THE ALLIANCE HERALD, ALLIANC E, NEBRASKA, JANUARY 9, 1920. THRE3X i ( I 1 i' i Random Shots - One Alliance man is having a hard lime explaining Just how he hap pened to get a postcard from Chicago Igned "Mabel." Explanations onljr make It worse. Sometimes the truth does sound stronger than fiction. Explain to us, please, why two school teachers should decide on the same day that there's no future In the profession. . We'll give you one,, guess as to "What Alliance man the poet was re ferring to when he set down these lines: ""Because a few complacent years Jlave made your peril of your pride, Think you thajt you are to go on Forever pampered and untried." You win. Ain't poetry expressive? If one really wants to be offended, most anything will serve as an excuse. Be sure you're right before you go Ahead. More poker poetry: 33et high, though half your wad Is In the pot, Don't lose your nerve if openers you've got, Just shove them in as long as there Is change, Though we ain't here for long, our coin remains. Do you suppose the man who wrote that ever played with our wricked gamboliers? What's happened to all those men with the funny names? Granted that every knock is a boost, the average man really prefers to be boosted some other way. It now developes that cranberries, as well as being a sure corn cure, are an infallible remedy for head ache. All you have to do, so our in formant says, is to mash up half a dozen and appy the Juice to the back of the neck or the right eyebrow, whichever seems most effective. Sounds simple, doesn't it? The 1920 leap year girl, so we are Informed, is most diplomatic. Take our advice, and watch out whenever the conversation takes an unusual turn. The war showed the strategic ad vantage of the unexpected attack. This is the open season. If you get hooked, don't say we didn't warn you. Any old excuse is good if you get away with it. A California man beat up his wife with a hammer a few days ago, and when she had him up In court, said that it was the effect or some tonsil medicine he bad taken. v First tim, we ever heard whisky called tonsil medicine. It's principal use is for con sumption. Society Orvill Kldwell of Hemtngford was an Alliance business visitor Wednes day. R. L. Johnstone, field salesman for Taxton'& Gallagher, has returned from Omaha, where he has been at tending the hardware convention of his firm. We grind our own lenses. Drake k Drake, Optometrists. tf Mrs. J. O. Walker departed Thurs day night for Columbus, Neb., where she, will visit for a few days with Miss Gladys Sheridan. She will then go to Arnold for a short visit with her mother. Rought Dry, 8c per pound. Al liance Steam laundry. tf Mrs. L. C. Thomas went to Edge- mont Wednesday on business. There will be Installation of offl-1 cers In the Rebecca lodge Friday evening. Officers from Hemingford Rebecca lodge will do the installing. A supper will be served after the installation. For Sale Nine room house. Best part of town. Modern. Price 1 right and good terms. See Nebraska Land Company. 4 County Superintendent Opal Rus sell expects to leave the first of the week for Lincoln to attend a meet ing of the county superintendents. Mrs. James Keeler returned Sun day from Crawford, where she had been visiting with Mrs. E. R. Morri son for a few days. Ray Clifford and family have moved into their new home on Box Butte avenue.' Call 160. Rough Dry 8c per lb. Alliance Steam Laundry. Rough Dry, 8c per pound. Al liance Steam Laundry. 2 Mr. and Mrs. William Nelman are visiting in Beatrice and Omaha this week. Mr. Nieman will attend the sales conference of the Dempster company during his absence. Mrs. Addle II. Dummond of Chad- ran was in .Alliance Wednesday on business. . Frank Potmesil of Hemingford was in Alliance yesterday on business. For Sale Two six room houses on Sweetwater. Modern except heat Price and terms right. See Nebraska Land Company. 4 The W. C. T. U. will have one of their institutes next Thursday after noon and evening and continued on Friday morning. Program will appear in Tuesday's Herald. MrB. Sylvester of Scottsbluff, Neb., Ne braska's national delegate, will be here to give her address and report. Prominent men will also give ad dresses. Hought Dry, 8c per pound. Al liance Steam Laundry. tf NOTICE Regular teachers' examination will be held at the court house Janu ary 24. OPAL RUSSELL. 15 County Superintendent. Maybe those school teachers were thinking of leap year. Or maybe they are going to be come farmerettes. Another one has qualified for the degree of expert kldder. Member of the fair. sex. "Ma" has taken down the mistle toe. It had been hanging in the doorway ever since Christmas, but we didn't see it 'till it was pointed out. We understand now why that young man used to linger there. Lire and learn, as the poet says. It takes real bait to catch any kind of a fish. TJou can SEE 7 as you. In PYREX food bakes quickly, retains its flavor and you canwatch thebak ing through the dish the bottom as well as the top. PYREX i sanitary, washes easily, keeps clean, never age, and ! guaranteed not to break in oven use. - There it a PYREX atvle and ize for every practical baking jp'urpoae. One Pyrex diah doe ithe work of aeveral pieces of other oven-ware. 0" RAILROAD NOT EH P S. Aber, of the machine shop, returned from a business trip to Sheridan yesterday. Fireman II. C. Roberts Is unable to report for work. Fireman Flnnertu Is confined to his home with the grippe. His condi tion Is reported Improved today. C. L. Woodman Is laying off this week to visit his mother in Denver. Brakeman P. L. Paton returned to work after being off a week on ac count of getting a hot cinder In his eye. Brakeman B. J. Perry is laying off for a few days to look after his home stead at Sheridan. Conductor L. J. Devlne and W. R. Reddlngton were sent to Belmont this morning to help supervise the re-lining of the tunnel Mrs. Harry Arrtson, wife of the freight house foreman, was taken sick ' Friday evening of last week with the grippe. For two or three days she had quite a high tempera ture, but Thursday seemed to be greatly Improved. Brakeman Charlie Weldman leaves today for California for a month's visit. CHfRClI OP CHRIST The new year began last Sunday with a fine attendance at the Bible school, communion and preaching services. Every member present at all services will help to reach many more. Can the Lord depend on you to do your best? An affirmative an swer! That will help wonderfully. Do not forget to pray for the min ister and each other. That is an other great help. The sermon subjects for the Lord's day are: "The Church Awakened by a Rediscovery of the Reality and Power of Prayer," and "The Church at Work." You will desire to hear these sermons. They will bo scrip tural and helpful. These are great days .to use your talents. This church has work for each member to do. Come to the church with a mes sage and a welcome. Choir practice on Friday evening at the church after the united prayer service. STEPHtCN J. EPLER, Minister. The most serious hazard the woman golfer encounters Is the camera. It is hard to graft the olive branckr upon the blackthorn. THE UNIVERSAL CAR Dont Depend on Spring Deliveries Spring deliveries of Ford cars have never been certain, and they should not be depended upon. Demand has always been greater for Ford cars than the supply or production. So, if you would bo sure of having a Ford car, , buy it now while deliveries arc possible. Don't wait even next month is an uncertainty. . r Only a limited, specified number of jars has been "allotted to this terri- " tory. That allotment cannot be increased," because the demand all over the country is greater than the supply or production. Get your order in now) and you will be one of those who is sure of a Ford car out of our allotment. Coursey & Miller F0BDS0N TRACTORS AND POWER FARMING EQUIPMENT Insist on Genuine Ford Parts 1 They'll Be Gone B Y JANUAR Y 1 7th BUYERS are availing themselves of the tremendous reductions of fered at this Clearance Sale. From present indications NOT A SINGLE GARMENT will be carried over. Everything will be sold by January 17th. : George D. Darling 113-17 W 3d St. Alliance, Nob. Prompt Cleaning Service WE HAVE A WELL EQUIPPED PLANT AT YOUR SERVICE Phone Your Next Order We Call For and Deliver Fielding & Son 315 Box Butte" Avenue rir t A OFF on Coats, Suits, and Dresses Nothing is Reserved Every Fall and Winter garment in the Store is placed upon sale at these sacrifice prices. We are compelled to make room for the New Spring Goods' now arriving daily. Every garment embodies the skill of master designers. These are just what you have seen in our stocks through the Fall and Winter practically the latest things obtainable. GOING FAST BUY NOW In the other departments of our Store we offer very substantial reductions that cannot fail to meet with your approval.' Examine the items carefully and plan your purchases. 4 OFF ls OFF 4 OFF NEW BLOUSES SWEATER COATS SKIRTS Late Styles Desired Colon and Materials Entire Line and Fabrics 14 OFF 14 OFF WSC0DNTS UNDERWEAR SILK FURS Entire line Woclens, UNDERGARMENTS Silk and Wool, Etc. Everything Buy Them Now BUY NOW BUY HERE