0 ( I Thursday, September 11th, 1919 THE ALLIANCE (NEBRASKA) HERALD 0 BIG BUSINESS AT LINCOLN STOCK YARDS FEEMN(J IN TltANSIT ON INCHKASK AMOXU siurriaiis. THE Nebraska ami Wyoming Ilanrhmon Feeding .Many Cattle at Lincoln Tliis Year. (IJy John W. Thonia) A few years epo. after making tome Investigation as to '.he benefits of feeding in transit, 1 began reeoni luending the game. After some fur tLer observations and investigations, 1 felt like renewing the recommenda tions. One reason why I feel that I can fafely make such recommendations is that the practice of feeding in transit is proving among successful ranchmen who ship large numbers of cattle. The condition in which his cattle reach the market means much In dollars to the shipper, and even many experienced stockmen who (hip a long distance have learned that it pays them well to unload their stock at feeding yards conven iently distant from the market to which they are shipping and have the animals rested, watered and fed be fore completing the Journey. Of course, where cattle are ship ped a great distance, this 1b neces sary and I think in some states is re quired by law, but even where the distance is not so great that they could not be shipped clear through without feed, shippers are finding that it pays to unload if they can do to at a feed yard conveniently locat ed and properly equipped to handle their stock. In this connection I wish to men tion a vi6ti which I recently made to the Lincoln Union Stock Yards, lo cated at Burnham, southwest of the city. Harry L. Carpenter, well known and popular with western ranchmen, has bene the manager for quite a number of years and with tbe assistance of efficient helpers has built up a big feeding in transit bus iness at these yards. By persons who are in a position to know, these are said to be the best feed yards in the United States today. The entire yards are all pav ed except eight pens. There are 125 dingle and 16 large pens, having a capacity of 205 carloads. These yards are supplied through out with electric lights so that stock can be easily handled night or day. With an abundance of good water and convenient facilities for feeding, these yards are popular with ship pers who patronize them, last, but cot least, is the convenience of these yards to Omaha, St. Joseph and Kan fas City, the three markets to which nearly all of the live stock passing through Lincoln is shipped The resting of cattle from twelve to twenty-four hours at the Lincoln yards means much to Nebraska and Wyoming ranchmen who ship over the Burlington railroad. It means that they have the advantage of the best feed yards favilities in the Unit ed States; that their cattle will be carefully unloaded, yarded, watered and fed, and finally reloaded and forwarded at such time as will in sure arrival on the market at the proper hour, looking clean and fresh and In such condition as to fill properly and sell to the best possible advantage, instead of being tired and worn out from standing in the cars twenty-four to thirty-six hours. ' Cattle arriving at the market from a long run, tired and footsore, cannot be properly "fitted", and as a result, such shipments will suffer ex cessive shrinkage. I think commis sion men generally will agree with this statement. aCttle arriving on the market late have no chance to fill and are at the mercy of buyers who have probably taken their pick of the early offerings. By unloading at the Lincoln yards, cattle can be put in any of the above mentioned markets in good condition and at a seasonable time. That the above statements are in harmony with the opinions of ranch men is indicated by the fact that feeding in transit is growing, the Lincoln yards this year having the largest run they have ever had. It should be stated here in conclusion that these yards are enlarged as necessity demands. 44 FEELING BETTER EVERY DAY I LIVE" Mrs. Oossae train Twenty rounds Taking Tanlae Troubles Elided. , "I've gained twenty pounds since I began taking Tanlac and I'm feel ing better every day I live," said Mrs. J. A. Gossage, of 440 North Lawn dale street, Kansas Ctiy, Mo. "For two long years I suffered from stomach trouble and nervous indigestion," she continued, "Every t hing I ate soured on my stomach. Gas would form and press against my heart until it would flutter and beat so fast I felt like I was going to smother. I had severe pains around my stomach and there was a gnaw nig feeling there, too. I was so dizzy that if I stood up suddenly I would stagger and had to hold on to some thing to keep from falling. "I had tried all sorts of medicines hoping to get relief but nothing did me any good until my brother-in-law persuaded me to try Tanlac. Me had been greatly helped by it and I hadn't taken a half a bottle before 1 noticed gas didn't form and make nie sick any more. Of course I kept right on taking Tanlac after that and now I can eat anything I want with out any trouble and I feel so fine I can do all my housework without getting tired. From the way I'm gaining in strength all the time I am convinced that I'll soon be a well as I ever was in my life and I'm glad to tell others what I thtnk of Tanlac It's done me more good than every thing else put together.' Tanlac is sold in Alliance by F. E. Holsten, in Hemingford by Hem In g ford Merc. Co., in Hoffland by Mal lery Grocery Co. Distinct Varfety. There are several kinds of fools, In eluding the smart man who thinks he Is too smart to get caught. Atchison Globe. Q "All things come to him who waits" be longs to the leisurely past. Q No good live Amer ican would father the phrase now. til, Present day success ful ones get a strangle hold on what they want, and hang on. tj All things come to him who uses print" er's inl and goes after what he wants. Not His Unlucky Number. Mrlinnl Winner nil essentially a child of the number 13. He was borp In 181;?. Add tlu numbers 1, 8. 1. 3, and we have again 1.1. Wagner lind 13 letters In his name. He composed 13 grent works. He finished "Tann ha user" on April 13. and It was pro fluced on Manb 13. And Waguer died on rUruarr 1&. DRAKE & DRAKE Glasses OPTOMETRISTS Accurately Fitted "'V We Can Duplicate Any Broken a,-, 118 tt Box DntU Ate Fbona 111 MERCHANTS HOTEL has been taken over by and will be given the personal attention of P. W. MIKESELL The same cordial treatment we always ex tend our patrons and friends at the Her Grand will be continued here. We Solicit Part of Your Patronage When You Visit OMAHA RATES $1.00 to $2.00 per day fi W 9 Camels are told every' where in scientifically sealed packages of 30 cigarettes or ten pack ages 200 cigarettes) in m glassine-paper. covered carton. We strongly recommend this carton for tha home or office supply or when you travail X. J. Reynolds TctwcctC. Wiuta-Slm, N. C 18c a package CAMELS are the most refreshing, satisfying cigarette you ever smoked! Put all your cigarette desires in a bunch, then buy some Camels, give them every taste-test and know for your own satisfaction that in quality, flavor, smooth body and in many other delightful ways Camels are in a class by themselves! Camels are an expert blend of choice Turkish and choice Domestic tobaccos. YouH not only prefer this blend to either kind of tobacco smoked straight, but youH appreciate the remarkable full-bodied-mildness and smooth, refreshing flavor it provides! Camels are a cigarette revelation! Camels win you in so many new ways! They not only permit you to smoke liberally without tiring your taste but leave no unpleasant cigaretty aftertaste or un pleasant cigaretty odor! Compare Camels with any cigarette in the world at any price! You'll prefer Camel quality to premiums, coupons or gifts! 0 D The Univ er sal Car The Ford Touring Car is literally the pioneer for it has brought about the solution of the Good Heads problem, because three million or more in operation brought tip to the millions of America the necessity of good roads if quick transportation at low expense "was to be enjoyed. The eimplieity of the Ford ear, its stability in construction, the famous heat-trtated Vanadium steel with its marvelous strength and flexibility, the low cost of operation, all have made the Ftrd ear the great favorite in every land in the world. It's the one car that always Fatisfics and serves. A utility beyond question that all can afford. Don 't delay, because the demand is heavy all the time. Leave your order with Coursey & Miller Alliance, Nebraska TAGG BROS .& MOORHEAB INCORPORATED Live Stock Commission Agents , Union Stock Yards OMAHA Our Facilities -Expert Salesmen -Competent Yardmen -Our Own "Market Comments" -Experienced Office Force -Financial Strength Our Service High Sales Correct Weighing Up-to date Information Prompt Remittances Loans to Responsible Parties TDE FIRM W1TII A Record and Reputation FOR HANDLING WESTERN RANGE STOCK Our Experience and Ability are at your service Write for our "Market Comments" at once