The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, September 25, 1919, Image 14

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    tr,'- Thursday, September 25, 1919
orfc and Stockmen
Svlma Will iVrN Uke
IYi-mhi Miner Taking
I 'ten? : i sra ' iRBB' f?nw 4 I '
Don't miss
this visit
while in
- Y-" J
TmJ Mirk Rei(r
U. 6. ratrnt Ofdca
5 lTS n w l. -J' t? " ' " .B
H-sa u sb u aa 1a ki i i;is u nnn sf
- - f t
1 .- ;
Pure Foot
Meaf Products
South Side
The more economically live stock can be turned into quality
foods for the market, the greater its value, and the greater the
service to producer and consumer.
This new packing plant is equipped with every modern facility
for the converting of live stock into food at the least possible ex
pense, and represents a real value to every citizen of this ter
ritory. That you may know more about the value, to you personally,
( represented in this fine plant, you are cordially invited to visit
the plant. Guides will meet you and show you through, night or
day, during the week of AK-SAR-BEN.
1 on our 40-acre tract South of Swift's on
We will be pleased to take you
call Tyler 3483.
European War Hat Developed Ver
Important Enterprise for the
New England Farmer.
(Prepare! y ttie Stitoa Iiepnrt-
' ment of Asrlrult urc)
Conilltliin-4 cresitt'il ly tin1 Kurnpoiin
wnr li:tvt Mhoi'p rntsin? n n
sniiill si'iilt a vry ttnot-t:iTit rnter
jirise fop llit New Kiulnml fiirnuT,
to filtuutcil as t iHke ikIvhhih" of
tlie 'foinjinlc fon'lltlims. Prlorto tin
rwent riimrkiihl alvntirt In jirloos
of viol nml mutton, hMi riilslni( In
New Ktidaml wns comiturnllvely un
profltall but now, umlor rortnin con
dition!, a revival of the industry
pi'tns doslralile.
Ia a study mlt of hoop mlslu
In the Now Kncland Htnten liy special
ist of the U. S. dopartnient of nRrl
rulture It wan found that this Indus
try when conducted on n Kinnll wule
wus inure profitable Ihnn dalrylnx.
They therefore recommend that sheep
icplate the unprotituhle cows and that
the Industry he Riven more attention
in sections unfavorable for dairying.
Kept In small numbers, sheep do not
replace oilier kinds of live stock but
are kept In addition to the reRular
quota of other stock on such farms
us have available pasture.
It was found that regardless of
whether heep were kept In conjuoc
tion with dairy or with beef cuttle,
fiiiois with sheep have practically the
M:;i' Ulads and numbers of other live I pi ar puf TAfkl
Mo. I; l(s did furnn witho-it sheep, j (jLAU ullt lUulk
.iiri'nvir, lavnis with tiie vneep nii'i ;
in average of 1 more acres of pas-
(tire tiinii did farms without the sheep, j
v urnwitlmt the com fusion made by tlm j
i'ct !atis sli 'ep in ew i-.uRinmi
1 avc not been kept to t'uo exclusloa
of.xither live stock but have been kept
oil farms wiih larjie pasture areas to
utilize the extra pasture available.
Tii'iiiKh sheep raUinit ns now co
ducted on the farms studied H a profi
i !i!e liii-;n at pres.'tit prices, theri
Is tmii li room and great need for the
improvement of the Industry, and the
sp.Hiallsts say that the a verue grower
could, with bette'r cure, make the busi
ness n much more profitable one evcu
Under normal condition and without
the nrtillclal stimulus to prices Riven
by the war. liy proper care In breed
hir mid feeding, the lambing rate
should be Increased one-thin and th
wool flip l"i per cent, which at present
prices would mean nn Increase In re
vlpUof nearly ?:i por sheep.
a New
Many More Animala Can Be Kept With
Little Added Labor Ovtrhead
Chargea Art Ltaa.
(Prepared ty th United States Dapart
ment of Agriculture.)
The economical dlsadvan tije of a
very small flock lies In tho fact that
the hours of labor are practically the
enme for a dozen or 20 ewes as for th
larger flock. The fencing to allow d
si ruble change of pastures or to gtra
protection against dogs Is about thfl
same In either case, ho that the over
head charRes per ewe are much small
er In th case of the larger flock. Fur
thermoi. the small flock on a farm
having Inrge numbers of other animals
I unlikely to receive the study and at
tention really needed or that would be
given to one of the chief sources of
the farm Income.
' 9
Feeds Are Too High Priced to Waste
Them on Animala That Do Not
Earn Their Living.
Kick out the vtar hoarder. This Is
yot the time to feed animals that will
not work. Feeds nre too high priced
uiel t io mttcli needed for the winning
of the war to waste them on slackers.
Nearly every farm has one or more
iinimaU that nre not paying for their
feed and care. They may be in the
beef herd, III the cow stable or the
hog lot. Try to spot them and then
! pet rid of them before t'ley "eat their
heads oil?' It Is tlii? patriotic duty of
every breeder of live stock to send to
the butcher any rnicial that falls to
jrlve satisfactory returns oa the food
"Nothing ever helped me Until I
got Tanlac and now 1 am just like a
different person," said Miss Selm
Will, residing at 799 Lawaon street,
St. Paul, Minn., in an interview, re
cently. "There were times before t began
taking Tanlac," continued Miss Will,
"when I had such terrible headaches
that I could not do any work for seT
eral days. My stomach was In such
a had tlx that I could not eat much
of anything without suffering Intense '
cramping pains afterwards. My ap
petite was very poor and I was so
run down and weak that I would
frequently have dizzy spells and wu
extremely nervous. My sleen seem
ed to do very little good as I alway
got up in the mornings feeling Just
ns tired and worn out as on retiring,
at nlRht. I have taken many kinds
of medicines and octodred for a long:
time but nothing seemed to do me
any good.
"Finally my Bister persuaded mv
to try Tanlac, as she had gotten sucb
splendid results from It, and by the
time I -had finished my second bottle
I had a good appetite and felt better
In every way. My stomach never
bothers me now no matter what I
eat and I never have a headache nor
a pain of any kind. Really, I am:
feeling Just fine, better than I have
In the past five years, and there'
nothing too good for me to say for
There are thousands ef people)
who complain of being nervous and.
run down. They are not sick exact
ly. but feel tired out and good for
nothing most of the time. Ther
need something to build them un and!
throw of the symptoms of this weak
ened, debilitated condition.
The system, besides being purified?
by Tanlac, is toned up and invigorat
ed as the medicine, aside from as
sisting the blood, relnvlgorates the
constitution, overcoming as It seem
to quickly do, nervousness, indiges
tion, non-asslmllatlon of the food,
headaches, backaches, kidney com
plaints and many other ailment
that are so common to the thousands
of half-sick, depressed men and wo
men. Tanlac is sold In Alliance by F. E.
Holsten, In Hemlngford by Hemlng
ford Merc. Co. In Hoffland by Malleryi
Grocery Co. '
'(mojom. ja.w oCtfE wqatna srqj jo
pa 'ifniAH aao.w o'ju-.fjatiii pnu aApt
wC)OUpi JO 803U OIl U.M.WJ.Hl fcUOHJ.Nl
60"'9 nt puno; su.w jj u u.m
ie.v wjms P-uiufi u jo snsu.i.1 eqj;
oalA 'u,nn limn oq of
-J.VU n.Mtio.w ojoiii Motjs tipjojoii
U9w urqx J0uoT oah uauioyv
Why not increase your profits ?
When You Bill Your Live Stock to
Bowles Live Stock
Commission Co.
"You Get the Best of Everything"
Skilled Salesmen
Reliable, Unselfish Market Information.
Our Extra Pen Room Biff Advantage in Handling Stock.
Our Service and System Give You the Best the
Market Affords and Cost No More.
When You Ship to Bowles You Play Safe.
Write for market information and advices.