The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, July 31, 1919, Local Edition, Image 8

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Thursday, July 24, lOlflr
-fMnkt to Servt Children With Little
6avlngt Bankt.
Jobn T. Wtyland. Plrector of Bar.
fefa for the Tenth Federal Reer
District, baa laoued the following atate-
1 At the urgent request of the
(VeMury Department and In order to
ttoplifjr distribution, the hand gren
4 aarlnga banks will be distributed
fry commercial banka and trust com
ftealea Instend of through County
Pkainnen and County Superintendent
pretlously outlined.
J One grenade is to be loaned by
My bank to any child under 18 years
add who will sign a thrift agreement
ttailUr to the accompanying form.
Mother, the word that predomin
ates the Knplish language. Wars
have been waged that it might live.
In the hurry of the good times of
the present day how many of u stop
for Just a short while and consider
our most priceless possession, Moth
er. Mother has a deep regard for
Iho botier things In character and
life. When mother sits and con
vetnes alone she pictures scenes of
gladness and Joy for the living, never
does the feeling of selfishness enter
her Mother's heart.
It is Mother when all goes wrong
and we feel that the hard literal
world Is too full of thorns, that les
sens all our troubles with her hands
of Imaginative sympathy, and you
feci that never again will a care or
worry get past the gates of your
heart. Then for the lands sake start
right now to plan to have Mother
see one or more of the plays In the
big tent theatre carried by the Al O.
Story Shows, located out to the cir
cus grounds, during the week of
August 11.
Oiill Kaf What He Wants and
Nlwp Uke a litig Since
Taking Tan lac.
TVtaaury Department Authorizes De
nominations of $100 to $1,000
for Investors.
I The grenadri shown here Is to
ft used as a savings bank for money
earned during vacation, and may be
brought periodically to the bunk that
Issues it, where It will be opened, the
money counted, and Thrift or Wat
Savings Stamps given in- return ftu
the contents.
4 The grenade Is to become the
permanent rroj erty of the child only
tfter ho has been regularly enrolled
at a member of a savings Boclcty and
lias bought at leant one War Suvingi
6tamp, faro vnluo Jo. 00, nt the bank
Issuing the grenade. Child must buy
One. War Saving Stamp if under ten
years old, and Two if ten years oi
6 The bank la to fill out and glv
the child (if a school child) a cert If i
cate of lila rummer suln: a in order
that he may pr.n.ont nnrrf6 to 1:1s teach
er and get credit therefor in the Wat
Savings Society now or hemiftei
organized In h Is rr.ide.
6 Wl'.ilfl it Is optional with th
banker, it is suggested that he re
quest contestant to write tr letter ot
' essay on how tho grenade bunk wit
won. A few of tlw letters might
furnish the thrift impulse to many
Hher chi!d;cn of the county.
The Kansns City Federal Reserve
Bank has ordered from the Treasury
Department ;i supply of the new Treaa
iry Saings Certificates, series of
1919, which on July 2d were authorized
by tho Department in denominations
rf $100.00 and $1,000.00 They are in
eglstered form and are In addition to
Ihe 1919 War Savings Certificates pre
viously issued. War Savings Stamps
ot tho denomination of $.V00 are con
vertible into these new securities
which bear the same rate of interest
is tho Savings Stamps, 4 per cent,
:om pounded quarterly. The $100.00
"ertlficates are convertible Into the certificates and the limit of
Investment of $1,000.00 for each Indi
vidual, which is the feature cf tho
Savings Stamp issue, is retained in the
new certificates.
Treasury Savings Certificates in the
Senomination of $ (maturity
value) may be purohascd at tho post
offices of the first and second class
gnd such other postofflcea or the Po it
office Department may designate for
that purpose. Doth thn $Km.O0 and
t.(m,H0 denominations may be pur
I phased at Incorporated banks and
trust companies which are agents for
.he sale of War Savings CertU'icates.
Tho new certificates will bj issued
only In -relnte! ed form and shall bear
tho name of the owner inscribed by
i the apent at the time of purchase and
I will not bo valid unless the owner's
i names la tfcms imicritod. The coitifl-
"My opinion of Tanlac la that it
can't be beat," said F. H. a
well known traveling salesman, liv
ing at 312 West 31st Street, Indian
apolis, Ind., while discussing the
medicine, recently. Mr. Crull bas
lived in Indianapolis for the past
twenty years. He has represented
the Taggart Baking Company on the
road for twelve years and Is one of
the most popular "Knights of the
Grip" traveling Indiana.
"I can testify to both the Immedi
ate and lasting results that come
from its use," continued Mr. Crull,
"A little over a year ago I got rid of
a bad case of stomach trouble, from
which I htd been suffering for two
years, by taking Tanlac, and do you
knowM haven't suffered a particle
from Indigestion to this good day.
I had been having a world of trouble
with my stomach and awful pains in
my right side and was finally operat
ed on for appendicitis. After the op
eration I still suffered.wlth indiges
tion. I had no appetite and what
little I did eat would sour, causing
gas, bloating and Intense pain. It
looked like I would never get my
stomach buck ami I was as nervous
as a cat. Many a night while out on
the road I could not close my eyes
for sleep. This condition kept up
until 1 went down to one hundred
and thirty pounds in weight and
was almost a complete nervous
"About this time I read a state
ment about Tanlac that described
my case so well that I decided to try
a bottle, of the medicine. Well, the
first bottle helped me bo much I hat I
got another and It wasn't but a few
weeks until 1 was tree from all signs
of stomach trouble and found that I
had actually gained twenty pounds
in weight, besides, going up troin
one hundred and thirty to one hun
dred and lifty pounds. 1 could no
out and do a Jind dry's work and
sleep like a log at nisht, and it made
no (tuiereiice w nc tiif r I was at a
h'1ti on a Pulln a n or-home 1 could
sleep soundly just the same. Tl.e
Medu'ii.r- pave me wonderful
s!jenj.'.th ami emtvy and such a ba
appetite that I could hardly itet.
i to eat. Well, to make it
'short, Tanlac fixed me up in
i shape :n id I haven't had the least bit
of trouble with.i.iy stomach since 1
finished my first bottle, more than a
I year a."i. I jitst (.nt another boUfo
of Tanlac be other day and my wife
land I are both taking it. We had
jthe 'Flu' this past Winter and neith
I er of. us had uotu-n over the effects
of it. Hut Ta-nlnc i.i .filnt; to set i:h
jrichi, for I already see a great im
i pi over, cot , ctpeflally in our appet
ites. I am only too glad to recom
mend Tanlac for it Is one medicine
that can be depended upon for re
sults." Tanlac Is sold in Alliance by F. E.
Holsten. In Hemlngford by Hemlng
ford Merc. Co. In Hoffland by Mal
lery Grocery Co.
Evolution of Clothe Terms,
Dozens and dozens of clothes terms
there are that Indicate the evolution
of clothes among our ancestors. Pet
ticoat, which bas been used as a not
very respectful synonym for women
In general, was a garment for men
originally, and was the undercott
worn beneath the heavier overcoat
It was fairly long, and eventually the
Tord came to be applied to the gar
ments that evolved from this "petti,"
or small coat
Palestine's Salt Mountain.
Palestine possesses a remarkable
salt mountain situated at thesoutb end
of the Dead sea. The length of the
ridge Is six miles, with an average
width of three-quarters of a mile, and
the height Is not far from GOO feet
There are places where the overlying
earthy deposits are many feet In thick
ness, but the mass of the mountain
Is composed of solid rock salt, some
of which Is as clear as crystal.
Maize Grown In. China.
Indian corn, or maize, is grown ex
tensively throughout the entire sec
tion of China. It Is generally planted
nfier the wheat Is harvested and In
fields with beans, the beans ripening
after the corn Is harvested. The lack
of scientific seed selection presents
the prot'uctloa of as large a yield as
would otherwise be obtained.
Aid Sought.
"So poor William bas been caught by
proposal and the bride-to-be wants
It announced. What part of the pa
per shall I, put It In?" "If you want
my opinion of William's preference,
I d put it under 'Help Wanted.' "
Something ot an Earmark.
A German was summoned to Iden
tify a stolen hog. On being asked by
tbe lawyer If the hog had any ear
marks, be replied: "The only ear
marks dot 1 saw vas his tail vas cut
Not to Ee Thought Of.
.T'imlo was asking his mother n lot of
silly questions, such as, "Why are your
ryes blue?" Ills mother said. "Why
do yen ask such silly questions when
I am trying to rend?" "Well," re
sponded Jamie, "do you want your
little boy to grow up without n vocab
ulary in his mind?"
THE dealer who has an
eye to the future is
building on solid rock. That
explains why so many good
dealers handle Firestone
Gray Sidewall Tires.
To you it means reliable
dealer service in addition to
unequalcd tire mileage,
which takes much of the
worry and expense out of
car upkeep.
The best tire dealer in your
f locality is a Firestone dealer.
Get acquainted with him.
AC ?lZKffS
Most Miles per 'Dollar
The following Is thb torv A the fc
Thrift Agreement to bo nined by th
pupil giving his or her ape, grade,
School and prcBt office address:
Tiinn-T A:iir:i-:ii:.Vr.
I accept thl.i Han i Grenades Saving
Bank, loaned by the
(Nam ot Hank) '
with tho undersiamliivi I will earn
money during vacation, keening al! the
money that 1 can savo in the grenade .
X will bring it to the bank to bo opened
from timo to time before sthojl opens,,
and will iuvtPt my favlncs in Thrift
and War Savings Siitni;s. I under
stand that when I have saved enough
to purchase. War Savings
Stamp and have tcim regularly
enrolled as a member' of a Savings So
ciety, the hand grenade becomes my
pergonal property. Otherwise it still
remains the property of the bank. II
1 do not earn the grenade by October
1, 1919, I will return it to the Dank.
Egyptian Fyramids.
It tool. 12.'l.(N i! i,(51.-i slaves working
14 hours a clay for three centuries to
foninletf the pyramids of Kgypf, and
the mu mules exported f.-oin them
kave no. brought, all told, $l,0t0.000.
-New York Sun. .
White Ribbon
Wm. King Company
Wholesale and Retail
Beverages and Cigars
Mail Orders Filled Promptly
Free City Delivery Phone 136
Bravo Alliance, Nebraska Non-Toxo
This is jlie package
with. die moisture-proof
--r -" ' -v.,.
tetf$ 77 fry f'
w . . . . w -. x v . i '
Live Stock Transit Insurance
Live stock men over the entire west are forming the habit of INSURING
THEIR LIVE STOCK IN TRANSIT. They do it for safety, economy and
quick returns.
The Hartford Live Stock Transit Policy .
protects shippers of live stock, and is the only company offering a broad policy
easy to understand, clear in its terms, which gives absolute protection against
loss from hazards of transportation including suffocation, freezing, trampl
ing, fire, collision, train wreck and every form of killing or injury while the
animals are in the custody of the common carrier.
"We are represented at all of the live stock markets in the
United States and Canada, and locally by
Snoddy & Graham, Alliance. Frank Coatee, Gordon
Pierce & Jenkins, Hemlngford A. C. Tlantz, Rushrille
L H. Kesselhuth, Long Pine F. A. Hood, Chadron
W. B. CHEEK, Local Manager
Hartford Fire Insurance Company
Live Stock Department
Stock Yards, Omaha, Nebraska
that keeps Chesterfield's original flavor and
freshness intact. Your Chesterfields never
become either soggy or dry. They always reach
you in prime shape for smoking.
And, Chesterfields do something for your
smoke-hunger that you've always wished a
cigarette would do they "touch the smoke
spot" they let you know youre smoking
they satisfy right down to the ground !
It's the blend that does it, and the blend
can't be copied.
of Turkish and Domestic tobaccos - blended