V Thursday, August 7th, 1919. THE ALLIANCE (NEBRASKA) HERALD JOHN KING GOES TO WHITESOXOf BIG WINDY CITY CONTRACTS 8IGXKD BY AtAA ANCU YOUNG MAN WITH MAJOIl LEAGUE C1AJU. delight and our base bull fans mill now, more than ever, carefully watch the columna of the newspap ers that they may keep in touch with the record he la to make. The beet wishes of his frlenda here, and they are legion, go with him. Vh Youngest Player in Organized Bam Ball When Given Try-out mth PhlladelphU. . John King, Alliance young man who for several years has been play log professional base ball and wKh ome of the strong clubs, has signed contracts with the management of the Chicago White Sox of the Am erican league and left Tuesday night to take up his work with that team. Johnny, as he is familiarly known, started bis baseball career while at tending Denver university and it was while he was pitching for the school team that a scout for Connie Mack's Philadelphia National was attracted by the young man's ability and he was given an opportunity to break Into the "big time" despite the fact that he was but seventeen years of age. . He went to Philadelphia, but as was to be expected, ' his tender age and lack of experience caused bis release to the Harrlsburg, Penn sylvania team, which in turn farmed him to the Denver western league club. Denver sold John to the De troit Nationals, where because of a bad arm it was necessary for him to forego the game and he visited Boiiesetter Reece at Youngstown, O. The famous practitioner gave much relief to the -young man's arm and John again entered the game as a member of the Denver club the fol lowing year, during which time he had the honor of pitching against "Red" Faber at Des MolneB, Iowa, in an elghteen-lnnlng tie game which ended with each team having two scores to its cred'.t. Kaber is now a member of the pitching staff of the club which John goes to Join. In 1915 the Brooklyn Nationals drafted Johnny, but it was during the rolx-t'p with the Fedsril leasuc and after refusing several ; Tery tempting offers from -the - Kansas City team of ihe third league be re turned to Denver, where he played the season of 1916. In December of the following year he entered the services of his country and while in the training camps, during the base ball seasons, kept his splendid form by doing his-turn on tke mound for the teams of the camp. Early in this year and before he waa dis charged from the array Johnny re ceived several good offers from such cities as Portland, Salt Lake and Kansas City and was sought-by the white box of Chicago, which offer he , has now accepted. In going to his new place, John King does so with much in his favor. He has had the experience necessary to enable a player to make the prop er showing in fast company and he has the goods to deliver. 1 Coming as it does at this time of the season he has a very good chance to participate in the world's Beries and so thereby make for himself a record that will put him among the top-notchers early in his career. He is still young enough, being now but twenty-four, to afford ample time to reap th financial benefits certain to come to a pitcher who can win and he enters the game with that determination; to make good tnat is sure to succeed Alliance will hear of his success with No one would think of building a house in a city without sewage dis posal, running water and electric light. These modern conveniences are no more necessary in the city than In the country, but custom makes city people reel they can't do without them. Nothing adds more to the comfort of the farm home tban a good water system. Next to water in convenience comes elec tric light, and then a heating system. Plans and suggestions for modern farm home conveniences may be ob tained from the Extension Service, College of Agriculture, Llnoln. ONLY. MEMORY OF TROUBLE IS LEFT Kirs. Hatlem Was All Rundown for Many Year Tanlac Brought Belief. "Tanlac has done me so much good that I am feeling more like my self than for a long, long time," said Mrs. Andrew Hatlem, of 3845 22 avenue. South, Minneapolis,, Minn., to a Tanlac representative, the other day. -, v ! , . "My trouble was a generally run down condition," continued Mrs. Hatlem, "and I had been suffering for a good many years. I had a very poor appetite and I never felt like eating any more than Just enough to keep me alive and it Just looked like the little I did eat soured and form ed gas and - this gas pressed so against my heart that I sometimes had 'difficulty in breathing. I was troubled with terrible headaches, too, and at times they were so bad that it Just felt like my head would split and I had aches and pains all over my body and was so weak and in so much misery sometimes that I Just dragged around the house at my work. I also suffered a great deal from constipation and dixiy spells and felt so tired and restless at night that I would simply lie awake for hours at a time not able to sleep a wink and my nerves were in a bad condition, too. I took a lot of medi cine and treatments for my trouble, but nothing I did or took seemed to help me one bit until I began taking Tanlac. "I had read about Tanlac- and how it was helping others - so I decided to try it myself and I am certainly glad I did, because H began to help me al most from the beginning. My appe tite got better and I commenced to , pick up strength and toy whole sys-i tern seemed to be benefited and I kept on Improving right along until now I have a fine appetite and can eat Just anything I want and I never have a particle of trouble with gas any more. All I have of those mis erable headaches Is Just the memory of them and those ditxy spells have left me entirely and I can sleep Just like a little child the whole ntght through and am feeling so good every way now that I can do all my own housework and never feel any more tired than a person naturally would under the same circumstances. Tanlac certainly has helped me a lot nad I km glad to recommend it to others for that reason." Tanlao Is sold In Alliance by F. E. Holsten, in Hemlngford by Hemlng ton Merc. Co., in Hoffland by Mallery Grocery Co. Cleaning an Umbrella. To clean an umbrella place a table spoonful of sugar in a basin, pour over It half a pint of boiling water and stir till dissolved. Then open the um brella and, starting from the ferrule," sponge each gore down to the point Leave the umbrella open till dry. Costa Rica.. Costa Itlca la the most southerly of the Central American republics, ex tending from the Atlantic to the ra dio ocean, with Cocoa Island as Its utlylng possession. It Ilea between Nicaragua and Panama. A consider able area of the country la high ta bleland with a temperate climate, bat the land alocg the coast Is low, with tropical vegetation and a strictly trop ical climate, The Target at Fault A company of militia had been out all day for target practice, and on their return the captain said to one of the sergeants: "How are your men coming along, sergeant?" "Well, sir," said the sergeant, with an air of great pride, "my men shdt very well today, very well, but they ' would have shot better perhaps If the target had stood UtUe more to the left 1" Largest Volcano. The largest volcano crater In the world Is thnt of Haleakala In Hawaii. It Is 20 miles across end. In places, 2, 000 feet deep. New York cily could tie droppl Into th crater with all Its. Skyscrapers Intact, and it would b Completely hidden from any person be yond the rim of the crater. reople'a Home Journal. GLEN MILLER UNDERTAKING PARLORS 128 West Third Street Telephone Day 311 Night 522 Red 520 tfWtfiM iZj&m. :U$3si nil i . 6", mm a i i r.w.-wn a s -w u i l WlLl ' 111 I ill i ll n" i VnWS.A?.- -J'-X a ii iiiiii, y It M l ! M!i! !!!) ! ' ,.ilir ; mm f m f i - . I WOT. f Q AY, youll have a streak of smokeluck that'll i yui iJcjj-uj-our-sinitJKemoior, an ngm, u you u ring-in with a jimmy pipe or cigarette papers and nail some Prince Albert for packing J , i ii Unilniil M Just between ourselves, you never will wise-up to high-spot-smoke-joy until you can call a pipe by its first name, then, to hit the peak-of-pleasure you land square on that two-fisted-man-tobacco, Prince Albert t Well, sir, youH be so all-fired happy you'll want to get a photo graph of yourself breezing up the pike with your smokethrottle wide open! Talk about smoke-sport t Quality makes Prince Albert so appealing all along the smoke line. Men who never before could smoke a pipe and men who've smoked pipes for years all testify to the delight it hands out ! P., A. can't bite or parch I Both are cut out by our exclusive patented process I Right now while the going's good you get out your old jimmy pipe or the papers and land on some P. A. for what ails your 'particular tmokeappetite Th e Un iv e r s a I Ca r The Ford Model T One Ton Truck is really. the necessity pt farmer, Ynanu factum, contractor and merchant. It has all strong features of the Ford car made bigger and stronger. It has the powerful -worm drive, extra large emer gency brakes acting on both rear wheels and controlled by. hand levcry 124 inch wheclbase, yet turns in a 46-foot circle, and has been most thoroughly testcd .We know it Is absolutely, dependable. AVe advise giving your order without delay that you may be supplied as soon as possible. The demand is large and first to order first to receive delivery. Leave your order today. Truck chassis $619.68 F. 0. B., Alliance, Nebraska. Goursey & Alliance, Nebraska Millet . .ii',...;..., . . i Box! 3 C .1 u We offer for sale some of the choicest and most desirable bargains ever shown in"; Box Butte county.' Our constantly changing list of lands in this county and its immediate surrounding territory includes , , " ' f ? f Improved1 Farms, Raw: Lands and Stock Ranches ) i or wmm mmy rrtnc AMrf wtni iy m tiMM. ptmnm KmU mwm Urn tutMorr-ur tkmt cImo. prmcticmt 0mmmj mrrMml glm humidor mjtk t pom mm i U mU. rnrWtii m nit twiwrir ttamitfoT mjtk ipwn R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, Winston-Salem, N. C This is an excellent time in which to view Box Butte county. You; as a prospective homeseeker and investor, can see the crops being raised and har vested, and you can judge for yourself as to the desiralility of investing your money in our lands. , j i , , ' 'I -.' The prices of Box Butte county real estate are constantly on the advance. You will save on the first investment and make more profit by not delaying your trip of inspection. , ! ; j If you live at a distance and want information regarding the county, with, lists of farms, raw lands or stock ranches, we invite you to write or wire us for this information. Or better still, we invite yon to come to Alliance without delay and allow us to show you, without expense to you, some of the many bargains we have to offer. Thomas-Bald Investment Co. Lloyd C. Thomas F. A. Bald Alliance National Bank Building Phone 209 Alliance, Nebr.