The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, August 21, 1919, Local Edition, Image 11

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    Thursday, August 21st, 1919
(Continued from Page 2)
tains tt to 30 per cent K20. It Is
pound, Melted and sold as a fer,
tlllier. The manufacture of refined
potash Halts running abou t SO per
rent K20 is more complicated. The '
Materials are leached out, settled, 1
Altered, evaporated and crystalllc
The problem of extracting potash
from kelp commercially has not been
TOmiNi?!y boitfq. i oo mue auen
tlon has been given to the recovery
of by-products. The U. S. Depart
ment of Agriculture has established
an 'Tperlmental plant at Sutherland.
Callon la. mainly for the. purpose rf
lnvestlgi1l:-.e th best tiiethnt of
extracting potaMi M o'her mater
ials from sea weeds.
Potah from Wool Vlil"e-v
Some of the large wool washings
plants are in the Nw England states.
The wool received at these centers
carries a considerable amount of dirt,
oil and mineral salts. The salts run
high In potash. The oils are remov
ed by solution in naphtha; then the
Fotasb is dissolved In water.
The complete-recovery of potash
at the wool-washing and other in
dustrial plants would be a consider
able Item. In 1917 the production
f three companies amounted to 365
tons of potash material, or 305 tons
srf KSA.; The potash, a high-grade
Muriate and ash, was made by, the
Diamond Match Company and the
Arlington Mills. Lawrence, Massa
chusetts, and the East Saint Louis
Cotton Mill Company, East Saint
Louis, Illinois. .
Potash from Blast Furnaces.
much was saia oaring me war in
regard to "h futi of pntah from
blatrt furnaces. The talk related
more to the amount of potach enter
ing the turn&cas than to investiga
tions and practical results. It is said
that the iron ores, of the different
vdlstrlcts vary much In potash con
tent and that those of Alabama are
quite rich. According to Catlett,
380,000 tons of potash was charged
Into blast furnaces in the United
States In 1917, and a 50 per cent re
covery of this would be 190,000 tons
of potash, or nearly 80 per cent of
the normal needs of the country.
"Three companies The Bethle
hem Steel, South Bethlehem, Penn
sylvania; The Thomas Iron Com
pany, Hokendauqua, Pennsylvania;
and the Tennessee Coal, Iron and
Railroad Company, Birmingham,
Alabama marketed blast furnace
dust in 1917." The low grade pro
duct from these furnaces contains 6
to 9 ner rent water soluble K20. It
is dust which settled in the stoves,
. . - U- - - - - . II 1.11 11
nuea, etc. . dj tiio use oi vne ioumi
process, it would be possible to re
cover a larger amount of potash and
to turn out a high grade product.
Though a vast amount of potash
passes through the blast furnaces,
and much of it is recoverable, as
ahown ty experimentation, no well
rganlzed movement has been per
fected whereby the blast furnace is
to become a factor of Importance In
tie mannfactuit of potash in Am
erica. Here a possibility which
If furthered by capital and the gov
ernment. Potash from Cement Mills.
Cement materials contain potash.
There are about 100 cement plants
In the United States, widely distri
buted; some of them occur in or
ear the potash consuming centers.
Much of the potash of the cement
mills la volatilized in the kilns. Re
searches nave been made to recover
this. The method coming into gen
eral use is known as the Cottrell
electrical dust precipitation process.
This process has been installed in
plants at points In California, New
York, Murylant, Indiana and other
states. It was first used to eliminate
the dust nuisance of blast furnaces
Start Tnmnrrnw I
and Keep It Up
Every Morning
Get In the habit of drinking a
glass of hot water before
We're not here long, so let's make
our stay agreeable. Let us live well.
at well, digest well, work well, sleep
well, and look well, what a glorious
condition to attain, and yet. how very
eaay It is if one will only adopt the
morning inside bath.
Folks who are accustomed to feel
dull ana heavy when they arise, split
ting headache, stuffy from a cold, foul
tongue, nasty breath, acid stomach,
can. Instead, feel as fresh as a daisy
by opening the sluices of the system
each morning and flushing out the
whole of the internal poisonous stag
nant matter.
Everyone, whether ailing, sick or
well, ' should, each morning, before
breakfast, drink a glass of real hot
water with a teaspoonful of limestone
phosphate In it to wash from the
stomach, liver and bowels the previous
day's Indigestible waste, sou bile
and poisonous toxins; thus cleansing,
sweetening and purifying the entire
alimentary canal before putting more
food Into the stomach. The action of
tot water and limestone phosphate on
an empty stomach la wonderfully in
vigorating. It cleans out all the sour
fermentations, gases, waste and
acidity and gives one a splendid
appetite for breakfast While you are
enjoying your breakfaut the water
and phosphate is quietly ex t radios
a large volume of. water from the
Mood and getting ready for a
thorotrgU flushing of all the inside
The millions of people who' are
tothered with constipation, bilious
spells, stomach trouble; others who
fcave sallow aklns. blood disorders and
sickly complexions are urged to set a
Quarter pound of limestone phosphate
from the drug store. This will cost
very little, but Is sufficient to make
anyone a pronouneed crank on the
aubject of Inalde-bathinf before break
and cement Mill.
The recovery of potash from
cement plants began in 1917. Ac
cording to Gale and Hicks, 13.500
tons of crude potash, containing
1.620 tons of pure K20 was recover
ed from the cement mills In 1917.
Additional installations were made
In 1918 and the production was in
creased, but practically no progress
has been made since the signing of
the armlstce. The cement compan
ies are holding off until a market
for their production Is assurred.
It h.n been cMliutael tht out
75,000 tons of by-product potash
might be reduced annually from the
cement mills of the United States at
comparatively low cost. Engineers
claim that the per on cost of K20
wooM start nt about $100 after the
installation of a by-product plant
and gradually decrease to less than
20 per ton.
it is generally conceded that the
cement mills should become one of
the main factors In -solving the
problem of naticnal independence In
Potash from Natural Brines.
The largest source of American
potash has been alkali lakes and
lake beds, notably those of Nebraska
and southern California. The brines
run from 2 to about 20 of mixed
salts and as high as 30 per cent K20.
The lakes of Nebraska occur In the
western part of what Is known as the
Sandhill Region. They vary in else
from mere ponds to those of tiOO
acres or more. They are located in
basins and on valleys where they re
ceive a small amount of surface
drainage and some underflow. The
best of these potash lake lose their
waters principally by evaporation.
There are all stages of development
between nearly fresh water lakes and
the strong alkali lakes. Much of the
brine occurs in sub-surface sands 10
to 40 feet thick. All of the Nebras
ka lakes have been carefully sur
veyed, studied and mapped by the
State Conservation and Soil Survey.
They oe;ur in one large area extend
ing 40 miles north and south and 35
miles east and west and In three
smaller outlying areas. Most of the
lakes are along or near the C. B. &
Q. Railroad east of Alliance, but
some of them are along the North
western Railroad in the vicinity of
Merrlman; Cherry county.
Many potash lakes have been dis
cvoered In Arizona, Colorado. Wyom
ing, Utah. Nevada and California.
Most of these contain much more
soda than potash and are therefore
not workable under present condi
tions. The two leadtng districts or
places In which potash is produced
from brines, outside of' Nebraska,
are at 8aK Lake, Utah, and Searless
Lake of Southern California. There
are extensive deposits at these
places, containing many thousands
of tons of potash. Common salt is
the principal ingredient in the Salt
Lake district and salt and borax are the Ingredients at Searlueas
The amount of brine in the Ne
braska districts has been determined
by the state surveys. . It Is much
larger than was first supposed and is
sufficient to support extensive oper
ation for a number of years. The
quantity 6f brine at Salt Lake has
not been determined. The workable
part of Searless Lake kas an area of
ahnnt 2n amm re inlle. and an aver
age thickness of 70 to 80 feet. Ac
cording to Hicks of theU. 8. Geologi
cal Survey, the lake contains aooui
20,000.000 tons of K20. .
Production In Nebraska.
This started In a small way before
the war. It was rapidly expanded
during the war until 18 small plants
nneratlnr or building and 9
i.r niifin wore In operation. The
total Investment In plants and pipe
lines Is about 112,000,000. Brines
are pumped from lakes and lake
beds. At small plants located off the
railroads and having capacities of
three to ten tons each, the brines are
reduced to solids and hauled to ship
ping centers. The big plants, all on
rallioads. operate on brines trans
ported through pipe lines. There are
about 285 miles of pipe line. There
Plants sre located as follows: The
Potash Reduction Company, at Hoff
land. Nebraska; the Western. Nation
al, Nebraska. American, and Alliance
at Antloch, Nebraska; the Hood and
the Standard at Lakeside, Nebraska;
and the William Berg Company at
Merrlman. Nebraska. 'BriM. "J
lng at the plants, is stored In Isrge
reservoirs, rassed through WW
ponds, solar towers. "JP010"
multiple effects, and dried In rotary
kilns. The capacities of the
plants range between SO and 200
tons per day. The product runs from
20 to 30 per tent K20 and la pee
from borai and other deleterlon.
materials. The total Pclt ot
Nebraska plants, when ft?1
night and day, would be about 900
tons or abon S,550 tons a year.
This would be equal to about 5.000
tons of K20. Nebraska was produc
ing about 60 per cent of the potash
of the United tSates at the time the
armistice wks signed. Soon there
after 70.000 tons vere In storage at
the plants and In warehouses In the
Central. Eastern and Southern states.
The market price declined from
about i $5.00 per unit to something
like $2.50 per unit and all the
plants closed the first months of
1919. ' s'-pv
The per ton cost of Nebraska
rrude ranged between $20.00 and
$70.00, depending upon the richness
of brines, orrhead, and efficiency of
management. , .
, ' The cost has been due to the high
cost of machinery, fuel, labor and
transportation. The purpose of
npriv nil of the nlants was to rush
production, which meant a higher
per-ton cost than there would be
under normal conditions. If the
plants are' again operated, they will
be managed very differently. There
will be more evaporation of brines
Many have their worst colds
during the warm months. . A
very little of
Scott's Emulsion;
after meals, puts Kthai quality
into the blood that helps thwart
that rundown condition that is
so depressing. Build tip your
vitality try Scott. J. l-f
Be Sure to GeT
Wrapped to insure its perfect
condition in ail climates and
seasons. Sealed ticht kept
right. Jhe perfect gum in the
perfect package.
fifttr ever meal
Tbe flavor lasts
by solar heat and (more pumping
when Ice is on the lakes. There are
a number of places wherein the op
erating costs can be reduced. Labor
will be cheaper and K Is thought that
there should be reductions In furl
and transportaton.
Production In Great Halt I a IUtn.
Much of Great Salt Lake Basin Is
floored with sedimentary materials
carrying salts of sodium, potassium
and magnesium, which also occur in
the open water on the lake. Sound
ings have shown that salts are found
as deep as 400 feet In the salt flats.
Three large companies have oper
ated on the brines of the lake and
flats, and many filings have been
made which may be developed by ad
ditional companies. The first opera
tlon in the basin was for the manu
facture of salt The production of
potash began In 1918. Through the
nearly saturated brines containing
principally sodium salts tl is possible
to seperat ethe potash.1 The pro
cesses include pumping from the
lake, well or sump, as the case may
be; and the separation of compounds
at different densities and temperatures.
The Utah Chemical Company, on
branch of the Salt Lake Route run
nlng to Saltalr, produces by-product
potash In the manufacture of salt.
Lake City, on the Western racifla
((mthiuvtl on I 'age 7)
TEcrefore Insist Upon Gen
; ; -xjlne "Bayer Tablets
V ' of Aspirin"
Millions of fraudulent Aspirin Tablets
were sold by a Brooklyn manufacture
which later proved to be composed mainly
of . Talcum Powder. "Bayer Tablets of
Aspirin" the true, genuine, American
made and American owned TabWU are
marked with the safety "Bayer Crow."
Ak for and then Insist upon "Bayer
Tablets of Aspirin" and always buy them
in the original Bayer package which con
tains proper directions and dosage.
- Anpirin i the trade mark of Bayer
Manufacture of Monoaoeticacideeter of
Post of Permanence
The post that drives
like a stake that re
quires no1 hole di gging that
is cheaper installed than wood
or concrete posts that lasts!
Let us demonstrate
Mem lLra
, 5
Steel Fence Posts
made of durable A-l angle steelrot
proof--fire-proof unbreakable . Used
extensively by the U. S. Government
Protects cattle from liehtning per
mits fence line burninip improves and
beautifies your property, -saves work.
Sharp bevel edged points make it
easy to drive. Patented anchor plate
makes it bind tight in any soil.
Ask for the post with tbe
REDHEAD Coma ta to
day nv obligation to buy.
"My dealer right
-they do satisfy!''
1 There's more to a cigarette than "pleasing
j the lste' Other cigarettes, besides Chester
fields,' can 'do' that
I But Chesterfields do more they begin
, where the rest of 'em stop! Because Chester
i -fields "touch 'the smoke-spoti" they jet you
know you are smoking they do SATISFY!
i There you have it SATISFY. It's all in
i the blend a blend of fine selected TURKISH
' and DOMESTIC tobaccos. And the blend
1 can't be copied.
. That's why it's Chesterfields or nothing if you
' want this new thing in cigarette enjoyment
of Turkish and Domestic tobaccos - blended