The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, September 11, 1919, Image 10

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Thursday, September 11th, 1919
Srandfla Telle How Humanity' Call
Exceeds Power of Jewa Alone
i , to Anawcr.
yU Without Food, Clothing or SheU !
tar, They 6ek to Halp Them-
aelvea. I
Tfce Immensity of the tak tf ift t con-!
treats them In saving the remnants of
their rare abroad from titter destrue '
tJon makes It necessary for the Jewa '
M Nebraska to appeal to NetmiFkans
f other falllia fur help In the coming
Jewish relief drive.
Heretofore, the funds for Jewlfth re
lief abroad have been contributed
largely hy Jewa, hut with the Increased
eToniMlltle with fi.OOO.000 people
dependent on American aid It haa he
rein Imperative that an outaide ap
pail ) made. Thin the reason for
tk non-aectarlan appeal for Jewish
relief funds, September in to 22, are
twnroed bp by Georpe Pr&ndels,
Omaha merchant, who la treasurer of
tae Nebraska Committee for the Re
lief cf Jewish War Sufferers.
In the past," said Mr. Urandela,
"American Jew have gladly answered
rail after rail to lend their aid In
various causes, Red Oops, T. M. C. A.,
Salvation Army, War Camp Communi
ty Service, United War Work cam
paign, and other allmllar nndertaklnfs
nave found support among the Jewish
yecplc, both nationally and In Nebras
ka. Now, In their turn, they are say-
taf to their Gentile friends, 'Help ua
av enr undertaking.
Gentllea Are Aiding.
This appeal la being met with qulrtr
. ftapen all along the line. In every
state In the union leading Gentiles are
' gladly serving In American Jewish Re
Bef campaigns to aid the Jewa In what
la believed to be the darkest hour In
1 fha history of the rare. In Nebraska,
Governor McKelvIe assumed the chair
aaanshlp of the committee In charge of
tee rampalgn. After all, race, creed
ad the like are merely human differ-
tea that nan haa set up, and we are
fit amber of the one human family,
ta rornln thna for .nrartlcallv tba
rr titi'p fir iv.'tif' I in a ptiwiv
.lii'h nv?e. It must not h thought
thnt t':c Jew f f America. nn1 pnr
Tlci.ltr'v of Nebrii'Vn will ccno to
r're t'. 'iiio'vf s. Tliev will confirm
to pour out their money for the aid of i
tl etr siiffcrtng and starving ro-rellglon- j
tsts nbrend, T.itt jenr. the Jew of
OrrnT. ahne subscribed over f"0.(X0
for 1M and they will not be '
found inline when the future rolls
nfe called. In the lnt two years, the)
.tew cf America have contributed over
.."UMHlfl.OOO for this purpose.
Tut, with the war over, the needs
and opportunities across the sen have
Increased greatly and for the first time
In five years It Is possible to do really
effective relief work. The funds need
ed In this critical hour are so great .
that they cannot possibly be raised by
the 3,.VK),(XK American Jews alone.
Hence It Is that the Jews have turned
confidently to their friends of other
faiths for a national fund of $3.1.000,
000. of which Nebraska's quota la
Try to Help Setvea.
The Jewa abroad, despite their des
perate plight, are not professional
charity seekers. In spite of their loss
es and their needs, and the fact that
six million have been reduced to ntter
destitution, they haven't lost their grip.
"They are despondent, they are al
most In despair, hut they are already
trying to work ont their own salva
tion." says Miss Hetty Goldman, a re
lief worker Just returned from a trip
abroad. "They are forming relief so
cieties to look after each other and
labor unions to organize work again.
They are opening achoola, and doing
as much aa a pennlles people can do
to establish orphanage, and better the
conditions In hospital.
Tut meanwhile thousands of little
children, unable to work out their own
salvation, are atarvlng, and cold. The
relief of these children 1 In Itself a
problem worthy of Amerlca'a best
Hard-Tack a Delicacy.
Nebraska boys Just back from army
service well know how hungry chil
dren mnet be to enjoy hard tack aa a
delicacy. Tet that Is true of the little
Jewish children In Poland. Dr. Rorla
D. Bogen. bead of the Jewish Relief
Work In Toland, telle of thousands of
little one who await the coming of
the motor-trucks loaded with hard-tack
and milk, their principal diet. Two
hundred thousand children were fed In
July through the relief bureau In
Funds contributed by Nebraskans
are transmitted by George Brandela,
trwanrer. to the national ronrn.Hto
roon nun otmr stippnos pnrrnftswt n
It are distributed to those In need of
aid by the committee' agent, co
operating with the American stnte department.
Ceorge Rrnndels,
Tiensurer. Nebraska Committee for
Jewish Relief.
Dear Sir: (
t hereby subscribe $ for the
relief of Jewish war sufferers, all of
which Is to be used for direct relief.
(Kndose jour check and mall to
George Itrnndels, Jewish War Relief
Committee, Court House Square,
Omaha, Nebraska).
How Had Itack Have IWn Made
All over Alliance you bear It.
Doan'a Kidney rills are keeping up
the pood work. Alliance people are
telling about It telling of bad backs
made sound again. You can believ
the testimony of your own townspeo
ple. They tell It for the benefit of
you won are Buffering. If your back
aches, if you leel lame, aore and mis
erable, If the kldneya act too fre
quently, or passages are painful,
scanty and off color, uae Doan'a Kid
ney Pills, the remedy that haa helped
so many of your friends and neigh
bors. Follow this Alliance citizen's
advice and give Doan'a a chance to do
the aame for you.
Mrs. Lee Moore, 114 Platte Ave.,
says: "Because of the help Doan'a
Kidney rills hae given eo many peo
ple I know, as well aa what they
have done for me, I consider them a
good kidney medicine. I bad spells of
kidney disorder when my back was
lame and weak and aced in a steady
wearing way. Keeping around at my
housework waa hard, and I had head
aches and was nervous. Doan's Kid
ney Pills relieved me of this suffering."
Price 60c, at all dealers. Don's
simply ask for a kidney remedy get
Doan's Kidney Pills the same that
Mrs. Moore bad. Foster-Milburn Co.,
Mfgrs., Buffalo, N. Y.
Tree Trunk Doesn't Grow-
1 Tree trunks c.o not grow In lengtn
between the tap root and the lowest
branch. Also the tap root when cut off
it a special length always remains the
-ame length, for It is but the trunk or
body below the soil. Both root and
body may branch, or lengthen by ne
ET a package today. No
tice the flavor the whole
some taste of Kentucky Burley
Why do so many "regular
men" buy Lucky Strike
cigarettes? They buy them
for the special flavor of the
toasted Burley tobacco.
There's the big reason it's
toasted, and real Burley. Make
Lucky Strike your cigarette.
Guaranteed try
1 ' "f- Vifv '
Will outlast several steel tank
or several tanks made from
other material, and coat less
money. 1-eae tanks will keep
the water cooler in summer
and wanner in winter.
Bend for price list today.
Atlas Tank Mfg. Co.
LOOS N. BOISEJf, Manager
1104 W. O. W. Building, Omaha, Nebraska
The Banjo.
The modern bnnjo wns Introduced
Into Fngland from America, to which
country It wn probably taken by the
Afrlenn Maves, who originally obtained
the Idea from India. The unmusical
dame "banjo" seems to have been de
rived from "bnnyn," the name of a
Fenegnmbian Instrument of the guitar
Philosophical Idea.
Many of our rich men are praised
highly for their charities, but some
how we can't help thinking, it would
be better If they could not afford to
be so charitable. Exchange.
Best sad
dle made.
Have stood
the test for
EO years.
Write for
free catalog
Alfred Cornish & Co.
Successors, Collins A .Morrison
1212 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb.
White Ribbon
Wm. King Company
Wholesale and Retail
Beverages and Cigars
Mail Orders Filled Promptly "7
Pre City Delivery Phone 136
Alliance, Nebraska Non-Toxo
otel Castle
"The House of Safety"
300 Rooms Absolutely Fire-Proof
Sixteenth and Jones Streets
On Direct Car Line to Stock Yards.
Fred A. Castle, Prop.
0? Action . vlp
yjj' Supported by sound Judg- J,tIT'v
ment and a sincere pur-
' rf JEr J$jPmt 1 are 1116 strong points Jyj'
Ilk n our MrT'ce' This rs ycv
SV VT Jtfl 6nw seven of the six- pLI 'A
A V Qk teen members at our f- Pj 'r
'&W 0maha House' ffp
fe2TS'vv,VP!S3 All harmoniously engaged In vJw
F$?T!rui courteous and efficient atten- v3r"4 tir ia
yjmSrir I tion to Duslnes j I d v
jr )f A i l " you naTe never shipped to 1-
nr JnP market, or have been disap- fchlJl 1l
Af j l pointed with the treatment re- y K
jLl U celved, we kindly solicit your w f ""v u
y if v next consignment. ,
W JL. Houses also at Ctdcago and f (e? V