THE ALLIANCE II ERA LP, ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA, OCTOBER 23, 1919 There was almost a Firestone Tire reunion at Course? & Miller's parage this week, for no less than four representatives of the company were in the city: V. B. Alexander, manager of the Firestone branch at Omaha; James Ashley and wife', the former transportation engineer out of Akron; J. W. Calvert, salesman, and wife; and L. E. Hlnman and wife, who are spending their vaca tion here. Mr. Hinman has charge of the adjusting department In Oma ha. Mr. A'xander returned to Oma ha Monday evening. With the ex ception of Mr. Hinman. it was a busi ness trip for them. Coursey & Miller are now Firestone distributors for western Nebraska and southwestern SonttuDakota. Cheyenne and Ban ner counties have recently been add' d to their territory. Mr. Calvert will make his home in tue city. They received a large shipment of Fire stone tires the first of the week, and expect to keep them coming in in creasing Quantities. The landing of the district agency, which makes Al liance a distributing center for a large western territory, is a tribute to their hustling propensities, and when the new sales force gets going, it will be a big thing for the city as well as for Coursey & Miller. Greatest values ever offered are to be had at our Discount Sale. Highland Holloway Co. Three carloads of Reo trucks an even dozen were unloaded the first of the week and stacked two deep In the storerooms of the A. H. Jones company, of which Calvin u. Walker is the local manager. They are expecting a lively business in trucks and want io be prepared to make deliveries when deliveries are wanted, which is usually right away. The automobile man has the same troubles as the printer a man may wait months or a year before he puts in an order, but when once he makes up his mind, he wants it right off the bat, pronto, as it were. Harvest Home Social at Christ ian church Saturday evening, Oct. 25. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Stoop of Anttoch were shopping in the city Monday. R. P. Clapp of Omaha, auditor of the A. H. Jones company, is in the city this week. In That Sad Hour you have the consolation of knowing that you have at your command the services of those who can give to the departed the same kind at tention that you bestowed on them in life. Geo. D. Darling MOTOR AMBULANCE Day or Night. Phones Day, 139; Night 8, 299, 933. Friday, October 31, will be a red letter day at the Central school. On the evening of that day, at the school building, there will be staged a baiar or carnival, or something of that sort, and at least a dozen big fea tures are promised by those who have the entertainment in charge. There will be no admission charge to the building. The object of the enter tainment is to secure funds with which to purchase the Central Bchool another piano. They have one al ready, and it Is doing the best it can, but inasmuch as there are thirteen rooms, It doesn't quite fill the need. Harvest Home Social at Christ ian church Saturday evening, Oct. 25. A mass meeting will be held at Box Butte county court house in Al liance on Wednesday evening, Octo ber 29, for the purpose of organiz ing and making plans for the sup port of the Alliance city mission. All of those Interested are requested to attend. The city mission Is doing excellent work under the direction of Mrs. Betty Sharp, police matron. Colorado apples, $2.50 box ; $2. 25 In bulk. Farmers Union. C. L. Kerr of the Buick garage went to Chadron Wednesday on a business trip, returning Wednesday noon. This week there are two addi tions to The Herald force, A. R. Munson, a linotype operator who has been 'working in Lincoln since his discharge from the navy a few weeks ago, and Jimmy Pierce, who is one of the best two-handed pressmen we have ever run across. Munson is one of the few operators who can make a typesetting machine stand up on its hind legs and bark. This makes no less than four soldiers and sail ors on The Herald staff, and every man knows his business. When ever you have any work in our line, step to the nearest phone and ask the operator for Noj 340 and we'll be over, we don t care how small the Job is we want it and are will ing to go out of our way to please you. . Late Styles for Women at High-land-Holloway Co. The prospective ordinance to do away with the riding of bicycles on the sidewalk does not contemplate interference with the youngsters who ride the "skeeter-skoots" or those who roller skate. It aims only to do away with bicycle riding. Some folks who have undergone the ex perience say that it is exceedingly destructive of mental tranquility to have a bicycle sneak up behind them on a dark night, without light or bell, and not even turn out. Anyone who has used ordinary carbon paper for making duplicate copies has suffered and has probably resorted to profanity. Last week a salesman dropped in on us with a carbon paper that comes as near per fection as carbon paper can. Among the chief advantages of the new brand Is the fact that the carbon won't rub off on the fingers. An other is that it is so constituted that It won't permit the paper next to it to silo. When you make hall a dozen copies, the last one is reason ably clear and is legible, not smeary, due to the hard surface of the car bon and its gripping qualities. We have this stuff for Bale here and if you want it in boxes, we'll be glad to see that you get it promptly. It's worth a trial, at least. Colorado apples, $2.60 box; 2.- 25 In bulk. Farmers Union. E. L. Hoag, venerable master of the Omaha Lodge of Perfection Scottish Rite Masons, was in Al liance last Friday evening for the purpose of instructing new officers in the work of conferring degrees, A banquet was served at the lodge rooms at six o'clock and the eve ning was devoted to degree work. H. D. Hacker, secretary-treasurer for the Burlington system of the toint nrotective board of the B. R. C of A., left last week for Kansas City in company with J. B. Irwin oi wen ver, vice chairman, to attend a seB slon of the board which was sched nied to last three days. City Manager Smith has begun a Correspondence looking to the pur chase of a belt conveyor to be used In delivering coal for the city plant from the cars. The cost will be around a thousand dollars, and the conveyor will pay for itself within a year. At the present time It costs the city 20 cents a ton for all the coal unloaded front cars, and this amounts to about $80 per month. Under the new plan, the coal will be dumped into a large pit and the belt conveyor will take It from the pit and deliver It where needed. Another source of expense of the present sys tem Is in demurrage charges, for it Is often impossible to unload the cars promptly when they come several at a time. Tailored and Trimmed Hats at 25 discount at Highland-Hollo- way Co. Lee, the small son of A. B. Wheeler, who is ill with the small pox, is reported to be improving. Your Greatest Expense in operating an automobile will invariably prove to be YOUR TJRE UPKEKP. The initial cost of Tires like most things we use has been greatly advanced. To off set this rise, and at the same time leave you a little unex pected surplus, You Can Strike Right at the Heart of the Difficulty by seeing to it that you get every bit of mileage from your tires that intelligent and painstaking repair service can give you. "We insist that every repair and retreading job which leaves the shop come up to our standards of excellence. Roe IlAtimnn and 8ee Hotter Give Your Child a Chance child in four has perfect sight. f V ..... juany a child's eyes arc ruined by negligent or thought less parents. This is a responsibility that you cannot shift, and a duty you owe to those who are help less and dependent upon you. , Have your child's eyes ex amined now. B. G. Baiiman, 0. D. Opera House Building W. J. LEO PLUMBER PHONE 1-6-1 Famous Collins Saddles Best sad dle made.' Have stood the test for , 50 years. WrHe for free catalog Alfred Cornish & Co. Sweesaora, Collins 41 Morrison 1213 Fai-nam St., Omaha, Neb. f I I 1 II fY i PRUDENTIAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY First National Dank Dldg. . J. A. PIERCE, Dist. Mgr. Insurance for the Whole Family Ages 12 to 66. Alliance Tire Works Next to Times Office George E. Mitxer, Prop. The Same Low Prices Will Prevail at Our Meat Sale Saturday Mutton Stew, per pound 10c Weinie8, per pound 22l2c Shoulder Lamb Roast, per pound 15c Leg of Lamb, per pound 20c Veal Roasts, per pound ...20c Shoulder Steak, per lb. 18c Minced Ham, per pound 30c Pork Chops, 30c Veal Chops Boiling Beef, per lb. Shoulder Roasts Standing Prime Rib Roast , Pot Roasts Link Sausage ' ; Bologna . Shoulder Pork Roasts i Mutton Chops 30c 12iac 15c .15c ,15c 30c 22i2c ..28c ....30c SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL 3 o w CO 1 ARMY BACON AGAIN SATURDAY $4.29 per 12 Pound Tin Cudahy's Wide Light Sugar Cured 8 to 10 Pound Strips Bacon, per pound ....... 40c Quality of this Bacon is fine. You must see it to appreciate the bargain! o SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL Remember That Quality Is Never Sacrificed at this store. Prices arc always made as low as consistent with the quality offered. Cleanliness and Quality are para mount with you in choosing the foodstuff for use on your table and they are paramount with us in handling the goods we sell. ' FRESH FISH AND OYSTERS FRIDAY A Urge variety of Kraft Cheese Is now In stock Roquefort, Swiss, Pimento, Chill, Kraft, Welsh Rarebit and Caniembert. Our Brick Cheese is fine. Have also some American Swiss. Imported Spanish Onions are again in the market. To Arrive This Week Currants Stuffed Dates Buckwheat Shelled Walnuts Boiled Cider Pop CornWashed Figs Llfflngwell New Budded Eng lish Walnuts The Finest Grown NEW SHIPMENT k of Woodward's Pine Candies Pound and half-pound Boxes, as well as small packages, priced at 8c up Marshmallowa and Pure Sugar Stick. . Our. Christmas Candy Stock will be larger than ever this year. ' Honey Dew Melons 40c Sweet Cider in bulk, send your Jug. Honey, per pound ...40c COFFEE SPECIAL Bulk RIO, per pound 35c Buy Fancy Jonathon Apples by the box. The best are priced at 4.00 Florida drape Fruit will be on the market this week MALLERY GROCERY CO. i Quality Grocers s New Siaggestioiis For Your Home Comforts We can offer you many suggestions for tasty effects in furnishing and decorating. The days are fast approaching when you will spend almost all the evenings by your own fireside. Right now, then, is the time to plan your winter's home comfort. In anticipation of the shortage on all furniture we ordered our stock early enough, so that now we are well supplied with Davenports. Duofolds, Rockers, Library Tables. - - A large, inviting Easy Chair will greatly enhance the. pleasure of your evenings at home, when chill winds urge you not to venture forth. (t;len milled JJ House Furnishings -LL ... l.i