The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, October 23, 1919, Image 10

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    THK -A1XIA.UK HKHAL1V ALMAXUS,1 Mim?ASlCA XX1QUYAI !!3f 19rr-rrr
nil ni n
piattorm: ofriiiE
11" li. 'MejvrV Inialrtiinn of rAlliatirV
IW S'rt. f , t'tarert on ImporTAnt 1 "
- V I I
lit 'X'nnvHitlim'
.- '. v u ''!'! r,
E,,It Meyer of, Alliance-, thaUuian
f, Alliance ,Fost Np. .7, Anierlcan
JLegloji 'of NYbrfcska, ho attended
4be state conventidh 1ield recently'af
Omaha,1 wns made a member bf the
ofnmtttf oft constitution and : by-
laws and entrusted 'with Important
duties on the committee.
Wlnclples for which The Anierlcan
legion of Nebraska will' stand were
nuuncd - ia resolutions adopUd -at
the meellnjt. The legion's purposea
frare sfaredlone:" " '""
pVfaln4Mac pt-liU-rt, citing tor
graves W allon'coilrade. ji-rWrrtfon
Of, 100 IVettt AmelricAilrstntiiftl
repalymljUary training, deportation
i II i .. I.
of. alien alar kers,, punishment of con- j tatjoii apd the ietlpps,. taken, at the j wa,,,,unaoinioualy;. .adopted, railed,
hotueal tbat .conyevtion waijy.,ihu?gs, or ,n
W mWt II H
I 14
!S raw"
oif2 r
i i
training f..(Uatlml vttaraas, i
and bomiws for soldiers, government lerest,,to 4h,o, orHanitatlon .were not
Insurance,, niocHQcMlou of the couft- discussed,' and aUice that, tlm ther
niarttel slf nr. yrphibitfon,. of th have arisen piany .questJona ,vUa4, ta
use of the legion's name in the lnr be welfare of rfiturufld'aevc ruen,
terest of any political party or 91m. and country, !t r.!((S .., nr
didnte, ' and favoring 'alUlladon'.wHh At, the itlme of. the national caucus
bthet-: 'patriotic'1 societies 'and'rnen It was .thought. better, to await th
now In th seTvloe. v-; !' - " Minneapolis convention, . where. a
(luanH IJIlvrrtlea :Jiwl In 177U ' more complete representation might
Jhe resolutions follow v -, ., . be had and the hopes and aapJratlons
, ... rnvAMrtiF,' ,1 - i of our members be. better ,, known,
' I ' I,RLAMBLE:;; 1 1 , ;' We must not, however, postpone, our
' Whereas, the1 American .Legion has action; on any of the things that are
assembled for, 1(S first.' annual con- yltal to, the soldiers .and-sailors .of
vehtlon In the State of Nebraska, it our country, nor. permit any . of the
Is desirable at this : time .' to State evils that menace the civilization of
clearly and nnfrservedly to the mem- Europe to gain any foothold In our
bership of the1 legion, to those who beloved country.' -,.,. (, .. j. ...,
have ot a yet joined our ranks, and The American Legion of , the state
to the general public, the .poBltlaijl of .Nebraska Indorses the action or
anJTpurpose of the world war vet- the St.. Louis caucus and, in addition
hereto, desires , to state clearly to
he public that It. stands squarely for
he , enforcement of J law and, order,
nd the maintenance of American in-
itltutioos and. liberties, as fpught for
n,l776, guaranteed and enunciated
n the constitution of the United
States .and, pi. the state of 'Nebrkkft
ind, maintained, by , the . bjod ; .of'our
forefathers and pur brqtberti-ih.-arms
no now ne in, ioreign, Brar, uu
s a cSmplete statement of qur poBt-
lion on Americanism and' American
nstitutions, b H 'hereby-Teeolved:
-i!j!.f,'T6'C1r to rVe i'-T
erana assoclalpd in this organization.
Th& rurposfs t tk American leg-
ronTire erjr leafljrdeflned in both
the preamble-to the national constl-l
upon .congress to. .investigate the tc-
lease , pardon,(j reetor.atiqn.ntoffdulor
and .discharge., with all pay and al-j
Jbwances, of many so-called. conacien
tlous objectors, and,; f i r, oj.i.
Whereas,' no, steps, have been. taken
by congress to carry out this demand,
therefore;.- .).: fi-..if- f'..'ini!i
De it resolved that We demand,' a
peedy and complete investigation of
the release and pardon of these men.
, . Urges Vocational ( Training , . .
Whereas, It appears from numer
ous Instances which have cdme to the
attention of' member of the Nebras
ka American Legion that -the1 na
tional board of vocational guidance
has failed to assist the disabled sol
diers, sailors and marines, ani that
many or these ais&Diea men are ae-
(Continued oa ,
rfj 1 tkf in ta Vn -t t h b tt rei
fjguires no hcdiimHl '
is cacapcr lnsrica-ianvpoq
or concrete posotnaKia
ide I curable a-i antte Keei row
iirrftf- l?iv.r.rnof unkrealcahli. Used
. Protect ieTrom liehthlnHppT
la f
7 aiL-aaShamllUvidccd ointsy make HfM''t
or plate f'l
easy to drive. Patented anch
make, it bind hXWiA:
ask tor ine poai wnn ute
REDHEAD. Come into-
, Vhercfis, 4)ie fundamental' piifpos5
C ijpe, American Legion, Is to ptrpet
ate 'the 'principles' tor' which "our
jallen .comrade foiighl, and'died
I . Whereas, Iheir graves at home hnd
VX fprelgn, soil, are and' will ever be
the ,Bhrns, which. , (nel cauiurV J
aL.l 1 1 Ji 11. . . A . . 1 f 1 1 I
foppr ana ,aeYQ,iipn oue(io,ino3ewno
ave, their Uves that 'others'' 'm(kit
tve, thereforer fl'f,ft ' "
Pa It .resofved.That .we pledge
lur.sejyea .nd pur", country, ioreyer to
iialntai teirnriAl. resting-places as
f tlng monuments. 0. .n noonty ot
helr,Hvs'and the.Hlonr of..tbelr,finat
iasBlng;i.!a,nd;.J!p gi.xe ,to. .t'eir grve.s(,.
h Shrine8) or, our. patnotfam, inai
onstantn -iqaTft VbfVltf , Ittsuije ti
urvdDarted comrades "the glorious
Immortality , pf,.thpse.wbo Hye 'tor-
eter.tix.theune.mory.ppfj, tha uptry,
heydie,d,,ta;ave.Ir,rn.H, l ,.
JVherpas, hje, AmerCcan. WgJ.on
tana io, JPP, pej, cent .Americanism
n-1r,,,e fln.telVenV'!exerc.,8,b5
he ljlgtsd .dyflesi)of,,AmerJlca
Whereas, we believe mat tne P.res-
npo nf lar'ritimbeVs of " citlsenli
Who are uneducated In' heVfenglitiH
I,.r .,1 . l.,. i a. 4 . n.
anguage IB aenpieni, wiiie
are! of the .United States,v affording
a our couniry, leiiuc utuiiuuuj
Ot h'e 'development ?of 'Vrt,ahy 'of f the
ioc?al disofderii' that' no!r'litiire.itert
he nations "of 'Europe:,, therefdre11
aTI it vAortiitf 01 in it t t n 1 rnnif n
I .213
For Military Training
ft Whereasx'the future rlXftary pol
.licy ofthe United states ksfc ntt
V dettniWdjBy fcTngress. tbiTre
c a packag
-wl rv-
JCa raclia56m or!) brin
.lalfil x'iot uoy Ikod Iliw li iol
' a a. . r f
lean Lekfod ofi KebrslUf . tavfef s, as
the naMbojLajnytiiliLW of jtational,
defense, baaed on the democratic
principle of the obligation of every
citizen to defend his country in time
of peril, a system of universal mill
tarv train lift. "TV iTbTHeve thV details
cTtHiNiuW bet fotb
W H4tBit(ue; una weyavr sucnAnv
thereof as will make military train
ing a factor in the Americanization
of the yout hof the land; make the
sure the removal of the civilian
, 9
o'.'f 0'
ecu . ... --ilu.aSSifllL IooV lt'
. 1ST
('ge' ltsJsu'ppoff td 'the Efforts
tow' being, made ,t611lnsu1re;ihatfthe
education of;AmeVicari chttdrert' iS'alt
9 any. exclusively military
iottantetibAllJ IOI JJJJI
Would Deport Allan Slackers
mWlwpaB, a lay, wag passed .by, cqoi
'jl'll. JliUI VfrA 111.1.. ...fill, 'jjr. ,1
; Daring tho aftermath of inHuenzar et)lKtrn5 pQjnj$f
' nowfith fxnd protectl every avenue of yourjttrength.
" 1 ;-
n !T
because of its efficient fonlc-nureht'rttrirtertlM . rliaili UTn
tens of thousands to renewed strengtli Those who are '
fearful or rundown in vitality mhoald uie th means.
.CVft ff.. hlfn -a,M . JaaaflL.. M' . N(.T
vuuu uy u KBUiiiiy icsistuncct
WW SCOTTS ioes for oUiert tt do for
hirir tMde of cod IIttt ofl tml In Scetll EmUm U th famoo
o. k . nw, maae in norwijr ana rrtinea tn otir n American
Lakotatori-ta,' It tt a rnarabtre of parity ami palauUlttr ttoarpaml. ' ' 1
n ;
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Scott St Bowne, BloomSeld. N. .
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ml fr!T Oc litdrii-i
'IIWIO-: Mtt ft fii'lt-Hih
ir i,(tr. iIt-is easier. tin.j$rftkffitfc 'btteirV: wlien you
-oiiii.nt.u.,x,uiariiie lor engine luurn-auoii.; - r
(i;Ul tP!! UC' J 1 1 S ' i l"? f l fit l,np!: 1
traiiv Vn' l our JD:
jiiiMtui r,
J .1
ft 3 li l JVX,
point' tempfetattffV'-'it' does tOt conceal an
T'' ft'" 11"!. :...''i.l.fM lil..',i,-..v. t.;-.(l-.-'r', 1
p i ip.Tii-'H .trs!
i.fli. I 'l'lPr. flWflt
A VBMA a a a
rib MtllUl'C
f.T vioit'
engine Jiartl r to turn ,pyer
.mll JncKftitj .fx:
a. .
always ( assufes 1 maximurrf power
ias-ticrhtj seal between1 Diston rings and cyl-
T ,,,,inde,r.SpU.
j3 i; .ojii cylinaerlieat1 J"1 !:ri0e fi'jn xivj
jfliw lfnir '! Kitr I !.,f do-) mtriimn frf ni hfJ,ifi
i .q ft1 i fPolarine keeps every bearing and engaging i art cush-. (i
uu l v oned niz&iniitn jltt doesn't cripple :i n engine -
iii v l,. .l-4:h v&rbbh KIt isthe' standtird -oil for all types of
f ' :Hbjf swiiere 'Vtou' btiy dean-b'urniiSgRed Crown 1 J
. i ir.ti-.
1 -l"l,'r
H' II' ' t
'If! --fJ
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tlKin til nTri)no ci nc-in serf Ffii il. il. ir.i i'.t..; . ma'l-roft
, , . kJ atV i-T .1- jT. IV Il JU 'V-' A' rf I I II I 1 fl I
Ul.liort IIT " c.'writ-l-..l V 1 .ri ill .vrl JH"4VC,i, rr n- rf
jk.-1-i xiiM .ani i oisi ili.!fi eiovr eis
t-1 xJlhu.p
J.' lt.tllllli;
ni iv) fciii'niiirad
Omaha T r
..BWBa. I :,.r,-. o umlm '. cctt ni T.(t:fUT.Wl lr!1
. .-..vii.... . . ... i i
ii. .i i i i . ... ii
; ,
'fa A
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1 -. f r
gr&s giving persons within the draft
ag4. whf ha4- taJe-ot-itr8Haperfl
foil AmeHjan yrit-
iieae 01 lujriuiiKin yan nrf t sape
to aneir local exemption Doarda an
thereby becoming exempt from eery
icet and,
whereas, thovealMld; oC Bied within
draft age, who had been in this
coantry for many yeara and had slg-
nialed their Intention to become 'CIW
iiiiis, took advantage of this law and
thereby became fx?
taay service, or wer
military service y reason fhlreif;
ani took lucrative poaitlona in the
mills. ahiDvards and factories: and.
IVhereas, the contlowedV waene)
lnlthe United States ozthlae cbun-
tBlft'lt Ameiteaas 4a mn imanlk 4a tka
I 1 - i
uG .?.oklrA odo lCb AtflinJ I-o A K
71 JA
aL WiX CAMELS are in a class bv themse
m k l ui
I I "at 1.Y2V1
mptd frm mili-
100 per cent true American soldiers
and Bailors who have returned again
toengage la civil rtprafj; therefore,
alxM?aJtaideQrlcan leg
Ion of Nebraska demands that con
gress immediately enact a law to
endnfllsan l',aW9Wi IKh withdrew
their -first pap&xs, back, o-.tUa jioun
itroniWhicUvtkc7 fames The
futryf 'IfL, which vwe liye and for
which w are willing Iq' fight la, good
enough for us; but 'thla country in
which they have lived and prospered,
yet; were;upwyiimi .to, ftfh for, U
too good for them. .
Whereas, at the St. Louis caucus
ot the American Legion, a resolution
Cinti arc told rarr-l
whmr in aci an tifictlly aeaaci
pckttu of 30 oiitwttmt on
hi JL A tJufin-pspr-covrct
- . Ua, .a... J
Miami ffifs tai rwirw thm
bom or offlca mupply or
when you trmvoL
R 1 Ra-nnla4 Tftka aaa f
' wa-w avnaaa, a a
WtnatoiiaStJeiA. N. Cl-i (?.
'xo ni .iv A .kluynnts r.-f'i no 'premiums cW'gifts.1
lib Yi0v5I
yonofn zzoi
Ives easily the
most refreshing, the most likable cigarette you
ever smbted. or?6u' canr prtrve tlat V Sitriply cbfflpaf e
Camels puff-by -puff with any cigarette in the world at
any price ! Put qpjlity', 'Savpr and cigarette satis
faction to the utmost testV w
. Made to meet your taste, Cartels never tjre 1. no matter how
and choice Domestic o66c&s makes5 darnels delightful so full
bodied, yet so fascinatingly smooth and mellow-mild. Every
time you light one you get new and keener enjoyment T
Freedom from any unpleasant ciearettv after taste or anv
unpleasant tiartX,?2pf makes pamils aaiwuiUa they are
In fact, Camels appeal to the most fastidious smoker in so
many new ways you never will miss the absence of coupons,
! i'i' r- . 4d rr A fr'Wa rt ' a 'a'j t . r. w c. x t i I
roan preier vamei vuaury r " -
. TW., -an,.' a. -n .1 -I i,.!., ii- i T aTJ ijv.'-yi J