The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, December 12, 1919, Page TWELVE, Image 12

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Mrs. Maine Docltwlih and Mrs.
Vivian Hall entertained Tuaadsy eve
ning for Miss Grace Csrlmfi whose
lunrriago to Aubrey CI a toil Voting
trill take place d'.ring the JioiMa
canon. A five-course dlasyr was
served after which followed a mis
cellaneous shower. The krifle-o jbfi
la a popular member ( tfcnvovBgCr
et In Alliance. The guest itst In
cluded the Misses Rose Carteop. Mar
guerite Carer. MargarH VOistU,
TereBo Morrow, Irene Rice IM Mrs.
Marvin Ohckou3on.
Do your part of Bwring coal,
buying Munsing Unlerwear frost
HighlandHolloway Oo. '
Miss Margaret Harrtu returned
Wednesday from MltcheM, wlieretthej
has been visiting relative' foe the
past week.
Carl Powell of the atMe univer
sity Is expected home for the 'holi
days. See Bauman and Soe Detter.
We grind our own lenses. tf
Boru to Mr. and Mrs. C. 0. Holmes
on December 6, a daughter.
E. I Redmond of the Mellck Red
mond, Implement Co. ia attending a
convention of Implement sealer In
St. Louis.
Dinner and glassware is to be
closed out at prices that will make
them go. We want the space for
other lines. Highland-HoUoway
The ladles' aid society of (lie Meth
odist church met on Tuesiay of this
week with Mrs. W. J. Mihaffey.
' Marvin Dlckonson haa been ia
Dead wood the past week.
Read about our gift certificate
plan in this Issue. B. O. ilauman,
O. D. 6
The combined bazar and dinner
given by the Methodist ladies last
week met with a considerable bonus,
when a certain woman in the city
donated an extra fifty dollars to the
For Sale New five room modern
house. Oarage In connection. Well
located. Trice and terms right. See
Nebraska Land Company. 4
Francis Nolan, who Is teaching In
Laramie. Wyo., is expected home for
the holidays. ;
Read about our gift certificate
plan in this Issue. B. 0. BaAiman,
O. D.
Owing to coal shortage the Epis
copal Guild wil have no more meet
ings before Christmas.
liny your Christina candle at
the Sugar Howl. 7
Ed Reardon returned to Alliance
this week from Creston, Ia., wtiere
he had been called by the death of
his mother.
We have a distinctive line of
C! ristmas cards and gift books,
which we will be glad to show you.
A good assortment still on hand.
Mann MurIc & Art Co. 4
Mr. Bernard Holsten Is entertain
ing guests this week, her brother,
Dudley French, and her cousin, Mrs.
McCartea, both of Ewlng, Neb.
Beautiful assortment of glass
ware in light cuttings at prices
that are attractive. Highland
Ilolloway Co.
The demonstrator for the Soholl
Foot Appliances will be at the Alli
ance Shoe Store January 26 and 27
to give free examination to anyone
who wishes. If you have any trouble
with your feet, plan to come Into the
store on one of these days. 4
Mrs. A. II. McLaughlin of near
Marsland la visiting In Alliance for
a few-days before leaving for Excel
sior Springs, Mo. Mr. McLaughlin
expects to spend t e latter part of
the winter in the south.
Read about, our gift certificate
plan in this issue. B. O. Bauman,
O. D.
Bud Runner and F. A. Hinely
leave for Denver Sunday to attend a
meeting of Cadillac dealers In that
For Sale One five room house,
good condition.' Modern except heat.
Good location. See Nebraska Land
Company. i
Wayne McDonald left Sunday
afternoon for Kansas City, where be
will attend school.
The electric power plant at
Scottsbluff burned to the ground
Tuesday morning of this week. This
Is particularly unfortunate at this
time as the town is already hardup
for fuel.
The opportunity is now of
fered you to get her a Coat at
actual cost. Highland-Holloway
All kinds of Box candies at the
Sugar 1km 1. 7
Mrs. Howard Reddish went to
Lead, S. D., on Wednesday to spend
the holidays.
Mr. Dalby of Antloch waa in the
city Wednesday.
For skating, school or even in
side wear these days a heavy sweater
is very acceptable. If you do not
have one your wardrobe could be
completed. See the handsome line.
In a variety of color combinations,
at E. O. Laing's. 4
Miss Martha Dayton, who has
opened a music studio in Alliance,
entertained the high school students
this morning at chapel. She was as
sisted by Mrs. John Wlker. Miss
Dayton comes to this city highly rec
ommended and is deserving of pa
tronage. C. L. Burnham, who Is in the
Jewelry business at Antloch, was in
the city Wednesday.
The W. C. T. U. ladles are plan-!
nlng a Christmas cooky shower for
the boys of Ft. Riley. Tlease send
In your donation to Mrs. Cross at
the high flchool not later than De
cember 20.
Fur caps; tome veritable
dandles can be purchased of E. G.
Laing. They include chamois skin
lined as well as sheep-skin lined. 4
Henry Rust has been ill the past
few days with a touch of the grippe.
Tom King of Angora was in the
city Thursday.
There Is nothing like leather to
keep out these chill winds. A
leather coat will serve to keep you
warm, and In addition give all of
style that can be desired. See the
E. O. Laing selection. 4
Frank Dillon was in Alliance from
his ranch near Angora Thursday.
A daughter of Ed Young In this
city is reported ill with scarlet fever.
C. L. Dalby, chemist for an Antl
och potash plant, spent Thursday in
Alliance. .
Irene Rica from Omaha came
Tuesday to spend the holidays with
her parents.
Envelope Chemises are shown
with either built-up shoulders or
straight top with ribbon straps,
made of Crepe de Chine or Satin.
They make one of the most dainty
as well as appropriate gifts that
can be included on your list.
Prices that are reasonable. High
land-Holloway Co.
Mrs. W. W. Overton, mother of
Mrs. Vn Graven, was called to Eu
gene, ore., on account oi sicaness.
Switchman J. E. Johnson went to
Chicago yesterday in response to a
telegram notifying him of his wife's
Farmers, Dairymen, Stock Rais
ers Come to De Ridder, Louisiana.
No severe winters. All year round
growing. Several crops yearly. De
lightful climate. Land now selling
very cheap on easy terms. ' Will pro
duce from $200 to $400 per acre in
sweet potatoes, syrup, peanuts, pea-
cons, etc. Northern and eastern
farmers now 'settling up this rich,
productive country. Write Chamber
of Commerce, De Ridder, Louisiana,
for full particulars. 4
Within twenty-four hours after
the last issue of The Herald ap
peared on the streets, we added no
less than eighteen cash subscriptions
to our Alliance list. We find that
more and more people are beginning
to appreciate the fact that it takes
news to make a newspaper. Of
course, we don't claim to get It all
now and then a good one gets away
from us but our readers say that
we manage to crowd more real news
into eight pages than the average
paper does in considerable more
The Cold Weather
the Two Weeks
Has So Delayed Shipments That the Size of Our Supply of Meats
For Tomorrow Will be Uncertain until Morning
. However, if We Can Get Delivery by Tomorrow We Will Hove Our Usual
Special Sale for Saturday
Note These Prices
Lamb Stew, per lb...
Boiling Beef
Beef Liver .
Standing Rib Roast
Chuck Roast
Shoulder Pot Roast
10c 12i2c
.1 15c
Shoulder Mutton, per lb..
Leg Lamb ,per lb i
Hamburger, per lb.
Bacon, Sugar Cured, per lb 39c
Hams, Cudahay Sugar Cured, per lb 800
Bacon. Squares, per lh 35c
Fresh Oysters, Fresh Catfish, Kippered
Salmon, Smoked White Fish
Order your Tree, Christmas
Decorations, Candles; Wreaths,
Nuts and Candy. All now in
Layer Raisins
Figs, Dates, Citron
Seeded Raisins
Powdered Sugar
Shelled Nuts
Pascal Celery, Green Peppers,
Parsley, Cauliflower, Onions,
California Celery, Radishes,
Grapes, Bananas, Tomatoes
Oranges, Grape Fruit
Jonathon Apples, fancy, per box .
Jonathon Apples, choice, per pox.
Red Cheek Pippin Apples, per box $4.00
Rome Beauty Apples, per box $4.00
Extra Fancy Delicious, per dozen
65c 75c
Our Christmas Candy iss all from Jclui G. Woodward and Company and is the finest
and best Candy we can buy. You can ha ve no better assurance of quality.
Mallery Grocery Co.
One Minute
Store Talk
"For years I've had Clw
intention of making a prac
tical present to my wife on
Christian, but got aitltw
tracked on a 'knick-knack.'
llii year I'm coming direct
to you sell me the be4, Out
fit in the housesome tflk
underwear and furs," kl a
man with the 1919 Christ,
nuu gift Idea.
I. i l' V'
1 r
Do Your Part to Meet the Appeal of the
Fuel Admintration
It is the duty of everyone to save every pound of coal possible. To strive to do all in their power to
help the Fuel Administration. Following are the rules given out by the Fuel Commissioner, which
were clipped from a daily newspaper:
Alliance's chief source of supply
since the strike began and Wednes
day these mines produced only 40
per cent of normal capacity, accord
ing to Snyder.
New Orders to City Manager
To extend its program still further,
the committee Wednesday night is
sued the following order to Alliance:
Do not take an order if the
purchaser has a six days' sup
Ply. Insist that every purchaser
rut down consumption of fuel by
the following methods:
Close unused rooms.
Turn off your registers and
Reduce maximum tempera
ture in homes to 68 degrees and
still lower in business places.
Keep windows and doors
Put more clothes on your
back and lees coal on the fire.
Florists are to be allowed a certain
amount of heat to save flowers and
THESE rules will be followed by all Alliance,
and as every room possible will be cut off
from heat, and houses and apartments in general
will be more or less chilly wise people will take
every precaution to prevent taking colds.
People will dress warmer than heretofore.
People are going to wear heavier underwear,
Women are going to wear heavier) petticoats and
Men and women will wear fianelette night gowns
and pajamas.
Heavy bathrobes will be universally used.
People will wear sweaters and scarfs when the
house is cool or when going into cold rooms.
Wanner clothing will be needed for the children.
More blankets will be needed fo rthe beds.
When these things are provided for your protec
tion, your conservation, of fuel will be safe.
Here are some of the things we have to help you
find the desired comfort and protection.
We Feature Them Specially at $10
Alaska Seal Caps, Detroit Style, at about to
day's wholesale price; heavy sating lining; Very
special, at $10.00
Better grades at $12.50 and up to $15.00
Men's Russian
Squirrel Pur
Cups. Service
able and warm;
epecial, at
$6 and $7
Men's Winter
CaiM of all wool
heavy and warm
$2 and up to f 4
Men's Good
Warm Gap in
Brighton and
Golf styles. Spe
cial at
$1 and $1.50
Xmas Slippers for Men
Cozy, Comfy House Slippers; in felt and in
tan and black leather; Everetts, Operas and
Romeo styles; Moccasin Slippers and a full lino
of soft, warm Felt Slippers.
Specials in
Silk Hosiery
Pair 83
120 Dozen Pure Thread
Silk Hose
This line is made by
one of the best manufac
turers of Silk Hose. We
have them In all shades
and sizes from 9 to
11. They are regular
ly priced at 1.00 a pair,
but in this sale you vin
have them at 79c
Street and
Dress Gloves
Unlined, wool lined
and silk lined; in the best
of makes; Mocha, Cape
ind Sude leather.
Webber and I.'eller
Sweater Coats, 7.50 to
15.00. They're all wool
and worsted sweaters In
coat style, with large
shawl collar In rope
stitch weaves; also slip
overs in plain and fancy
trimmed collar nnd cuffs,
$2.75 to $7.50
Silk Neckwear
85c to $5
Silk Neskwear of Qual
ity, in the besi of Domes
tic and Imported Silks.
The making is excellent
and the patterns will
please the fancy of any
manMany of the ties are
hand-made, insuring
double the wear. Silk
Knitted Ties come at 1.00
to 6.00; in plain and
fancy weaves; plain col
ors, stripes and heather
Men's Union Suits
$2.50 and $2.95
These union suits
which are specially
priced for this sale, are
made of fine combed
cotton yarns and wool
mixtures in grey, ecru
and white; all sizes.
I Wo R. Rarper Dept Store
The Christmas Spirit Prevades Every Department of this Big CashStore
What Would He Like Better Than a Splendid .ft
Bis Store
Alliance, Nebr.