The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, July 17, 1919, Local Edition, Image 5

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Thursday, July 17th, 1919
Phone 340
Social Newt, Church Notes and Lodge Doings
of the Week as Told the Society Reporter
"Guy Smith and Lou Johnson spent
the week In Denver.
Art Eastburn and family are plan
ning to leave the latter part of the
week for an auto
lowstone Park.
trip through Yel-
Misa Cynthia Davenport of Sterl
ing, Colo., Is a guest at the Rice
home In this city.
Mrs. W. A. McCune and son James
left Tuesday evening for a trip to
Kansas City.
Ralph Blust of Crete is a guest of
ED Campbell. Mr. Blust is a travel
ing salesman for Paxton-Gallagher
Mrs. C. C. Miller received word
Thursday that her son Captain
Smith had landed safely in New
York City.
Word was received Monday morn
ing by Alliance friends of Victor L.
Jackson of his arrival in New York
after nine months service overseas.
Mr. Jackson is now stationed at
Camp Taylor, 111. '
Regular teachers examinations
will be given at the court house July
25th and 26th. 31-2t-8094
Opal Russell, Co. Supt.
The Men's Club of the Baptist
-church will ipeet Friday evening at 8
o'clock In Judge Tash's court room.
All men of the congregation are urg
ed to be present. Refreshments will
be served. This is the men's club
with a future.
Mr. Charles Rathburn and Miss
Helen Taylor, both of Alliance, were
quietly married at ihe home of Chap,
lain Gould last Saturday evening.
The young couple will make their
home in Alliance. Mr. Rathburn is
vuuiu nuu empioyea oy air. m o Ore
of this city.
Dayton Sullenberger, former Alli
ance boy, whose parents live at Mars
land, returned the last of the week
from overseas and stopped at The
Herald office to make a short visit.
Dayton volunteered for service over
-a year ago and has seen such of the
Allied countries since he went over
seas. He was very glad to get back
with home folks again.
While on a business trip in Wyom
ing last week Lloyd Thomas secured
a three mouths old gray wolf, which
he shipped by express to R. D. Rob-
ens or Alliance. The wolf is three
months old, is quite tame, and Is as
large as the ordinary, dog. It was
caught when quite small in the oil
fields west of Edgemont, S. D. Inas
much aa a gray wolf is quite a cur
iousity there have been hundreds of
visitors to see It at the Roberts home
on east Third street during the last
few dayB. ' i .
An Oshkosh four-wheel-drive two
ton demonstration auto truck passed
through Alliance the first of the
week. The track carried a sign an
nouncing that it was bound from
Oshkosh, Wisconsin, to Alliance,
Casper, Salt Lake City, San Francis
co and Los Angeles.
The mass meeting held at the
court house last Thursday evening
cor the purpose of selecting a candi
date for the campaign to elect a dele
gate to the constitutional convention
xavorea jur. J. n. it. newiu or tms
city. Mr. Hewitt has since signified
his willingness to make the race and
another meeting has been called for
Monday evening, July 22 nd for the
purpose of organizing for the cam
paign. Dr. George J. Hand spent Sunday
at Crawford visiting with relatives
and friends. Mrs. Hand and small
daughter spent last week in that city
visiting and returned with the doctor
Sunday night. v
A real, Bnappy game of base ball
is promised for Sunday afternoon
when Crawford fast aggregation
and the Alliance ball toBsers cross
bats at the fair grounds. Assurance
has been given the management of
the local team that Crawford will
send the best she has and not allow a
reoccurence of the unfortunate con
dition as happened a few weeks ago
when the two teams were matched
and at the last minute It was neces
sary for the Crawford team to sub
stitute a team from Fort Robinson.
Five Alliance followers of the
green table and a deck of cards ap
peared in court this week and paid a
one of $50 each and the trimmings.
The officers were notified Sunday
evtT.!ng of the presence of "the
game" by west-end citizens and upon
their arival to the place named found
sufficient evidence to get convic
tions. A Friday night search by the
"booze squad" netted eight pints of
"red-eye" from the home of Mrs.
John Vogel In this city, which when
the time came for the trial In Judge
Tash's court proved to be the prop
erty of Herbert Vogel. The officers
in making the search found the for
bidden liquid carefully stowed away
In an unfinished part of the house
and it would seem beyond the reach
of searching eyes. The judge assess
ed a fine of $100 and costs against
the young man which was paid by a
brother, Walter Vogel.
Church of Christ.
We read In the word: "The har
vest Is past, the summer is ended
and we are not saved." This reminds
us about how we are spending our
summer. Many are availing them
selves of the glorious opportunity to
make the summer count for the most.
The church helps you develop your
good talents. All services are Inspir
ational and helpful. The minister
will preach both morning and even
ing. The subjects are: ' "The tree
with the Broken Branches" and "The
Tree of Life". The mid-week meet
ing of the church on Wednesday
evening is a place for both the young
and the old to recuperate your facul
ties. This is the church where every
body, has a part to do. ..Come to the
church with a message and a wel
come. Stephen Epler, Minister.
First Baptist Church.
The First Baptist Churoh - invites
you to all of its services next Sunday.
The pastor is speaking on the His
tory of the Early Church", and en
deavoring to correlate the duties of
the church of today with that early
church, you will always find .a wel
come at the church on Laramie and
Seventh streets. Bring your friends.
. Chaplain J. Orrin Gould,
Presbyterian Church.
Services for - Sunday July 20th.
The Sunday School meets at 10 a. m.
We are developing a thoroughly
graded modern school. Regular at
tendance will greatly aid the school
efficiency. Morning worship, 11 a.
m. The pastor is having a most en
joyable and profitable time In the
World Missionary Education Confer
ence at Eates Park but will be In the
pulpit Sunday morning and will pre
sent some features of the Inter
Church World Movement. Evening
service, at 8 p. in. This Is a union
service at the Episcopal Church at
which your pastor will speak on the
theme, "A Parable of the Kingdom."
All are cordially, InvHed to these
A. J. Kearns, Pastor
' i. .
FIRESTONE records show
that mileage adjustments
were so few and trouble
came so seldom that a new basis
of adjustments was arranged:
Cord Tires, 8000 Mile
Your dealer knows that the
Firestone Gray Sidewall Tires
have delivered such mileage as to
make this new standard adjust
ment more conservative than the
old standard was for ordinary tires.
Most Miles per Dollar
For Sale Four room house. Good
fences .nice lawn, trees and shrub'
bery; sidewalks and outbuildings In
good repair. Inquire of Ray Tomp
kins. 2nd and Yellowstone.
Forty-nine Senators are said to op
pose the League of Nations and no
two have the same reason for their
Colors of the Saraie.
The freh sardine is a bet.ntlful lit
tle fish The amies on Its back are an
Iridescent blue-green, the exact tint
which the sea so often takes, while be
neath the scales there wxows up the
most wonderful peacock btni. There
are bars on Its back and sides when
It first comes out of the water like
those on the mackerel, but they seem
to fade and disappear the moment It Is
exposed to the air. The remainder
of Its body Is pure silver In Its color
scheme. .
Republican leaders In the House
of Representatives are claiming a
fictitious saving to the nation of
$1,500,000,000 in appropriation bills,
but are omitting to state that they
voted for these bills at the last ses
sion and claimed great patriotic
credit for doing so.
Cooling Air In Mints.
To cool the air far uuder ground,
and thereby permit the miner to work
longer shifts, the "bwnera of a Euro
pean coal mine compress air .at the
surface of the . ground and pipe It
through the workings.
White Ribbon
Wm. King Company
Wholesale and Retail
Beverages and Cigars
Mall Orders Filled Promptly
Free City Delivery Phone 133
Alliance, Nebraska
lyjM 11 II uvl w
"The Daddy of Them All"
JULY,;23, 24, 25 and 26, 1919
The Only and
Cheyenne's Twenty-third Annual
Frontier Days Celebration will sur
pass any show of a similar nature
ever held In this or any other coun
try. The officials of the show have been
working hard to make the affair an
unprecedented success, and that they
will succeed In so doing there is not '
' now any doubt. It Is certain that
thousanda of visitors will come to
Cheyenne during the celebration.
Some of the world's greatest per
formers will be on deck to give a
show that will be f orth coming far
to see. The best talent In the world
has been summoned. Bronco busters,
larlel throwers and bulldogglng ex
perts, together with scores of other
wild west performers, will give the
visitors the wildest and woollest of
all wild and wooly programs.
Joe Gardner of El Paso, Texas, .
who has taken part In exhibitions In
South America, Canada and the Un
ited States, will probably be seen In
action here. He has a record of 21 H
seconds for hog-tying a steer.
The aggregation of cowboys, cow
girls and Indians who are to be the
principal actors, has been swelled by
the announcement that Red Farrell,
said to be the champion rough rider
of the northwest, has signified his
intention of entering the games,
Leonard Stroud, last year's cham
pion, who clashed with Farrell at
Thermopolla in June for the world's
rldIng,champlonshlp, will compete
with him for supremacy In the Chey
enne celebration,
Since the Frontier games last year,
Stroud, has entered scores of con
tests and has won practically every 1
one which he has entered. Farrell -has
won al levents In Canada and' the
Northwest since the fall of 19 IS.
John Murrah of Lakewood, New
Mexico, in a letter to Secretary Cahill
states that ten of the best ropers In
New Mexico will be on hand to win
laurels for that state.
Skeeter Bill Robbins of Douglas,
Wyo., and Dorothy Morrell of Sa
linas, Calif., are two more stars who
are well known and who will be on
deck for the performance.
President and Mrs. Woodrow Wil
son have been extended an Invitation
to attend the Frontier Days celebra
tion this year. ...
It is stated In Washington that the
President contemplates a trip west
ward, and If he can arrange his it In- ;
erary so that he can be here at the
time of Frontier Days, be will have
an opportunity to witness an exem
plification of early frontier life.
The Invitation to the President
was extended by J. J. Showalter re
presenting the Industrial Club of
Cheyenne. He has written to both
Senators Kendrkk and Warren, and
It Is hoped that these two in Wash
ington will be able to complete the
plans for the presidential visit.
. Tommy Grimes and Johnnie Judd,
two old timers In the celebration,
have Just been mustered out of the
federal service and write - that they
will be here to show their wares.
Many other rope and riding artists
will be present and participate.
Space does not permit mentioning all
of them here.
If You Want to See the Real Thing
You Will Have to Come to Cheyenne
For further particulars, write or apply to
Cheyenne, Wyoming