The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, November 06, 1919, Image 1

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    pagb tnnm
4 ri
Carries Box Bute County With 700
Vote to Spare and Only
2:1 Against Illm.
Ijte-reports indicates that "'Judge
II. II., Hewitt's majority In Sheridan
county will amount to several hun
dred, which will give lilni the place
with an overwhelming vote.
Unless there was tremendous ac
tivity In Sheridan county, and work
ers' there succeeded In getting out a
large vote, I the election of Judge
Hewitt as delegate to the constitu
tional convention from this district
seems assured. Mr. Hewitt carried
Box Butte county, according to un
official figures, by a clear majority
of over 700 votes, only twenty-three
Totes being recorded against him.
The total vote for the county was
given as Hewitt, 730; Plank, 23.
, Returns were unusually slow In
coming in, and it was not until late
Wednesday night that the last pre
cinct was heard from. Only a few
scattering figures from Sheridan
county, were received up to that time,
but these were encouraging, rather
than otherwise. Four Sheridan coun
ty precincts gave Hewitt a lead of
20 votes, and one of these precincts
was Mirage, near Hay Springs,
Plank's old home, which favored the
Sheridan county man by a vote of
12 to 1.
Hewitt's friends worked hard early
and late to get the vote out, and suc
ceeded wonderfully well. They found
a number of voters who were of the
opinion that the election had been
called off, and still otners who did
not know that there was an election
scheduled. One worked told of
meeting one voter who was of the
opinion that the election was for the
purpose of nominating delegates t6
the convention which will nominate
a president next year.
The unofficial count stands as fol
lows for Box Butte county.
Hewitt Plank
First ward 56
Second ward 167
Third ward ..157
Fourth ward 87
Boyd .'. ; 15
Box Butte 34
Running Water 10
Dorsey 73
Lawn 30
Liberty 9
Wright 26
Nonpareil . ..... 17
Snake Creek -- 8
Sheridan county precincts so far
reported are:
Hewitt Plank
Antloch 29 7
Hoffland 10 0
Box Butte 5 6
Mirage 1 12
It was the Community'Club which
conceived the idea, of selecting a can
didate for this impor tant office by
ma sb meeting, and the choice of that
meeting was Judge Hewitt. He had
the advantage of a wide acquaint
ance In Box Butte and Sheridan
counties, and can consider the over
whelmingly favorable vote he re
ceived In his home county as a high
A number of women, who had not
heard of Attorcjy General Barnes'
ruling that they were not entitled
to vote for constitutional convention
delegates, were, on hand at the polls
and anxious to vote. The first of last
week, the state supreme court ren
dered an opinion to the effect that
delegate to the constitutional conven
tion was not a constitutional office,
and this was taken to mean that they
were entitled to vote for candidates
for that office. At least this was the
' a number of county clerks
looked at the matter, and In spite
of the fact that the law provides for
separate ballots for women, many of
them had planned to allow the wom
en to vote, there being Insufficient
time to get additional ballots printed.
Later In the week, however, the at
torney general Issued his opinion,
and definite Instructions were given
to election officers, but not before a
number of newspapers had an
nounced that women had a vote on
Alliance post of the American Le
gion will observe Legion Sunday on
November 9. Members of the post
will meet at the city hall and march
In a body to the Episcopal church,
where Dean Dixon, a member of the
legion, will preach a special sermon.
At a meeting held at The Herald
office last Sunday afternoon, eight i
printers of this city took preliminary I
steps toward organizing a local here. ,
Alliance printers have been affiliated
with the Bridgeport printers' union
for a number of years, due to the fact i
that there have not been a sufficient
number of printers In the city to se
cure a charter.
Fred J. Vogel was elected pres
ident, Joy C. Parker, vice pr- -nt,
and Lester S. Olson, secret- v
Ul VI t Ml kJUIlU" 111 V ' .
will hold office until tb r elec
tion In May. ,$P
The charter me of the new
union include: S. Olson, Joy
C. Parker, A.' .hson, George L.
Burr, Edwin M. urr, B. J. Sallows.
Fred J. Vogel, John Ladd and- Fred
W. Plank.
Saturday last, a marriage li
cense was Issued to Ralph B. McKay
and Eva B. Burnham. The contract
ing parties live In Antloch.
Half a Dozen Cities Would lAke to
Get Hold of Man Who Held
Up Jack Kiordan
Every day or so, another city or
town writes in to County Attorney
Basye concerning William Tatro,
alias Richard Smith, who has been
held by the county authorities' since
his arrest on the charge of sticking
up Jack Riordan and relieving him
of several hundred dollars' worth of
diamonds on the streets of Alliance
not long since.
Fi;om Bloomingtpn, Neb., comes a
letter'df daring that Tatro is the man
who robbed a Bloomington citizen In
his'own house on the night of Sep
tember 27. Mr. Tatro broke Jail at
Bloomington, and the officials there
are quite anxious to get hold of him.
They say there Is no question that
he is the man, and they have all the
proof necessary for a conviction.
Smith is not particularly concerned
over this charge. He declares that
he was in Omaha the night the of
fense was committed, and that he can
prove an alibi..
From York comes word that Smith
is wanted there for breaking into a
Jewelry store, and there is some sus
picion that he Is the fellow who en
tered an Aurora store and secured a
little money from the till.
Richard was mugged by the local
police a few days ago, and his photo
graph was passed around where it
would do the most good. Recognl
tion of the photograph first came
from Kearney, where the sheriff iden
titled Smith as William Tatro of that
place. Word from Kearney is to the
effect that Tatro is a gambler, a boot
legger and horse-trading Is listed
among his minor offenses. His pic
ture was Identified by his wife, Alice
Tatro, who expresses a willingness
to come to his trial and help the au
thorities. He was under arrest in
Kearney some months ago on a
charge of non-support, and there is
now pending a suit for separate
maintenance, instituted by his wife
The latest development In the cdse
against Mr. Tatro comes from Atch
ison. Kas. The chief of police of that
city forwaMed to County Attorney
Basye a letter from August Erlcson
of Bailey, Neb., which enclosed the
following clipping from the Atchison
"A heart-shaped bracelet bearing
the words 'Atchison, Kansas' on one
side of the heart and 'Gail' on the
other was found in possession of a
man who gave the name of Richard
Smith when he was arrested the oth
er day at Alliance, Neb. A la valliere
bore the Initials 'G. I. E. and he had
other Jewelry in his possession. He
also carried a revolver. The Atchi
son police are trying to locate the
owner of the Jewelry, which Is pre
sumed to have been stolen here.",.
The letteer from Mr. Erlcson In
formed the Atchison police that the
iniMaia utood for "Gail Irene Erlfr
on," the daughter of Mr. and Mrs
R- Erlcson of Lead, S. D., and said
that she was living at Alliance. Gall
Irene Erlcson Is now Mrs. Howard
Reddish of this city, and at the coun
ty attorney's office Wednesday after
noon It was said that she had been
conimunlcated with, and will exam
lne the Jewelry. She had not missed
anything, but It is possible that
should be the Jewelry Identified, fur
ther crimes of Mr. Smith may be un
Teachers in the Central, Emerson
and Alliance high school received
salary Increase amounting to 90
year, or $10 per month, which took
effect the first of the month. The
ooard granted the Increase without
any request from the teachers.
Notice to the Public
WIlEREASi an extraordinary oniprpciiey exists vital to
the public welfare of liie citizens of Alliance by vir
tue of the shortage of fuel due to the existence of
the present coal strike and which condition has become so
serious that immediate action is necessary to prevent impend
ing danger by reason of such condition, and,
"WHEREAS, the United States has taken measures for the
protection of the Nation' and has placed the handling and dis
tribution of all fuel in charge of the United States Fuel Admin
istrator and so that the City of Alliance may to the fullest
extent co-operate with the national administration in this crisis
as well as to use the full powe vested in the mayor and city
council for the best interests and public welfare of the citizens
of our city,
NOW THEREFORE, Noticfe is hereby given that the City
of Alliance, by virtue of the power vested in the mayor and
city council, lias and by these presents does take over the dis
tribution of all fuel within the) City of Alliance, and in pur
suance of this action there be and is lierr.hy, appointed a fuel
administrator in the person of Cassius C. -v- who wiU have
full power and authority Mith reference to .distribution of
all fuel within the city of Alliance from no o-and until the
emergency has passed. v
J ' "
All persons, firms or corporations desiring to secure coal
shall make application through the Fuel Administrator at his
office in the city hall, by person or agent.
' t .
Fuel Administrator Smith will begin distribution of coal
Friday morning; deliveries will be made in. the city.
Every effort should be made to conserve all of the fuel in
the city. V
As a further saving, I would ask all sign lights and show
window lights be-discontinucd until we are relieved of the
existing emergency. .
In witness whereof I have this sixth day of November
affixed hereto, my name and have the official seal of the City
of Alliance, Nebraska. ' "
(SEAL) N Mayor.
IjArge Classes Will Take Work From
Fourth to Fourteenth to
Thirty-second Degrees
By special dispensation of the
sovereign grand inspector general in
Nebraska, Frank Cargill Patton, Ad-
onirutn Lodge of Perfection No. 6,
sitting in the Valley of Alliance, U
holding a special communication, on
Thursday of this week for the pur
pose of conferring the degrees from
the fourth to the fourteenth, in
On Friday and Saturday, Novem
ber 7 and 8. Semper Fidelia chapter
No. 1, Rose Croix; St. Andrew's
cpuncil No. 1, Knights Kadosh, and
the Nebraska Canslstory No. 1 01
Omaha will confer the degrees from
the fourteenth to the thirty-second.
At the call of the Alliance Com
munity club delegates from Gordon,
Mitchell and Crawford assembled in
Alliance Wednesday evening to dis
cuss the formation of a racing cir
cuit. Delegates from three or four
other towns were prevented from be
ing present on account of the Inclem
ent weather.
This was- a purely tentative meet
ing which discussed some of the pre
liminaries. Beyond electing E. L.
Bishop secretary of the proposed
circuit nothing ery definite was ac
complished, and another meeting
will toe held later.
The out-of-town persons present
were Joe Ruddy of Gordon, J. T.
Whitehead of Mitchell and A. L.
Hungerford of Crawford.
Tuesday of this week, County
Judge Tash performed the ceremony
which united in marriage Harry Ens-
ralnger and Mrs. Myrtle Teets, both
of Gordon.
License to wed was issued by
County Judge Tash Saturday, to
Thomas Brekke and Miss Eva E.-Es-
sex. both of Alliance. The ceremony
was performed by the Rev. A. J
Kearns. The couple will make their
home in Alliance.
There is no need of sending
your clothes out of Alliance for
cleaning and pressing. The 164
are equipped with modern machinery
which Is operated by experts. The
name Is the number. Call No. 184.' It
License to wed was Issued Sat
urday to Frank Longer and Mrs.
Daisy Marlln, both of Bayard, Neb.,
the ceremony being performed by
County Judge Ira E. Tash. The
couple spent a few days In Alliance,
leaving for Bayard Tuesday.
Preparations llelng Made to ilve
Service Men a Royal Wel
come November 11
At the meeting of the board of di
rectors al the Community club Tues
day, evening, arrangements were
u-uJe to decorate the streets appro
priately. There are a number of
decorating effects owned by the club,
and Manager Gleason of the tele
phone company and City Manager
Smith have volunteered to contribute
the services of men to put them in
plaice. Merchants over the city will
be asked to decorate their show win
dows and places of business, so that
the city will have a gay appearance
when ihe service men gather for the
A program that Includes free mov
ies, a free footbal game, a big supper
at I p. in., and a dance in the eve
ning, where the Elks will furnish
the floor and the music, The will be
for ex-service men and their guests
only. Every soldier, sailor and ma
rine, or anyone else who saw service
with the United States forces, Is in
vited to attend, whether he or she
has received an invitation or not.
And everyone of them is requested to
register at the Community club head
quarters the first thing and receive
a badge and free tickets to the differ
ent attractions. '
Those attending from out of the
city -will be entitled to bring lady
guests with them to the banquet, al
though accommodations will not per
mit of extending this privilege to
those living In Alliance. But to ev
ery other attraction besides the ban
quet? tickets will be issued for lady
guests as well as the service man.
The committee in charge of the
banquet has requested parties willing
to donate cash to call Mrs. Lloyd
Thomas, phone 304.
The Alliance Community club will
Issue a formal invitation to the Ne
braska Potato Growers' association
to hold their 1920 convention in Al
llance, the board of directors decided
at their Tuesday evening meeting.
The association will meet In Rush
ville November 12 to 14, and It is
possible that the club may send a
delegate to extend the Invitation.
To date seventy service men have
signified their Intention of attending
the banquet.
Leslie J. Laughlln and Margaret
E. Chrlsman. both of Gering, were
granted a marriage license by Coun
tv Judae Tash last Saturday. The
bride came in from the east Saturday
morning, and the ceremony was per
formed by Dean Dixon.
Guarantees Kxpenne In Football
! Rattle Between Alliance and
j Chndrott November 11.
i Coach Trince of the Alliance high
school football team appeared before
the directors of the Community club
Tuesday evening and requested that
the club guarantee that the athletic I
association shall not suffer a loss
through the football game with
Phnrirnn nnrmnl nn Armfaltna iliv.
v. - -v.-w J I
Mr. Prince stated that It was the
intention of the association to co-operate
with the club In furnishing en
tertainment to the service men and
their' guests on that day, and while
he did not anticipate there would be
any deficit, hoped the club would
back the project. Without a dis
senting voice, the directors voted to
talta tliA optlnn rnniiAaf Ait and vM11
-The chandelier in the council
chamber has been rewired, redeco-
rated and Is now an ornament as well
- ,,.. ..,..,.
as a source of illumination. I
Valuable Furs and Coats to Value
of V l.OOO Were Stolen Sat
urday Evening
Burglars, who probably gained en-
France by means of a window In the
tut-BsiiiK ruuni to m- ier i c
K. Harper department store, maae amount of coal on hand, and in gen
away with furs and coats to the alue erai wm haTe to Bhow tn-t thev ar-
vof at least $1,000 on Saturday night
or Sunday of this week. The then
was not discovered by the clerks In
charge until Monday morning, and
was not reported to the police until
. some hours later.
I As yet no clue has been discovered.
.The matter is now in the hands of
the city and county police au
' I
At the Tuesday evening meeting of
the board of directors of the A11I-I
" ,, ... .. j.j 1
ance Community club, It developed
that several concerns are planning to
establish houses or branch offices In1"'"" J'""1 lu" J
this city. A large wholesale grocery
concern, which has been In corre-
... .. . -
sponaence wun tne ciud oinciais ior
Borne time, in a recent letter said that ' - ' , " , . , , . "
a. . ia t,,.t ' expected that the fuel mill be dis
their representative, who Is fust clos-
lug his work in Indiana. wduJd aoon
be inthe city.
A communication has come from
a gentleman who plans to establish
a hide, fur and Junk business in the
city, provided a suitable location can
be found. '
With five new cases reported Mon
day, seven Tuesday and five Wednes
day, It la pretty well established that
Alliance has a smallpox epidemic.
None of the cases has been excep
tionally severe. The physicians of
the city are doing their best to pre
vent the spread of the disease, as is
evidenced by a statement by City
Physician Hand published elsewhere
in this Issue.
Organization Will Consist of One
Representative from Karh Or
ganized Body of the State
At a mass meeting held in. the
, w.Hnrttv pvenln. it
a.iaa tn nrenntze the Assoc!-
ated Charities, which will take over
the work of the city mission and
other charitable work. The report
of the committee, which met on No -
vember 3, was received. This com-
mittee recommended certain changes
tn the orEanlzatton which has taken
care of the, work of the city mission,
lncludlnK the change ln name.
The new organization will consist
of a body composed of one reprtsent-
attve' aDDolnted by each fraternal.
social, religious and business or gov
ernmental organization ln the city. It
is estimated that this will make a I
body of about thirty members, froml
- lwhlch an executive committee will be
chosen. .
The committee appointed to carry anyone can understand the -- aign
out the organization consists of the 0n the doctor's usually happy coun
followlng: Mrs. H. D. Hacker, chair- tenance.
man; C. C. Smith, city manager; s pp jackson of the Alliance
Rufus Jones, secretary of the Com- candy store left for Pittsburg, Kas..
munlty club; Rev. J. Orln Gould, Thursday evening of laBt week, to
pastor; Rev. William J. Kearns, pas- assume charge of a candy shop which
tor; Mrs. J. A. Keegan and Lloyd C. ne recently purchased. Word wae
Thomas. This committee will con- received from him the first of the
tlnue ln charge of the work until the week that the new place was a win
new organization is completed. ner an)j that he is very well satisfied
Those ln charge of the religious wlth business prospects. Mrs. Jack
work of the city mission wish It an- Bon wm remaln ln charge of the Alll
nounced that Sunday school services ance Btore. Mr. Jackson plans to re
are held there every Sunday after- turn jor a ,nort time after the boll
noon, starting at t o'clock. day rush Is over. s
C. C.
.., ,, , VJ.
" " ii"u"n rrawj morn
ing Limit of BOO round
to Customer
City Manager Cassius C. Smith hat
been appointed fuel administrator
for the city of Alliance, and will bar
complete charge of the distribution
of coal during the emergency. The
with the desires of the United State
administration which has
1 our-
"l V"V
It Is believed that any one really
, ... . . ' .
ueeuiug coai win ntu oe lorceu 10 uo
without, provided strict economy it
observed. Those desiring to secure
coal will make application in person
at the fuel administrator's office in
the city hall. The amount of coal
to be allowed tb a purchased will not
exceed BOO pounds, save in the case
of business firms, the hespltal and
similar cases where that amount 1
plainly inadequate.
If you have two or three tone
Btored ahead It will be useless to
approach the fuel administrator, Ap-
pneants will be required to state the
ln ftctua- immediate need of It. Oth-
erwiBe there is absolutely no chance,
lr the man making the delivery flnde
a Eieater supdIf on hand, back will
g0 the coai.
Prospective purchasers must bring
the money with them. They . will
not be allowed to select the kind of
coal they are accustomed to burn.
But one car will be opened at a time.
and customers will be served in turn.
jnra rnftl vnrHa will rn-nnerata with
the clty Jn delivering the fuel.
Tkn lt..lV..lln 1 ...111 k.
. - . " " IZ
. , . " ,,,
present plans, and every effort will
, ,
, .
ilivlne in territory contiguous to Al-
- -
; ' . " 7,i
time after the strike ends, or until
conditions become normal.
We have an epidemic of smallpox
existing In the city. To all con
cerned I .wish to call attention to
the state 'law. The law makes it
necessary to "quarrantlne all con
tacts" (persons directly exposed). "
These contacts may be released later
after vaccination and fumigation.
If vaccination Is not accepted con
tacts must remain In quarrantlne un
til such time as we are satisfied no
infection has taken place.
This ruling will be . rigidly en
GEO. J. HAND, City Physician.
Col. L. E. Bliss has decided to of
fer the use of the Happy Hollow pa
vilion for pure bred stock sales. His
plan Is to encourage the breeding of
pure bred stock in Box Butte county,
which is especially fitted for It The
soil here contains plenty 01 nme.
which makes for strong bone, and
this district Is one decidedly
unfavoranie tor nog cnoiera.
Mr. Bliss wants to get ln touch
1 with men who have pure bred stock,
hogs or cattle, any breed, so long as
it is thoroughbred stuff. He plane
to hold the first sale some time ln
December, and asks all those lnter-
ested ln such a project to see or write
Born To Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
Weldenhelmer, November 5, a son,
Louis Theodore.
Dr. W.J. Mahaffy Is the happy
. t of a -barrel" of the best
ColoraQO appie Juice. This U not for
the benefit of tnose mat njirsi oui