- niirTXTATXLniEirAI NOVEMBKK 20, 1919. 1 A'uinOL.WT JIVMOU OP TIIR HAYS IlKtXMlK 1TV1I. WAR Continued from rage IS.) Thomas Holloway, the great pill and ointment man in London, writes to fti. Prairie News on the subject of advertising. He says: "Dear Sir, A correspondent of yours has recommended your paper to me as an advertising medium. He mentioned the circulation, but may hare been mistaken in the amount. Will you kindly Inform me as to the circulation of your weekly, as I wish to make a contract with you for the insertion of my advertisement. I am unlimited In my advertising; my list of papers Is now 1S00 and I am pay ing In advance. Yours respectfully. To which the editor of the News responds: Very dear Sir, The circulation of the Tralrle News, which has been In creased with unexampled rapidity for more than two years, now Speed and Care arc the two watchwords wc have adopted from the beginning. Wo arc equiped to give you quick and efficient service in Contract Wiring and Electric Repairs Your smallest order will bo attended to with the same atten tion to detail and effort to give satisfaction as a big contract. Emergency Electric Co Phone 18 112 West 3rd Street With Norton Realty Co. amounts to forty-three, though 1 am bound In honor to say that two of my subscribers being very precarious pay, I snail probably cut them off be fore this letter reaches you, so that you are at liberty to consider the list reduced to forty-one. To this num ber should be added seven gratis copies, sent to as many friends of mine at a distance, out of compli ment to their indefatiguable exer tions in procuring new subscribers. This number should be further aug mented by a permanent exchange list of sixty-five, making In all a cpn stant weekly circulation of one hun dred and thirteen, besides an aver age of half a dozen surplus copies every week, which are sent with re llelous scrupulosity to postmasters and other distinguished Individuals In benighted parts of the world. I have good grounds for estimating my reading patronage at forty-nine persons per copy. You may safely calculate that the 6537 readers of nir naner would consume on an av erage of 4en dollars worth per an num, each, of your pills and oint ment, particularly the pills, for I can not promise you an extensive sale of your ointment In this region, cuta neous diseases being rare, as may be inferred from the fact that the for elgn born population of Mississippi la only sixty-two of the aggregate So you percelce I shall be the means of onentng a market to you for $55,- 370 worth of the invaluable remedies which have immortal-lles-ed your name, on which, after deducting the cost of materials, boxes, etc., your profit will be about eighty-five per cent, or 147.064.50. Upon this handsome increase of your profits, accruing through my Instrumental ttv. I propose to charge the moder ate commission of one per cent, or $473,62 4. If these terms do not suit you, come over by the next steamer, and we'll talk about it. If you are satisfied with them, for the first quarterly Instalment of $117. 66, be so good as to pay for me one year's subscription to Punch, Diog enes, and The Times, all of which are good papers, and should be en couraged, and send me the balance in cuttings of London Particular-Ma-derla grape-vine. Subsequent In stalments may be sent, at your op tion, in Dank of England notes, or any sort of truck except your med icines. Give my best respects to Queen Victoria, the next time you see her; tell her she is a lady whom I greatly esteem, and that I. often think with what satisfaction, while this disastrous war Is so thinning the population of her realms, she must reflect that she, at least, has done her duty In the way of keeping it up. Your obedient servant, ; THE EDITOR. On the days a man isn't trying to break some of his bad habits, he is better company to himself. Mother's notion of a household tragedy is an abundance of fruit and no sugar to put it up with. Record. Let us make life easy for profiteers by giving them free board and a new suit of clothes with stripes. Record. We're from Missouri If you can beat our Service and Workmanship you have got to Show Us We can repair any tire or tube that is worth repairing. If you have any you are in doubt about bring them in and we will give you our conscientious advice. - We also have a complete stock of Tires and Tubes, which carry our Personal Guarantee in addition to that of the manufacturer. Try Us Now We Believe You Will Eventually Alliance Tire Works George E. Mintzer, Prop. Next to Times Office v f I HI 7117 T7 TIus 68-Pa&e, beautifully F IVA-liL-l illustrated Corn Products Cook Book. It really helps to solve the three-mcal-a-day problem. Every house wife should have cnc. Writ 3 us today. Corn Products Refining ConP.O. Box 161, New York. ts if MF . .TJV mm M TpOR cooking and baking Karo is r used in millions of homes. In all cooking and baking recipes use mostly Karo instead of sugar. It is sweet of delicate flavor and brings out the natural flavor of the food. Nothing better than Karo for candy making. For successful preserving use Karo fifty-fifty with sugar or use straight Karo if preferred. Buy In Quantities ; Save Money Tfh Crystal fIhiie-m the Med Can , (SoMana ISimjwei in the Blue Can, "Maple Haw? ike new liaio vjbHh plenty of swlbstfasice and a rich Haple lasic-in the Green Can. I i i n