THE ALLIANCE (NEBRASKA) HERALD HOOVER VISITS JEWS; . TELLS OF SUFFERING American Food Administrator Pictures Terrible Condition! In Poland and ' Ctecho-Stovakla. $400,000 FUND IS ASKED OF NEBRASKA THIS MONTH CHILDREN ARE SO WEAK THAT THEY CANNOT WALK. "Or. Goldflamm of Wamaw tells ma upon the authority of his medical reputation that In his clinic during the past year there has not been a Jewish child up to four years of age who could walk. Some of the children have forgot ten, have unlearned how to walk. They have been rachitic from un dernourishment, from being fed once a day this warm potato soup and this hunk of bread." From an eye-witness. First hand Information of tlietttarva tlon and destitution of the Jewish pe pies of Poland and Czecho Slovakia, aa it exists today, Is brought out of this land of sorrow and horror by Herbert Hoover, head of the Inter-allied relief organization, who has returned , to Vienna after a trip of lnetloh. Mr. Hoover declared tjat( (lie eco nomic situation In much of the terri tory he visited could oh)y he treHd by the term "complete demoraliratlou." lie continued: . ; , uY., h "As a result of seven Invent on by different armies, the country has been largely denuded of building. These regions are four-fifths uncultivated." The territory which Mr. . Hoover visited Is but a part of (hat In which 6,000,000 Jews, sufferers of war aud vara equally horrible aftermath, stand helpless today, houcJeiM, too, save for the promise of aid from America, which may give thctu food nd clothlns:. until order conuw nut of cnao unit Rives tnent ne:iin a rnnitca to make their own livelilioixl To meet thin tniMt of starving and destitute Immunity, the American Jw Isli War llellef t'ommlttee is conduct ing a nntlon-whle catnpnlcn for $'(.', (MKVNM), n n l'.)l! hii'let to supply the Mt.NIMl'M needs, Neltrnskii's sluire of this fund, fUXMMX), to he raised In s rsmpnlicn during the week of Septem ber 1.V21'. (Scorc ltrnn1els, well known Omaha merchant, has necepted the chairiiian ship of the Nchraska committee, non seetnrlati, under the chairmanship of Governor McKelvle. Harry Wolf, lending Omaha realtor, lns agreed to pay the en ire expense of the Nebraska campaign. This means that every cent that every oilier con tributor fclves will be used for direct relief, In food, clothing, hospital sup plies and other necessities of life. llcndiiiifrlcrs of the campaign have been established In ft "hut" on the Court House square at Omaha. WHAT AMERICAN DOLLARS MEAN TO STARVINC JEWS The Need: 8IX MILLION STARVINO SOUL8. Six million Jews In Poland, Lithu ania, flallcla, Palestine, Turkey and Siberia are dying of starvation. Re fugees, they wander homeless, hungry. In rags. Herbert Hoover has ssld that one million people will die In Eastern Europe this winter. Thousands upon thousands will perish of starvation and exposure unless Immediate aid cornea from America. The destitution of Jewish war sufferers during the coming months will probably surpass anything ever known in the. history of human suffering. Their suffering Is worse than death It Is the lingering torture of stsrvatlon, the piteous tragedy of emaciation, . the horrible watting, In agony of hunger, for the grim reaper to end their misery. These six million despairing souls are totally dependent on American generosity for the bare necessities of life. The Object: $39,000,000 for 6,000,000 LIVES. This year finds Prusslnnlsm and autocracy . destroyed but famine re mains threatening world pence and happiness. Until a stable government Is established and lndutrv heirlos Thursday, September 11th, 1919 U3SBES SESSSSSSS. Experts or Theorists Which? The packing industry is intri cate, complex far more so than the railroads or the telegraph. Every day multiplying needs of society increase its problems and multiplying responsibilities demand more of it Highly trained experts, spec ialists of years experience, thinkers and creative men, de vote their lives, their energies, their activities, to solving the problems of the packing industry and meeting its widening duties. Swift & Compariy is not a few dozen packing plants, a few hundred branch houses, a few thousand refrigerator cars, and a few million dollars of capi tal, but an organization of such men. It is the experience, in telligence, initiative and activity which operates this physical equipment Can this intelligence, this ex perience, this initiative and cre ative effort which handles this business at a profit of only a fraction of a cent per pound from all sources, be fostered through the intervention of political theorists, however pure their .purposes? Or be replaced by legislation? Does Congress really think that it can? Let us send you a Swift "Dollar". It will interest you. Address Swift & Company, Union Stock Yards, Chicago, DL Swift & Company, U. S. A. THIS SHOwT WHAT RFrnurt r.m THE AVERAGE DOHA RECEIWFD KV ' SWIFT & COMPANY agiiin. the Jewlsll war sutTerers are entirely dependent upon our help. America must respond with charac teristic generosity to save the lives of these strbken people whom our boys tmve freed. The minimum adequate for relief Is $.TVo.n0. If Nebraska Is to stand Its share with other states. It must contribute S-IOO.m). .Without this money the Indespensable food and clothing cannot be. secured. Without It, the work of rescue ennnot go on. HOW THE MONEY IS DISTRIBUTED. With the sanction nnd assistance of the slnte department at Washington, these funds nre sent through n branch committee. In the Netherlands and by It distributed to the various relief centers. YOUR CONTRIBUTION. Ceorge r.rnndels. Treasurer, Nebraska Committee or Jewish llellef. Ienr ilr : I hereby subscribe $ for tha relief of Jewish war sufferers, all of which Is to be used for direct relief. (Signed) (Knclose your check and mall to George Iirandels, Jewish War Relief Committee, Court llouso Square, Omaha, Nebraska). Ua Tlma to Advantage, Time, which never stands still Itself, will not allow any one of as to stand still. It delivers Into our hands sixty minutes every hour and compels us to dispose of them In some way. Whether we will or not, a constant accounting has to be rendered. One who falls Into the habit of dissipating time dissipates not only opportunity but happiness, for the spendthrift of time becomes a spendthrift of the other things which make life worth while. Forbes Maga cine. i Paid for Listening. For 123 years a sermon has been preached In Ilendon (Eng.) parish church on the text. "Human life Is a bubble." Richard Johnson, who tf'ed la 1795, left the masters and wardens of the Stationers' company trustees of his estate, and out of the Interest the Icar of Ilendon was to receive one guinea for preaching this sermon, and two wardens of the company a guinea each for listening to It, 1ST HOTEL UUNANT 1 J !.5iiiiil9ia.inn!iiSlv-A t . i .illicit'' ai m unit! ;''. 230 ROOMS '250 "BATHS RTES "-a DOVN ROOMS WITH BATH $2.50 ROOMS WITH RATH $2.00 100 RBM3 TTII BATH $1.50 . its W I - What d'yer know about that? EVERY other cigarette you ever smoked stopped somewhere short of giving you what Chesterfields can and do give the greater enjoyment of a cigarette that satisfies. Chesterfields do more than please the taste. They go straight to your "smoke-spot. They let you know you're smoking. They satisfy just as a bite before bedtime satisfies when you're really hungry. Fine Turkish and Domestic tobaccos wonderfully blended that's the answer.' And the blend is the manufactxirei'a private formula. Unlike a patent, it can not be copied or even closely imitated It's Chesterfields and Chesterfields only if you want this new thing in cigarette en joyment. JgPp GARETTES Fresh and Firm Always Packed first in paper, then in tin foil and finally enclosed in a moisture proof paper envelope and eenled. TURKISH AND DOMESTIC TOBACCOS BLENDED and the blend can't be copied. T. W F ARRIS R. F. MARCY R. W. HANLEY Far ris, Marcy Co H H Live Stock Commission Co. 110-112 Exchange Building Omaha, Nebraska THE BEST PROOF OP OUR ABILITY IS THE SUCCESS WE HAVE AL READY ATTAINED. OUR BEST RECOMMENDATIONS ARE FROM OUR SATISFIED CUSTOMERS. Successful and'Efficient in the Handling of Range Cattle AND SY PRODUCTS Our it paio roe Tmc UVC ANIMAL Tgy TtShd&jsZJJ It M CINTirOB LABOB (accuses ano miimr 1.04 CtI REMAINS SWIFT & COMPANY At not n