u Thursday, September 11th, 1919 THE ALLIANCE (NEBRASKA) HERALD ) i) 5 1 'i h LIVESTOCKPRICES AT SOUTH OMAHA Fat Catt e About Steady Good Feeders S ronger HOGS CL0SEJ5-25C HIGHER Early Salts Steady With Last Satur. day; Fat Lambs 1025c Up Best Feeding Lambs Steady, Others Weak to Lower. Union Slock Yimls, South Omnhit, Neb., Sept. 9. 1D1U. Cuttle mrlpts were not ns l.-irjre ns the trade wns expecting. Arrlvnls were estimntei at WH) cars, or 15.0(H) hi-ad. lleef steers sohl generally steady with last week's close. A few early Bales look ed stronger, hut the general trade was slow nt unchanged prices, l.utcher stock wjis fairly active, and while values were uneven the general mar ket looked steady. Quotations on cattle: Choice to prime beeves, $ 1 0.50 17.50; good to choice beeves, 15".00 10.50; fair to good beeves. $13,508)14.50; common to fair beeves, $11.00(913.50; choice to prime yearlings. $17.00018.00; good to choice yearlings, $15.50317.00; fair to good yearlings, $13,001? 13.00; common to fair yearlings, $10,001? 12.50; good to prime heifers, $8.50 11.00; choice to prime cows. $10.00(9 11.25; good to choice cows, $3.50 10.00; fair to good cows, $7.008.50; cutters,. $a00'3'T.00; canners, $5.25 5.73; veal calves, $7.00 14.00; vb logna bulls, $5.506.50; beef bulls, $7.50 10.00;; choice to prime heavy feeders, $12.50 13.50; good to choice feeders, $11.00 12.00; medium to good feeders, $9.00 10.50; common to fair feeders, $7.509.00; good to choice stockers, $9.0010.50; fair to ood stockers, $7.5()9.00; common to fair stockers. $6.007.50; stock heif. rs, $0.508.50; stock cows. $0.00 7.50; stock calves, '$7.00 10.00; choice to prime grass beeves, $1.1.50 15.00; good to choice grass beeves, $11.00 13.00; fair to good grass beeves, $!).(M)10.50: common to fair grass steers, $7.509.00; Mexicans, -T0.508.50. The hog run was real moderate, only around 3,500 head being on sale, and after opening the prices that looked weaker, If anything, the mar ket gradually strengthened up and some late sales were as much as 1525c higher. Hulk of the sales vns made at $17.43 is.OO, with a lew up to $19.00, the day's top. A liberal run of sheep and lambs rriecl onlv a imn i.(iirtn f sunt", ami Kllllili; l;t, ....... . higher than last week, best reaching $15.25. Old sheep were generally steady and feeding lambs were steady I lo a little lower, the decline being on ' the commoner grades. Quotation on sheep and lambs; I Lambs, good to choice. $ 14.75 1M.VJ3; I lambs, fair to good. $14.25 (j 14.73; good lo choice f-tvler lambs. $I3.(N) 13.50; medium feeder lambs, $12.50 fi 13.00; feeders, cut-backs, $10.(H 1 12.00; culls and throwouts. $0.50 J 9.50; yearlings, $0.(HKi 9.75 ; wet hers, I $8.50 9.25; ewes, good to choice, j $7.50ffS.(H); ewes, fair togood, $d.5o ! 7.25; good feeding ewes. $5.50 j O.r0; ewes, culls and canners, $2.50 4.50; breeding ewes, $7.50313.50. I BOWLES SEPTEMBER LIVE STOCK "DOPE" General conditions are too unsct ;led to warrant any thing like "plunging" but the world demand for meats, fats, wool, etc.. Is large j and we don't fear prices going so low , as to make the live stock "game" j unprofitable. . . The Howies Omaha outfit is t ill ( showing good gains everywhere, but their organization wllh plenty of pen ; room makes It easier to produce ; good results than ever and any one not receiving their daily papers or the Bowles special letter should write them at once. Virtue nd Its Reward. To strive a.Mla.'-t evil motions ot th ailnd h-h may befall thee, and to reject with scorn the suggestions of the devil, I? a notable sign of virtue, ihd brings great reward. Thotua a Cempls. y The oBwles Live Stock Commls- i slon Company of Chicago, Omaha j and Kansas City have this to say re garding the live stock situation this ' week. j "The trade has become accustom I ed to and expects large receipts of ! cattle and sheep during this month and next, and the wonderful amount of pasture and other roughness to gether with the big corn crop al ready made furnishes a big demand and prices are holding up fairly well. The agitation and fight against high prices and the packers have about run its course and although we will probably have some further de clines we continue to advise shipping whenever you can get cars. The packers are taking the beef cattle -freely but are not competing so much for the better qualities of steers, evidently preferlng to have them fed out for later use. We are getting more of the Ne braska or Sand Hill cattle each week and when more cars are furnished there will be a heavier movement. Good to choice fat Bteers and heavy feeders $12.50 to $14.00; fair to good $11.00 to $12.50. Good to choice fat cows and heifers, $9.00 to $11.00; fair to good $7.50 to $9.00; canners and cutters, 6.00 to $7.50; Btock steers and yearlings. $8.00 to $11.00: stock cows and heifers $6.00 to $8.50. Quality and weight has most to do with the price, and com mon to fair kinds always sell at good discounts. The hog trade is holding between $17.00 and $18.00 under light re ceipts, but we believe hogs will sell considerably lower before .December. Sheen and lambs are still coming ! in large numbers, in fact all the rail roads can haul but the demands keep up wonderfully well and prices are showing some reaction from the bottom. No Sense it. "1 don't see any sense in doctors he ll sU-k." said little Lllzaheth. u 'cause hey re rld.t around with themselves 11 the time." Medical Journal. Lost by Freaks. Found In Street Cars Boneheaded man's umbrella, white child's mitt, black lady's veil and many other arti cles. London Street Railway Comnany. Adyertlsemci ha lie Lun (Ont.) Tree Press. "FAKE" ASPIRIN WAS TALCUM TKerefore Insist Upon Gen uine "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" Millions of fraudulent Aspirin Tablets were soia oy a jsroomyn raaouuciuiri which later proved to be composed mainly of Talcum Powder. "Bayer Tablet of Aspirin" the true, genuine. American made and American owned Tablet are marked with the safety "Bayer Cross." Ask for and then insist upon "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" and always buy them in the original Bayer package which con tains proper directions and dosage. Aspirin is the trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Monoaoeticacideeter of .Salicylicacid. Live Stock Transit insurance Live stock men over the entire west are forming' the habit of INSURING THEIR LIVE STOCK IN TRANSIT. They .do it for safety, economy and quick returns. The Hartford Live Stock Transit Policy protects shippers of live stock, and is the only company offering a broad policy easy to understand, clear in its terms, which gives absolute protection against loss from hazards of transportation including suffocation, freezing, trampl ing, fire, collision, train wreck and every form of killing or injury while the animals are in the custody of the common carrier. , We are represented at all ef the live stock markets in the United States and Canada, and locally by Snoddy & Graham, Alliance. Frank Co&te, Gordon Fierce Jenkins, llemlngford A. O. Plants, Ru&hvllle C. II. Kesselhnth, Long Pine P. A. Hood, Chadron W. B. CHEEK, Local Manager 1 Stock Yards,. Hartford Fire Insurance Company Live Stock Department Omaha, Nebraska lotel Rome 16th and Jackson Streets, Omaha Reasonable Rates For the convenience of our patrons we have installed an exclusive Auto Bus service between this Hotel and the Union and Burlington stations. , V si . - . am- Fare 25 cents each way. Makes all trains at all hours. When you arrive at Depot look for Hotel Rome Auto Bus, up stairs and across the street. Modern Cafeteria in connection, open day and night Prices reasonable. FIREPROOF SPRINKLER SYSTEM rX.'S 'i'' f r Corner Fourteenth and Farnum, Upstairs Just A Few Steps Up to McKeoeey Deetists Best Silver Filling, Best 22K Gold Crown, $1 $5 Heaviest Bridge Work, per tooth Rubber Plates $8, $10 and $5 $15 Quality work can be done at reasonable prices McKenney Specialists arc experts in all branches 1324 Far nam Street Omaha, Nebraska Two years, under the efficient management of CHARLES A. MALLORY And the energetic, never-quitting efforts of SEVEN TOP-NOTCH SALESMEN AND BUYERS Have placed us among the leaders in our line AT OMAHA The amazing progress of Live Stock Commission Company, at Omaha During that time, is a marvel to our competitors, but not to our patrons. They who have tried our service know that MERIT ALONE has put us at the front. Our market reports (free upon request) are recognized as authority by the "trade". Write us for them. Our service the best at Omaha the kind that has made us leaders awaits your consignments. Ship to us this year sure, and get your share of the good things we are giving our friends and patrons. Bowles Live Stock Commission Co. Chicago OMAHA Eansai City