THE ALLIANCE (NEBRASKA) HERALD Thursday, August 7th, 1919. Ordinance No. JM9 lion of the City of Alliance, Nebras- An Ordinance arrroprtatlng funda fc dtfrsy th fipenses of Ih City of Alliance. Nebraska for the fiscal rear adlng on the second Monday In Avgust 1920. and levying a tax for lh. pavement of the general and In cidental expenses of said city, for the rapport, maintenance, antl repair of the Sewer System, Public Library, imd city Park of said city for the Wpport and maintenance of the Fire department, and Tollce Department mi maid cltT. and for paying the In terest upon and a part of the prlncl- El of the Water Bonds, 19 00 water itension Bonds. 1906 Water Exten sion Bonds, Electric Light Bonds, cwr Bonds. Sewer Extension .Bonds, City Hall and City Park lle fstndtn Bonds. 1919 Funding Bonds, Drainage Bonds. Paving Intersection Bonds, and 1919 Water Extension Bab da. of the City of Alliance, Ne- Btraaka. Be It ordained by the Mayor and Council of the City of Alliance, Ne braska: Section l! That there is hereby Appropriated out of the money to be raised by taxation or otherwise by tie City of Alliance, Nebraska, dur ing the fiscal year ending the second Honda in August 1920, the sum of 4(1,130.00, for the purpose of pay lg the general and Incidental ex penses of said city Including the ex- yens of street ana iiiey ugnung, maintenance of street and alleys, fleers' salaries, stationery and printing, cemetery maintenance, and garbage disposal; for the support, maintenance, and repair of the fewer system, the public library and the city park, for the support and goalntenance of the fir department and the police department, and for Earing the Interest upon and a part ct the principal of the water bonds, the 1900 water extension bonds, the 190( water extension bonds, the electric light bonds, the sewer bonds, ha city hall and city park refunding feoods, the sewer extension bonds, the funding bonds, the drainage trads, the paring intersection bonds, the 1919 water extension bonds, of Mid city, In funds as follows: Oeneral Fnnd Street and Alley Light ing ..... $ 4,000.00 Maintenance of Streets and Alleys ........ Oncers' Salaries . . . . . , Stationery and Printing Cemetery Maintenance. ' Garbage Disposal .... jNlscellaneos .. General Expense , Pewer Maintenance . .... rMlc Library Mainten ance City Park Maintenance . . Jlra Department Mainten ance Felice Department - Main irmtuicv . . Water Bonds Interest Vt I 1 t - rnocipM ........... 00 Water Extnesion Bonds Interest .... ' Principal I06 Water Extension Bonds Interest ....... . , v. . Principal i ......... . " Ceetrlc Light Bonds . Interest . ' Principal . JSswer Bonds . Interest Uewer Extension Bonds ,, Interest Principal If funding Bonds . Interest Principal . . . funding Bonds ; Interest Principal Drainage Bonds Interest "Principal Paving Intersection Bonds ..Interest a e i e e i 3,000.00 3,000.00 00.00 1,000.00 1,400.00 1.000.00 4.000.00 s.ooY.oo 2,000.00 i - ' 4,000.00 5.006.00 I, OS. 00 526.00 900.00 400.00 50.00 950.00 45.00 6.00 2.520.00 . 350.00 150.00 550.00 50.00 2,350.00 150.00, 2,750.00 ,250.00 1919 Water i Interest ' Extension Bonds 1,00000 500.00 Total - - - 151.630.00 Section 2. ' That there is hereby . levied a tax of 15 mills on each dol tar of the assessed property valua tloa of the City of Alliance, Nebras ka, .for the payment of the. general ' and Jncldnetal expenses of said city. Section 3. That there is hereby levied a tax of four mills on each dollar of the assessed property val atlon of the City of Alliance. Ne braska, for the purpose of support jug, muinlalnlng, and repairing the ewer system of said city. Section 4. That there li herobv levied a tax of three mills on each of ine assessed property valuation of me cny or Alliance, Nebraska, for cue purpose of supporting, maintain ing, ana repairing the City Library section &. That there is hereby ibtipq a iax or two mills on each dol lar of the assessed nroDertv valim tion of the City of Alliance. Nebras aa. ror ne Durnose nf inmuirti.. maintaining, and repairing the City bection e. That there Is hereby ieviea a iax oi nve mills on each dol lar Of the assessed ttrooertv vain tion of the. City of Alliance, Nebras ka, for the purpose of supporting o maintaining tae Police Depart noui oi aaia city. . becuon 7. That there is hereby -ticu a iax or tlx mills on each dol lar of the assessed nroDertv valua tion of the City of Alliance, Nebras ka, for the purpose of supporting and maintaining the Fire Depart ment of said city. Section 8. That there Is hereby levied a tax of three mills on each dollar of the asessaed property val uation of the City of Alliance, Ne braska, for the purpose of paying the Interest upon, and a part of the prin cipal of the Water Bonds of said dir. Section 9. That there is hereby levied a tax of one and one-half mills on each dollar of the assessed property valuation of the City of Al liance, Nebraska, for the purpose of paying tha Interest npon. and a part of the principal of the 1900 Water ' Extension Bonds of said city. Section 10. That there is hereby levied a tax of on mill on each dol lar of the assessed property valna- ka, for the purpose of psylng the in terest upon, and a part of the princi pal of the 1906 water Extension Bonds of said city. Section 11. That there Is hereby levied a tax of one-half mill on each dollsr of the assessed property val- ation of the City of Alliance, Ne braska, for the purpose of paying the interest upon, and a part or the prin- Ipal of the Electric Light Bonds or said cKy. Section 12. That there Is herecy levied a tax of two and one-nair mills on each dollar of the assessea i property valuation of the City of Al liance, Nebrasxa, ror me purpose im nnvin the Interest upon, and a part of the principal of the Sewer Bonds of said city. ' Section 13. That there is nereoy levied a tax of one-hair mm upon each dollar of the assessed property valuation of the City of Alliance. Ne braska, for the purpose of paying the Interest upon, and a part of the principal of the Sewer Extension Bonds of said cMy. Section 14. That there Is hereby levied a tax of six-tenths mill on each dollar of the assessea property valuation of the City of Alliance, Ne braska, for the purpose of paying tne Interest unon. and a psrt of the prin cipal of the City Hall and City Park Refunding Bonds or saia cny. Section 16. That there is hereby levied a tax of two and one-half mills on each dollar of the assessea property valuation of tha City of Al liance, Nebraska, for the purpose of paying the Interest upon, and a part of the principal of the 1919 Funding Bonds of said city. Section 16. That there Is hereby levied a tax of three mills on earn dollar of the assessed property val uation of the City of Alliance, Ne braska, for the purpose of paying th interest noon, and part of the principal of the Drainage Bonds. Section 17. That there Is hereby levied a tax of one mill on each dol lar of the assessed property valua tion of the City of Alliance, Nebras ka, for the purpose of paying the in terest 'upon Paving Intersection Bond. i Section 13. That there is hereby levied a tax of one-half mill on each dollar of the assessed property val uation of the City of Alliance, Ne braska, for the purpose of psylng the Interest npon 1919 Water Exten sion Bonds. . Section 19. This ordinance shall tske effect and be In force, from and after Us passage, approval, and pub lication,, according to law. Passed and approved this 6th day of August, 1919. A. D. RODGERS, Mayor. Attest: ' Signed: GRACE H. KENNEDY, (Seal) . City Clerk. WANTED A house to rent or three' or four furnished rooms. C. D. WALKEn, at A. II. Jones Co. SS-tr-8463 WANTED Two or thre furnished .rooms for llsb housekeeping, i rhone 119. F. W. T ANDERS. I 36-2t-8462j The ladles of the First Presbyter- j Ian church will hold a food sale at j Millers Furniture Store Saturday afternoon from 2 until 4 o'clock. 36-lt-8460; PIANO FOR 8 ALB We have' stored In a warehouse at Alliance at this time a piano of ex cellent quality, which If sold at once can be purchased at a positive bar gain. Liberal terms. Particulars will be furnished snyone Interested by writing to THE DENVER MUSIC COMPANY, Denver, Colo. 86-6t-3465 One Minute -Store Talk "The fact that a man ('Ait suffer from the hemt Jus tas much at Kt. Paul, Minn., aa in Alliance, Neb., If reason enough for taking along cool clothes as well a warm clothe on a trip op north," said an experien ced traveler, buying a Palm Itoach and a med ium weight worsted suit here. Always what you want wven you want it. For Sale Fifteen sets of work harness Smith A Braadell. . Phone 93. Alliance, Nebraska. WANTED 6 bright, capable Ladles to travel, demonstrate and sell dealers., $26.00 to ISO. 00 per week. Railroad fare paid. Writ at once. Goodrich Drug Co., Dept.' 36; Oma aa, Neorasav V:;" - 36-4t-3136 Equipment for Serving Iced Tea Long handled spoons and deep glasses for Iced tea won quick popularity. Custom and fash Ion now compel their use. To serve Iced tea In any other way Is to admit deficiency In your dining room equipment. In glasses and spoons we are showing very' pretty patterns. We have, made the prices mid summer values of more than ordinary Interest In pitchers, trays, lemon dishes, and other, equipment, we have splendid selections and most attractive value. Iced tea spoons, 6, to 9 Iced tea glasses; f, ' '. -91.75 to S3.50 Cut glass pitchers, 93 to 924 Lemon dishes, 95 to 97 Trays, 95 to 916 Loaf sugar holders, 92 to $SJM Thiele's Jewelry, Watche DrrJ Umnswkk Phonograph Watch' Inspecton for ' 0. XL VV !u .... 1 ." i A DawesiGoun AND NORTIIWKST NEBRASKA LIVESTOCK EXPO SITION, WITH THE- FIRST ANNUAL FRONTIER DAYS ROUNDUP. . , , ' ' . -;- " . Chddroti; Nebraska August 26, 27, 28, 29,1 91 9 The big event of the year. Biggest stock show in state outside of State Fair. $35,000 to be distributed in prizes. -; ' . Sports and amusements unsurpassed. Liberal purses in all events. '' . -:, See the west as the was. Some of world's best riders will compete in roundup. The show of shows.! You'll have to come to Chadron to see the real thing. For particulars write or see ; Harry B. Coffee, Secretary Chadron, Nebraska. September 1st is Felt Hat Day Don't wait until you want to wear that felt hat. Phone 133 NOW And I will have it ready for you. Youra ' KEEP-U-NEAT Cleaners, Pressers, Tailors HARPER'S " STORE OPEN TILL 9:00 P. M. SATURDAY that txsftecb ino nianast it Hello! Rich, Attractive New Sg0 Arrivals in mwostWtyQ . Men's Silt Shirts NEVER in the history of silk shirt mak ing has there been such a scarcity of fine silk shirts, but we are again prepared with generous selections fpr Saturday. Crepe de chine silks fb'f a KCl Broadcloth silks Peau de crepe silks Sr fl !lh I Z,D" Twill tub silks Jersey silk shirts tt w ,vr tt.' - Fresh new natterns w Shirts of Madras Utility Negligees $L50--$2.00 Satin Stripe Shirts Vacation Shirts ! $2.50, S3.50 to $5 . Supply your shirt needs at -headquarters. Here are the styles you like to wear even without a coat. They pass muster anywhere because they fit and look fit' Beau Brummel, E. & W., and Harper's Special quality shirts. The West's largest showing. V , ' Underwear Comfort for Men Don't let a hot summer interfere with your work or coihforti Keep cool men tally and physically. Start at the bottom. Get the right underwear. ' ' ' Cooper's, specially designed, Athletic onion suits, Seal Pack comfort knit underwear, fine silk Athletic union suits, Made-well, B. V. D. and a host of others;' Prices range by easy steps front f 1.00 to $7.00; : BATHING SUITS NIGHT ROBES PAJAMAS ' HOSIERY . SILK NECKWEAR LEATHER AND FABRIC BELTS I ; ;j WASHABLE NECKWEAR , , -A. The haberdashery section a complete atore in itself. Luggage Headquarters - ; ;- Offers for Saturday Luggage selections are wonderfully complete here today. Strenuous ef fort produced our great showing and an enthusiastic public is snapping, up the . Values. A word to the wise traveler Equip today while stocks offer what you want ; . yEverwear Wardrobes, $30 to $50 Famous Wardrobes outwear travel, , $35, $40, $45, $50 ' Wardrobe Trunks, exceptional values, $40, $42.50, $45 Everwear Standard Dress Trunks, $16 to $37.50 Suits Cases, wide selections, $1.65 to $35 Becker Wardrobes $60 to $90 Traveling Bags, ill wanted styles $2.95 to $50 Matting Suit Cases, $1.65 to $12.50 Standard Dress Trunks, $8.50 to $40 Juvenile Suits Cases $1 to $7.50 Steamer Trunks, at $7 to $35 Steamer and 3y-8ize Everwear and Indestructo Trunks, $17 to $40 Largo Fibre Telescopes for Camping, Touring, Fishing, $2.95 to $4 ) Entire Middle Section Devoted to Traveling Goods. MEN'S SUMMER HEAD WEAR SILK AND CLOTH CAP3 - W. R. HARPER 'MEN'S SUMMER ...Department Store... CIS?I BIG STORE AND LEATHER OXFORDS Alliance, Nebraska - v. ) CORRECT APPAREL FOR MEN AND WOMEN