The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, February 03, 1920, Page THREE, Image 3

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You can bet on anything. Two
Alliance business men have discov
ered a game that is all chance. They
bet each morning on which door of
the postofflce will be open.
The fellow that told us says he
can't beat the game. He's only
guessed right one time in five weeks.
He wouldn't have won that time,
If both doors hadn't been open.
There's more excitement in this
than in betting on red-headed girls.
There Is roomTor a Seagull club
In Alliance.
Of course the eligibility rules are
jtretty strict, but enough would qual
ify to make it Interesting.
More anon.
We know at least one school
Mrs. Charlie Chaplin
In her latest and best picture
you ever saw one you will re
member for the balance of the
) "Oh You East Lynn"
. Take it from us, It's a peach.
Latent Current Events
Mat. 3 p. m. Night 7:30 & 9
Admission 13c & 27c & war tax
Special High School ,
Declamatory Contest
Lewis Bennison
Fatty Arbucklo In
"The Bell Boy"
Ford Educational
Adm. Night 50c; Balcony 75c
Mat. 3 p. m. Photoplays Only
13c and 27c
Alliance's Favorite
Robert Warwick
One of the most popular novels
ever written, made in one of
the finest pictures ever
Usual Comedy
No Advance in Price
Matinee and Night 13c & 27c
Matinee 3 p. m.
Special Matinee for School
Children 4:30 13c & war tax
Mary Pickford
Night 7:30 & 9 p. m.
Admission 27c & war tax to all
teacher who has presence of mind
We saw his head close to that of a
young lady at the boarding house
but when we arrived within earshot
they were telling each other about
tho beautiful lecture that Dr. Venner
had given
Tact we'll say it was tact.
As Gene Majors once said: "If
the tackiest thing I ever saw."
They toll a story of an Alliance
man who, in happier and wetter
days, was occupying a room in an
Omaha hotel, lie was just a trifle
fxcited, and got a bit noisy. His
friends cautioned him: "Be careful
they'll be sending a cop up here.'
The Alliance man, with quiet scorn
corrected them: "You mean 'cors,
he said.
America's three greatest admirals
according to Stars and Stripes, were
Faragut, of the civil war; Dewey, of
the Spanish-American war, and Gray
son, of the boudoir.
On the same basis, name the three
greatest soldiers.
Wuxtra! Wuxtra! Porters de
mand the abolition of tips.
Be calm it's in Canada that all
this la happening.
It isn't that they've experienced a
change of heart. No, their patrons
have. Gratuities have fallen off 40
per cent during the last two years,
The world is growing better. Some
day the barbers won't insist that you
need a shampoo.
Personal in a New York paper:
"Lady with a bottle of vermouth
would like to meet gentleman with
bottle of gin; object, cocktails."
Here's one we clipped from a
French magazine, and you may
translate it as you wish. It sounds
interesting, doesn't It:
"Jeunes ofllciers artllleurs ayant
pour devise: la gaite Jusqu'au bout,
demandent marraines egalement
gales, discretion d'honneur, photo si
possible. Ecrlre capitaine Trom et
lieutenant Bonnard au Sourlre."
For the best catch-as-catch-can
translation of that ad to reach us by
March 1, we offer a prize of the best
story Rufe Jones ever told.
It's not the story you think it is,
For the information of curious
subscribers, we will say that the
magazine was "Le Sourlre de
France," and from our memory of
the contents, was worth the full price
of subscription to any save the blind.
Lest we be misjudged, we hasten
to explain that by "blind," we mean
the "mentally blind."
As we have repeatedly said, noth
ing is too good for our subscribers.
The Griffith Oil company, in which
many Alliance people are stockhold
ers, will soon start drilling on their
1,280 acres of holdings in the Wy
oming Bolton creek field. Since the
bringing of a gusher in this field a
few days ago these holdings have In
creased immensely in value and the
(Jrifflth company expects to proceed
with their development without de
lay. The following from the Casper
Herald of January 24 tells of the
new well in the Bolton field:
"The tremendous pressure re
quired to lift an eight-inch stream
of oil from oil Bands past 1,000 feet
Wm. King Co.
Wholesale and Retail
Mail Orders Given Prompt Attention
Try Our Lunches
In depth, indicates the tremendous
value of the strike recently made by
the Poison Splder-Bolton syndicate
In the Bolton field. When the first
reports of the well were received It
was estimated that the production
would be In the neighborhood of flf
ty barrels of oil a day. .Yesterday,
despite the fact that there is nearly
fifty feet of ravings in the hole, that
the tools are in the hole and that the
well has never been drilled in, the
well flowed over the top.
There is virtually no gas in the
hole, so the oil was flowing from
1,000 feet on strictly rock pressure,
Indicating that there is a tremen
dous reservoir of oil beneath the pro
ducing depth.
"Representatives of large oil com
panies here yesterday visited the well
and reported that the settled produc
tion should be one of the most val
uaoie discoveries made in recent
"The Tolson Splder-Bolton syndi
cate believe that the remaining por
tion of the hole should be far in ex
cess of the original expectations and
has a crew of twenty men in the
field, who are erecting a new Stand
ard rig on the new deep test loca
tion, others throwing up a temporary
dike to retain the oil flowing from
the well. The absence of storage
tanks yesterday permitted the oil to
flow virtually a mile from the camp
and well site.
Just as soon as possible the well
will be headed off and arrangements
made to clean it out and Bet the last
casing lengths, before bringing the
hole to full production. The indica
tions received so far have made all
persons Interested in oil development
here anxious to see what the well
will do when full arrangements are
L. E. Bliss
Live Stock a Specialty
Phone Birch 8132, Alliance
sir "
"TET a package today. No-
tice the flavor the whole
some taste of Kentucky Burley
Why do so many "regular
men" buy Lucky Strike
cigarettes? They buy them
for the special flavor cl the
toasted Burley tobacco.
There's the big reason it's
toasted, and real Burley. Make
Lucky Strike your cigarette.
) Guaranteed ty
IT.- u o
Administrator's Sale
February I Oth, 1 920
Starting at noon, I will sell at public auction at the ;
Court Room in
the equity of the estate of the late Major Carter P
Johnson in and to
2,345 Acres of Deeded Lands
and in and to "the leases on 1,080 acres of School Lands. Also, in and
to Park Addition to the town of Crawford, Nebraska, consisting of lots
1 to 38, both inclusive.
After this sale, I will offer at public auction three other tracts of
land adjoining the estate lands, aggregating 1 ,600 acres, making a total of
5,025.86 Acres to be sold at this sale
All of the ranch land is close to the town of Glen, Sioux County,
Nebraska and about 14 miles west of Crawford, Nebraska. There is
standing timber on each tract of ranch land.
For terms, address the undersigned.
Cyrus 0. Wertz, Administrator
Lusk, Wyoming