THE ALLIANCE HERALD, ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA, OCTOBER 23, 1919 i . .... riiATPOILM OF TIIIJ not be able to pay the large prertHOM.tae JubUo tTolemi;hlcaiPin em the Amstfcani LgLoJoM AMKqT AMKUirAy jy;! hwinaJqrjhe, iegmax8tlandarfl fo,rrq I settled only through .political chanremaln In guch fgrTlandlTW (of roller or so-called old line lnsut- i uununuru lrom preceuuig pHgv.i v.v.uic, I u resoiTea, inai con Kress e TdnTfBu3 p for.' IteAt lion Instruct the Nebraska delegate standard old line policies, which Will to the national conveibifuiEe Pytm siBpa in the event of deijth spoils to urge at thaficodvitloifj aJr th 3ntfa; and that those BJri demand for a conwMiJftaiUnvtJai-j oVsl'dlAiblU be granted paid-up In- uYSuBN pjSbllTcharlly ; tlMre-rdvto luarwrt lately-a rtndTie War1 I (? rA r""H! ri8k ,Aur,(:,l V tiatiUrm -rjaolve$r thlj j Jionjpfn-i tratj fift"! bJLMMred, or nation and a complete reorganize- surance and compensation benelts tion of thef board, ta.fd. thit Jlpr9portlQn toitheIr,fl8ability; iivl men disabled W tneHeWlce-'o! Weir ' tWt'twdh1 Wgl'siatlMr shall proll, ountrv be ellttrt4p.fbP.fffnrlhn(tfcai'.ihP-premium8 to Ibe once. favors SiUdlerr IJUunea laout physk-nl exanrinatfen for T T I mis niaflne- . .Army Just Ire System,., garf'BilI?V&Wtr'odto'UW IJwiierU'sOtneiWtsye WJJeft. Ja J tjerprdfvlde r our soldiers," Ballots known as M,V . 5545,ror the ' Morgan'- Bill'aseirti tatrodik fa Ah house- frpjff Mtf'lfttfSi'l 1, f) 1 1 soldiers, sailors and marines to own In. the city and on the farm; therc- E itsedNtdTtlte Amerlca.i LrfliureAiito-ftii ogresa of the United States the Immediate ena:t- Lsnljp,LBriAW.aBltaOT!a5.l.0! em Whereas, the said, bill affords a tloniras present ,the administration constructlTe.yilWitoJeriiaUlJbiU.tfr'Hjf asoWit5U&iif and, I Whereas, It appears that grave In nra ami mar npa nova roaiilfnn f hit-r r i r Be it re?ole Hat this conv tioA.OeittaqdUim;iwtiot.tiy cltv gress of alleged abuses and 61h modificatloniof the present systlra oe nfcesr the same Into effect. Asks Substantial Dona f Whereas, various proposaSs''foJ rncaah btfnnk1 16 nonbraoiy' discharge Be It reWvedy mV wesubntrt 'v.Uuifcj-'xctciuLcd i..Beldier6v!?..sailorfli T'ettd- marines are of right entitled to ( suDSt&nllal Donas in addltluu tu that' granted on discharge, for their aerv ices ?nrinK Jhe war, . and we urge that niongresa ettacl ' lef isla.t!oa ?.?io that tud at onc, rather thao post pone! iuch action until, la 'pur pros- nt jtcoiiomieL reeonattttctlon- the. bonus" granted "may dord returned serri men little or no aaslatance Ju re-es Abltehing I thfrnaelrtas; 14 ;olTll Ivors Government Inaorance W iera(i.i, many..:.'f orme5r,;iierrlce men bare dropped their war' risk ln auranee because the war rlak - Jnaur ance jet does not ptortde f o the pay ment 'of a lump sum. In the event bf deaths and,;j 'fy.i' l f Wiier easy, term "insurance 1 high ly defllrable for many men who will nels; but that they be required to do so as individuals and not a mem bers of the American i Legion,. . and that any attempt to nis. the Amer ican Legion, of to Influenwanyf ot thereof, In favor of any "political par ty rrramUdate -for apolitical ofncef b' raust for viphlnton ' rrpm .the legion and forfeiture of office; there in, . A miration WIU OUiers . ' valiantly wifli usTn the world wa charged for said policies be the irfwi taf -"fhcfHuty tW fre est that are ice men to former acrv- . .f iulA jtv 0fvJ nnri in r J V I , cm ta II tuning, nil . . v . i v 4' . . - - - 1.I..4. 1 aI. J.I M.U. I.. 1 . . . . iiit-ii i iiumio pinion any organuanon hlch may do tailed "upon" 'tn''1he ''erlsfejet its duty to favor or oppos? arfy'nrtfted Of ' statutes1 Of' cbhtem plated - legislation and t t "'"Wh ereas,ww d'e'ire Wit 'cortVadet eh,lp and association of these. tjfMh ers In ariiis, 'erefo,;;;;; I ..Be-It 'resolved, .tht, ill .would -waf f.tMerahs-w.ho.i'Ciinaln orlepllBt.ln the military arvicoi ctf tleninU b ;6tate8 txi eztended.lionorary'mlemherBkip a vited to enroll as active members as Boon as ttrey tshalllbxidome separated therefrom. ' Whereas' the 'patriotic ' sefvlce In war and In ptace of the 'member df the Grand Ariiiy bf the' Republic, hJItledge to them our full co-opera-1 serve the memories and Incident of M0JLj!L,,''p!n Hv the American our association In the great war; ta Ideals andlnnt H uiTons wHTcuTlit)ry rArulcaIea"'l5Iige 'oTlftmnWiOlbll- peace and goo a safeguard aad of courts-martial as may sary to bring our military coae up d j DroeresBlvtclv41icriirainal coiurls. and l9iO:Jttiuithroreso!ly4ithat,Mr PrsPO. Cpuno y pt, appear pow: i erIjnjitt.,adjinisuaM3nrf9t..Mftary Justice 'be, jtieLdjtQBtrlct, SjCcq'utapl liy ana puaisueu accuruiugij '.!! 1 jti i" :-r- Will Not Indorse Parties (lOOSEVELTS "1 0Yn-UTTEB8 ; voHmFOX'si: ?-LAt Novel: v HENRY VAN, DYKE : In; Every Number ' 1. AreJhree of the important feature in SCRIBNER'S MAGAZINE Sabaeribm for thm yar mow rr thmmft ywiteWfwU 1 Scribnet MataiinJ 691 Fifth Av, Newark Qty w vrww, ttie piluclplfa upon which the American . Legion was fqundedeaulre its absolute separa tl front "p artisian : pQtlcrsioB'ironi the political 1 tort ues ; of uy " individ ual, whether a member, or non-mem-br of the legion ud; v ?:;j " "j .Whereas;,iC J the duty aa a Cit- ient 6t - tvery; active member' of the American. "Legion to take; active! art in 'hr wlotlon of the. grave social, economic; and - political; questions , of the present hour therefore, ' ' i Be it. resolved, that the Amer ican Legion' of Nebraska encourage lt. ctiye ' members to take part -In public affairs , and In the discussion ill U i 11 inLil in, mi aM afaaaal M t n i cue wiijr evryene anoufa orvnirT hot water each morning 4 ASPIRIN l FOR HEADACHE'? j ' " ' ' . ..." ;: ilName' t!Bayer"'isT odVGenuin 7 . i. 1 ..'St-.-. . . . - -i : : : 7 -dgri?-Jr-; Kary-ei directions for Headache, Colda, Pain, Neuralgia, Lumbago, and Kheumatum. :iM Jump from Bed . b i lid -.TI;;1 f:T 5 -'in of qu . Drirlk1. Hoi Water; WoTreaTcrasTT Whv-Ja man and woman half . tha ttmer teetlnr-f ncrvour r desponaent, worried; some days headachy, dull and unstrung, ' some days really ' tncapaoi tated-'by ninesa.:''.';-w'?-":'''? It we all would practice insld-bath Ingr. what a gratify lng change -would Uke place. Jnstoad of thousands of half-sick, anaemic-looking; soula with pasty, muddy complexions we should see crowds' .of happy, ; healthy,- rosy cheeked people everywhere. , The rea son is that the human system does not rid Itself each day of all the 'waste which it accnmulates under our pres ent mode of living.' For every ounce of food and drink taken into the system nearly : an - ounce - of, waste material must be carried out, else it ferments and forma ptomaine-like poisons which are absorbed Into the blood. !...,: Just as necessary aa It is to clean 'the ashes. from the furnace each day. before)' the Are. will, hum brigty and hot,. ov. we" must each morning; .clear the Inside organs of the previous day's eccomhlatloa of Indigestible4' waste and bony toxins. Men and womert, whether sick or well,' are advised to drink each morning. before breakfast, , -glass -of teal hot 'water with a teaspoonf ul W)f limestone phosphate in It, as a harm less means of . washing; out of - the stomach,' liver, kidneys and bowels the indigestible material.' waste, sour bile and - toxins:- thus cleansing, -sweetening and purifying, the entire allmen- 1-before putting-more -food (. ' Into the stomach, Mnalaf on'aVerTabletif 'pirin 'nHpn of peoplerwhi had their turn In a "Bayer package," containing propei at constipation, bilious attacks, acid stomach, nervous days and sleepless nights have become real cranks about Name "Bayer" neans genuine Apirin j0!? inside-bath. A quarter tmtm Ba'aly'tin boxes of I2itableti cpst ranch the drug atore but is sf few cents. Aspira is trademark if Bayer Manufacture of Uonoatetio acidetxlrSaBAyliacid. W..JiO, safflclent tei demohBtratas to Anyone. ltw cleansines sweetening and xreshen UjLfiffect uioa the eyateja". i4. gr?i'tn Ai'vtt tuo nr ti.JiJx.-i Inii nisi Laa rtrjl& ':: Ai T ;?:a:t i- 9 ffli xiIbs ,iox oift lo Rt'jihotri TiJto baa moo ,?.'jotutoq ,nii5i: lu-Aia i.'.'l -id .ii;f Uili iiqh aJ8 .'id.-ti-tJ-roc! ai vf iB-j ,nl Burns Up Completely Ot liO-J IE 19 a airiy jod inai noDoay uttcs. j You'll have less work of this kind to dj i'iGfHliff ojr'f foyo.M 97uJ vnumA. tia )Zl uniform, standard high grade gasoline wherever you buy it. It vaporizes r evenly. anclbyrss up completely. Gives. mQst.powcr on a, lean mixture is most economical. f y For all types of automobile engines,1 t ... . iiiftilan all corvi r . fr rl irin a flnt'o r , .rinaqbetterjjoilfthaiji T- - ..jC,.j Sold at Red Crown Service Stations,' garages and dealers everywhere. 1 5 iNlfiKASlwVr J 1"" ,f -u'3 If ?rt O AT CTJA?i .A .! ' sf j ID HOB 2 D CROWM A. at r nr? lo trial 9rfl ,sa ; l iV ,vir m.J h bljd .'lia viii a:b .bht?.f ;- .'W '.u! t aiv' vttfifu'.) o :;I :of! t-vJ ':.yo-i--j i jt Met; xy.V) llu v.: i "') :tUi if J i:s y;ii:f; vr f iiJ 'jIT .')V,i.i Lyny Ji.f i rI J.v;r f. f.rj ) :: or riJ ifov j 8AM0HT s k 0 Whereas the underlvine trlnrlnlrs transmit to nosterltv the nrlnclnle anA'the United Spftnlsli1 Waf Veler-f fXPrfssrd.-1U tTko' preamble "t . the tf' iustioe- ftf'ZAmur iHX fcArrl-' ans haVe served arid,' will; eVer serve 1-Alible ah ln coiiaillutlQA fls ?0l- iA.onaaSt '.nJT..etifv r eim. s a nttlnu'examMe'td's bf 'an un-t.loVvA W-'-'AX -?rL . "ai.-- .. . I . swervlnr devotion to iui'1 couhfhv 't V' "..iw "V i rWP Pfrjvotlon to mu dial therefore-"" ' ;' ' ' "' 'l ! it;or of and-cfluutry-jre asso-f frelpfulneek"" thieteore, l: H It resolved,' that honorary" mem-1 lowing purresphe! ho44(4r,'1-S iJt t',' T bershfp in the' Amrlf ah Legion bef-frd ' the 't?otlf ullo of 'th4 ljlt, Ufe l JPM VeTt f" extended to all members of the Orad!;&iWst ef 'ineflcsiloAiiratotain -ltttbr 'be required XoKjj'oW, by heWt ahdubftcrlbe totii. foregoing dec ;ittratlon,if principles , M2 f Army' of fhe Republlo and: Unlted'Laud prdef rf V,r4 'p?yetoate j Spanish War Veterans;' &nd we heVfiralOpW Vt utAmeYfcTlnlamrio .. I if. v '. .'.,,? -.''' .'-.,'.' t " ;i . i .'.Mr IT .- i ':ui' 'Mil '. i a b V 4 ruvtf t.K..t '.i!:t -i'i r iMjftnil l T-i i Ls ii - pur - - srcin f??75rto pti:cm m w A L J f J I ' .- . . Uk. Ill-la''", lit 11: ti ll ,-.111 I I ' f. ".UOl? Tt 'l BUj -J.i ..! boj4ji "?ko ul ,tI 1W1H 100 ! wo'"." J TIM .tail d ij bbn fl-wd svsiL btilltn Mfiir2rT ll.'T"'sa4, irn.l -?ri-j(i diri nhni shino lb:. line , j,,., w,0 kWi J 7 ti-Mij sll "Ik .... . . .. I IT.l !i, .ir..?M'Li''A ban .iiola srtl quoins hA: 7? TjSnowo ottos' tHipTiiiiInu lo u.i-n .;: I-.; lIC J) lit-1 i:.t (IY - ::A-'TTjiL Pil'-n" : -V "rf .:' ' - ''V:.-.'.:V fdY ypJrg-i-i inti dttwbtl . i.. mwyj :r ! di lo W elalfejt rliu; V' y'SvAAri.iTJKXX W. fJ " .?' ' tl Hla . v st f. . l i m -e r r - v t ' , m v a. k m W f t-sf "T y Vft VMM oir. IP?'- .jl is iMixiviius lm JMt; jikmJm h'1'1 ol a lo ifljf if iii'itfi ftili n p. I ITl lit K"t.iJi St (ti'.Mi wo ())') Ima H iuuiT: kI vlfr.rnItJ lo fiolJHvt'J ri'i ; .Ml'.l-a .lt V fi-ityt-i nt tlt!l-.l;il $ur' f T Ivtnoifj tJ 'ilvfiiO'J i) ;ibni flint P. lata: will 11 'i-i0,il-i r.l ni.w JKir yu l-rff .- !' -t ob (il ylilU-tiviuil oit.' tti ami h -nU tot fiilliita hllurt E 1 F Jn-i'.-mj i-ii ol ii-i')l!i;t invjcv km v ol tfio 'rf I an f 'iiff. If t .v 7;oB "rtt nnjiiiii iiil Imk lani, rr.'f.-t-.. I tiff yii- 'lin ''1 I-rJ ilO'jl nil lt tin iniio it)ip ' (I I . -!..! 1 1 xa " .;,!'i1h '(iia bi 'JJ Jifiiijjiv ilnw -e-- fri. - J I J -IL I"" t,v. noiiiin:fnr; CHL5TiuHI$arc -vo7yu (i tnu-t jinu t. an entirely new kind 'of cigarette ' ViJ im T Ina M).fi.i1 -..Il V ..u.i cliifu 9dT la 1'-""X"1 fit V"':jl.itt.(i iMOt oruy ao ttney piease tne. taate, Ditu (.''."K nn'ii v.u-j they go straight- toyour'smokeixjt,--" "1' MoistuMiKPof paefcig : iuv they let you Mo,y,gfniMr whKeJthaj'eaehsti'brt SatUytJ. o Jfl'tuinci'tb i-'i3s: Ki.rj .! vl i-jt.1) ban vi ly.MU n.t ili)t k. Envate formulii (na( id cawJor M.afeii iiiiuv h di m i-.w.t -.-ib '.u fir ?:ot;i 'thr8!fiwhv ft iChebterhelds--and " '' i ... utaH.i a i - j-jn.. r rv-rf -'. i v ;-j -i:jls -IB Y S !' OTl .n.m oimr- .. .,.i f .I,.......; I ! ji fifi 'r t.(ui f,iia ! en'iltt HitiT nl 'il 'Mil- ; ii'-t..'hTi la LJ;;r::i -. ! X"7'- a-A'.n t' 0'i:U'i -. .T ft'O ;l j I b...l "rot b'w?-t i JfJfM ,' wj' salami ' 7iix!rjna l va7 ' d f n r,.iiiSPf Jtircn t4oi:i vilt t J-iuMW i1mj r). !.!( 'J oiJj bna "U" XtirlfTa , i turf i .-j-,'--.f.vdj-sa( snit ft : v crt' I' j.l. t 1.. 'TV n'4 ij::if .t.T! or it bf; .VI XtiffoO r;0l xa l-fli'J -it) l l'-!';i'i K'nWII l ..!.! 4 in-us.) j vl I'll 10') TiTS r;o . II :-i Ui .v. 7" -j 0t : -)V i:-xx : wli"li I ;Yp! V ji jb.U JO'I .'H-.iT 1 olr.n ei'in j. ftiillHj'. -lit rf ' t-iVJ i!:i' t-,i r i (i rjp.!-.'j!,y7.U.tlJ oil tir-4 "!hj:j' tsnri d )!fr iJ C) noJ;Vlf'J v j iit b-iall.J J. irf I It.. 4 i . 1 m - SW .BBr . . B. t WW ft 1 la : .! iri-j i; i.t Ci'J f. 3 XrtilfiaH . i;lt.-! I n t.b l'ii.. wti-.( ::l -..IT .blu7 o3 44 me museof Safety, 1 -1.10 ((. tl( it'i.t'j) '(.11 JlTj. 300 vRoo tltOO fi b.m r!itd:l lit') rr i: 3 Lsls ftzfrt& 5?4 vVT T JfX J blA-f I- ajla-Arr39dll.1 II W :".AHH ' : II lift. . . . t ..... Fred A.-fiast 'J.i V.Srt 4 n'!tV.'fv Jjm t floilii ft t .'w-'''Wr,Tr',,"' "i i Jii, ,ioi uta jtf'ft neodt ! .-rnr ?rj f? 14 lai'J (n.ji dft I"j-.jiiti 3 Jilij 5:lt M-i'i'ijn 9nii.i lr,.ll -dJi j co.!: YV n! - t'y"ntii)t oao t; ;aoJ 4 la j -""'l X'lt ii.'.,.'-'il.-i'!b v.fa.i --! ...i"saj j tsrfi j.?..! L ' -i -..i tu-fai On Direet Car Line to Stock YarLs.,t t ui" t !; r k -.8iod r.a- !-; t U.f; i3 ' iMf .Ht.u.cit. J--w. Sixteenth qnd; Jones Streets ; T S'o:m, ID) eitrEO.Bo1; aa4 v J &"l Las !wto:hi d : .Jsiao 2J ial . tJi a&:sj ar.;jJlt75 vy CAf-i I .9lriir jA?.fj7 ' . -- ,cl I i 4vwl ioa'II It Jaw.; .i.fii . - . .... JI jc- "io flaJ iirrr ( li4 m j1v lo aotifwrw