V I lift IllIll im H M t HUMOR OF THE DAYS BEFORE CIVIL WAR stories That Polks Enjoyed When (Jrandpa and Urandnm Were Tretty Small Potatoes. Herewith we present the second grist of stories taken from old files of Harper's, published several years before the' civil war. You'll note that they are pretty good stories, in spite of their age and their stilted style of architecture, "In C , South Carolina, was located a preacher whose modesty never detered him from urging upon his congregation liberal subscrip tions or money for all church and benevolent purposes. In his private solicitations he one day met a good, out eccentric member, who for a long time steadfastly refused his aid to an object the preacher was solicitous to secure. At last Importunity tri umphed, conditionally. He agreed to contribute on condition of being al lowed to choose the text from which the preacher's funeral sermon should be preached. The matter being thus settled, the minister wanted to know what the text was. His friend an swered: "And the beggar died!" Some country journalist thus dis coursed concerning taking opium, and Its effects In his own case: "We never could understand how people can get a taste for opium fastened upon them. We tried a email quantity of it the other day, for 'a pain internally.' We were ordered to take two pills a day for four days. The first dose was really delicious. It gave us pink-tinged sleep, filled to the brim with girls made of rose-leaves. We Indulged In dreams of the most oriental char acter. In one of them we had a mother-of-pearl hand-sled, with golden runners. With tMs we glided down a rainbow made of ice-cream, and brought up on a terrace the sup ports of which were great spars of merald. "The second night things began to change. About the supports of the terrace anacondas began to appear; while. In the distance, a lot of green monkeys, with their tails burned off. were quarreling about the propriety of making a pin-cushion of us! "The third evening matters grew appalling. The terrace had gone, and so had the rainbow and the girls made of rose-leaves; and In their stead we had a bed filled with with Tattlesnakes, and on the head-board four grizzly bears pulling at a haw ser, one end of which was fastened to our neck and the other to an iceberg!" There must have been a "tendency of blood to the head" In that vision! Terhaps few readers of the "Drawer" have ever encountered the Written Language of the Indians. Those who have not will regard the subject as somewhat of a literary curiosity. The extract contains two verses from a chapter in the New Testament, copied from the "Mo hawk Testament." Any thing more "Jaw breaking" than some of the longest words It has never been our good fortune to meet: "Nonwa ne o-nenh ne rajlhhengh stowanenh neoni ne ratssteristha ne Ononghsadokenghdikeh neonl ne thadiyadakwe-ntyu ne radljlhhengh stajyh ro-nathonde Jlneken nlkarih hodense, waghshakodinowengh de hanaondawe ne ken-ikenh ne aode ghyaron. "Ethone shayadat eghwarawe neonl waghshakoghrory, wahhenron, Jatkaghthoh, ne ronnonkweh ne ne yetshinhodonghkwe eghyehhadikenn yade Ononghsadokenghdikeh, ony shakodirihhonneyenny ne Onkweh- hokon." A correspondent who formally con sulted the London Family Gazette about a young lady with a wooden leg, has recently brought the matter to a crisis by marrying her. After a month's experience he says: "I am happy to say a wooden leg is no bad bargain. I married Jessie about a month ago. She refused to give up the wooden leg for a cork one, as she said she 'destested false appearances.' She is always at home, except when she goes out with my self; she never flirts with other men; she never dances at a party; she only requires one boot and one shoe, and these serve her a long time, as she does not walk much, and yet she is not unpleasant to talk with. She dif fers very little from other young women. "The only expense of the wooden leg is the occasional breaking of a strap, which is easily repaired and the supplying of a little gutta percha fur the end of It, to prevent noise in walking. Balancing profit against less, a lady with a wooden leg is rather profitable, not Ao speak of other benefits. I find in Jessie all that a husband could desire." There, now, is a true philosopher; and he talks, moreover, like a man who. Is calculated to make Jessie a tender and non-exacting husband. Oh! what an awful time there would be if the law which was pro mulgated in 1709, in the Old Coun try, should be revived and enforced in our own blessed land. It was en acted In the words following, name ly, to-wlt, etc.: "Whereas several Idle, gossiping women, make it there business to go (Continued on Page 13.) Omaha Opportunities The Omaha Dally News, In an editorial headed "Today' Opportunities," on Nov. 9, said: "Harking back a half century we marvel at the golden opportunities for investment within' the grasp of the early pioneers. We deplore grand father's lack of foresight that to this day pre vents most of us from rolling In wealth. Some one Is always mentioning the fact that his grand father once traded a downtown business site for a span of mules. "Undoubtedly many of us will suffer In the Mteem of posterity to the same degree that we mourn the restricted vision of grandfather who might have left a million or so had ho not felt the need of those mules for pioneer purposes of trans portation. "There are chances for Investment of money In Omaha such as never were In reach of the hardy settler who came here when the city was a front ier post There was no certainty In 1860 that Omaha would develop metropolitan size. Today its future is assured. "Omaha real estate Is Increasing In price faster at the present time than c any other period In the state's history. And higher prices are fixed n actual and not Inflated values. "It Is not every one who may make the Initial payment on a downtown business block. However, there are few families who might not arrange to make the first payment on a home. The home owner Is entrenched against the perplexities of unemployment, sickness and old age. He Is the man to whom excessive rentals have no terror. And residential property today may bo the busi ness district of another year." OMAHA REAL ESTATE BOARD KIDNEYS WEAKENING? LOOK OUT! Kidney troubles don't disappear of themselves. They grow "lowly but oteadily, undermining health with deadly certainty, until you fll a vlo tlm to incurable iii.seaae. Stop your trouulv wttle there Is time. Don't wait until iiille pains become tiff aches. Don't trifle with disease. To avoid future suffering- beg-In treatment with GOU) MEDAL. Haarlem Oil Cap em lea now. Take three or four every day until you are entirely " tTom pttln. This well-known preparation has been one of the national remedies of Hol land for oenturlee. In ! the govern. ment of the Netherlands created a special charter authorising; tta prepare tioa and eat a. The housewife of Holland would si. most aa soon be without food as with out her "Real Dutch Drops," as she quaintly rails GOLD MEDAL. Haarlem Oil Capsules. They restore strength and are rsHponsible In a great measure for the eturdy, robust health of the Hollanders. Do not delay. Go to yoor drug-gist and Insist oa bis supply ins; you with GOLD MEDiAla Haarlem Oil Capsulee. Take them aa directed, and If you are not satisfied with resulte your druggist will gladly refund your money. Lok tor the name GOLD kfKDAL, oa the boa and accept ne ether, la sealed bosea three alses. DRESS H I bought all these goods early very early in fact, and when I learned that I would be unable to renew the lease upon my building, I cancelled the order. Later I asked to have the order re-instated, and was promised by the manufacturers that while they could not furnish me with the goods original ly ordered, that they would make a shipment of DRESSES, newer, later and better than the original order right off the irons, and on the same basis of the former order. I have anything you want in the new Novelty Velour small checks, Velvets, Satins, Tricotines and Jerseys. These Dresses are "Right off the Iron." The style is right and you get the same advantages that I have been giving my patrons in this Great Closing Out Sale. This meant, of course, that I would get later, more up-to-date and strictly stylish goods, at the same prices as of several months before. . ' " 4 This is a problem that cannot be met by competition. These goods are FIRST CLASS AND THE PRICE IS FAR BE LOW WHAT ANY OTHER STORE ANYWHERE WILL QUOTE YOU. Kid Gloves Virginia Kid Gloves No Better Can Be Bought Through my connections with eastern buyers, I have lined up to receive within the next few days an assortment of Kid Gloves that will absolutely discount anything ever shown in the city. The prices on them will be the same as on other goods in the store. FAR LESS THAN YOU CAN PROCURE SIMILAR GOODS FOR ELSEWHERE. GOOD THINGS ARE SCARCE AND THE MAN WITH THE PROPER BUYING CONNECTIONS IS THE MAN WHO GETS THE "GOOD THINGS When I tell you that I have good things, I am telling you the facts. I never have fooled you, and it is too late to start now. When I tell you I have the best quality, best material and the lowest prices, I am telling you an absolute truth, and all I ask is that you come into the store and see for yourself. You will be convinced beyond a doubt if you but visit the store and compare the goods. a" I want my customers to enjoy the benefits of my misfortune. I am giving them the opportunity to save hundreds of dollars in early Christmas merchandising. Girls Serge Dresses e A nice line of Girls' Serge Dresses in sizes ranging from 2 to 14 years. These goods are beyond description. To appreciate them, one must look at them and then look at the price tag. 2011 Jersey $9.90 Plaited Serge S8.45 Girls School Coats at from SI to $4 An exceptional selec tion from which to fit your daughter during the winter months of school. You can't go womg on these pirces. They are absolutely right. SKIRTS The offerings in Skirts are wonderful. No one, in the city or in small towns, can show .garments that will compare with these skirts at the prices I am quoting. I invite comparison of these goods. Come and look at them. Compare the quality and the prices offered by other merchants. You are sure to return to the store and tell me that you can't match them Satins, Silks, Jerseys, Tricollettes, up-to-the minute in style. Priced at a big saving for you. No Refunds No Exchange Every Bale Is Final no nan r IA U I No Refunds No Exchange Every Sale Is Final