The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, October 02, 1919, Image 13

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OCTOnFIl 7, If) 1 9
Why tlty Men Should Supiiot-t Iocal
(Xt-operatlon Willi Federal
l'lan f Cuwxl Koads
in Country.
If all the automobiles in this coun
try stood evenly distiibaTecl over all
the roads oi this country, there
would be five motor cais to every two
miles of road. And thevt are 2,4 57,
334niilcB of public road.
If every motor car in the United
States were loaded to its limit with
people, half the population of the
United States could be hauled at one
load. And there are about 110,000,
000 people in this country.
Getting down to boot heels and
bitulithic Just to avoid the vulgar
phrase of bedrock and brass tacks
about 67 per cent of all the motor
vehicles In the world are on the
ronds of the United States. Py esti
mate, there were 7,000,000 automo
biles In the world on January 1,
1919. P-y actual count. 6.146,67 of
there were In the United States.
Thoce motor vehicles paid, in license
and other Tees, 151.477.416. And
this is exclusive of the 107,000 mo
tor vehicles manufactured for the
Each one of those six million one
hundred and odd thousand motor
cttrs, when it runs on unimproved
ronds, pays about twice as much for
tires and about twice as much for
gasoline as when it runs on surfaced
roads. And there are about eight
times as many miles of unimproved
as of Improved public roads In the
United States. To be specific, the
public roads In the United States
measure 2,4 57,334 miles, of which
only 296,290 miles, or about 12 per
cent, are surfaced. The rest are
earth roads.
Half-lJilllon for Roads.
Are the owners of those six mil
lion and odd automobiles Interested
in the federal aid road-building pro
gram for 1919? It is the most stu
pendous road building program In
the history of the world.
The Lindell Hotel
Palm and Pah, Pre;
j Osr Popular Price Lunch Room tod Cents 3
AD Modern Convent
Rooms $1.00 U
Nw Management -. Political HomAquartva
Expenditures for road construction
this year are likely to reach 500,
000, POO. according to the estimates
of the United States department of
agriculture, the government agency
charge! with the administration of
the federal aid road act. Practically
all states are planning a continuous
system of connecting highways
throughout the state, and there Is a
more general disposition than was
ever manifested before toward co-operation
among neighboring states so
that improved roads will not termi
nate at state lines.
Congt ess, shortly before adjourn
ment, made an extra appropriation
of 1209,000.000 in the postofflce ap
propriation bill to meet the federal
part of the program. Officials of the
bureau of public roads. United States
department of agriculture, point out
that this Is the largest appropriation
ever made by any government for a
similar purpose, and that it will en
able the federal and state govern
ments to carry on a road-building
program of a magnitude never ap
proached in the history of the world.
This work, It is estimated, will em
ploy more than 100,000 men In act
ive road work, in addition to the
men engaged In the production and
furnishing of road-building materi
als. It affords one of the large op
portunities for profitable employ
ment for returned soldiers and
Auto Owners and Road Itond.
The program is a continuing one.
The recent federal appropriation is
for three years. State, county and
local funds will come largely from
bond issues. And there is where the
six million automobile owners ought
to shine with a tremendous radiance.
Both sensible selfishness and plain
duty call upon the automobile owner
to vote for road bonds. His tire and
fuel costs, aa before mentioned, are
cut in half by good roads. More Im
portant still, If he be a city man, as
a very large proportion of automo
bile owners are, it brings what he
eats to his door at less cost. Good
roads have always meant something
ave Half Your
ire Bills
Don't throw away YOUR TIRES. You may be
throwing away GOOD MONEY. Send them
to us by PARCEL POST and have them
Retreaded and Repaired
Your automobile tires with blow outs, rim cuts', fabric breaks, or tread worn down, may
look worthless to you, but do not throw them away. Tires that are tread-worn should be re
treaded and thus give double mileage. mjm m
Our repair men are factory trained men. At our shop we use the famous Anderson
method of repairs and the dri-cure process for retreading. It will be to your interest to come
in and inspect the work when you are in Lincoln. If not convenient to call, write for more
complete information.
Send Your Old Tires by Parcel Post
Send your old tires by parcel post and notify us by letter or postal card, using the form
below if you wish. We will have our expert foreman examine them, and will write you as to
the cost of having the same repaired or retreaded. You can then notify us whether you want
the work done. Jfnot, your tires will be returned to you, prepaid, and no charge whatever
will be made.
., 1919
2377 O St., Lincoln, Nebraska
Gentlemen :
I am sending you by parcel post (give number and size)
tires. Please advise me if it will pay me to have you retread or repair them, and
jhat the cost will be. I will reply by re turn mail ani let you knew whether I
want them retreaded, repaired or returned to me post paid.
All Work Fully Guaranteed
Please note OUR MILEAGE GUARANTEE on all RETREADING. All repair work guar
anteed to be as represented and first-class in every respect.
DEALERS: "Write us for our proposition to you on Republic and Lee tires and on re
treading work.
2377 O Street Lincoln, Nebraska
(Please mention this advertisement in The Alliance Herald.)
rmmimRm in .. A
This country lias 87 per rent of all the motor vehk-les In the world and
It has eight times as many dirt roads (top picture) n hard a surfaced
ronds (botton picture.)
in the way of reducing living costs,
but they mean more now that the
motor truck has come to stay and
to expand. One function of the mo
tor truck Is to relieve congestion in
the neighborhood of large cities a
congestion that has increased during
the past several years, and that, if
lttcontlnues, will tend to run up the
cost of living. Those are a few of
the main reasons why, from the
standpoint of self-interest, the city
automobile owner should vote for
road bond issues.
Good Iloads a Military Measure.
From the standpoint of duty, the
military element probably takes first
place. When It became necessary,
two years ago, to concentrate great
numbers of men in cantonments, It
was found that the roadways con
necting the cantonments with the
surrounding cities were in no snse
adequate. For the most part, new
roads had to be constructed. There
is always the possibility of another
such emergency, and the onlyi means
of insuring facile communication Is
by the constructon of surfaced roads
over which motor trucks can operate.
While the security of the nation
In such an emergency might depend
upon good roads for military uses,
their service to the nation would not
be confined to military matters. For
a great portion of the time during
the past two years 90 per cent of the
railroad capacity of the country was
required for military purposes. The
transportation of food, fuel and the
like had to be accomplished largely
by means other than rail. Some hard
ships were entailed. The motor
truck, however, over such roads as
were passable, rendered excellent
service. When the present road
bulldlng program is carried out and
the total of improved roads is sev
eral times larger than at present, the
service possibilities of the motor
truck will be correspondingly In
creased and the safely of the nation
and the comfort of the people more
fully insured.
Liberal lt-i-l.t Ih'lco iKMlliie
t;Hd lloiiinnd for "KllleiV.
Howies Live Stock Commission
Company, Mouth Omaha, office writes
"The Sand Hill cattle are moving;
veiy freely and are of good average
quality and condition.
Chicago and Kansns City had
henvy inns and their break caused
our demand to "slow up" a bit but
Omaha prices are still higher for all
kinds of Sand Hill and other gool
kinds than any other market.
It Is safe to quote the general
market 16 to 25c lower with fair to
good Blockers, feedrs, butcher stock
and common to fair cattle 60 to 75o
lower than the best time last week.
The weather continues very favor
able but when we have some rough
or cold weather we expect a period
of weakness, but don't look for much
further decline on the good stuff.
Calves were hit 60c to $1.00 this
week but they have been higher than
any other grades.
The hog market rolled a little, but
Is closing weak and lower with only
fair prospects this month.
Sheep and lambs are selling $1.60
to $2.00 higher than the low time,
and it. looks like good 'prices this
month or until we have enough of
the "come backs" to break it.
The Howies outfit Is still Increase
Ing Its business, especially on Ne
braska cattle, and having one of the
very best organizations and pen loca
tions at South Omaha and anyone not
receiving their special letters or
service should get In touch with this
bunch" soon as possible.
"So," sobbed lima Vladoffovltch
sklotisky, "Ivan Ninespotskl died In
battle. You tay he uttered my name
as he was dying?"
'Tart of it," replied the returned
soldier, "only a part of It." Passing
"And shall I be able to play the
piano when ray hands heal?" asked
the wounded soldier.
"Certainly you will," replied the
doctor. .
"Gee, that's great! I never could
before." Boston Transcript.
Bess Somebody passed a counter
feit dime on Bob a year ago and he
hasn't been able to get rid of it since.
Maiden aunt (horrified) What,
does that young riin never go to
church, then? St. Paul Dispatch.
rious man Wine Is a mocker.
Tippy Sam I'll say this two per
cent stuff is.
"tilinme a ham sandwich, quick!"
called a customer in the rapid fire
"Eat It here or take it with you?"
askeo. the waiter.
Both ,if It's all the same to you,"
replied he customer.
Hotel Rome
16th and Jackson Streets, Omaha
Reasonable Rates
For the convenience of our patrons we have installed an
exclusive Auto Bus service between this Hotel and the
Union and Burlington stations.
Fare 25 cents each way. Makes all trains at all hours.
When you arrive at Depot look for Hotel liome Auto
Bus, up stairs and across the street.
Modern Cafeteria in connection, open day and
night Prices reasonable.
Hotel Castle
"The House of Safety"
300 Rooms Absolutely Fire-Proof
Sixteenth and Jones Streets
On Direct Car Line to Stock Yards.
Fred A. Gastle, Prop.