The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, August 07, 1919, Local Edition, Image 2

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Thursday, August 7th, 1919.
With i:ntkhtai.
Tarty Will Tour Middle Wet During
Align! and September--Detail
Mayor A. I). Rodfters this wwk re
ceived n letter from the U. S. Navy
Recrultln office at Omaha asklnR
that arrangements be made- for the
entertainment of a party of Bailors,
which will tour the Middle. West
during the months of August and
Beptember, for one day la Alliance.
They will rome prepared for a Ranie
of bwne ball; with a hand and a min
strel show and will durlnR Hi stay
In the city endeavor to plvo the peo
ple of Alliance an Idea of the plena
ant Hide of the life In the navy.
While, of course, the exact d;c!e of
the visit In Alliance can not yet be
ascertained the mayor In reply to the
letter Informed the department that
our citizens will be Rlad to accom
modate the party and that upon the
receipt of further particulars the ar
rangements would be made for the
ball (tame and the other numbers of
the day's program. It is to be ex
pected that the ball tosners of the
party will be In shape, to put up a
good stiff flpht and with the
trenching of the Alliance club an
exhibition of, the great national
pastime worth coming; miles to see
Is very promising and a crowd of
fans that will exceed, by far, the
torn-out to the regular game should
witness the match. Immediately
upon the arrival of the additional In
formation The Herald will advise Its
readers of the date and planH. Watch
for It and plan now to give the sailor
lads a real welcome ana io neip
make their stay In Alliance one to be
long remembered.
Inventories of purchased or raised
erops and livestock on hand at the
beginning of the year which were
submitted last winter In making in
come tax returns will be accepted,
according to a letter received by the
University Department of Rural
Economics from Incolne Tax Collec
tor Loomis nt Omaha. This reverses
the stand taken a few weeks ago by
the Omaha Ofllce. Lrtters Bent out
to farmerp In June stated that these
inventories could not Include crops
and livestock rained 6f the farm. It
Is now acknewledged that these let
ters were In error. Inventories
should Include both purchased and
farm raised crops nnd stock. Ac
cording to this letter, farmers who
were advised to omit' farm raised
crops and stock, and did so. should
take the matter up with Collector
Loomis at Omaha.
St. Joseph are offering special prizes
In nearly fifty counties, and a dozen
or more other companies have added
liberally to the list. Twelve hundred
and sixty dollars are offered In
prizes at the State Fair for boy and
girls' club exhibits. Six hundred
dollars of this will go to canning and
baking demonstration teams. One
entire bnrn at the Fair has been set
aside for Junior swine exhibits. This
Is the first year that members of
boys and girls' clubs have had
strong features at the State Fair.
Merclianl.i tun IHlrt) Cigarette,
Hut .No AdvciilNing Utile a
to I leMu il iHiit Smoking.
Iu common with dealers In cigar
ettes throughout Nebraska, the local
merchants have been asking many
questions lately with reference to
some of the peculiar ramifications of
the law. ' The law states for one
thing that cigarettes shall not he
advertised in any public place within
view of the public, or on any sign,
billboard or building.
One of the first queries made was
whether or not the display of cigar
ettes on shelves or In showcases
amounted 'to fracture of the law.
Attorney General Davis has ruled
that the stacking of cigarettes in
showcases or on shelves will not be
constructed as breaking the law.
Window displays, however, will
probably be barred.
The attorney general has also rul
ed that when one dealer has a num
ber of places In the name town or
citjr, one license will serve them all
so long as the several places are of
exactly the same character. One
dealer cannot do both a wholesale
and retail business without taking
out separate license.
What possibly "gets the goat" of
cigarette users more than any other
clause of the law la that barring
I cigarettes from being smoked in res
taurants or other eating places.
Nothing Is said in the law with refer
ence to pipe or cigar, and while
I the cigarette smoker Is barred,
I his companion at the table can light
and smoke a pipe to his heart's con
tent, so far as the law Is concerned,
no matter If the pipe Is so strong
that Is has to be nailed down to pre
vent ft from wandering from under
Its own power. The cigar smoker
can Also puff away," according to
the law".
This peculiar situation, however,
la being remedied in the better class
of restaurants In the cities by the
rule of the house management bar
ring smoking of any kind herein,
thus placing all smokers on a par.
Signs barring cigarettes have ap
peared In some of. the Alliance res
taurants, but nothing has been said
as to the baring of other means of
making a smudgo, following a com
fortable dinner and prior to "beat
ing It to the street"
During the past ten years a great
many small towns have be on the
down-grade, from a commercial
standpoin. owing to the inroads
made on their business Interests by
the large cKles. the mall order
houses, farmers unions and other
forms of outside competition. Many
a country merchant blames the auto
mobile for taking the business away
from him. but it is quite likely the
automobile could be made to brine
trade to him as readily as Jt Is made
to take It elsewhere. The fact is that
the country merchant, like most of
us. will blame everybody and every
thing for his condition before he will
begin to lay the fault to himself.
There Is a store In a cKy of less
than 1,200 Inhabitants, In the state
I of Ohio, which in the year 1916 sold
j over $400,000 worth of merchandise.
It Is the blKesf country for In th
I United States and has made Its town
lone of the most Important trading
points In the state of Ohio. Yet th-
town has no better suroundlng trade
l territory than any other town of
1.200. It was done simply by mod
ern merchandising and advertising.
The merchant In the country town
has as good a chance to sell mer
chandise as anyone In the world if
he will only sell It; but a great many
country merchants have allowed
modern methods to leave them away
In the rear of the progress parade
and have laid down and let someone
else do the selling. In this connec
tion It Is safe to say that In the trade
territory of nearly every small town,
outside competition Is doing more
advertising, twice over, than the
local merchant. The only way the
country town can successfully meet
this competition is by using the same
tactics. In short the only remedy
for a town that Is going down hill is
modern merchandising and sclent6c,
systematic and persistent advertis
ing. Clarion (la.) Clipper.
Daily Thought
H who loses wealth, loses much'
he who loses a friend, loses more;
How a good sire will Improve a
dairy herd Is the subject discussed
In a new circular of the Nebraska
Atrriiiitiimi Runprtftient Station at
Lincoln. The records of three sires (tmt he that loses his courage, loses
used In the University aairy nera verrames.
cited. In one case the average In
crease of the production of the
daughters over that of their dams
was 42 per cent In both butterfat
and milk. Another sire produced
two daughters that showed a 100
per cent Increase over their daiua
and still a third sire had daughters
that beat their mothers, even though
they were among the best producing
cows ever owned by the University.
Tersons Interested In Improving
their dairy herd should writ for
experiment station circular No. 8,
"Purebred Sires Effect Herd Improvement."
Scores of prizes are being offered
for excellence among the more than
80.000 boys and girls of the State
organised Into clubs under the direc
tion of the College of Agriculture
Extension Service and the United
States Department of Agriculture.
In addition to the certificate of
achievement given every boy and
girl completing the year's work, the
live stock exchanges or stock yards
companies of Omaha, Sioux City and
Therefore Insist Upon Gen
uine "Bayer Tablets
of Aspirin"
MiHions of fraudulent Aspirin Tablets
were sold by a Brooklyn manufacturer
whii'h later proved to be composed mainly
of Talcum Powder. "Bayer Tablets of
Aspirin" the true, genuine. American
made and American owned TableU are
marked with the safety "Bayer Cross."
Ak for and then insist upon "Bayer
Tablets of Aspirin" and always buy them
in the origins! Bayer package which con
tains proper directions and dosage.
Aspirin i the v trade mark f6ayr
Manufacture of Monoaceticaoideeter' of
Harmless to flash. Kidneys and neutral
fee irritating acids Splendid
for system.
Kidney and Bladder weakness" result
from una acid, says a noted authority.
The kidneys filter this acid from the
blood and pass it on to the bladder, where
it often remains to irritate and inflame,
causing a burning, scalding sensation, or
Betting up an irritation at the neck of
the bladder, obliging you to seek relief
two or three times during the night
The sufferer is in constant dread, the
water passes sometimes with a scalding
sensation and is very profuse; again,
there is difficulty in avoiding it
1! ladder weakness, most folks call it
because they' can't control urination.
While it is extremely annoying and aomt
times very painful, this is really one of
the moet simple ailments to overcome
Get about four ounces of Jad Salts
from your pharmacist and take a table
spoonful in a gUus of water before
Lreakiadt, oontinue this for two or three
days. This will neutralize the acid in
the urine so it no longer is a source of
irritation to the bladder and urinary or
gans which then act normally again.
Jad Salts is Inexpensive, harmless,
and is made from the acid of grapes and
lamon juice, combined with lithia, and
is used by thousands of folks who are
subject to urinary disorders caused by
urio acid irritation. Jad Salts Is splen
did for kidneys and causes no bad
effects whatever.
Here you have a pleasant effervescent
litkia-water drink, which quickly relieves
bladder trouble.
EPT secret
and special
and personal for
you Is
in Its air -tight'
sealed package.
A goody that Is
worthy of your
lasting regard
because of its
lasting quality.
Three flavors to
suit ail tastes.
Be SURE to get
Sealed Tight
Ke?t Right
I IrJVUl Laddie
1lk I
When s Nut Isn't
Th peanut Isn't a. nut nt alt. bet
I member of the pa. bean and clover
fa iiilly. It U a lecume nnd (fat hero
nitrogen from the nlr. Peanuts do not
O' fro.'u roots, but on ohoots which
erow out f mnj the plant above ground,
benr a little sterile yellow hloxxom
nd the shoot directly Into tb
rround, where they peg that Is. where
ponnut begin to grow on them. St.
OPTOMETRISTS Accurately Fitted
We Can Duplicate Any Broken
Slltt Box Butte Are Phone 111
"YOU know how
much toasting im
proves bread. Makes
it taste good. Of course
more flavor.
Same with tobacco
especially Kentucky
Buy yourself a pack
age of Lucky Strike
cigarettes. Notice the
toasted flavor. Great!
Nothing like it. The
real Burley cigarette.
TIRES are such an im
portant part of car en
joyment and car economy
that they deserve your
serious consideration for
a time.
But if you've owned a car
for as much as a year and
have not yet discovered
outstanding quality, try a
Firestone Gray Sidewall
Youll no longer be trying
first one tire, then another.
With Firestone equip
ment, tire uncertainties
come to an end.
Most Miles per Dollar