The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, July 31, 1919, Local Edition, Image 10

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Thursday, July 31st, 1917
4Cvpjrrtsht, 191ft. by McClur Nrpapt
P ndl t )
Jack Terry and Mlrtam Shelby hnd
frown up topctlirr In the little South
ern tofcn aa pluymates. On the day
srscn Jack had hecn sent North to at
tend arhoot, and later college, It hnd
frten s tad and to-he-remembered
parting. For cnrvlng their Initials on
tree In the old garden where they
fcd spent ao many happy hours, Jack
made a aolemn promise to, anme day
its the near future, return and marry
Miriam. Neither ever forgot that
In New York, aeveral years later,
.Jack Terry graduated from college
Wits honors, and therein began his ca
from which social affairs were
barred. While a guest at a week
party he met the Only Girl. She
a young and beautiful actreaa of
0Mthern birth, who had recently coma
ffsrth seeking fame and fortune. Sna
HajuBtdlately acquired both. As soon as
Jack saw her he fell In love with her.
et not once did he forget his prom
to Miriam, whom he had not seen
gtaee his sad parting with her, and of
Whom ha remembered nothing except
Ukat she had always been a pretty,
Agreeable child. Then came one day
awfeen he asked yIybcIous little Marlon
jtttarena, the actress, to become his
ajrlft, and she accepted. A little later,
la a happy burnt of confidence he told
fear of his mad promise to his child
Qeod sweetheart. But he hastened to
4Bplaln that an Id promise could not In
smj way bind him to Miriam, and that
aW could eardly fix It tip with her and
aAa would understand It all perfectly,
fls gave a self-assured laugh as he
aid this last. But Miss Stevens' pret
ty faca darkened with displeasure as
listened to Jack. Then she pro
aded to give him her candid opinion
mt his actions, which opinion was In
tfsed unflattering.
She finished her scolding by telling
fjlm to go back Immediately to the
0lri ta whom he had given first choice
0t his heart. Jack remonstrated, but
S&a refused to listen and at last he
gjrombllngly obeyed.
Thus It was that a week later found
jTtck an route for the South, Mlas
jptarana having left for parts unknown
m faw daya before. Manlike he tried
fa aamfort himself by the thought that
2rtam, his first choice, might still be
awy attractive, and night not regret
jttat choice. But somehow ha could
Bt rid himself of the picture of Mar
$tm Stevens with her wealth of golden
alr and her large blue eyes. That be-
Etchlng picture eontlnued to linger
Bis young heart. It was with a atgb
It ba descended at length to the
Btform of the dusty little atatlon in
borne town and looked about for
3rlam and some sort of conveyance.
JBa expected to see a graceful, flower
ka creature glide out Into the sun
gStae to greet him. He gave a start
at surprise when he saw Instead the
jatttely old two-horse carriage, driven
fry an .old darkey. On the back seat
i the conveyance he saw a small,
ptim, old-fashioned girl. She wore a
Alain gray dress and her shoes were
fcrosd of toe and low of heel. On the
fop of her yellow hair, which was
arted In the middle and drawn tight
er back from her forhead In one long,
fellow braid was perched a small, In
,Ucroua hat Her features, especially
M eyes, were disfigured by large dark
glasses. Instinctively Jack knew this
arts Miriam, and his heart sank.
One day, thinking to draw her out
0t her shell of cold reserve, Jack of
fered to take Miriam for a rl.e In the
jtpoa automobile that the town pos
ased. They were speeding along out
aide of the town when Jack, for the
tfrst time heard his companion In
afnlge In a long, silvery laugh. Startled,
h looked at her, meanwhile forgetting
to ateer In his surprise. He drove the
aar straight Into the foot of a tree, the
Impact knocking them both from the
aar, badly shaken but unhurt. Jack re
gained his feet first and crossed to his
aompanlnn to help her but she was
aafe and sound; In fart, she was sit
ting on the ground, her body shaking
frith uncontrollable laughter. Jack
pimply stared at the change that had
taken place in her, for her disfiguring
glasses had fallen off, showing her
prank blue eyes to an advantage, and
par loosened hair had fallen about her
phonlders in a cascade of golden rip
ples. Jack recognised In Miriam the
Crl who was known In New York as
arlon Stevens, and cried out her
pame. But the girl on the ground
snook her pretty head, saying: "No;
tr Tm Just plain Mlrtam Shelby, al
though I was known by that other
pama up North. Yon see," she said.
Arising and coming toward him. "when
f waa of age, I attended a school of
gramatlc art and later, with a recom
plsndatlon of past successes In back
pf ma, I started out seeking more
fame, and I met yon. I recognised yon
Immediately, though yon didn't remem
par ma, I guess. When I heard your
.Version of your promise to poor delud
ed me, and how confidently you ex
fctsettd everything to turn out for your
pwn benefit, and thought all could ba
pajlly fixed up with 'Miriam, and that
sao would enjoy yourself here and
pea return to your 'Marlon,' I deter
gained to use my art In teaching yon a
latton, by upsetting your self-confident
state of mind for the time being. So,
par I am," she finished,
f 'Well, you certainly turned the trick
Pf frightening ma somewhat." Jack
Tinned with a sigh of relief aa ha
faok Miriam In hia arms.
1 Their alienee on the return trip that
afternoon waa not, aa before, aaa at
fcU reserve.
Female Executioner.
According to Hip 1xndtn Sunday
Imrs of Fi'hrnnry Mi, TO, IhP hnng
nmn who exerntrd Burke had a wife
whom ho hnd Instructed in the art and
mystery of hanging. Pressed In man's,
attire, while he wns executing crim
inals In one part of the country, his
Indy wns giving effect to the law In
another. Burke, It mny be recalled,
was an Irishman, who was In the hab
it of suffocating his victims and selling
their bodies to the anatomists. He
was hanged at Edinburgh on January
Two Minds In Aecoro.
Clergyman (Intent on administering
a gentle reproor io oriuge-pinying
parishioner) "I am afraid much valu
able time Is wasted on playing cards."
Bridge-playing Tartan I oner "I qulta
agree with you. The time taken by
some players In RhuRling, dealing or
deciding what card to play la simply
Wrong Guess.
A teacher waa giving to her clasa aa
axerclse in spelling aud defining
words: "Thomas," she said to a
curly-haired little boy, "apell ibex.'
I-b-e-x." "Correct. Define It." "An
Ibex," answered Thomas, after a pro
longed mental struggle, "is where you
look In the back part of the book
when you want to find anything that's
printed In the front of the book."
Christian Register.
Everything All Right.
Nellie wns happily anticipating
lanta Clans' visit. It was Christmas
eve, and rnlnlntr furiously. A friend
happened In and snld: "Santa Clajs
an't come tonight because It Is ralr.
tag." Nellie thought seriously a rjo
nent and Raid: "Oh, yes he can; he
has his reindeers."
- Boring Rocks Under Wattr.
To enable holes to be bored In on
Jer-water rocks no matter how rovrh
.he water, a Hawaiian engineer has
Invented a drill standard with a hear
ly weighted bottom, power being ob
tained through flexible connections
ftlth a vessel.
Heavy Female.
The weight of the Statue of LtWty
Id New York faaibor Is 440,000 founds.
Fish Attacks Ship.
An attack made by a swordflsh on a
ship which arrived at a port in India
resulted In considerable damage to
the vessel. The ship was entirely
It ripped of her metal sheeting in the
encounter. The creature made a hole
on the port side, penetrating through
a mass of copper and for fourteen
Inches Into solid oak plank and timber.
How They Breathe Under lea.
The ability of a beaver to remain
under water for a long time Is really
not so strange a problem as It looks.
When a lake or pond Is frozen over
a beaver will come to the under sur
face of the Ice to expel breath, ao
that It forms a wide fiat bubble. The
air coming In contact with the Ice and
water la purified, and the beaver
breathes It again. This operation he
can repeat aeveral times. The otter
and muskrat do the same thing.
Dally Thought
He who loses wealth, loses much;
he who loses a friend, loses more;
but he that loses hla courage, loses
klL Cervantes.
Amncial Eyes.
During the year. 1840 Trofeasor Bola
soneau of France created what coulfi
honestly be called an eye that wai
human In appearance. The method
of uanufacturing was pnctlcally th
aaue as that employed at the present
time, with the exception that In tha
Intervening years great Improvement
have been made In Imitating the col
ors, that are almost lifelike In their
effect Besides, many Improvements
have been made In the shapes, which
are practically molded to conform to
the socket and fill all the available
The Target at Fault
A company of mllltla had been out
all day for target practice, and on
their return the captain said to one
of the sergeants : "How are your men
coming along, sergeant?" "Well, sir,"
aald the sergeant with an air of great
pride, "my men shot very well today,
very well, but they would have shot
better perhaps If the target had stood
a lltUe more to the leftl"
by keeping your powers cf
resistance at highest peak. It is
as natural for
Scott's Emulsion
to strengthen as it is for your
food to nourish the body.
If you would conquer weakness-increase
your resistance
take Scoffs Emulsion often
Boott ft Bourne, Bloouficld. N.J. l-7
All accounts due Snoddy &
Mollring are payable to Snoddy
& Graham, at the same address
Snoddy & Graham
Qt oh (
The Lindell Hotel
Trj Oor Popular Price Lunch Room and Cotlti Eg
AD Modern Conreniences Rooms $1.00 Up
Ubdar New Management Political Httdqaartan
F'ULt C KlCi B2 I I I t 1 illiili: .- I II
, V!f:. dPA
BO rooms With bath 1250
i mi
m $& m
H .. Mill I I ! ! ' I I .'.".V.,
ff4 I I I
l Jym
I ..i.TiTrr'
Post of Permanence
The post that drives
like a stake that re
quires no hole digging that
is cheaper installed than wood
or concrete posts that lasts!
Let us demonstrate
Red Top
Steel Fence Posts
made of durable A-l angle steel rot
proof fire-proof unbreakable. Used
extensively by the U. S. Government
Protects cattle from lightning per
mits fence line burning improves and
beautifies your property saves work.
Sharp bevel edged points make it
easy to drive. Patented anchor plate
makes it bind tight in any soil.
Ask for the post with the
REDHEAD. Come in to
day; no obligation to buy.
Al G. Story Shows
Will Exhibit for
Monday, Aug. 18
The Big Tent Theatre
Mable Owen
An adequate supporting cast in a repertoire of stan
dard plays with a change of play nightly.
Proffering for Monday
"Within the Law"
A Play of A Woman's Soul
After war prices. 23 and 50c Including war Uur.
Jack Reynolds
World's champion welter weight wrestler and his con
gress Of boxer and wrestlers, meeting all comers.
A Midway of novelty stores, Ferris Wheel, Merry-go-round,
and shows. Entertainment for all, come and learn
Come In Get acquainted Look over our
line of cars and stock of automo
bile parts and accessories.
Euick Car a
Successor to Overton Garage
C. L. KERR, Manager