The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, November 13, 1919, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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; : : ..rrs, v. waauua .thiAiiai. mt..u.i7. hut
HIE ALLIANCE jlLUALL), ALUAKCK, xSKUJUJv i:0VEtl;u, l.l. jinjQ "
The brotherhood of railway clerk
will give their second annual ball at
the armory on Friday evening, No
vember 14. Thev are hnnlnr tn havo
as goftd a crowd as last year, whvTration In Chrlstlanfeervlee
Billy Worthlngton, the eon or Mrs. First i'resbyterfan c
tors ftdtounl
Edith Worthlngton. has been 111 with
smallpox at the Frank Sbreve home
for r little over a week.
lf R. E. McKenzie. freight engineer,
6ad-tr!eac4ed'1t, neca,iTusa,ay, 'and
senger train No. 4l. The hoys say
iiatjfcq (ad,iVke, irWfaf !Mlf V
the very lap of the gods, but they
are wondering whether the delay
that night bad any connection with
the new skipper.
Conductor J. McDonald has been
Switchman Vern Regester and
wlft were called to Denver Monday
fi account of the death of Mrs. I
ster'g brothenVUmv pjF.fT!
n. They retuuuil Joninh(-4,Tiie!-
ky. The remains arrived NVednes-
m on.
; J. D. Davis took an over-Sunday
if at Ion, but was delayed from re
1 irning by the laWrfrsa? bVm. :41'n
1 onday. Now his- friends are, Wptv
prlng If be hd' ajnunc'h''ihar the
sjaln would bRfcU. ,,rf vtili.fnt
J Assistant Night Tardmaster Wll
Jfam Traggessor took his regular
tjonthly lay-off Monday and Tuea
jiy of this week.
J Miss Mildred Griggs, daughter of
aiperintendent GrgglSf-wtMurn
jiom Lincoln, wnere she ipenire
M-al days In a sanltarlumtn M
4uW. She will put in the next few
eeks In regalrJaaher-, treng,b,, and
i, planning a visit to a sister in Art
na before retarniaigito school i after
1 e holidays.
Wed nesday niornHtf i s'Khe'' toire'
i rn them around, a stock train from
I wont rnlllriort with It Nn nna
T " - . . . ...... " iui uuv ni iv uui huucbb lur uui
4as injured, thottrtxaJfaw at trfefcarsiisdtcsiiiE oavlim -nffttnahtnffMrf lJ
11 .V. il J J . . I . . . .
engine will be'M 'uVrodhftoVt
I J. II. Farr of the freight house
ffrce was takeaJUl. .Monday, - night the pastor. Our church shotLWuhavB
miitx pneumonia. Mr. Farr has seen I fifty homes reading the New Era
Mrenty-flve yea?1 ot'WttrTlc iat'Mi8le-hl offeio ei.eai'JHnuarV
tie time being a-,1 eutenant In, the llvlZQ. . , .. .
rtgular army. seWce'naBWnT''
Mm to cuoa, the Philippines and the Presbyterian church, anyway
umna. .
. t. w r l
O. J. Van Vekn aa-Wla are
jfround parentsoMi ugifter
ver Saturday.
')(Hujrp4teMnt;;JilQjQrisangif tof
Sterling was in Alliance Monday.
cum ni u 'oil n
ui!ii?V-u Jiimi 'til TruniiHo oil in;')
lor one year to your adrress for only
home can be thoroughly informed
WgWdirg1 lrientfeW'Ea0YemmiW
(M?e?sTafes. ftan' yoihname (1
was born to them Monday. Novem
ber 1. The little lady has been given
the name of Belty Muriel. ..Mr. Van
sen is clerk1 'IK HU MUkzieM
and the Presbyterian church, anyway,
jit dvkped at thtiiordon Institute
rVtVf't r5 woihJhlit tfMVOiilel
, vAflftmfig-fto eata-At do1 you Knrfttfn
ises an exciting close. Come and
help your side win. Bring someone
with you.
Christian Endeavor 6:30. Co-op-
A prac-
1th us.
church, corner
Box Butte avenue and Seventh street.
A. J. KEARNS, Pastor.
, ,"t " " cvLniiM: mectixo
("T tod'ero'sT home service cora
jnjttefl, which, popHa fif L. H. High
land, chairman; lUrs. II. P. Toohey,
secretary; H. E. GatjOz, Dr. L. W.
Bowman and John O'Keefe, met in
the office of the Home service bureau
at the court house last Friday after-
noo at 3jk) clock.
v luc iv rrm irnraajB I urnr B. L
oflllfeas. y Vf eralfrcses of importance were
jotts inane anp to Den- reported
"oy the executive secretary.
Josephine Ganson, and acted upon by
tket.fHjmwittefl.tiilnn owe case it was
decided to report the results of the
lOveBttgfttions.'td(tHS county commis
sioners as it came under their Jurls
dWIori1'rat,tier';tUA,nhat of home
...vvi, ,,,,,, -nf,.. i
The subject of a revolving fund for
Ji)omeeeYM .waft diseussed and fa-
Vnrahlv riprldort linnn aa It la siola.
4o itiiureau;toJiat twith a fund of
this kind to draw upon, especially
Mrnttfc'iniWailaM WWjf is necessary.
the work done during the first two
M. E. Listo'n. car recorder at the
krd office, was transferred, iftloaoay
k this week to the freight house
fhere he will be warehouse man.
Jack Kelser of the freight house
raree was transferred Monday to the
Ard office.
D. J. Satterlee of the freight house
Arc has gone to ftny Springs. NfLTTT tendent Jav VancJTT?Rda the sin
Is it a little vague? "What the New
Era Movement Will Accomplish" will
oj.-P evening; ;thewwftr(iB,p .mjs,
slonary society will have charge of
tie borclce tindoal splendid' program
in being prepared. Announcement of
of the complete program appears
elsewhere. This meeting will be
worth while. Don't miss It.
The Sunday school meets at 10 a.
m. Mr. J. L. Ouerman is superln-
I wish to dispose of the following property. It will be priced
right If you can nse any article listed it will repay you to call
phone 18 or come in person :
Total number services rendered 4 Of
Jbi. Ex. Secretary,
25f28X42T)etroir Safe
, j Flat Tor Office- Desk and Ohair -
Mir . a "tii vtJ. . . . v
mayiag raecmc wt sner, Biignny used oest oi
, Oil Heater,1 jnediuni size js-S'-i.
Electrid Stoyey pyH and four burners
t One Mare, four yeri old, weight 1450
Tirstijational Eani Butirlir.Jf- 5 - "if Aii",L
iTJepfcs Infc the. newt 'pfBee, which was
accepted by the committee. The re
wui follows 'lolno nl
gervlce rendered .... No. times
onYpensa'tfcra 'iia'pel's Made out 1
Clothing and meals given . 7
g places found 5
fency tAPfC aid 1
IT?ay affltlat.... l
Vocational training plans 2
Allotment and allowance.. l
Employment fund. 6
Intoritta'f'foR Wh'6m7steads 1
roua uac& pay ......
:t . 'l III.::' j
Mill "I t .7-oM- .T'.'i.n .M nilmiViT.
i - Rrtdgepoct ls beioa arbii&eiiita tfhrf
teed for more houses, and at least'
bnet Bewspapethers, urging, that
steps, be , taken simUaf Mj.tbe iaove-,1
ttent, started .by, the i Alliance Conirj
fiiumiy ciuo,MneIjurWgepot Her
aid annouiKjes Us conviction that' the
town. that can flcsj furnish' fh9usxiig
facilities " for 'Burlington' mpjoyes.
Will be the one to get at least a sub
Stantf4l''infcai,'iJ: ti JU.'.iU
weKii;1 and 'wlille lthre b'iilio HatJ
uriaeport lias a' betfelf natural loca-'
Hon, feart that what change' "they
haV -knky . ttl lost? ah rou gh inaction.
The artldle.1 ill' ba.t rrAVn!ari-: J.'
1 -.' Our peojUe hate n6wfa for al leng
Mme that the building of the 'ButI
ngton shops iat;ithls.ou,'janyiitbjer
pointwiU. d,opend . good.. deal on.thi
Housing raciuties the proposed iocai-i
lf. WfU.affoij W.ejhae alo,kflQ,wn
that .dozens of railroader, famiiiaa
. tnpT
or Jfii
BTng'prebfeYo 8eU Vne-Two
iowns Triaf 'ate in' '4,vlAent0,c6'm'nii"i
Jn4iiley,epflcernlngvfirpald insur
ance i
Oorernment Insurance Information 6
Investigations made 3?
Miscellaneous information 3
ttoaifdH toe tocartionrof it ha Ehorw
BMdgpdrt Jandif AUifenceinil afl'-iefrl
forti tdl Impel onei iH, both ) oC I theatfi
towns to furnish houses for sboft
ployes. The naturaHoeaUons of the1
two t9tw,sKWHcven4il.'b(aken;
Into consideratioa..beJore the perma-nefct-sturtfsiAre,
Aocat?dtl.b.ul,the es
efttconstderaUofl;,i jtat .flffinug,
PiU fcr.he, h,ppp .jt'q, ve'wit,
tbelra.faajAln The,, ,t,hs caft(
furnish, houses for those... emtJovj-a
promptly will,,)iBast.ftB'Branri
th8,eaturA Kff( p)fl, "p'l
a ' "Alliance WafiBing tfo lie situation
1 atid has Ben"h6iaiti8' rtfaW ttieetiriga
There is no excuse for anyone.
in Alliance being without a job now
or for several months to come, with
"wyt"ww n. Mnlnn amrk arrd
the. prospectofan early beginning
on the paving, the city will be on
the lookout for more men. City
Manager Smith is finding It a diffi
cult job to get men to stick although
there are numerous applicants for
Jobs. The average floater feels tired
HS-HWUii as Lb lias a couple ,! -days'-
pay coming to him, and has to rest
until he is not only broke, but can't
raise even a small loan.
The oyster is tatted as arnwnvege-
tahRVfio,fdSM3wflVh,AriA nut
m jm i
C1T1I1 UUU111C
ial to errto
FVCri 11 n 4
"AMELS are the most refreshing, satisfying cigarette you
i iJiBermbked!lt-ivburniatH Hflr 4ra H nk l. If,....
. . ' - B T - wHiaifUllVILM IIITT
wnarfinirinfiA-r . tlien nnv anmar-imiJo k. . ..
. , . ru' .i 'Tr-n-nf."yrsTrffy.'tfBnr .1fHF'yfW8www ana know .... jr.
f (300 eig.r.ti,4 nd ln many other delightful ways Camels are in a
i blena cT dhblcef Turkish; and choice ImU i rr
thi cirfon or A Domestic tobaccos. YouU not only prefer this blend to either
, , OJ"1r,oiKo pp't kmd,,( tobacco smoked straight, but youH aDDreciate th
-uoeraVp'-r.BalKII., retnarirabfe 'mi-WfllefciiM.I.Vi. .
.J.IU.TcC flavor it provides! Camels are a cigarette revelation!
Camels win you in so manv new wavii tk.u
pleasant cigaretty odbrl iki: ji io tun joir Jiti olniv i:i ;o J,o
Compare Camels with any cigarette
tn the world at anv Drice! Vnv
-prefer-Cametttuahtjro premfoms, I
t aoiio, !') rj'inl'i i u 'jo
TST V?tk
TV A . V-!.- g7v in the world at any price! ybu f A it'O
U coupons or gifts! Ul f (W ) Wjffffs .
fdf 'thef'ttrposi'ef .Totifaingi an- aar
sdcratI6n'l(thatnwllf'nna1hce, the' house
biiildirig'.'"Th'e'fciWieflsr'6f- thk't 4oWri
propose to create a revolving fund of
at'teait' ri0;00d, t6'b"us'fed'ffdt"lhe
bifilding"6f ' Wdiehli pIPe icUSes'
that' wilT' be,"861d'dn"' eW8y"IhfetaTl-J
nients ' to 'vf 6keYsr itf !'the shop8:''If
they 'succeed in buildlng 8Viium &errif
honses-'for 'the 'worWaien,' thy will'
n6 'flouW'tef 'a'A 'nlatgeiiient' of-theit
rairi'68.d'''sn6t)s,;il "foropotriort w the
hddsea t Ret 'ire "able t 'f u ttitihl 'Th ni:
may'fait ttehi4' th' 'ultimate Ideating
or; the; "prlricipal' 'sritfps'iata AlDalice;''
but ir win 'wean a"bi'siadittAivfn-
their force of shopmen right away1;!
Wkeut-in- aoy-ewae-dfflrr rir. r
the efforts of Alliance, it can be
IO !.'!!( '. (tllMlxiil III li
ni Cil'jfl' tl M Jf!lil 7'f(l fih -tiS-u
hm: tnnfnrnorj
T-r-n ill I I I J ! I " , 1 i
1 nrrrtrrtr''tfl
...... , ,., ' r iiuiiiiinjjGlvi ll
Le -Udr InstdlLoJOaloricl
1111' ' ''', -f oil y.l VTts . lll'il
II II IllbaJS ii ri M Bk. k. 11 II l If -w ii n
ii hi ii uu iiu .A.cii ii r n ii
w m. j u m. vk ii ri uuii
In viotK ;tfil Inn-ii v:f!t I'oY
"?iKr.l,ii,;tl r
h-NO WnTarid start;
ri mkc win?" .'niM - r ; t f I n niBS t
warm "
if I In i; , , .iOml rfT"
',ci ( iii:,t vni t.'f ;r:.. J! vnil .-.:
,lli" yon i " .tlJl,, (,!.,( ...It (,),.,
'iny fr mil i .ddi'iKT.rr no( oI
I Ofl veil l.iir tviil-nlil l.i.i.l
uui it
.f.ltWOt llUR BMli', 1'llIlilllQ .!! (J
saving" f uel " and- -
ft niiri t n.tlr. ')'h -i'. ) i
!;i -t tvifi ikjv Ii, (I ",H'niii- 1,, ( y,.
I mil K(Hirifr.t1'i V.i:.f!jf-. VJ luu;
'In! '.llf .HPi'll nifi);.- ii) Hi( II
. . i .
in k,i uu i 'iii liny I'.iit.iii i,i ii
' ,r,Ar,afant(?t'dptbVch succc!: 'PlfrttV'of lieatiri"J ,,'',f -
f vi.H.l.Wng.foora.c.crpeit for vegetables; basfe,,, ;)(!
iiuenc rre rromi pipes, j Aaaptcd to chilly as well
4'"25 prt- c,efirto140tie'il ,: wv
l-..dl IU. I .'( 1, ,f ,.'. .s,
as extrpmrlv ccAA wrntHprl
tM'..!l.,1ll'l,f Ull ..... 1 . .. -..Ik . . 1 r
tn ii.i ,r,itmuexl eervicoii i-t if v
f!ir tl Hnfii;:aTiij. ,i!t y,f ino'il ijii;.1
n' I -'ii n! ri(':j?-u:f!tn n'tl .hnii:l
ii.'l 'till .o'l .ol'iuiii vliinl bin.
t'0 XTJM (o 3titl'lRl Ol fl'i' Imii;
i J'oriMi Ri tl 1 .ftrii io Iii ,
io 8K);Irj mil 7?rifl
flnif.l mrt f.iiH "
'trio lnin ,);") , . III! To ( "i; (.( 'il.tiu,
I -HOlHiy- '.no '',((l y.lllilMiiH,-,
'ifirIof i-ivM ,'.vr.j y-i.ii no
oHoH 'iIliU nil) lo iifvio Mill no hi
'TT '""' fi'Mtinn ni;..! t mi.. I unj-.M .nilool 'if-illl t.rf jna t'ii-i
Hunareds in use by your friends
i,''T'ii,n')JliL.iiMi;iuo-iii') lo mill
Therefore why
I'ori'M, ri 11 i. .rrro io i ,nr:',
Payrmore for: 'less .comfort and 7'
'.liMil lli ,11 1 li.K.l 1. o.ii.H Ol li'l'ilill li'JiilM H'ff
l .V.
:f-f i;rnoi 'iltrioj nv.H ft illiv (inn
".WOII Tl'll if -ill III I'i'il
f.'JIoiri mo IniiorDii i ny hit. vnfion
-vi;J(( owl ii Htr trn-.It H .'.him
hh-h fi'xont. .Minnl I,n mlof. .n-itn
.niliKo-ui ,f)f. boo;t yl.iillv, no 1
''''" ' ' ' (1 ,
Off! 11M iloiiifi )
nmi'.f'Hi-! ot Ml "it, r.II'it .fif)
TitM IJ T. Y.ilailf 7 'MlfOH H;fft ..
! ' - f . , 1
Hiil ol iij tcfimti! -won a dmon
t'nMiio- ! oh hi'.Miioi 'Jn
now ;,i;n -in -IijoiI-,:. y;fmly tn 'it
n Til !'- 'iiiilt i.mi.i, ...f, I-
" '! sTl F)rt t
Mllil nl .'.J!..jaill;J Mi-All ',-ir:.
IB i 171 1 Wt I7!-
1 rrompi, ana wmreous service. ' m
-l.I-.ia )l 1)111 TO THlllI'ilii flllfi rf ilfll
'ill .TlllJo 'I") VOfl XI'O.'I .ff'jillv ,)!'
hm tint I "itirv t ,.iuk (,f -,r ,ji,
l:t !.-
iiwii y
Hfi.rits i;)(i)
r t it n r 1 ol Ii'od'ioa
bit it
II.. ,V1.
MOi tlill-'Ii ll
"I II 1 I M I II I I. I t lif
u nl I imijut h o ril
iV;riiii ot I.'od'ioa-! :?lfii-ir, !")i,'i''1"1' I'ALJ
1 11 1 ' 1 ! " 1 -ni i-i ri .ii'ri v 1 it : 1 1 , -! 1 . . . r 1 t -
i 11
ban Miiitl 'in;
iisfi. -rn i,..'i; kvh-
flMMIHW HliW lli-ll I.IOV Mit)
;r: U fi.-nti if it ill
.f-rr u,
Iff,(l'l ll'IT) '.I
l.'ftli ,l'Olf
are. the two watchwords fwe have1 'adopted f rdm' th beginning
'', -ii -fy ''''"''' i f"', "ir. .v,.,i
v-.vv iu (51, c ivu 4 uium. Bnu eiaoiQni service in,Mfi!!i;
truthfull said that the natural loca
tion of Bridgeport has a stronger
pull than that of Alliance. Being
located on what will in time be the
2? ? 1 ghway pf.the t ransconUnent
al Burlington line", we Kave a natural:
claim to a division point and rail
road shops; but this is not sufficient
to insure to us the buildinir nf h
shops and the establIshingofa divI-5
alnn nnlX TT1 jTT . I
i vvim ivr iiiMiiv rnrai nnnari
fcponejitions. myAarfcabnor-j
ea. JtL&d coni)fr,iliai.Ai
normal Bridgeport would tnriav kJ
J fcVJ
tne divisional station for th nun
k. mgion linwL-running in the four di-1
wreciiooajbWt conditions have Deed
ATTegains 0 aid there is little use inl
trendefThgwlfat might have been
"If we can meet the demand foH
nouses to any extent, we can fepl
sure of receiving additional shoD fa4
inJtIlviilcHrMOWr housing the.
worKers. Even under the ndvprP
is no doubt willing to meet us more
thH.fl tlQlf WBV llllanna la 1 r. I (
" ......lac Q ViaiUllllg
mil'wIintlUlsTloa-iHLtelrfall a 'fifty
nuy cnance, or .g, (fibops.
Our chance is better than that but it
does not, amount to a certainty by a
JftfW. Wm,iiJiIk. U ue,ilhat if we.
wiuuio out inuniDs we wui aeep
tm"tWiddIfh'g thfetif T6T ;fe6m'e' years
even if we do In time have the ma
chine shops forced upon us; and we
alio tkk'aM6hgeh7ihdflseeinK the
most desirable class ofFniOLechanics;
establish homes at some place other
than at Bridgeport. With the golden
IWPOrtHPiitj, fhWniB,befpr);Tis we may
- n - -
in getting bu
iJUpleotheta'Ft; of fprtyj'a man is
after tnat common
rl-:i:in 'i n . I on ;
fu) Tiv,ri" on 't f
I i i f i ' if 'nil it .?.)
! l.-.ii
i Ii-.-:' Iff tlillT
I If i .-i', tl
Hill. (I ll'l'l)? (..! "vnil
'"'ffj' .'.fi :r, W.fM iiH t If ,i
f l'iilt l;(t Vl.-,;
'fr:-. in.-! t'ltr,
r'. nl oil! m n '!
.rfiiinto.'if vc'i
''" " I -"I '111! It
tinIT 'r ir i f i-f o : i r
ll'l ,i-. ,;u;T,
I'll'"' od ol liHfii
ll'i'll VOifo.iif l,-.!
I -ti
i,l (!:
V I 17
I -, '-ill Ci .-ti in: ,,. fv,
bhloir "ff ,;.;i;i;i, ,(... ...,t ,, ..
n Y1H ft,;, u,
itirF,,,,.,,' ....
- - ft ..... . . II. I I n
.T.o l:l, 't in,
.:n.,f. , -c ,
O , ... .... -v
.f i.. . - .
Hid )i M VI j'lf.jT.
r' "l"s- '-lllJiL J JjiLiiin . . .... - .. . " '"-"" V.I ;i(
itr.Jt m? KVLW", e auenaed iicwithitbe: 8ame..atten.o . i. I'"'.'"""'' !(' fi'.f 1-: (t itl.-vi
ui.ifti.ft ailU' VllUl b tw glVC
n if.) noil il'.-f ii ,!! (l:ti lf!'.!':,; i l; j;;
ivnr snl'f.if .in null fiitii, .,u .id,,.,-,.,,,
' jtil 'ill .ninii mhfw yiin -lot li'iuiirt'i
Hj:iI J-fil liiil .tiiill tin him ..rli.-.l i
fin ii iie-t!" ii ;iaieiT ii -r-viarrxfT'i'i rk'-ns'.
,t., JL 4.M V 1 i'CV 11 J Y llLLl 11 111 ,
i il v; I;
ili.t )u.I .l,:,il hni; ..,f,:.( ol r ' ' " "' " M1 '
Emergency Electric Co
ifwld ii io 'wiiio') nt niiit Joffn I
m ...-.. . . r ..: . .
.in iiiiioj i nnv ftn TJ.piiJjfii
112 West 3rd Street
MIDI. 8WllJl ,Vf ll;t )ij XnlAil-tf
no Mnt d-rf-i Tim;fM'i') oft Ir: tvo
) RKIIIoDllo
f VlllO
A lli
'fill .:
ni on TMT loodu ittlmR ,-il. y.l
iHfi-o j,i - .i'.!ifyw -a-
iii ion d JLjrs
-I ii 1. 1 o .aiiin ioni Kim j(.,.0 v ? n od
.Ii'jd ol il ),;(J j,i-jy f,,,,, ,((, j.
I IO III'Xl f)CU O IllRi'l
.'iciy -jiU-U onjII lttA
ini'jf iun--v.foM I I Ll I
mi f.-vyTou07lll lll V
. -i ' " ' " ""II I 1 Y'l ,
satisfaction. aj. a bir,
!'J .Mi.Hl - Iff I hi S Mlj;;, y ;,..,,
i""''1 I ". , ).,IH vdllulM iir
""if ino-ir ;o,i,tot 'juivrMli ol ,it
Tti:f trf to fit
find fffodl
-Utu limi I'iiIiih mi(, , f,,,,),;
io ifff)4
I l.iiTa
111 II
ft . "i . tr
JllO Ull.J uil'iV ,8fl
Name "Baver" is on Genuine
io'i f jo; .KI .. .jr
i miHi.crr.uu iioS rrr.? ..ov
IasUt on "Haver Tablets of AaDirin
in a "Bayer package," containing propel
irMtftAfA fnp llA.rfiU.hA IVftMi. I'm. ft
Viira.)uL&. I.timKmori anil Rhtnmitiini I
NiBi "Bitai muni oonuina Ainirin?
PTll?Wfjl ,$7 pbyaiciaas for niaeteenl
yeax. ilaDdyia WHS VI ' tabliiss
o iew cenu. Aipirin u traaa marie
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acideater of Salicylicacid.