Thursday, October 2nd, 1019. THE ALLIANCE (NEBRASKA) HERALD 0 FOR RENT Two furnished rooms for light housekeeping. Thone 1064. 44p Now h the time to bur apple, 2.25 mt ho; delivered, nt ParincrV Inion .tre. 4 4 Fancy Colorado rating and cooking ..I,-.h $2.25 92.:V d. Hvered. Fanners Union. 4 4 John V. Thomas of Lincoln. live etock editor of The Herald, came to the city on Friday of last week. He left this mornln for Lusk. Wyo ming, on business. Now Is the time to buy apples, 92.25 per box; 2.5 delivered, at Fanners Inion More. 44 S. J. Schmoker, well known Bingham ranchman, was in the city Monday on business. lie drove In by auto.' Fancy Colorado rating and cooking apple $2.25 ln; $2.:13 de livered. Fanners' Union. 44 Charley Snow, widely known , northern Morrill county ranchman. . was In the city Monday looking for men to work on the ranch. The Ilodgers fJrocerr wMies to announce to Its patron that their delivery schedule is as follows: For ;th side east of Box Rutte avenue, wagnn Marts at 10 a. in. and 4 p. m. promptly; side west of Box ttutte, wagon start! at 8:30 a. in. and 2 ,p. m. promptly. .45 F. R. Ailams. left Wednesday .or Tensacola. Florida, where he will Join his family and spend the winter. The trip will be made by automobile, and will be a great drive. He was accompanied by his father, his brother-in-law, W. I. Morgan and a friend from Pensacola who has been visit ing here. Jutlct' I. K. Tash was very ploan- n"My surprised last nieht when his on, Charlie Tash, dropped in to spend a. day with home folks. Since returning from the service, tarlie has been with th W. II. Nichols Auto company of Omaha, the Pixie Flyer people. This Is Charley's nrst visit home since hi disi'hnr zi and his tvai-y friends her are moit than glad to sec hk:i. Thinps have been doing in the oil game around Chadron the last few days, according to the Chronicle of that place. Contracts have been let for three wells and even now the machinery Is being hauled to the first site, about eighteen miles north and east of Chadron. The Chadron edi tor is not only interested, but enthu siastic, and seemingly sees in his mind's eye a picture of Chadron completely surrounded by Derricks. Friendly geologists say that thr structure, which is a term this editor expects soon to know all about, shows greater promise of being an oil producer than some of the richest Oklahoma fields, and if this turns out to be the case, it will be a great and glorious thing for Chadron. W. R. 1IARPKR. Proprietor HARPER'S V. R. It ARi'KR, Proprietor 6c RealStuph" Stock Yards Station. Omaha, Nebraska, October 1, 1919. 3entlemen and Friends: Keep Your Kye on Omaha, when It comes to Market Values. You don't need to divert your live stock taking in the St. Joe or Kansas City market, because we have got the Real Market here You might occasionally strike a cattle market down the river or up the rlvr when the prices would vary sufficiently to warrant their sending, but nine times out of ten, Omaha is the place. Here is where the Huyera come. Reef Steers: We haven't much to write you about this week. The receipts started out Monday with 19,000, Tuesday around 11,000, and Wednesday about 5.000. This Is the lightest Wednesday we have experi ence Bine the fall run started, and as a consequence would not be surprised to see the market cloe up higher. In fact, beef steers have met a good demand all week at Bteady to strong prices. Possibly some shipments of cattle have Itoen diverted away from Oina Iia on account of the riot which prevailed on Sunday of this week. There has been no further outbreak since Sunday, and conditions are normal again. Let your stuff come ripht along, and come yourself, because there is nothing that will endanger your interest. ' Cows and Mixed Stuff: We wish to quotehe cow and heifer market, especially the killing grades anywhere from 25 to 50c lower and very null, especially the killing grades anywhere from 25 to 50? lower and very dull. Some choice 1050 lb. Montana cows plum fat sold this week Monday, at $9.65, nnd others at $9.50. The bulk of the fat cows and heifers selling from $7.75 to $8.25 and $8.50, but they must be good to bring the latter prices. Bulls and vealers about the same. Wet cows, stockers and feeder cows and heifers, especially, if carrying the quality steady. Stockers and Feeders: There has been a pretty good demand for cat tle of this kind, and the market opened up Monday steady to some higher on the desirable grades, others slow about steady. Tuesday the market was about steady on stockers and feeders but closed up slow and some lower on the undesirable kinds. On account of the exceedingly light supply today, cannot quote anything but firm trade. We quote: . Choice to Prime Grass Beef Steers $14.00 to $15.00 Good to Choice Grass Beef Steers 12.00 to 13.50 Pair to Good Grass Beef Steers 9.50 to 11.00 Common to Fair Grass Beet Steers 7.50 to 9.00 Mexican Steers ; 7.00 to 8.25 Choice to Prime Grass Beef Cows 9.50 to Good to Choice Grass Beef Cows 8.00 to Medium Grades Grass Beef Cows 7.40 to Common to Fair Grass Beef Cows 6.50 to Canners 4.75 to Cutters : 5.50 to Bologna Bulls . . 5.50 to Beef Bulls : 7.25 to Veal Calves 8.00 to Choice to Prime Feeder Steers 12.00 to Good to Choice ; ..... ... 11.00 to Medium to Fair ... 7.00 to Choice Stockers 10.50 to Good to Choice 9.00 to Medium to Fair 8.00 to Common to Fair Grades 6.00 to Stock Heifers 6.25 to Stock Cows 5.75 to Stock Calves . 7.00 to 10.00 9.50 8.00 7.00 5.25 5.75 6.75 8.50 13.50 13.00 12.00 8.50 11.25 10.00 8.75 7.00 9.00 8.25 10.00 Hog Supply Moderate For This Time of Year Pork Market Continuously Itreaklng Prices Now ipl.OO Ixmer Than Meek Ago. There don't seem to be any encouragement to offer the shipper and feeder of hogs for the immediate future. You will notice that they are taking it off of provisions, and surely it must come off the live hog. The markets all over the country are on the decline, and before this week is over, the decline Is liable to equal $2.00 per hundred compared with prices last week best time. We quote: Omaha 4,500 Chicago 12.000 Kansas City 9,000 St. Joseph 5.000 Sioux City 4,500 Denver 1,00 St. Louis 8.000 Bulk $15.00 to $16.00 Top $16.50 Bulk 14.75 to 16.25 Top 16.75 Bulk 15.50 to 15.25 Top 16.50 Bulk 15.50 to 16.25 Top 16.60 Bulk 14.50 to 15.50 Top 16.00 Bulk 15.50 to 16.00 Top 16.40 Bulk 14.50 to 16.50 Top 16.75 Notice to Shipper Five New Records Made at Omaha During the Month of September, 1919 September 15th Record One Day Receipts 1,358 cars September 15th Record One Day Supply Cattle 29,773 head September 20th Record One Week Supply Cattle 64,358 head September Record One Month's Supply Cattle 256,H8t head September Record One Month' Supply Sheep 846,743 head Yes Give us the Facilities in the Stock Yards, and Omaha will be the largest live stock market in the world in less than five years. .This is the market Everyone full of Pep and ready to serve our patrons in the very best manner possible. ....Remember Cattle Shliier That for the last thirty days Horned steers regardless of quality have been selling fully $1.00 per hundred under the same class of dehorned steers. Iewellen, Nebraska, has been represented on the cattle and hog mar kets this week by Mr. F. O. O'Rourke, cattle, and A. R. Quelle, hogs. The Inter-State now has a reputation that cannot be excelled, and we invite investigation as to Our Financial standing, Character and Abilities. liver) body in the Live Stock Circle have had their eyes on us, and all fully realize that we have put our shoulders to tne wneei ana pushed rorwara until now we are one of the leaders. Why because nothing has brought about this condition but Mere Courteous Treatment and Real Service In sales and fill9. Try U You Can't Lose Beet Wishes, we beg to remain. Yours respectfully. INTER-STATE Live Stock Commission Company Save- M A Wonderful Opportunity oney on Winter Coats Several Hundred Beautiful Coats Grouped in Three Special Lots, Saturday at $24.50 $29.50 $34.50 IN the face of a real scarcity of high-grade materialo and excessive cost of production at the present time, wo have assembled for Saturday record-breaking coat values. Coats for, early Fall wear, alxo heavy storm coats in such desirable materials as Pom-Pom, Wool Velour, Bolivia Silvertone, Fancy Mixtures, Tweeds, Polo Cloth, and Kersey. Loose-fitting and belted models, large self -trimmed convertible collars; others with beautiful for collars. Some with high-grade silk plush collars. Half and full silk lined coats. The new fall shades, Copen, Navy, Brown, Tan, Taupe, Burgundy, Plum, Mixtures and many others at a saving of $10.00, $15.00, $20.00. ....... ... ef w I 'j EXTRA SPECIAL VALUES, SILK PLUSH COATS, AT S34.50 LEATHER COLOR SPORT COATS FOR STREET AND AUTO WEAR OTHER HIGH-GRADE COATS FOR WOMEN, $24.50 to $29.50 $39.50 to $198.50 Distinguished Fall Suits For Every Woman $44.50-$49.50-54.50 Yes, EVERY woman finds real suit satisfaction in our vast range of sizes, including the best fitting, most fahiou ably designed ' Suits for Large Women and "Stylish" Stout Suits, $44.50 to $74.50 Sizes Range Up to 55 Bust Measure. Finest Tailormades Handsome New Styles, $59.50 to $100.00 Elaborate Choice of Autumn Dresses at $24.50 to $95.50 Reflecting every new mode for street and afternoon wear in Tricollette, Satin, Georgette, Crepe Metcorsj Kitten's Ear Crepe, Charmcusc,' Velvet, Nets, Tricotine, Serge, Jersey, Cord de Laine, also combinations of Tricollette and Satin and Georgette; of1 Tricotine and Satin and Georgette, of Satin and Georgette, of Satin and Georgette and Net. ' Em broidered, Beaded, Banded, Button Fringe and Lace Trimmed. The range of models affords wider choice than ever before Vet,, cord, tunic cuff, beta ruffles, uit effects. Long waist lines, abort and long Heeves. Itound, square and V necks. Collars and collar leos - models. . flood reason for the marked popularity of the new Aut umn dres 'styles. You niut ee them. ' ' ' Women's Wearing Apparel Kntlre South Floor. !? ; '' Beauty Boots at a Popular Price Nothing speaks like value It's a part of Harper's Serv ice in Shoe selling . . . Beauty Boots in Field Mouse; Brown Vamps, Cloth Top to Match; All Brown and Black Kid Lace. High Louis and Military Heels. Welt $10 Sewed Soles. ..Special WOMEN'S BEAUTY BOOTS in Havanna Brown kid. A very popu lar style right now. Priced here at cash price $11.75 Greater Shoe Department Kutlro Middle Section. $10.25 WOMEN'S BEAUTY BOOTS Brown kid and calf vamp, 8V to 9-inch lace, high Louis and mili tary heel, at cash prices $7.35 WE SELL FOR CASH ONLY W. R. HARPER DEPARTMENT STORE BIG STORE Alliance, Nebraska CORRECT APPAREL FOR MEN AND WOMEN WE SELL FOR CASH AND SAVE YOU MONEY . "WE DO FLEAS K"