastle set aside Judicial pre
cedent when he ordered the sheriff
to appoint two deputies and have
them proceed at once to the Osage
' oil fields and there guard overnight
the two oil wells on land, the title of
commodities, and to engage In
business of handling, buying, sell
ing and dealing In and with coal, Osage syndicate of Sheridan and the
rnlto wood nn A salt for them on their Freel Oil company at Lusk. The
own account. To buy and sell and judge further Instructed the sheriff
generally deal in all such livestock, not to let anyone approach the wells
fnnrinmrfR. nroducts. bv-nroducts. during the night and to measure
The Wyosugo Prilling sjndicate is
moving material for its first rig on
holdings, near Upton, Wyo., comprls
ing sections 34 and 35-48-65 ami
sections 2 and 3-47 65.
Three wella have been completed
in the Thornton-Upton field by the
Wyoming High Gravity Oil lompany,
It has been reported hero. The wells, M)ri Snlllninn. on Id the unmoved r
are not on vuo rumy yei uui iur? ouireincnts would be nottilne less tnar
are unofficially reported to be about taxation of the nneducated cluas-
twenty-five barrel wells. The sand without representation
was found at 700 feet, but work had e e e
been suspended lor me winter, ine 0n)y two ,)roposn,9 1Dve been defy
company has about 3,000 acres oC n,te,y or(pd upon ny tne ntnXt) C0D
land in Weston county, where the Bttutlonal convention since It as4
Thornlon-Uplon field is located. sembled December 1, 1010. and dele
Thirty thousand dollars was paid ,atM Bre beginning to speculate aboui
by the Midwest Oil company for an B date of adjournment President A. jj
eighty-acre tract on section 31-46- Weaver Is hopeful of getting through!
83 In the OBage, Wyo., oil field, ac- by about March 1, while most of thai
cording to information received here, members think the session will laatj
One producing well has been com- wall Into the month of March. The two!
pleted on the property. It is estl- measures settled by the constitution,
mated at cIobo to forty barrels by framert are of statewide Importance.
the drillers. The hole was sunk to Provision has been mad for the legla-j
a depth of 300 feet. This is toe latnre to authorize verdicts In ctvlu
biggest deal bo far in the Osago field. bJ five-sixths of the Jurors. iq
aiso oeen neowea mat a nmjuni
ty voting on the question of townshl
The Jewel Oil company lias ac- organisation shall be sufficient t
auired a quarter section in the Split carrv lt
wnicn was in litigation oeiween iob m dome, Wyoming, seven miles
northwest of Lance creek. Three
The committee on taxntlnn and
large Pennsylvania oil companies revenue is struggling with the propo4
have agreed to commence drilling altlon of exempting bonds of state,
operations within ninety days. All county, municipal, school district or
geological reports and testa made In- other political subdivisions from taxa4
produce, commodities, articles and their depth in the morning and to diCRte tnat oli win De produced, in tlon. The committee Instructed a sub-
merchandise, and in such connection ascertain whether or not either well
to do a general wholesale, retail and contained oil in commercial quan
jobbing and commission business
therein. To construct, purchase,
lease, or otherwise acquire and op
erate yards, sidings, warehouses,
cold storage or refrigerator cars, or
other transportation facilities as may
be necessary for the purpose of prop
erly carrying out the plans of the
titles. He further announced that
he would conduct an Inspection of
the wells himself and would reserve
his decision until he had completed
the Inspection. He announced that
if it were found that the conditions
at either well differed materially
from the representations made in
this field from a much shallower committee to draft three separata!
depth than in Lance creek field. P'"n- They are: First, exempting
such bonds, except from Income tax
... , . . m jt n them; second, a provision that tha
The Minnesota-Wyoming Land De- Mure may exempt public bondi
veiopment company, orgaoizea uy
Manltowac, Wis., men, Is becoming
company. To una -and provide sun- court, tnat arrests ior perjury wouiu
able markets for such surplus live-; follow.
stock as the company may purchase
In the Interests of Us members or
shareholders. To construct, acquire,
maintain, Improve, control, Buperln-
The title of the property hinged
on the priority of the discovery of oil
on the land. Both companies were
drilling on the same piece of land,
active in the Mule creek field follow
ing the acquisition of leases to ap
proximately 5,600 acres of prospec
tive oil land there and In other dis
tricts of the state. Equipment will
be secured at once for Mule creek
drilling, It Is announced from Lusk,
where the company has established
its headquarters.
legislature may exempt pub
from taxation except Income; and'
third, that no bondf ahull be exempt,
from taxation.
The committee on education recom
mended for Indefinite postponement
Proposals Nos. M and '175, by Evar
and Taylor, both for the election
regents of the university by district
elected T,
tend, operate or lease all necessary.! theSr riK9 being operated with 500
buildings, roads, mills, machinery, feet ot eacn Gther.
Determination wins; persistence is
always rewarded.
LEGAL BLANKS All kinds, at The
Herald Office.
TEAM, harness and wagon for sale.
Phone 624. Wm. Davidson. tf
olrVslPAPERS 5c a package,
af'The Herald Office.
room, modern house, 2 baths.
Nettle M. Campbell. Phone 712; 606
Cheyenne Ave.
eon; one 20 horsepower Interna
tional. good shape; one Case steam
engine with Bteel tender; one Hieder
1225 in good shape. F. A. Clark, tf
FRAXEGooTuledara aTh
Jones Company, Masonic Temple
Bldg. tf
FOR RENT Room for one or two
gentlemen. Mrs. Nettie Campbell,
(06 Cheyenne; phone 712. tf
WANTED A live man to
take charge of factory
branch distributing a good
tractor In northwestern Ne
braska. Must have some
cash and good references.
AddreBS B17, care Herald.
WANT TO LEASE At once; 4 or 5
sections of grating land and bay
land that will cut 200 tons or more
of bay. Address C. P. Wollaston.
Bayard. Neb.. RuraL 23p
WANTED Experienced salsaladlea.
Reply at once ta Tae Fashion
Notice is hereby given that a nr
poratlon was organised at A'liance,
Nebraska, on January 15th, 1920, In
accordance with the laws of the State
of Nebraska.
That the name of said corporation
is Alliance Packing Company.
That the principal place of tran
sacting the business of said corpora
tion is Alliance, Box Butte County,
That the general nature of the
business to be transacted by Bald cor
poration shall be to do and carry on a
general packing business; to own and
hold real estate and buildings with
the necessary machinery and appli
ances lor the slaughter, cleaning,
dressing, processing and otherwise
preparing animals and carcasses of
animals for meats and for food prod
ucts and for packing and preserving
the same, and the sale of all ucb
meats and food products and deal
ing generally in buch food products
and packing and preserving the same
for sale. The buying, keeping, main
taining and preparing animals, ucb
as hogs, cattle, and Bheep for slaugh
ter for the pin pose of making and
manufacturing tberetrom such meats
and food products, and packing and
preserving the same and selling the
same for lut d and general consump
tion. To acqulie, own and hold by
purchase, lease, or otherwise, real
estate, and to erect, build and con
struct and maintain thereon and in
connection therewith, stock yards
and yards, buildings, pens, lots and
structures of every kind for the pur
pose and proper equipment of yards
for stock and for the purpose ef
selling and disposing of livestock;
and to keep in connection there
with all kinds of grain and feed
with which to supply such stoek so
kept, and to furnish to the public
generally, and to the owners of live
stock, who desire to sell or market
the same for hire, suitable facilities,
places, pens, lots, barns, stables and
structures for the proper showing,
displaying, disposing and selling of
any and all kinds of livestock, and
to generally operate a public live
stock exchange and an open market
To buy, sell. Import, export and gen
erally deal in poultry and poultry
products and dairy products of every
kind, class and description and their
by-products. To manufacture, buy,
ell and deal generally In Ice. To
preserve In cold storage and general
ly deal In all kinds of food products
of a perishable nature or otherwise,
To bur and sell, deal In, export or
Import, coal, coke, wood and salt,
and to act as the agent of any per
son, trm or corporation la baying,
dealing, or selling for them la inch
factories, refineries, and all other
works and conveniences as may seem
conducive to the objects of the com
pany. To acquire by purchase, lease,
or otherwise, any real eBiate re-1
quired, and to dispose of the Batne In
any manner deemed to be in the in
terests of the company. To acquire
whollv or in nart any business of
similar nature and to purchase the ; people,
bonds or mortgages of such corpora
tions. Also to purchase, own, hold,
acquire, Bell, lease, rent, hypothecate
also No, 85 by Svohodn,
state board of education,
districts, to hnve control of the unl
The known area of the Osage oil versify normal schools and coinmoO
field has been extended to ajtoint six ichools.
nillfu nniithweRt of Newcastle bv the :
regarding the depth Of the wells, the encouterlng OI Dil at 400 feet in a Nebraska women will be eligible forj
amount of oil and which company weU wh)cn lhe Obaie Petroleum com- Jury service so far as the state constW
had first discovered oil. The Judge , ainUinlr , VoAra station tution in concerned If Hie neiml arw
'took this unusual method of admin- Vi ninr riu nr moved to orove the draft orenn red bv the const!-
istering Justice. Pedro. tntlonnl convention. In adopt Ing a
There was conflicting testimony
The next day ne rendered a deel- j
Bion awarding title to the Sheridan
Seventeen oil well completions,
with a total new production of 1,415
and mortgage real estate and all ' barrels a day, represents the new re- pleted for a distance of three miles
kinds of personal property, and make suit of drilling operations in Wyom- ad ia delivering oil from seven
proposal to permit the leirlnlnture to
Oil from the Osage field now Is be- t,,e t,,","
Ing delivered at the storage tanks oi f,vn H"" "ve-s Ixlbs vote of th
.i. l, , , u i J"1"! convention eliminated the word
the. refinery which ia bving erected i.,Dn
at Osage. The pipe line fioni ttu re- e e e ;
finery Into the field has been coin-
assignments of leases and contracts
and transfer and assign leases and
contracts when and where necessary.
Incidental, needful ' and useful , in
transacting, carrying on and conduct
ing for the month of January, a de- wells.
crease of six completions compared
. . . t i- . v. -...a .. .11 I
wun id preceuiuR imuuiu u a The
fnllnwltie Muln creek wells
In goff In new production of 7.235 report the following depths: The
barrels. The slump Is accounted for ... , ,, ..
Ing the business of said corporation; j by the fact that during the closing Jg drjljing at Deiow 600 feet on see
to borrow and loan money necessary . month of the year Lance creek flld ., vbYu m, a ouaiter
saw tne completion oi aeverai wun j
which raised the average to a new
and needful to transact, carry on,
and conduct the business of said cor
poration; to make' and issue promi,
ry notes, bills of exchange,, bonds,
obligations, and other evidences of
Indebtedness of every kind, unse
cured or Becured by mortgage, pledge
or otherwise; also to purchase, hold
and sell the securities, other than
stocks, and bonds of other corpora
tions and of said corporation. And
to do each and everything necessary,
suitable or proper for the accom-
SenMment anionir the members of
the convention to ref -se t rlml'sh thai
death penalty 'n Nebraska Is relliK-tedj
In the net Inn of the iiilsee'tiineous af
fairs ci pmilttee. which recommended!
for Indefinite postponement the two!
proposn's Introducer 'n the assembly)
to do awuy with rnnltal punishment.
e e 1
Denflnlte action on the farm land;
nch casing has been set at 1 500. tenantry question was Rldcstonped byi
feet In the DeBolt and Sayre well on the assenibly nfter a bnr discussion.
record. Offsetting the decrease In . hw nllartr nf 13. 3R-fil ''..,n ,..,a,i ii,. ...K.
new production are figures showing The Lubk.Mule creek lg drl ling at Jecf. No. 2XS, was turned o- or to threei
an Increase of forty-five In rigs stand- J 030 feet on Bection 25-40-61. On standing committees for them to con4
in ir and rlrllllnp nvpr December. i .
Ing and drilling over December,
The Wyoming-Northeastern Oil
company of Alliance has secured cas
ing and is now drilling at a rapid
rate on their Mule creek holdings at
"Camp Gumbo." C. M. Looney, field
the southwest quarter of 36-40-61, Mder Jointly.
the Ohio company is down 1,000 feet (
snnerintendent of the comoanv. soent
pllshment of any of the purposes, or ; Sunday ln Alliance and reports the
ine attainment oi any one or wore ui
the objects herein enumerated, or
with a test to be drilled to the Embar
sand, expected at 1,800 feet. The
Lusk-Edgemont is down 1,700 feet
on the southeast quarter of 32-37-80.
which shall at any time appear con
clusive to or expedient for the pro
tection of or benefit of said said
That the amount of the authorised
capital Block of said corporation
shall be One Million Five Hundred
Thousand (11,500,000.00) Dollars,
divided into thirty thousand (30,
000) shares of the par value of
Fifty (150.00) Dollars each, fully
paid and non-assessable. All sub
scriptions to the capital stock of Bald
corporation shall be payable ln the
manner provided by the Bureaus of
Securities, Blue Sky Departments or
other like regulatory or supervisory
bodies or commissions ln the state
respectively where such subscriptions
are taken.
That said corporation shall com
mence business on January 20th,
1920, and continue for the period
of fifty years from and after the date
its Articles of Incorporation are filed
in the efflce of the Secretary of State
for the State of Nebraska.
That the highest amount' of In
debtedness or liability to which said
orporatlen may at any time subject
Itself shall not exceed the sum nf
two-thirds of the paid up and out
standing capital stock.
That the business and affairs of said
corporation shall be conducted by a
board el nlns directors, elected by
the stockholders of said corporation
at their annual meeting. That until
the aaanal meeting of tha stock
holders of said corporation ln Jan-
work going ahead in excellent shape
A iiiioittna -v tVinoA I it toroot CI A in t Y A
i i. j .. ., . u i average individual to expand with
company visited the camp last week,
A complete line which causes the;
and were well pleased with the prog
ress of drilling.
The big gas reduction plant has
been completed by the Ohio company
in the Lance creek field.
The Mint Petroleum company of
Denver has leased 2,000 acres fifteen
miles south of the producing area of
the Lance Creek field, and three
miles north and west of the townsite
of Manville, where it proposes to
drill a test as quickly as the proper
geological 'report Is made on the
structure. This operation is the
farthest south of the known produc
ing belt of the Lance Creek field yet
undertaken, and its development will
be watched with Interest.
The Producers & Refiners corpor
ation has offered to pipe gas from
its wells ln the Big Band draw, ln
Fremont county, to Rlverton, Wyo.,
if a local company la organised to
distribute it. President Kistler was
given a franchise for River'ou some
time ago.
Tha Cottonwood Oil & Develop
ment company has erected a rig on
the George Miller ranch, near Edge-
mont, and has three more rigs ready
for shipment. A large acreage ln
leases was acquired ln the field last
Tha Centennial well on Goshen
domo Is again drilling at 1,720 feet
after tha holiday shutdown, tha hole
nary, 1121, tha kuslaeai and affairs being completed at tha rata of twen-
Conventlon delepntes npfcnr to ba
generally in favor of nn amendment
to the constitution creating nn Indus
trial court to adjust labor dWnutesj
Three proiiosnls before the assembly,
Nos. 144. 217 und )7 provide for
such a body.. .
e e e
The committee on municipal govern
fnent has acted favorably on the pro
posal which will grant home rule t
the city of Omaha. Other cities of thai
State remain under the same constitu
tional provision as at present
I e e e ,
secret satisfaction.
Shoeman: Your feet are extreme
ly hard to fit. You should have
your shoes made to order.
Doctor: You are of an extremely
KlaK.aiiitins rASa wr Ant) A n1 t it
valuable to the community to take Uon Hpprove(1 a prop(m,;, t0
any chances with your health. lmlt Kfl,,PI1KbMnll mnnecti with that
Banker: You are a moat conserv-, mlUt(l,y or nnval forre of th countryi
atlve man conservative and of good to vote llllt wft th details to be)
judgment. s-nrba1 nut t til WlalHt liru I
Clothier: Your figure has Individ
uality. No use showing you these
inferior garments.
Dentist: You have the most sen
sitive teeth I have ever come across.
0. Ee Nelson
Dr. E. B. O'Keefe
Over Harper's Storo
rhono 1028 Alliance, Nebr.
Ateaattoa Detail
Situ Werk Ual
ncsaujucr hlhuzbio oo,
raowai is
worked out by the legislature.
e e
The convention killed the compul
sory vote amendment, under the provl4
tlons of which a penalty would attach)
to failure to vote In any election. i
e e I
By unanimous vote the convention
pawed the woman suffrage amendment
to the new constitution. 1
Douglas county delegates are push
Ing with vigor Proposals Nos. 273, 27L.
377 and 278 by Abbott, which. If,
adopted will Impose drastlo regain
tlons on all public service corporations
in Nebraska. I
Public attention bas been called to)
Proposals 274, 906 and 809, now b4
fore tha tonmittee en public service)
corporations, which some delegates)
redlct If adopted and ratified will
trip nunicpalltles of power to control
suollo clUliUas, elty er prlvstaly owned.
By vota of six ta five tha ommls
as an bill af rights went on record
to favor af taking private property!
a? private nee. Tha eemmittea did
IMs) In voting to recommend for goo
stal tie proposal Xo. M by Boss o
, . - i