The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, October 30, 1919, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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Newberry 's
Hardware Company
makes delightful coffee
right on your breakfast
Prices $10,50up -
Electric Iron
Every household should
have an Electric Iron.
Prices $6.50 & $7.25
otL Round Oak
Double Burner
and Economy
Cheap Fuel
Round Oak
Burns all fuels, hard coal,
coke, slack or soft coal.
Let us demonstrate.
Measure Value
by Results Not
by Price
that Leaky
Johnson's Radiator Ce
ment will stop a leak in ;
two to ten minutes.
A Can 65c '
Unexcelled for removing
squeaks of all kinds.
A Can 55c
Newberry 's
Hardware Company
V1kSnf s artiilita fell tf "V 1 A r
25 In bulk. Farmers Union. !
I f i n f rftt orl In T a a n I
land, write E. It. Klelgass, Fleming.
Colo. 61p
Short plcy nrrmonn and good
music every night at the ChrlMian
rhunth. 49
I carry a full line of the famous
llawlclgh IToducts. W. K. Cult, at
Fairmont Creamery Co. 62
If you want to nave money, buy
your suit, coat, dress and hat from tia
less one-fourth of our extremely low
prices. . Ilighland-Holloway Co.
Some time in February there
will be held in Alliance a meeting of
the Nebraska Local Agents Insurance
association, about a hundred dele
gates being expected. The Com
munity club with its usual cordiality
and efficiency will make it their
business to see that each and every
member of this organization has a
good time during his stay in Alli
ance and that he departs with the
most favorable opinion of our city.
Some Alliance citliens may not
know that there is at all times a re
serve fire fighting force on duty. A
room has been fitted up in the city
hall and two members of the depart
ment, who are also on the city's pay
roll, sleep there nights. They have
fitted the room up in fine shape, and
are able to get up and get dressed in
an incredibly short time. There is
a big alarm bell In a closet adjoining
the room, and entrance Nto the room
which contains the fire truck, so that
within a few seconds after an alarm
conies, In, the truck Is ready to pro
ceed?. The father of Attorney Earl
Meyer died this week, and on
Wednesday the son accompanied the
body to its last resting place at Peru,
church of christ .
The meetings are beginning with
splendid interest. Mr. Knapp, the
preacher, is giving some strong ser
mons. - Mrs. Knapp as soloist and
music director, is doing some fine
work. You will be pleased and edi
fied to hear them each evening at
7:30. The Bible school next Lord's
day at 10 o'clock has a class for you.
It will pay you to come and get into
this class for Bible study. The En
deavor prayer meetings at 6:30 each
Sunday evening are full of interest
and help. A cordial invitation is ex
tended to the many who have ex
pressed this church as their pref
erence to attend all services. Come
to the church with a message and a
A baby has no vanity. It doesn't
mind how it looks when it cries.
See Baumnn and Bee Better
Give Your Child
a Chance
Statistics show that only one
child in four has perfect sight.
Many a child's eyes, are
ruined by negligent or thought
less parents.
This is a responsibility that
you cannot shift, and a duty
you owe to those who are help
less and dependent upon you.
Ilave your child's eyes ex
amined now.
B. G. Bauman, 0. D.
Opera House Building
Hear the little giant every night
at the Christian church. 49
Colorado apples, 92.50 box j $2.
25 in bulk. Farmers Union.
Bargains in land still to be had
In Logan county,, Colorado, for sale
by Colorado Investment and Security
Co., Fleming, Colo.
A special meeting of Alliance
post No. 7 of the American has been
called for Friday, October 31.
Chas. L. Rudel and E. R. Kiel
pass of Fleming, Colo., were In Alli
ance Wednesday on business. They
drove overland, arriving Wednesday
Among recent purchases by the
city are two dozen small fire extin
guishers, which are already in place
on the walls of the city hall, power
plant and pest house.
The high school football team'ls
scheduled to meet the Hot Springs,
S. D., team at Hot Springs on Fri
day of this week, and have been
keeping up practice at a stiff gait all
week in preparation for the event.
The team will leave on the early
morning train Friday, accompanied
by Coach Prince. . The big game of
the season conies on Friday, Novem
ber 8, when the husky North Platte
aggregation comes here. The North
Platte bunch have copped games
from some of the strongest teams In
the state, and the Alliance boys are
putting In some hard work in the
hope of giving them a warm recep
tion. There Is more satisfaction for
less money in our goods than any
others you can buy. Highland Hollo
way, Co.
City Manager Smith has placed
an order for the winter's supply of
coal for the cemetery, although he
is not certain as he would like to be
that he will be able to secure deliv
ery. It takes several tons of coal to
supply the cemetery during a winter,
as services are occasionally held
there. There is sufficient coal on
hand to run the city's light plant for
a while, but if the threatened strike
is pulled off, the problem of coal sup
ply may become a most serious one.
amages estimated at 1300 to the
building and $500 to the contents
resulted from a blaze at the A. B.
Wheeler home last Saturday evening.
The family had been away from the
house since noon while the city
health authorities were fumigating.
The city fire department was on the
ground on short notice, hut for a
time were unable to check the blaze,
which had gained a good headway.
The house was still tightly sealed
from the fumigating, and this fact
prevented a much greater loss. The
cause of the fire is unknown.
With great regret, Secretary
Rufua Jones of the Community club
announces that the project of erect
ing a memorial building to be paid
for by the county must at least tem
porarily be abandoned. The attor
ney general rules that under the
present state law no bonds can be
issued for the purpose, and It is im
practical to attempt construction by
levying a tax as the county has now
reached Its constitutional limit. The
purpose is a worthy one and Secre
tary Jones feels that the occasion is
ripe for Its execution, but needs must
when his satanic majesty drives, and
there are some difficulties hard for
even the Community club to sur
Taken up, on the premises of the
undersigned, located four miles east
of Alliance, known as the James W.
Breckner farm, on or about August
15, two spring calves, red, spotted
face, without brand or other marks
of identification. Owner may have
same by proving property, paying for
keep and expense of advertising.
Colorado apples, t2.ft0 box: 2.'.
25 In bulk. Farmers Vnlon.
The pricrs of our imod brine
high grade garments within the reach
of all. lllghland-Ilollowav Co.
Representatives of different con
cerns which handle belt convevors
tor coal have called in Alliance dur
ing the past week or so and present
ed the claims of their various de
signs, but the city has not as yet
made a purchase. A belt conveyor
which will deliver coal to the bins
at the plant would save considerable
money, and It Is the intention of the
city manager to place an order in the
near future, but he will look around
a) bit and see that he Is getting the
one best fitted to the city's needs be
fore any names go on the dotted
Just arrived in
24" x 48
27" x 54"
30" x 60
36" x 72"
and in pretty colors Blues
Greens, Yellows and Pinks.
Geo. D. Darling
115-117 Weit Third St.
Alliance, Nebr.
this Year
1819 is going to be a jewelry
Christmas. More than ever be
fore will Jewelry, diamonds,
watches and silverware be giv
en for presents.
First Because they are the
most desirable of all things
enduring, appropriate, and
most wanted by every one.
Second Because prices on
jewelry and allied lines have
' not advanced anything like as
much proportionally' as have
prices on all other goods.
, . There Is no profiteering In the
Jewelry trade.
: It Is not too soon to begin buy
' Ing Christmas presents. This
; year there Is added reason for
shopping early there may not
: be enough to go around.
Your friend Invariably feels
complimented most highly
when the present received was
purchased at Thiele's.
Isn't It fine that so much extra
pleasure can be given with no
extra cost?
Articles for Christmas wtll be
held for you at the store, It
you so desire, a small deposit
I reserving your selection..
Jewelry, Watches, Drugs
Brunswick Phonographs
Watch Inspectors for
Colorado amdes. 2.ftn lm 1 ? -
25 In bulk. Farmers Vnlon. v
F. W. Harris is enlovinr a
from his mother, Mrs. M. E. Harris,
and also his two sisters, Mrs. H. O.
McVlokrr. of Lincoln, anil Mr. m
L. Dietch, of Portland, Ore.
Mrs. Carl Thomas of Omaha Is vis
iting relatives and friends for tvw
Mrs. C. E. Mathews of Mr.
land spent Friday shopping In Alli
ance and also visiting., with her sis
ter, Mrs. True Miller.
LOST rink cameo pin, about slze
of half dollar, gold jlmmed.'
Finder please leave at The Herald
office. Reward.
! Mr. and Mrs. R. U. Marks are
the parents of a baby boy. born Sat
urday, October 25. .
ralnters are at work this week
at the city's power plant, and are
makinsa needed improvement in Ita
appearance. ,
Sunday school every t Sunday,
afternoon at 3 o'clock at the City
All Riding Men
Wc still have a limited supply of Army Saddle-
Blankets worth $25.00 to $30.00 each that we are
selling for $10.00. Don't put off buying for this
will be the only chance you will have.lika this,
perhaps in a life time. Phone in and have them
saved if you can't get here promptly.
1 Furnaces, Ranges, and Stoves are getting '
scarce owing to strikes. Don't delay if
in need. ' '
Rhein Hardware Cv
Prompt and Courteous Service.
mm v
The Horace Bogue Store
New Fall and Winter Coats
Another big shipment of
New Coats this week show
ing some splendid bargains
in short coats of Bafin Seal
and Plush, Fur collars also
self trimmed. Priced at
$42.50 $52.50 $67.50
We know this is 35 per
cent less than you will buy
elsewhere. We invite comparison.
of Silver tone, Velour, Broadcloth and
heavy plain coating with large collars,
all interlined. Splendid models at
$21.50 $36.00 $45.00 and $49.50
You must see them to adprediate the values we are
giving. Many women have learned that to buy
smart apparel does not neccesarily mean htgh
priced apparel. Comparision is all we ask. You
will be convinced.