The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, September 11, 1919, Image 2

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    Thursday, September, 4th, 1919
Paul W. TIkmii", Formerly of AM
aiirr, Jo Tmm'Ii Miilr the rMnJni(
In SiIumN of MnrlrttA, Okl.
Paul's advanced musical education
was obtained at Nebraska Wesleyan
and Peru Stale Normal. It was while
teurltlns In the Chadron State Nor
A Word from Dr. Todd
Well Known and Popular
Dentist of Omaha
final Ihnt he or, listed In the old Silt
Nebraska IteRiinent. After tt
breaking up fo the Sixth Nebraska.
I his band was transferred from one
I organization to another, at last
jtolnn from Camp Cody to Camp
I Funston, where they remained at
i length until 'discharged on December
i 19th of last year.
The many Alliance friends of Paul
YV. Thomas will be lea3ed to learn
that he has accepted an excellent
position as teacher of music In the
Says Germany Would Not Have Dared
to Strike If Nationa Had Been
Banded Agalnat Aggreaalon.
(By Mt. Clemens News Bureau.)
St, Louis -Displaying a high con
fidence that his fellow citixens In the
great majority agree with him in his
desire to end war forever, and that
the peace treaty with Its League of
Nations inclusion is ratlflod by the
senate, President Wilson In making a
successful way across the country on
the long Journey he has undertaken
for the purpose of laying before the
plain people a report of his work tn
Paris and explaining to them just
what the League means.
Thus far in his trarela he baa every
where met with warm greetings, both
In the great halls where he has
ftpoken formally and In the little croaa
road hamlets where his train haa
baited at times and he has exchanged
words with the villagers who pressed
forward to greet him. He feels, and
does not hesitate to say so when
chatting with his traveling com pan
iocs, that the American people want
no more of war and want to become
(art of the League so that there may
e no more war. He struck his key
note when he said In his first address.
In Columbus, Ohio:
"This treaty was not intended mere
ly to end this single war. It Is meant
as a notice to every government who
In the future will attempt this thing
(what Germany attempted) that man
kind will unite to Inflict the same pun
ishment There is no national
triumph to be recorded in this treaty.
There is no glory sought for any par
ticular nation. The thought of the
statesmen collectd around that table
was of their people, of the sufferings
they had gone through, of the losses
they had incurred, of that groat throb
bing heart which was so depressed,
so forlorn, so sad In every memory It
had of the five tragical years that
have gone by. Let us never forget
those years, my fellow countrymen;
lt us never forget the purpose, high
and disinterested, with which America
lent its strength, not tor its own glory
but for the defense of mankind.
"As I said, this treaty waH not
meant merely to end this war. It is
Intended to prevent any similar war.
I wonder It some of the opponents of
the League of Nations have forgotten
the promises we made our people be
fore we went to that peace table? We
had taken by process of law the
flower of our youth from every coun
tryside, from every household, and we
told those mothers and fathers and
sisters and wives and sweethearts
that we were taking those men to
fight a war which would end business
of that sort, and if we do not end It.
if we do not do the best that human
concert of action can do to end It. we
r nf nil men the most unfaithful
the most unfaithful to tho loving
hearts who suiTered in this war, the
most unfaithful to those households
bowed in grief and yet lifted with the
feeling that the lad laid down his life
for a great thing, and, among other
things. In order that other lads might
never have to do the same thing.
"That is what the League of Na
tions is for to end this war Justly
and then not merely to serve notice
on governments which could contem
plate that they will do so at their peril,
but also concerning the combination
of power which will prove to them
that they will do It at their peril. It is
Idle to Bay the worlds will combine
against you; but It Is persuasive to
say the world Is comblued against
you- The League of Nations
is the only thing that can prevent the
recurrence of this dreadful catastrophe
n a mAaam nur Dromlses."
A League of Nations would have
prevented the late conflict, the presi
dent asserted, explaining:
-I did not m.'et a single public man
who did not admit these things; that
Germany would not have gone Into
this iJ it she thought Groat Britain
was going into It. an J slw mot cer
tainly would never have goue into n
had she dreamed America R'u8
into it. And they all admit that a
notice beforehand that the greatest
powers of the world would com I. na to
prevent this sort of thing would pre
vent it absolutely."
Applause and cheer greeted
'each declaration of the presl
dent that wars might bo avoid
ed in the future by operations
of the League. He Pl??
Important features of the I eace
Treaty, how It was the redemption of
weak nations, giving them freedom
which otherwise they never cou d
have won; how it says "These people
have a right to live their own lives
under governments which they them
selves choose", and how "that is the
American Principle and I was glad to
fight for If. and that was the very
heart of the Treaty, he said.
He drew attention to the section or
the Treaty which is a "Magna Chart
of Labor." which shall dispose of the
hours, conditions and remunerations
of labor.
"it forecasts the day", he said
"which ought to have come long ago.
Ktatesmrn will realize that no
nation is fortunate which Is not hap
nv whose people ere not contented.
contented In their lives and fortunate
in the circumstances or tneir lives
In conclusion the president said ha
felt certain the Treaty will be accept
ed, and was only impatient or me de
lay. He added: "Do you realize, my
fellow citizens, that 'he whole world
la waiting on America? The only
country In the world that Is trusted
today Is the United States and the
world is awaiting to see if Us trust la
instilled." .
public schools at Marietta, Love
county, Oklahoma. He will also di
rect the high school orchestra and
city band and engage In other musi
cal activities. Mrs. Edith Swan
Zedlker, who is now located at Mar
ietta, recommended Paul to the
school authorities and also recom
mended the situation to Paul as
being very desirable.
Beginning the study of music on
the violin while yet in the lower
grades in the Omaha public schools,
Paul made rapid progress under the
tutorship of Prof. Shadduck. He
would put in many tireless hours of
practice, morning, noon and night,
often practicing all day Saturdays
without rest. Upon coming to Alli
ance he played In the high school
orchestra, later directing this organ
ization himself. He Is also well and
favorably known for his work here
Paul has always had a desire to
study medicine, and intends to use
his musical education as a means to
gratifying this desire. With this ob
ject in view he has attended the
State University since returning
home from the army, at the same
time playing in the Nebraska State
Band. It may be out of place here to
mention the fact that the State Band
is considered one of the best, if not
the best, band of musicians in the
state. They played at the State Fair
all last week and easily carried off
all honors. One day they played by
request a march composed by Paul,
"The Dandy Sixth". It received much
applause and was hlbhly compliment
ed by persons who heard it.
It is a foregone conclusion that
Paul will meet with success in his
new location, and we are wlshin?
him the best of good fortune.
Among the lively special musical
ensembles introduced In conjunction
with "Hy Sammy Girl ate the follow
ing clever numbers: "He Treated
Me White". "There Is No Fool Like
An Old Fool", "Hark To The Scream
or Our Kagle". "Whistling" (Duet),
"Berlin Or Bust." "Take Your Hats
Off To The U. S. Marines", "The
Pretty Little Kellertnan Girls,"
"Homeward Baund," "My Sammy
Girl" is called a military cocktail
with an effereseent dash of comedy
and sparkling music on the side. It
Is booked for one night only Sept.
15th at the Imperial Theatre.
Need for Both Law and Sword.
In nil government there must of ne
cessity hoi h th law and the sword;
laws without arms would give us not
liberty but licentiousness, and arms
slthout law winld produce not sub
notion but slavery. C'olton.
Naturally Not
The --n who r.:'es the price ot
coal has no dostro to know what the
peop'e of this country are saying at
their liresul m. Atlanta Com titutlon.
Natvre rlaced the growth-pro-mcli.:g
"vitamins" In the oil of
the co J-fish this explains why
Scott's Emulsion
is so definite in its help to a child
of any age. Latter-day science
reveals that the "vitamins" are
needful for normal growth.
Scoff's Emulsion will help
any child grow,
fecott Bowue, UkwuifieU, N. J. &-
Science says that old age begins with
weakened kidneys and digestive organ.
This being true, it is easy to believe
that by keeping the kidneys and di
gestive organs cleunsed and In proper
working" order old age can be deferred
and life prolonged far beyond that en
Joyed by the average person.
For over 200 years GOLD MEDAL.
Hau-lem Oil haa bean relieving the
weaknesses and disability due to ad
vancing years. It is a standard old
time home remedy and needs no Intro
auction. iOI,l MKUAL Haarlem Oil Is
Inclosed In odorless, tasteless capsules
tontalnlng aaiout i drops each. Take
them as you would a pill, with a small
swallow of water. The oil stimulate
the kidney action and enables the
organs to throw off the poisons which
cause premature old age. New life and
strength increase as you continue the
treatment. When completely restored
continue taking a capsule or two each
day. OOLd) MEDAL. Haiflem Oil Cap
aulas wilt keep you in health and rigot
and prevent a return of the dieease.
1K not wait until old age or disease)
have settled down for good. Go to your
druggiHt and get a box Ot GOLD
MKUAL. Haarlem Oil Capsules. Money
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sites. Hut remember to ask for the
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In sealdd packages.
ive Stock Cuts
Also of
Ranch Views, Buildings,
Herds, Etc.
As Well As People
Why not own one or more cuts to use on your letterheads
and stationery and to have printed in the newspapers
By specializing on tins work it enables us to do YOUR
WORK in the most satisfactory manner.
Bee Engraving Co.
104 Bc Bldg.
Tyler 1,000
403 Barker Block
Over Beaton's Drug- Store
Corner 15th & Farnam Sts.
With the completion of eighteen years of practice in Dentistry we find ourselves occupy
ing the largest, most, complete and best equipped dental office in the middle west; having re
cently moved to our new location in the Barker Block, Fifteenth and Farnam streets, occupy
ing the Fourth Floor.
We desire especially to express our appreciation to our. friends who read The Alliance
Herald, for they have been most cordial in the support of our institution. The many kind
words poken by thefn in behalf of our work helped to make possible the marked progress we
have made. .
Sunday hours: 9 a. m. to 12 m. Evening hours by appointment. '
Advanced methods in dentistry, many of them the product of our own ingenuity, has
contributed largely to the popularity of our service; in this connection we mention with con
siderable pride the Whole Porcelain Teeth, used in bridge work, and the respirator, which has
proven a great success in the relief of pain in delicate dental execution.
Our service is a guaranteed dental service, and we are always glad of the opportunity
for inspection of our work to enable us to make good our guarantee.
Our facilities ate greater now than ever before, therefore, we are now better prepared
than ever to attend your dental needs in a manner which cannot be otherwise than satisfying.
We urge you to call and see us, no matter whether you have work to be done or not, we
are always pleased to welcome our friends, ?md to inform them of the best to be obtained in
dentistry, that they may be informed when dental work becomes a necessity for them.
Extending to you every courtesy and hoping to be favored with a visit to our new home,
I remain,
Very cordially,
Ik - M
. 1
rr,v J -f
, -J
' --' - -"1-flliWill
Artistic Enduring
An Honor to the Dead Pleasing to the Living
Write us for our book of illustrations and other information, free.
1700' O Street Lincoln, Nebraska